Методическое пособие для 9 класса (химия на английском)
план-конспект занятия по химии (9 класс)

Шоть Людмила Дмитриевна

Методическое пособие предназначено для учащихся 9 классов общеобразовательной школы, изучающих предмет «Химия на английском языке».   Программа курса рассчитана на 34 часа (1 час в неделю).

Цель — оказать помощь в понимании химических текстов, терминов и их определений, чтении и переводе тематических текстов и способствовать развитию языка как механизма общения при использовании химических терминов.

Программа курса «Химия на английском языке в 9 классе» составлено на основе инструктивно-методического письма, учебной программы 2019-2020 учебного года. Использован билингвальный учебник по химии «Chemistry 9 grade». К данному курсу составлен учебно-методический комплекс: календарно-тематическое планирование, краткосрочное планирование, сборник заданий по формативному оцениванию и тестовые вопросы к закреплению изученных разделов.  Составлены презентации к каждому уроку. В КСП предоставлены ссылки на видеоматериал к урокам, цифровые образовательные ресурсы, используемые на уроке. В поурочном планировании представлена терминология на трех языках, дифференцированные задания, таблицы, схемы, анаграммы, которые помогают понимать материал. Знакомство с казахстанскими учеными способствуют развитию национальных ценностей и культуре. Целью выполнения упражнений с использованием иностранного языка является развитие умения логически мыслить и излагать свои мысли на иностранном языке. Работа с текстовой информацией (чтение, перевод, пересказ текстов по химии на иностранном языке).  Этот вид работы наилучшим образом позволяет ученикам расширить запас иностранных слов в области химии.

Для развития интереса к предмету использованы цифровые образовательные ресурсы. Информационно-коммуникационные технологии дают возможность применять ЦОР на уроках, помогают решить проблему познавательной активности школьников. Цифровые образовательные ресурсы и программа «Химии на английском языке» ориентированы не только на обучающий, но в первую очередь на деятельностный компонент образования, что позволяет повысить мотивацию обучения, в наибольшей степени реализовать способности, возможности, потребности и интересы ребёнка. Поэтому, одной из главных целей на ступенях обучения является развитие познавательной активности учащихся. В программе представлены используемые интернет-ресурсы.

  Информационно-коммуникативные технологии позволяют обеспечить полноценное усвоение ребенком учебного материала, усиливают ориентацию обучающегося на практическое применение знаний и умений. Каждый обучающийся может вернуться к проблемной точке неоднократно. ЦОР позволяют проверить, насколько глубоко усвоен материал той или иной темы. Учащиеся могут самостоятельно выбрать уровень теста, при этом компьютер мгновенно выдаст результат, не ориентируясь на личность, а только на примененные знания.


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Учебно-методический комплекс по химии на английском языке 9 класс Учитель: Шоть Л.Д.

Слайд 2

Элективный курс «Химия на английском языке в 9 классе» КСП ФО тест https://wordwall.net/ru/myactivities Презентация https://quizlet.com/latest https://www.studystack.com/picmatch-1410293 Химия на английском языке с переводом и произношением (kreekly.com) https :// www . plickers . com / library Program chemistry course in English for grade 9

Предварительный просмотр:

Тестовые задания


 Electrolytic dissociation

1. Electrolytes include:

 a) sugar b) copper oxide (II) c) carbon monoxide (IV) d) hydrochloric acid

2. Weak Electrolyte Formula:  a) CuCl2 b) HCl c) H2SO4 d) H2S

3. Substances that, when dissociated, form hydrogen ions as cations are

 a) acids b) salts c) alkalis d) oxides

4. Non-electrolytes include:

 a) sugar b) sodium chloride c) sodium hydroxide d) sulfuric acid

5. Strong Electrolyte Formula

 a) H2SO3 b) CaCO3 c) HNO3 d) Cu (OH)2

6. Substances that, when dissociated, form only hydroxide ions as anions are

 a) acids b) salts c) alkalis d) oxides

7. A substance that completely breaks down into ions in solution.

 a) water b) hydrochloric acid

 с) carbon monoxide (IV) d) aluminum hydroxide

8. All the ions are cations in a row:

 a) Cl , SO4 2, NO3                         b) H+, Na +, Ca 2+

 с) Cl, H+, K+                                 d) CO3 2, Ca 2+, NO3

9. All the ions are anions in a row:

 a) CO3 2, Ca 2+, NO3                         b) Ca 2+, H+, Na +

 с) Cl, H+, K+                                      d) Cl, SO4 2, NO3

10. The largest number of cations is formed during the dissociation of 1 mol

a) Na2S b)Mg (NO3) 2 c) K3RO4 d) AlCl3


 Qualitative analysis of inorganic compounds

1.What color do K+ions paint the flame?

a) bright yellow; b) purple;  с) green; d) pink

2. Determine the solution medium and the color of the litmus for the Na2CO3 salt (salt hydrolysis)

a) alkaline medium, litmus blue

b) acidic medium, litmus blue

с) neutral medium, litmus red

d) alkaline medium, colorless litmus

3. Specify the reagent for determining the copper ion (Cu2+)

a)  SO42-      b) OH-            с) Cl-    d) Pb2+

4. Choose the equation of the ion exchange reaction that occurs with the formation of a precipitate.

a)  NaCl + AgNO3

b) NaCl + CuSO4

с) ZnSO4 + NaCl

d) KCl + Fe(NO3)2

5. The process of interaction of ions with water molecules is called

a)  Orientation  b) Association   с) Dissociation   d) Hydration

6. Specify the reagent for the determination of the silver ion (Ag+)

a)  SO42-      b) OH-            с) Cl-    d) Pb2+

7. Choose the equation of the ion exchange reaction that proceeds with the release of gas.

a)  Na2CO3 + HCl =

b) NaCl + CuSO4

с) ZnSO4 + NaCl

d) KCl + Fe(NO3)2

8. An aqueous NaOH solution reacts with

а) Cu (OH)2      b) HCl      с) KOH      d) MgO

9. The sulfuric acid solution does not interact with

а) barium    b) zinc     с) magnesium   d) copper

10. Specify the reagent for determining the barium ion (Ва2+)

a)  SO42-      b) OH-            с) Cl-    d) Pb2+


The rate of chemical reaction

1. To increase the reaction rate of 2CO + O2 = 2CO2 + Q, it is necessary

 a) increase the concentration of CO

 b) reduce the concentration of O2

 с) lower the pressure

 d) lower the temperature

2. From the suggested list of effects, select those that lead to an increase in the rate of the chemical reaction of magnesium with a solution of sulfuric acid.

а) temperature rise

b) lowering the system pressure

с) increase in system pressure

d) adding magnesium

3. The rate of interaction of the hydrochloric acid solution is maximal with the piece

а) iron     b) magnesium   с) zinc      d) copper

4. Hydrochloric acid reacts with maximum speed with iron, which is in the form of

а) shavings     b) ingot    с) powder     d) records

5. Endothermic reaction of the compound

 a) 2Mg + O2 = 2MgO + Q

 b) NaOH + HCl = NaCl + H2O + Q

 с) CaCO3 = CaO + CO2-Q

d) N2 + O2 = 2NO-Q

6. Redox reaction

a) Сu(ОН)2 = СuО + H2O

b) ZnO + 2НCl = 2ZnCl2 + H2O

с) CaCO3 + 2НCl = СаCl2 + H2O + СO2

d) 2AgNO3 = 2Ag + 2NO2 + O2

7. A factor that does not affect the rate of a chemical reaction:

a) Pressure. b) Catalyst. с) Method of preparation of reagents. d) Temperature.

8. A factor that does not affect the shift of the chemical equilibrium:

a) Pressure. b) Concentration of reacting substances. с) Temperature.

d) The nature of the reacting substances.

9. From the proposed list of external influences, select all the influences that lead to an increase in the rate of the chemical reaction

H2(г) + I2(г) = 2HI(г)

а) temperature rise

b) adding hydrogen iodide

с) lowering the pressure

d) increased iodine concentration

10. The reaction rate of Fe (tv) + H2SO4 (p-p) = FeSO4 (p-p) + H2 (g) + Q will increase at

а) lowering the pressure

b) dilution of the acid solution

с) lowering the temperature

d) grinding of iron


Redox reactions

1. The redox reaction of the compound corresponds to the scheme

а) BaO + H2O = Ba(OH)2

b) P2O5 + CaO = Ca3(PO4)2

с) NO2 + H2O + O2 = HNO3

d) Cl2O7 + Na2O = NaClO4

2. Which of the above decomposition reactions is not redox?

 а) 2H2O2 = O2 + 2H2O

 b) Cu(OH)2 = H2O + CuO

 с) 2NaNO3 = 2NaNO2 + O2

 d) 2HI = I2 +H2

3. Redox reactions are the following

a) Interaction of aluminum with hydrochloric acid

b)Interaction of calcium oxide with water

c) Interaction of alkali with nitric acid

d)Interaction of sulfur (IV) oxide with oxygen

4. The scheme reflecting the oxidation process:

 a) S0 → S-2 b) S+6е- → S+4

 c) S+4е-→ S+6   d) S+6е- → S-2

5. The highest degree of oxidation of the element is determined by:

a) by the number of the period b) by the number of the group

c) by the ordinal number e) by the subgroup

6. The degree of oxidation of the reducing agent in the redox reaction:

a) increases b) decreases c) remains unchanged e) first increases, then decreases

7. Specify the substance in which the carbon atom has the highest degree of oxidation: a) CO2 b) CH4 c) CO d) CaC2

 8. The degree of oxidation of the nitrogen atom in the ammonium ion NH4+:

a) - 3 b) - 4 c) +3 d) + 4

9. Reactions that occur with a change in the degree of oxidation of at least one element are called:

a) Catalytic          b) Redox      c) Non-catalytic    d) Non-redox

10. The element that increases the degree of oxidation during the redox reaction is called:     а) Oxidizer    b) Reducing agent


Metals and Alloys

1. The type of bond that exists in metal crystals

a) Covalent nonpolar     b) covalent polar      c) ionic             d) metallic

2. In the nodes of the crystal lattices of metals are located

a) Atoms and positive metal ions                   b) molecules

c) Atoms and negative metal ions                 d) electrons

3. The liquid aggregate state at 25 0C is characteristic of

 a) Hg   b) Cd   c) Cu d) Sn

4. The softest metals are found in

a) In the main subgroup I of group             b) In the main subgroup of group IV

(c) In the secondary subgroup III of group d) In the side subgroup of group VI

5. The most refractory metal a) Cr      b) Os      c) Li         d) W

6. Pyrometallurgy is:

a) the process of obtaining metals from their compounds at high temperature

b) the process of obtaining non-metals from their compounds at low temperature

c) the process of obtaining non-metals from their compounds at high temperature d) reduction of non-metals

7. Metal is used in aluminothermy:

a) sodium   b)aluminum    c) Iron    e) silver

8.  In hydrometallurgy, it is obtained:

a) metals from solutions of their compounds

b) non-metals from solutions of their compounds

c) water from solutions of their compounds e) salt solutions

9. In electrometallurgy, the following process is used:

a) the reaction of a compound

b) electrolysis of melts

c) еxtremely high temperature treatment

e) substitution and compound reaction

10. During electrolysis, the reducing agent is:

a) the anode

b) both cathode and anode

c) cathode


Elements 1 (I), 2 (II) and 13 (III) groups and their compounds

1. Alkaline earth metals are found in:

a) I A group  b) II A group  c) IV A group   d) VIII A group

2. 2. Which of these metals is alkaline:

a) Mg    b) Zn   c) Ba   d) K

3. The degree of oxidation of alkali metals:

a) +1    b) +2   c) +3    d) -2

4. The degree of oxidation of alkaline earth metals:

a) +1    b) +2   c) +3    d) -2

5. What precipitate is formed by the interaction of solutions of Na3PO4 and Ca(NO3) 2salts

а) NaNO3   b) Ca(OH)2  с)Ca3(PO4)2  d)NaOH

6. Sodium hydroxide reacts with each of the two substances:

a) N2O5 ; KCl     b)HNO3 ; ZnCl2     c)Ba(OH)2 ; H2O

7. The number of electron layers and the number of electrons on the outer electron layer of the calcium atom are respectively equal to:

a) 2 and 4

c) 4 and 2

c) 20 and 2

d) 4 and 20

8. The electronic configuration of the potassium atom:

a) 1s2 2s2 p6 3s2 3p7

b) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4p1

c) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d1

d) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s1

9. The element, the electronic formula of the outer electronic layer of which ...3s23p1, corresponds to the highest oxide, the formula of which is:

a) RO2

b) R2O3

c) RO3

d) R2O

10. Amphoteric oxide is formed by the interaction of oxygen:

a) with sodium    b) with aluminum

c) with barium    d) with magnesium


Elements of 17 (VII), 16 (VI), 15 (V), 14 (VI) groups and their compounds

1. In the sulfur atom, the number of electrons at the external energy level and the charge of the nucleus are respectively equal to:

a) 6 and +32 b) 6 and +16 c) 4 and +32 d) 4 and +16

2. Hydrogen compounds with the general formula H2R form the elements of the subgroup:

a) fluorine b) carbon c) nitrogen d) oxygen

 3. The precipitate precipitates in the reaction:

a) H2S + CuSO4 →                     b) H2S + K2SO4 →

c) H2S + NaCl →                        d) H2S + NaOH →

4. The gas is released in the reaction:

a) KOH + H2SO3 →                   b) NaOH + K2SO3 →

c) BaCl2 + H2SO3 →                 d) HCl + K2SO3 →

5. It does not interact with dilute sulfuric acid:

a) silver b) zinc c) magnesium d) iron

6. 6. The degree of oxidation of sulfur in K2SO3 is:

a) -2      b) +2     c) +4      d) +6

 7. In the chlorine atom, the number of electrons at the external energy level and the charge of the nucleus are respectively equal to:

a) 7 and +35 b) 7 and +17 c) 3 and +35 d) 3 and +17

8. Hydrogen compounds with the general formula HR form the elements of the subgroup:  a) fluorine b) carbon c) nitrogen d) oxygen

9. The formula corresponding to the highest oxide of the elements of group VI A:

a) R2O    b) RO    c) R2O3      d) RO3  

10. Ionic bond in a substance a) CuCL2    b) CO2    c) O2    d) CL2


Introduction to Organic Chemistry

1. Organic chemistry is

a) the chemistry of carbon compounds; b) the science that studies the composition, structure, and mutual transition of substances; c) the science that studies hydrogen compounds; e) the science that studies humans

2. Among the substances in the cell composition, organic substances do not include: a) glucose b) water c) fat d) protein

3. The scientist who introduced the concept of "organic chemistry":

a) A. Butlerov b) M. Berthelot c) F.Weller d) J. Berzelius

4 . The valence of carbon in organic compounds is equal to:

a) I b) II c) III d) IV

5 Properties that are not characteristic of organic compounds:

a) flammability b) charring ability when heated

c) low melting points e) electrical conductivity

6. The first organic substance obtained by man:

a) protein b) urea c) fat e) sugary substance

7. The distinguishing feature of organic substances from inorganic ones:

a) good solubility in water b) gaseous aggregate state

c) charring when heated e) the type of chemical bond between atoms

8. The general formula of alkanes:

а)СnН2n+2; б) СnН2n-2; с) СnН2n; д) СnН2n-6.

9. In the molecules of alkanes, the bonds:

 a) single and double; b) single only; c) single and triple d) double only

10. An element that is necessarily part of organic compounds:

a) oxygen b) nitrogen c) carbon d) phosphorus


Hydrocarbons. Fuel

1. Alkadienes have the general formula:

a) CnH2 n +2

b) CnH2 n -2

c) CnH2 n

d CnH2 n -6

2. The isomers are:

a) hexene and cyclohexane

b) methylbenzene and methylbutane

c) butine and butylene

d) pentane and pentine

3. Homologs are:

a) 3-methylpentane and hexane

b) butine and acetylene

c) octene and octadiene

d) heptane and bromheptan

4. Specify the name of the hydrocarbon C3 H8

a) ethane

b) propane

c) methane

e) butane

5. The main product of the cracking process is

a) paraffin; b) kerosene; c) tar; d) gasoline

6. Coal tar is a source of:

a) cycloalkanes; b) alkanes; c) arenes; d) unsaturated hydrocarbons.

7. Which of the reactions reflects the cracking of petroleum products:

a) C4H10 = C4H8 + H2

b) C6H12 + H2 = C6H14

c) C4N8 + H2= C6N12

d) C20N42 = C10N22 + C10N20.

8. Specify the formula of butane

a) C4H10

b) C2 H6

c) C3H8

d) CH4

9. Specify the name of the radical-CH3

a) butyl

b) methane

c) ethyl

d) methyl

10) Specify the formula of the ethyl radical

a) -C2H6

b) -C3H7

c) –C2H5

d) -C4H6


Oxygen-containing and nitrogen-containing organic compounds

1. The general formula of alcohols:

a) R-O-R b) R-COOH c) R-OH d) R-COH

2. Substances that are similar in structure and properties, but differ from each other by one or more CH2 groups:

a) isotopes b) homologs c) isomers d) bertollides

3. Homologs are:

a) ethanol and ethanal b) ethanal and acetic acid

c) ethanol and ethyl acetate d) metanal and ethanal

4. The general formula of aldehydes:

a) R-O-R b) R-COOH c) R-OH d) R-COH

5. Polyatomic alcohol:

a) ethanol b) glycerin c) ethanal d) ethane

6. The general formula of carboxylic acids:

a) R – O - R b) R – COOH c) R – OH d) R – COH

7.Acetic acid salts:

a) sulfates b) sulfides c) acetates d) phosphates

8. The formula of acetic acid:

a) C2H6 b) CH3СOН c) CH3COOH d) CH3COOH2H5

 9. The gorenje propanol is expressed by the equation:

а) 2С3Н7ОН + 9О2 → 6СО2 +8Н2О

б) СН3ОН + НВг → СН3Вг + Н2

с) 2СН3ОН + 2К → 2СН3ОК + Н2

d) 2СН3ОH + 3O2 → 2СО2 + 4Н2О

10. The substance СН3 –СН2 – СОН belongs to the class:

a) alcohols

b) aldehydes

c) carboxylic acids

d e) esters

Предварительный просмотр:

Сборник заданий по формативному оцениванию

Химия на английском языке

 9 класс

Данный сборник заданий составлен в помощь учителю при планировании, организации и проведении формативного оценивания по предмету «Химия на английском языке» для обучающихся в 9 классах. Сборник подготовлен на основе учебной программы.

Задания с критериями оценивания и дескрипторами помогут учителю предоставлять обучающимся конструктивную обратную связь по достижению целей обучения.

Сборник предназначен для учителей школы и других заинтересованных лиц.

При подготовке сборника использованы ресурсы (рисунки, тексты, видео- и аудиоматериалы и др.), находящиеся в открытом доступе на официальных интернет-сайтах.  

Section/Topic : Electrolytes and non-electrolytes

Learning objectives  кnow the definitions and give examples of       electrolytes and non- electrolytes

Evaluation criteria  Student: explains the concepts of electrolytes and

                                               non-electrolytes, gives examples

Level of thinking skills:        Knowledge and understanding


  1. Define the electrolytes
  2. What classes of substances belong to non-electrolytes with electrolytes?
  3. Select the electrolytes from the list of substances, determining the type of chemical bond: NaCl(тв), NaOH(в.р.), O2(г), H2SO4, CH3COOH, C6H12O6, СО2(г)

Descriptor Learning

-writes down the definition of electrolytes;

- lists the classes of substances-electrolytes and non-electrolytes;

- classifies substances by type of chemical bond and gives appropriate explanations.

Section/Topic: Electrolytic dissociation of acids, alkalis and salts.

Learning objectives  make equations of electrolytic dissociation of acids

                                     alkalis, medium and acid salts

Evaluation criteria  Student: Makes equations of electrolytic dissociation of acids, alkalis, medium and acid salts

Level of thinking skills:        Application


1. Write the equations of the electrolytic dissociation of the following substances:

HCl, H2SO4, KOH Ba(OH)2, KCl, Al2(SO4)3, KHSO4.

2. What color will the universal indicator be painted in these solutions?


- make up the dissociation equations of substances (total)

- create step-by-step dissociation equations for polyatomic acids, multi-acid alkalis, and acidic salts

- indicate the color of the indicator and explain why (depending on the solution medium)

Section/Topic: Chemical properties of acids, alkalis, and salts from the point of view of the theory of electrolytic dissociation

Learning objectives reaction equations that reflect the

                                   chemical    properties оf acids, soluble and insoluble bases

                                   and medium salts in molecular and ionic form

Evaluation criteria  Student: Compiles reaction equations that reflect the chemical properties of acids, soluble and insoluble bases, and medium salts in molecular and ionic form

Level of thinking skills:        Application


1. Complete the reactions, write net ionic equations:

a. H2SO4 + BaCl2 →

b. FeCl3 + AgNO3 →

c. CuSO4 + NaOH →

2. Which of the following compounds will react with iron (II) chloride?

Write molecular and net ionic equations.

a) Cu(NO3)2        b) NaOH        c) Na2SO4        d) HCl


-compiles balanced molecular and ionic reaction equations that reflect the chemical properties of the acid;
−compiles balanced molecular and ionic reaction equations that reflect the chemical properties of the base;

−compiles balanced molecular and ionic reaction equations that reflect the chemical properties of the medium salt.

Section/Topic: Hydrolysis of salts.

Learning objectives is to compile the molecular and ionic equations hydrolysis of salts medium

Evaluation criteria  Student: Compiles reaction equations that reflect the chemical properties of acids, soluble and insoluble bases, and medium salts in molecular and ionic form

Level of thinking skills:    Application


1. Write down the definition of the hydrolysis process.

2. Make the equation of hydrolysis of the following salts and specify the solution medium:

a) Sodium Sulfide

b) Aluminum Chloride


-records the definition of the hydrolysis process;

−compiles a balanced total molecular and ionic equation for the hydrolysis of sodium sulfide and indicates the medium;

−It compiles a balanced total molecular and ionic equation of aluminum chloride hydrolysis and indicates the medium.    

Section/Topic: The rate of chemical reactions. Factors that affect the rate of a chemical reaction.

Learning objectives the factors affecting the reaction rate and explain them from the point of view of the kinetic theory of particles

Evaluation criteria  Student:

 Determines the factors that affect the rate of reactions and explains them from the point of view of the kinetic theory of particles

Level of thinking skills:    Application


1. (a) What is the rate of a chemical reaction? Write down the formula for calculating the average reaction rate.

2. There are several factors that affect the rate of chemical reactions.

(a) Determine which factor that affects the reaction rate is shown in the figure.



(b) Explain for which substances this factor acts, and how.

 (c) The rate of interaction of zinc with a solution of sulfuric acid will increase if

1) grind the metal

2) increase the pressure

3) lower the temperature of the reaction mixture

4) dilute the solution

Descriptor: student

-defines the concept of "Chemical reaction rate"

 - writes down the formula for calculating the average reaction rate and performs the calculation

-describes how the chemical reaction rate depends on the nature of the reacting substances

 -determines how metals react with water

 - determines how the reaction rate depends on the area of contact of the particles

Section/Topic: Oxidation state. Oxidation and Recovery

Learning objectives: understand that the processes of oxidation and reduction are interrelated and occur simultaneously

Evaluation criteria  Student: Determines the relationship between the processes of oxidation and reduction

Level of thinking skills:    Application


1.What is the change in oxidation state of sulfur in the following redox reaction?

H2S(g) + 8HNO3(conc) → H2SO4(aq) + 8NO2(g) + 4H2O(l)

A) S2+ → S4+

B) S0 → S4+

C) S2- → S4+

D) S2- → S8+

E) S2- → S6+

2. Balance the following reactions using oxidation-number method:

A) FeCl3(aq) + KI(aq) → FeCl2(aq) + I2(s) + KCl(aq)

B) Cu2S(s) + O2(g) → CuO(s) + SO2(s)

Descriptor: student

- explains the processes of oxidation and reduction

-compiles the equations of reactions by the electronic balance method

Section/Topic: Redox reactions

Learning objectives: redox reactions as reactions that occur with a change in the degrees of oxidation

Evaluation criteria  Student: It distinguishes redox reactions as reactions that occur with a change in the degrees of oxidation

Level of thinking skills:    Knowledge and understanding


1. Make up the reaction of the interaction of calcium carbonate with hydrochloric acid. Is this reaction redox?

2 (а) Potassium permanganate reacts with hydrochloric acid by the following reaction: 2KMnO4+ 16 HCl → 2 KCl + 2MnCl2+ 5 Cl2+ 8 H2O

(б) Determine the oxidation state of each element before and after the reaction. Is this reaction redox? Explain your answer.

3. Balance the following reactions using oxidation-number method:

KMnO4(aq) + FeSO4(aq) + H2SO4(aq) →

Fe2(SO4)3(aq) + MnSO4(aq) + K2SO4(aq) + H2O(l)


-composes the equation of a chemical reaction;

−determines the degree of oxidation of the elements;

−distinguishes between redox reactions

 - explains its response.

Section/Topic: General characteristics of metals.

Learning objectives: the characteristic physical and chemical properties of metals, explain the ability of metals to exhibit only reducing properties.

Evaluation criteria  Student: Explains the properties of metals by applying knowledge about the metal bond and the crystal lattice of metals

Level of thinking skills:    Knowledge and understanding



Tasks must be solved with the use of a number of metal stresses

  1. Using the electrochemical stress series of metals, explain the interaction with acids
  2. Make an equation of the reactions of the interaction of metals with acids, arrange the coefficients and find their sum.

Al + Н2

Fe + Н2


- explains the interaction of metals with acids

- makes the equation of the reactions of the interaction of metals with acids,

- sets the coefficients in the equation of reactions

Section/Topic: Мetal аlloys

Learning objectives: the concept of alloy and explain its advantages

Evaluation criteria  Student: Defines the concept of alloy and its advantages

Level of thinking skills:    Application


1. Define the concept of alloy.

The picture shows the dishes made of bronze.

What elements does this alloy consist of?

2. Determine which of these statements about alloys is correct.

a) Most alloys are less useful than the individual elements they are made of.

b) Most alloys are softer than the individual elements they are made of.

c)Most alloys are harder than the individual elements they are made of.

Answer: __________________

3.Specify which of the following properties improves when adding chromium to steel.

a)Corrosion resistance

b)Electrical specificationsis

с)Magnetic property


-defines the definition of "alloy";

- defines statements about alloys;

 - specifies a property that improves the characteristics of steel when chromium is added.

Section/Topic: Elements 1 (I) of the group and their compounds

Learning objectives: the general properties of alkali metals, based on the structure of their atoms

Evaluation criteria  Student: Compiles reaction equations that characterize the basic properties of oxides and hydroxides of alkali metals

Level of thinking skills:    Application


1. Describe the chemical activity of the alkali metals based on the position

in the periodic table.

2. Write down the equation of the reaction of the interaction of sodium

with water.

3. Make the equations of reactions of potassium hydroxide,

characterizing its main properties (at least three).


- determines the chemical properties of alkali metals;

- it is not less than three reaction equations that characterize the basic properties of alkali metal hydroxides;

- compiles the reaction equations that characterize the basic properties of alkali metal oxides.

Section/Topic: Elements 2 (II) groups and their compounds

Learning objectives: the main properties of metal oxides and hydroxides, characterize the application

Evaluation criteria  Student: Explains the meaning of metals 2 (II) groups and their compounds

Level of thinking skills:    High-order skills


1. Which deposits of metals are placed near your city?

2. Metal production is important for the economy but has some bad environmental effects. Do you think it is worth to open a factory near your house?

3. How many grams of magnesium are produced from reduction of its oxide by 80 g of carbon?

MgO(s) + C(s) [heating]→ Mg(s) + CO(g)


- determines the value of metals

- analyzes the result of the action of alkaline earth metals

- compiles the reaction equations, finds the components

Section/Topic: Elements 13 (III) of the group. Aluminum and its compounds

Learning objectives: investigate the amphoteric properties of aluminum, its oxide and hydroxide

Evaluation criteria  Student: Explains the meaning of metals 3 (III) groups and their compounds

Level of thinking skills:    High-order skills


1. Use the available reagents to obtain aluminum hydroxide and prove its amphotericity. (Al2S3 , Al4C3 , Н2О, Al, HCl)


                HCl                        Н2О

2. Write down the relevant reactions, analyze them in terms of redox reactions


- explains the interaction of substances

-proves the amphotericity of aluminum

Section/Topic: Halogens.

Learning objectives: the chemical properties of chlorine: interaction with metals, hydrogen and halides

Evaluation criteria  Student: Compiles reaction equations that characterize the chemical properties of chlorine

Level of thinking skills:    Knowledge and understanding


1. When passing a chlorine-water solution of sodium bromide, a chemical reaction occurs.

a)What can be observed as a result of this reaction?

b)Write the equation of this reaction.

c)Why is there no reaction between bromine and an aqueous solution of sodium chloride?

2. Make the equations of the reactions of the interaction of chlorine:

a) with sodium

 b) with magnesium

 c) with hydrogen


-explains the reaction of chlorine with halides;

−makes the equation of the reaction of the interaction of chlorine with sodium bromide;

−describes the changes that occur when chlorine interacts with sodium bromide;

−makes the equation of the reaction of the interaction of chlorine with sodium and magnesium;

−makes the equation of the reaction of the interaction of chlorine with hydrogen.

Section/Topic: Elements 17 (VII), 16 (VI), 15 (V), 14 (VI) groups and their compounds

Learning objectives: Compare the physical and chemical properties of sulfur oxides (IV) and (VI) and explain the physiological effects of sulfur dioxide

Evaluation criteria  Student: Compares the physical and chemical properties of sulfur oxides (IV) and (VI) and explains the physiological effects of sulfur dioxide

Level of thinking skills:    Application


1. Make the equations of chemical reactions that characterize the chemical properties of sulfur oxides (IV) and (VI).

2. Make a Vena diagram to compare the physical properties of sulfur oxides (IV) and (VI).

3. Explain the physiological effects of sulfur dioxide

Descriptor Student

-composes the equations of chemical reactions that characterize the chemical properties of sulfur oxide (IV);

−composes the equations of chemical reactions that characterize the chemical properties of sulfur oxide (VI);

−composes the Wien diagram for comparing the physical properties of sulfur oxides (IV) and (VI);

 - explains the physiological effects of sulfur dioxide.

Section/Topic: Elements 17 (VII), 16 (VI), 15 (V), 14 (VI) groups and their compounds

Learning objectives: Describe the specificity of the interaction of dilute and concentrated nitric acid with metals and be able to formulate reaction equations

Evaluation criteria  Student: Compiles equations of chemical reactions of interaction of dilute and concentrated nitric acid with metals

Level of thinking skills:    Application


Complete the following reaction equations:

1) Zn + HNO3 (cont.) →

2) Ni+HNO3 (cont.)→

3) Cu+HNO3 (cont.) →

4) Ca + HNO3 (cont.) →

5) Cu + HNO3 (cont.) →

6) Na + HNO3(cont.) →


-determines the reaction products of the interaction of concentrated nitric acid with inactive metals;

−determines the reaction products of the interaction of concentrated nitric acid with active metals;

−determines the reaction products of the interaction of concentrated nitric acid with metals of medium activity;

−determines the reaction products of the interaction of dilute nitric acid with inactive metals;

−determines the reaction products of the interaction of dilute nitric acid with active metals;

−determines the reaction products of the interaction of dilute nitric acid with metals of medium activity.

Section/Topic: Phosphorus and its compounds

Learning objectives: explain the general chemical properties of phosphorus and its compounds

Evaluation criteria  

Student: Compiles chemical reaction equations that demonstrate the general chemical properties of phosphorus and its compounds

Level of thinking skills:    Application


1. Implement the transformation scheme:

P → P2O5→ H3PO4→ Na3PO4→ Ca3 (PO4) 2





2. Complete the chemical equation of the following reactions. Balance and name the reaction products.

H3PO4+ NaOH→


- compiles balanced equations of chemical reactions;

−records the names of reaction products.

Section/Topic: Mineral fertilizers.

Learning objectives: Name the classification of mineral fertilizers and the nutrients that make up them

Evaluation criteria  

Student: Classifies mineral fertilizers and the nutrients that make up them

Level of thinking skills:    Application


Fill in the table

Name of the mineral fertilizer

Chemical composition

Nutrients in the composition of fertilizers

Color and appearance of the fertilizer


- mineral fertilizer;

−determines the chemical composition;

−determines the nutrients included in the composition of fertilizers;

−describes the color and appearance of the fertilizer.

Section/Topic: Silicon and its compounds

Learning objectives: Characterize the basic chemical properties of silicon and its compounds, and formulate reaction equations

Evaluation criteria  Student: Characterizes the basic chemical properties of silicon and its compounds, compiles the reaction equations

Level of thinking skills:    Knowledge and understanding


1. Solid silicon and solid magnesium chloride are formed

when silicon tetrachloride reacts with metallic magnesium. Write the equation of the chemical reaction.

2. Write the reaction of silicon with:

a) oxygen

b) chlorine

c) sulfur

d) concentrated solution of sodium hydroxide

e) calcium


-composes the equations of the reactions of the interaction of silicon with magnesium chloride;

−compiles the equations of the reactions of the interaction of silicon with oxygen;

−compiles the equations of the reactions of the interaction of silicon with chlorine;

−compiles the equations of the reactions of the interaction of silicon with sulfur;

−compiles the equations of the reactions of the interaction of silicon with a concentrated solution of sodium hydroxide;

−compiles the equations of the reactions of the interaction of silicon with calcium.

Section/Topic: Chemical elements in the human body

Learning objectives: Name the elements that make up the human body and explain their meaning (O, C, H, N, Ca, P, K, S, Cl, Mg, Fe)

Evaluation criteria  Student: Records the elements that make up the human body and their values (O, C, H, N, Ca, P, K, S, Cl, Mg, Fe)

Level of thinking skills:    Application


Fill in the table:

Elements in the composition of the human body

The importance of elements in the human body













- names the value of the elements in the human body.

Section/Topic: Chemical elements in the human body

Learning objectives: Identify sources of heavy metal pollution and explain their effects on organisms

Evaluation criteria  Student: Records the sources of heavy metal pollution and explains their effects on organisms

Level of thinking skills:    Knowledge and understanding


1. The figures show examples of sources of environmental pollution

Explain the environmental issues depicted in the drawings. Suggest ways to solve these problems of environmental pollution with heavy metal

https://prootravlenie.ru/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/vyhlopnye_gazy.jpg https://www.geobur.ru/upload/medialibrary/a06/a06bff734968219b52456702e7af096f.jpg https://im0-tub-kz.yandex.net/i?id=fc0d15dbe915d8b28692fec2779fe5ee-l&n=13

Explain the effects of toxic metals on living organisms.


-explains the effects of heavy metals on living organisms;

−offers solutions to the problem of pollution;

Section/Topic: Introduction to Organic Chemistry

Learning objectives: Know the classification of hydrocarbons and their derivatives: alcohols, aldehydes, carboxylic acids, carbohydrates, amino acids

Evaluation criteria  Student: Classifies hydrocarbons and their derivatives: alcohols, aldehydes, carboxylic acids, carbohydrates, amino acids

Level of thinking skills:    Knowledge and understanding


1. Give five examples of organic and inorganic substances you use at home.

2. What are the most common elements found in organic compounds?

3. Write the formulas of organic substances


Class of organic compounds

Carboxylic acid




- detects organic and inorganic substances

- indicates the content of elements in organic substances

- defines a compound of the hydrocarbon class

Section/Topic:  Features of Organic Substances

Learning objectives: Explain the concept of a functional group as a group that determines the characteristic chemical properties of a given class of compounds

Evaluation criteria  Student: Writes functional groups as groups that define the characteristic chemical properties of a given class of compounds

Level of thinking skills:    Knowledge and understanding





сarboxylic acid

General formula

Functional group

The simplest representative of the class


- writes down the general formula and the functional group

- gives an example of the equation of a chemical reaction.

Section/Topic:  Hydrocarbons. Fuel

Learning objectives: Describe the chemical properties of alkanes and confirm them with reaction equations

Evaluation criteria  Student: Compiles equations that demonstrate the chemical properties of alkanes

Level of thinking skills:    Knowledge and understanding


1. Write the balanced equations of total combustion of the following alkanes:

a) C7H16

b) C4H10

c) C11H24

d) C8H18

2.Make the reaction equations:

a) alkane-halogen interactions

b)nitric acid alkane interactions

c)alkane isomerization

d)alkane cracking


-composes a balanced equation of the reaction of complete gorenje alkane;

−compiles the reaction equation for the interaction of an alkane with a halogen;

−makes the equation of the reaction of the interaction of alkane with nitric acid;

−composes the equation of the alkane isomerization reaction;

−composes the equation of the alkane cracking reaction.

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