УЧЕБНОЕ ПОСОБИЕ для студентов специальности 54.02.01 Дизайн (по отраслям) по учебной дисциплине СГ.02 Иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности по теме “ Graphic design” (Графический дизайн
методическая разработка (10 класс)
сборник текстов и упражнений для студентов специальности дизайн
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Рассмотрено на заседании ЦМК специальности специальностей ПДО и Д протокол №_____от____________ | Рассмотрено и рекомендовано к использованию на НМС ОГАПОУ «Яковлевский педагогический колледж» Протокол №_____от____________ |
Мельникова Юлия Николаевна - кандидат филологических наук, доцент кафедры немецкого и французского языков факультета иностранных языков Педагогического института НИУ «БелГУ».
Тарасова Маргарита Владимировна – к.ф.н., преподаватель иностранных языков ОГАПОУ «Яковлевский педагогический колледж»
Постникова Севиль Назим Кызы - преподаватель иностранных языков ОГАПОУ «Яковлевский педагогический колледж»
Гайдаржи Наталья Сергеевна – преподаватель иностранных языков ОГАПОУ «Яковлевский педагогический колледж»
Основная цель данного издания - совершенствование навыков и умений в различных видах чтения, а также обучение устным формам общения по профессиональной тематике.
Учебное пособие предназначено для студентов очной формы обучения специальностей 54.02.01 Дизайн (по отраслям).
Учебное пособие составлено в соответствии с требованиями государственного образовательного стандарта среднего профессионального образования.
Пояснительная записка
Сборник текстов и упражнений для практических занятий учебной дисциплины Иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности предназначен для практических занятий по иностранному языку для студентов специальности 54.02.01 Дизайнер (по отраслям).
Сборник включает профессиональные тексты и задания, направленные на закрепление лексического и грамматического материала. Сборник разработан на основании: основной профессиональной образовательной программы по специальности подготовки; положения о комплекте контрольно-оценочных средств, рабочей программы учебной дисциплины иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности. Все материалы сборника направлены на достижение следующих результатов: умение общаться (устно и письменно) на иностранном языке на профессиональные и повседневные темы, переводить (со словарем) иностранные тексты профессиональной направленности, знать лексический (1200-1400 лексических единиц) и грамматический минимум, необходимый для чтения и перевода (со словарем) иностранных текстов профессиональной направленности.
Задание1. Переведите текст
Graphics - the most ancient form of art that exists to this day.
The first graphic works appeared at the earliest stages of development of human society, when the ancient man scratched the images on the stones and walls of caves, on bone plates. Creating his first drawings, which recorded not only any events and the world, but also for a long time served as a means of communication between people, primitive man laid the Foundation for the art of graphics.
For a long time graphic images had no independent value and served only as decoration of the house or objects.
With the advent of writing graphics began to be purely decorative and widely used in handwritten books, parchments, letters for decoration or explanation of the text, and the very creation of fonts was reborn in the great art.
The term "graphics" was originally used only in relation to writing and calligraphy, as it was the basis for the creation of handwritten texts.
The term "graphics" was originally used only in relation to writing and calligraphy, as it was the basis for the creation of handwritten texts.
Then the graphics was defined as art, which is based on the line, the contrast of black and white.
Graphics (from Greek. "grapho" — "I write") — visual art, including drawing and works of art, based on the art of drawing, but having their own expressive means and visual capabilities.
Color in graphics is not the main thing, as for example in painting, but here it plays an auxiliary role
Graphic art includes both drawing itself and printed works of art (engraving, lithography, etc.), which are also based on the art of drawing.
The most ancient and traditional form of graphic art is drawing, the origins of which can be seen in primitive rock paintings and in ancient vase painting, where the basis of the image is a line and a silhouette.
The only difference between graphic works and painting is the material. It will always be, pencil, ink, pen, pastel, charcoal, various sauces, sometimes as additional materials used watercolor and gouache. But here the color is not the main and auxiliary role, shading or, conversely, highlighting the individual elements of the picture.
Задание 2. Переведите текст
It is believed that the design originated in the era of industrial production. Graphic design at first meant artistic editing of text and images on a printed page to form a visual and verbal image for the purpose of informing and entertaining the reader. With the advent of color printing in the late XIX century, graphic design has become a separate art form. In the production of mass printed products and advertising at that time were involved mainly people who usually do not have art education. The situation changed in the first half of the twentieth century. European artists quickly responded to advances in science and technology and were the first to make radical changes.
Today, professionals have several schools that, one way or another, influenced the development of graphic design. The most notable were the American advertising graphics that existed in the thirties-fifties of the last century and the twenties of Russian constructivism, the seventies – the Swiss school of graphics of the sixties - the Polish school of poster, as well as the Japanese school of poster – 60-80 years of the twentieth century Undoubtedly worthy of mention and some other schools of graphics and poster – English, Finnish, German, French, Dutch and others. Nascent schools of Internet design have roots in all countries, and there is a chance to hope that the Russian school of design in this new field will achieve such high results as Western schools. The main directions of the new flow of design were the creation of banners and websites.
Modern times marked the emergence of the world organization of graphic design, which has the abbreviation ICOGRADA. There is also an international Council of graphic design associations, and in our country – the Academy of graphic design.
Задание 3. Переведите на английский язык
Цифровые печатные машины обладают уникальной способностью выполнять операции, которые невозможно воспроизвести в рамках традиционной технологии. В цифровом печатном устройстве при репродуцировании изображение формируется многократно – по количеству необходимых копий. Печатающая поверхность формируется каждый раз для каждой отпечатываемой копии. Это полностью отличает его от традиционного печатного процесса, при котором изображение на печатающей поверхности создается один раз, а копии производятся с данной печатной поверхности. Именно по этой причине цифровая печать обладает меньшей производительностью. Однако уникальность данной технологии заключается в том, что она дает новую возможность: формировать изображение для каждой новой копии. Любая копия на печатной поверхности может подвергаться изменениям. Это открывает новый мир печатных возможностей – печать переменных данных.
Задание 4. Исправьте предложения
1. Digital, is, printing, combination, a, digital, of, imaging, and, press, digital.
2. Most, printers, plate less, can be, to accept, adapted, digital, files, and, computer-to-print, become, system, printing, digital.
3. The, systems, ink-jet, use, jets, of, ink, driven, droplets, by, digital, signals, to print, the, variable, or same, information.
Задание 5. Переведите словосочетания
Available in current printed materials are very diverse in appearance, specific assignment, date of publication, technical execution.
- Form
- Self-copying forms
- Leaflet
- Booklet
- Brochure
- Calendar
- Business card
- Folder
- Notepad
- Envelope
- Kubarik
- Label
- Бланк
- Бланки само копирующие
- Листовка
- Буклет
- Брошюра
- Календарь
- Визитная карточка
- Папка
- Блокнот
- Конверт
- Кубарик
- Этикетка, ярлык
Задание 6. Подберите определение
Form, self-copying, calendar, business card, notepad, kubarik, forms, leaflet, booklet, brochure, folder, envelope, label, label
- Paper sheet, usually A4 or less, containing elements of corporate identity or information of a permanent nature (invoices, acts, etc.), is intended for subsequent filling.
- Several sheets of special self-copying paper fastened on one side with special glue that allows you to easily separate the sheets.
- A paper sheet, usually A4 size, sealed on one or both sides, in one or more colors, advertising or informational content. Suggests a slightly higher quality of printing performance than the form.
- Non-periodic sheet edition in the form of a single sheet of printed material rigged (folded) in 2 or more folds.
- Non-recurrent text book edition with a volume of over 4 pages, interconnected with glue, springs, sewing, clip, or thread.
- Print edition, necessarily has in its composition a calendar grid. Calendars are: pocket, quarterly, rocker calendars on the crossbar, calendars "house" and "house rocker".
- A sheet of thick paper or cardboard, usually 50x90 mm (sometimes other formats), containing information about the person or company.
- A product made of thick paper, cardboard or polymer, designed to store a small number of sheets of paper. It is mainly used as an element of corporate identity. There are several types: one-piece (made from a sheet of material), with glued pockets (pocket valve is made from a separate sheet of material and then glued to the "crust"), with a lock clip (the folder can be decomposed into a plane, and then reassemble without tearing it), with an adhesive bond.
- Sewn or glued from the end of a stack of paper, clean or with applied elements of corporate identity, with the cover.
- One of the types of carrier corporate identity. There is a wide variety of types of envelopes.
- A small stack of paper, taped on one side for easy separation. Used for operational records. As a rule, carries elements of corporate identity.
- A sheet of special (label) paper of small size, containing information about the product or products. Involves adhesive attachment method.
- A small cardboard sheet containing information about the product or products and accompanying it, suggesting a hinged method of fastening.
Задание 7. Назовите, одним словом
a) A small sheet of printed matter =
b) The paper wrapper of a letter =
c) Something that protects by covering =
d) To consist of =
e) A sheet of folder showing a list of the days and months of the year =
f) An official paper showing that a person has successfully completed a course of study =
g) Using money to buy shares, property, or other things that will increase in value to make more money =
h) A large notice with pictures, posted in a public place =
Задание 8. Выберете правильную форму глагола
1. They will attract numerous clients, who (recognized; will recognize; are recognized) your company at one glance at a folder, blank or envelope.
2. Your clients are aware that diplomas, certificates and muniments (suggest; have suggested, are suggested) qualitative competitive abilities of any company or enterprise.
3. High quality printing products with your logo (are delivering; were delivered; deliver) a corresponding image for you.
4. Graphic designers (create; has created; creates) high quality products that will help you become popular.
5. Printings (comprises; will comprise; comprise) an essential part of the company corporate image.
6. Booklets (be; is; are) one of the most efficient and wide used types of advertising printings.
7. Hundreds or even thousands of people can (saw; to see; see)
Posters and show bills.
8. Designers (creates; create; are creating) a calendar with a company logo.
9. Diplomas, certificates and muniments (suggest; will be sugesting; had suggested) qualitative competitive abilities of any company or enterprise.
Задание 9. Переведите текст
Who is an Illustrator? First of all, an Illustrator is an artist. And in the broadest sense of the word. Cartoons, commercials, drawings in books, graphics in computer games, movies, Wallpapers, website designs, postcards – it's all the work of the Illustrator. Although the profession is one, it is divided into many branches.
The profession of Illustrator is in great demand in book publishing houses and editorial offices, design studios and advertising companies.
Career growth of the Illustrator is very diverse. The artist can lead a creative group, open his own advertising company, become the head of an art Agency and even achieve worldwide fame. It all depends on the talent, aspirations and ability to do business, as in any other profession.
The pros and cons of the profession like any other activity, the profession of Illustrator has pros and cons.
The first can be attributed to the following:
- No binding to the workplace. The Illustrator does not need to go to the office every day, and not only can he work at home, but also travel without violating the deadlines of the project.
- Opportunity to be creative. Any artist paints pictures with love, having pleasure.
- Vacation at any time of the year. There is no schedule, only the deadline for delivery of the order and discussion on the course of implementation.
- You can start at any time. If you are not 20 – this is not a reason to say goodbye to your career as an Illustrator.
- Criticism. Not all creative people are able to tolerate criticism, even if it is constructive.
- Last minute terms. If inspiration has not visited the artist, there are times when you have to finish something in a panic. The same applies to those who find it difficult to organize their time.
- High competition. Despite the rarity of the profession, talented and just know how to draw well people very much.
- Self-promotion. Finding customers, advertising it is also the responsibility of the artist.
Задание 10. Переведите на английский язык
Современные иллюстраторы книг из зарубежных современных иллюстраторов на слуху имя Криса Риддела, которого вы сможете узнать по книгам Нила Геймана («Дева и веретено», «Коралина») или его собственным («Юная леди Гот» и другие). Также русскоязычная публика знает таких художников: Кей Аседера («Лайзл и По»), Р. В. Элли («Медвежонок Паддингтон»), Арт Шпигельман («Маус») и много других талантливых имен. Русские иллюстраторы тоже не отстают от своих зарубежных коллег. Игорь Юльевич Олейников работает не только с книгами, но и с фильмами. Это очень популярный художник, как у нас, так и за рубежом. Известен по книгам «Хоббит, или туда и Обратно», «Питер Пэн» и «Приключения барона Мюнхгаузена». Евгений Антоненков выпустил множество книг совместно с Росмэн. Его можно узнать по иллюстрациям книг Алана Милна, Бориса Заходера и Корнея Чуковского.
Задание 11. Поставьте нужный модальный глагол
1. Working in book design (can, must, could) mean several things.
2. It (may, might, could) be creating elaborate book covers and jacket designs.
3. It (may, can, have to) mean hours of detailed-oriented layout work.
4. This work (may, can, should) be done as a freelancer.
5. Book design and layout (could, can, might) call for all types of graphic design software.
6. Book designers (must, can, may) pay close attention to the legal issues to protect their work.
7. Designers (must, should, can) also look to get their credit on books they design.
8. You (can, should, may) be able to listen to music.
9. That (must, might, can) be a good thing and a bad thing.
10. Designers (can, could, had to) create impressive caricatures of any individuals or characters you require.
Задание 12. Ответьте на вопросы
1. What is the main way in photo design to influence visitors and potential clients?
2. What do comics feature?
3. What is the main function of cards?
4. What will enhance the image of a company and its respectability?
5. What can work in book design mean?
6. What programs are used for layout of full books?
7. What is the usual path in designing album cover art?
8. What is the decisive argument that can help a customer to make the final decision?
Задание 13. Составьте диалоги
1. Types of graphic design software.
2. Designing a book cover (nature of the book, the audience, today’s market).
3. The use of illustration and photo to enhance the company’s image and respectability (cards, calendars, booklets).
Задание 14. Переведите текст
Form and space All graphic design, all processes of creation of images regardless of the purposes and means, are based on manipulations with the form. "Shape" is the material: shapes, lines, textures, words and pictures. Our brain uses shapes to identify objects; form is a semantic message. An attempt to create the most beautiful form for a particular message and distinguishes the design from a simple dumping of a pile of assorted material in front of the audience with the promise of "let them understand themselves." Depending on the context, the word "beautiful" has many meanings. The aggressive, sharp collage-style illustration is beautiful; the thick clumsy font is also beautiful; all the rough, non-emasculated images can be called beautiful. "Beautiful" in a descriptive sense can rather be replaced by the term "decisive", i. e. each form is confident, intentional and used in this design for a specific purpose. A form is considered a positive element or object. Space is considered negative - this is the "background" on which the form becomes a "figure". The relationship between form and space, or background and shape, can be described as interdependent and complementary; it is impossible to change one thing without changing another at the same time. The confrontation between the figure and the background creates visual activity and the illusion of three-dimensionality, which are perceived by the viewer.
Задание 15. Переведите на английский язык
Принципы графического дизайна во многом строятся на использования пространства и его балансировке. Плохая балансировка способна разрушить весь дизайн, особенно это касается типографики.
Вам нужно рассмотреть, как каждый элемент / буква относится друг к другу, дать им пространство, в котором они нуждаются, это обычно называют отрицательным пространством (положительное пространство — это сами составляющие текста буквы, слова и абзацы).
Вы должны принять отрицательное пространство как часть дизайна и уметь использовать его, так пространство может помочь вашему будущему посетителю перемещаться по вашему дизайну. Главное найти баланс: слишком много места, и ваш дизайн будет выглядеть незавершенным, слишком мало места, и ваш дизайн будет казаться переполненным.
Задание 16. Поставьте нужную форму глагола
1. They are figures and forms that (will make up; make up; had make) logos, illustrations and countless other elements in all types of designs.
2. Architecture (is being composed; is composed; are composed) of geometric forms.
3. The shading (indicating; indicates; was indicated) depth by creating shadows.
4. Our perception of shape and form (are affected; is affected; were being affected) by several factors.
5. Artists (use; are used; uses) shading to create the illusion of form.
6. The effective placement of objects in relation to the surrounding negative space (is; are; was) essential for success in composition.
7. Colors, patterns, opacity and other characteristics of shapes (will can; can be altered; can alter).
8. The object (looking; were looked; looks) as if it has height, width and depth.
9. The “white space” left between shapes (will impact; were impact; impacted) a design.
10. Form and shape (cannot exist; will exist; existed) without space.
Задание 17. Ответьте на вопросы
1. Why are shapes at the root of graphic design?
2. What is the key to successful graphic design?
3. How will negative space impact a design?
4. What is the most useful tool for shape creation?
5. What do form and space imply?
6. What forms are called two dimensional?
7. What forms are called three dimensional?
8. What can lead to the desired result?
Задание 18. Скажите: верно, или нет
1. The character and source of light also changes the perceived character of the object.
2. Gradations of value, or shading, cannot create the illusion of contour and volume.
3. Many designed forms have irregular contours.
4. Using shapes properly is one of the keys to successful graphic design.
5. Snowflakes and soap bubbles are among many geometric forms found in nature.
Задание 19. Заполните пропуски
1. Organic shapes are found in nature-seashells, flower petals, insects and animals!
2. … in a photographic portrait, for example, can make the subject look older, younger, dramatic, or rather abstract.
3. The … or negative space left between shapes will also significantly impact a design. 4. Adobe Illustrator is the most useful … for shape creation and manipulation.
5. Three … shape has depth as well as width and height.
Задание 20. Переведите текст
Trademarks and logos.
Logo and trademark are considered the most important elements of your company image-building. They convey the essence, character and purpose of your business in a visual form. The main purpose of a logo is to make a nameable and recognizable impression on your potential clients and customers. For the client to recognize your product easily among other counterparts, it must contain a special detail. We call it a trademark layout that represents your company in a symbolic way.
Logo and trademark design is a complex process. Designers can offer a vast number of structured techniques in logo and trademark development. Graphic designers offer professional insight into creation of a unique logo and trademark – so that your company and your product were the best among others and nameable for your clients. They help you to be in the foreground!
Задание 21. Выберете нужную форму причастия (Participle I and Participle II)
1. Professional branding is a complicated process of a trade mark creation (include) target market analysis, advertising actions, brand positioning means, naming, visual brand images, brand strategy, analysis of marketing efficiency.
2. Brand is a complex of information about a company, goods, service, (include) a name, a logotype, and corporate style (allow) consumers to define it among multiple competitors, create its image and reputation at the market of goods and services.
3. Brand is a trade mark, (define) a producer and (belong) to him.
4. Branding is a strong marketing tool, (allow) to form a customer's certain emotional perception of a product.
5. Competitions (hold) by the company are crucial for the company image.
6. Slogan is a nameable short message, (carry) advertising information about the company, product or service.
7. Designers can offer (structure) techniques in logo and trademark development.
8. Your corporate ID, (design) by professionals, will multiply the effectiveness of your promotional campaigns; will enhance the reputation and popularity of your business in the market.
9. Corporate identity may also include press releases (inform) on events, promotional campaigns.
10. (Select) in a proper way, corporate identity sometimes becomes the most important factor for success.
Задание 22. Переведите текст
Advertising is a form of communication that typically attempts to persuade potential customers to purchase or to consume more of a particular brand of product or service. While now central to the contemporary global economy and the reproduction of global production networks, it is only quite recently that advertising has been more than a marginal influence on patterns of sales and production. Mass production necessitated mass consumption, and this in turn required a certain homogenization of consumer tastes for final products. Many advertisements are designed to generate increased consumption of those products and services through the creation and reinvention of the "brand image". For these purposes, advertisements sometimes embed their persuasive message with factual information. Every major medium is used to deliver these messages, including television, radio, cinema, magazines, newspapers, video games, the Internet, carrier bags and billboards. Advertising is often placed by an advertising agency on behalf of a company or other organization. Organizations that frequently spend large sums of money on advertising that sells what is not, strictly speaking, a product or service include political parties, interest groups, religious organizations, and military recruiters. Non-profit organizations are not typical advertising clients, and may rely on free modes of persuasion, such as public service announcements.
Задание 23. Поставьте в отрицательную форму
1. Advertising attempts to persuade potential customers to purchase or to consume more of a particular brand of product or service.
2. Advertising focuses upon using celebrity power, fame, money and popularity to gain recognition for their products and promote specific stores or products.
3. The billboards are often lighted. 4. Social network advertising is growing rapidly.
5. The mobile phone became a new mass media in 1998.
6. Unsolicited bulk E-mail advertising is known as "spam".
7. Virtual advertisements may be inserted into regular television programming through computer graphics.
Задание 24. Вставьте нужные предлоги
1. It is only quite recently that advertising has been more than a marginal influence … patterns of sales and production.
2. Many advertisements are designed to generate increased consumption of products and services … the creation and reinvention of the "brand image".
3. Advertisements sometimes embed their persuasive message … factual information.
4. Advertising is often placed … an advertising agency … behalf of a company or other organization.
5. Virtual advertisements may be inserted … regular television programming … computer graphics.
6. This type of advertising focuses … using celebrity power, fame, money, popularity to gain recognition for their products and promote specific stores or products.
7. In a TV commercial the advertiser is trying to persuade you to go … and buy something.
8. The name of the product is put into a rhyme and sung several times … the hope that you won’t forget it.
Задание 25. Поставьте фразы в страдательный залог
1. Mass production necessitated mass consumption.
2. Organizations frequently spend large sums of money on advertising.
3. The main character can use an item or other of a definite brand.
4. He can use a number of different effects.
5. It shows young people having a party, singing, laughing, having a wonderful time, and, of course, using the product.
6. Infomercials describe, display, and often demonstrate products and their features.
Задание 26. Ответьте на вопросы
1. Why aren’t non-profit organizations typical advertising clients?
2. What is the main purpose of designing advertisements?
3. What are the major types of advertising?
4. What is the most effective mass-market advertising format?
5. What effects can an advertiser use to persuade you go out and buy something?
6. What is a new format of adverting that is growing rapidly?
7. Can we confirm that advertising is a powerful educational tool capable of reaching and motivating large audiences?
8. What is public service advertising?
Задание 27. Составьте вывеску или рекламу, используя свои виды надписей. Примеры надписей – Приложение 1.
Задание 28. Переведите текст
Packaging is the science, art and technology of enclosing or protecting products for distribution, storage, sale, and use.
Packaging also refers to the process of design, evaluation, and production of packages. Packaging can be described as a coordinated system of preparing goods for transport, warehousing, logistics, sale, and end use. Packaging contains, protects, preserves, transports, informs, and sells. In many countries it is fully integrated into government, business, and institutional, industrial, and personal use.
Package labeling (en-GB) or labeling (en-US) is any written, electronic, or graphic communications on the packaging or on a separate but associated label. The first packages used the natural materials available at the time: baskets of reeds, wineskins (Bota bags), wooden boxes, pottery vases, ceramic amphorae, wooden barrels, woven bags, etc. Iron and tin-plated steel were used to make cans in the early 19th century. Paperboard cartons and corrugated fiberboard boxes were first introduced in the late 19th century. As additional materials such as aluminum and several types of plastic were developed, they were incorporated into packages to improve performance and functionality. The purposes of packaging and package labels Packaging and package labeling have several objectives: Physical protection - The objects enclosed in the package may require protection from, among other things, mechanical shock, vibration, electrostatic discharge, compression, temperature etc. Barrier protection - A barrier from oxygen, water vapor, dust, etc., is often required. Permeation is a critical factor in design. Keeping the contents clean, fresh, sterile and safe for the intended shelf life is a primary function. Containment or agglomeration - small objects are typically grouped together in one package for reasons of efficiency. For example, a single box of 1000 pencils require less physical handling than 1000 single pencils. Liquids, powders, and granular materials need containment. Information transmission - Packages and labels communicate how to use, transport, recycle, or dispose of the package or product. With pharmaceuticals, food, medical, and chemical products, some types of information are required by governments.
Задание 29. Переведите текст
Marketing - The packaging and labels can be used by marketers to encourage potential buyers to purchase the product. Package graphic design and physical design have been important and constantly evolving phenomenon for several decades. Marketing communications and graphic design are applied to the surface of the package. Security - Packaging can play an important role in reducing the security risks of shipment. Packages can be made with improved tamper resistance to deter tampering and also can have tamper-evident features to help indicate tampering. Packages can be engineered to help reduce the risks of package pilferage: some package constructions are more resistant to pilferage and some have pilfered indicating seals.
Convenience - Packages can have features that add convenience in distribution, handling, stacking, display, sale, opening, reclosing, use, dispensing, and reuse.
Portion control - Single serving or single dosage packaging has a precise number of contents to control usage. Bulk commodities (such as salt) can be divided into packages that are a more suitable size for individual households. Symbols used on packages and labels
Many types of symbols for package labeling are nationally and internationally standardized. For consumer packaging, symbols exist for product certifications, trademarks, proof of purchase, etc. Some requirements and symbols exist to communicate aspects of consumer use and safety. Examples of environmental and recycling symbols include the recycling symbol, the resin identification code and the "Green Dot". Technologies related to shipping containers are identification codes, bar codes, and electronic data interchange (EDI). These three core technologies serve to enable the business functions in the process of shipping containers throughout the distribution channel.
Задание 30. Переведите на английский язык
Упаковка – элемент бренда, который играет важную маркетинговую роль. Грамотно разработанная упаковка, решает несколько важнейших задач.
Во-первых, упаковка – носитель символики бренда - логотипа.
Во-вторых, дизайн упаковки – инструмент выделения бренда из конкурентного окружения.
В-третьих, упаковка – носитель идеологии бренда.
В-четвёртых, дизайн упаковки – важный информационный носитель, который может рассказать» о продукте. Одного лишь креатива недостаточно, чтобы создать эффективный дизайн упаковки, разработка дизайна упаковки должна вестись в строгом соответствии с идеологией бренда, только тогда упаковка будет «работать» на конечную цель – увеличение объёмов продаж. Важно помнить, что разработка дизайна упаковки – длительный, сложный и трудоёмкий процесс, именно поэтому дизайн упаковки нужно доверять профессионалам в области packaging design. Но разработка упаковки не ограничивается только созданием дизайна, огромную роль в борьбе за внимание потребителя играет также и форма упаковки. Разработка упаковки оригинальной формы – это процесс, который непосредственно связан с техническими аспектами производства, следовательно, требует от агентства наличия специалистов в области индустриального дизайна.
Задание 31. Дополните вопросы (tag-questions)
1. The design process involves detailed regulatory requirements for the package?
2. Toxicologists and food scientists need to verify that the packaging materials are allowed by applicable regulations?
3. In many countries packaging is fully integrated into government, business, institutional, industrial and personal use?
4. Packaging can be described as a coordinated system of preparing goods for transport, warehousing, logistics, sale, and end use?
5. Package labeling (en-GB) or labeling (en-US) is any written, electronic, or graphic communications on the packaging?
6. Some requirements and symbols exist to communicate aspects of consumer use and safety, …
7. Additional materials were incorporated into packages to improve performance and functionality, …
8. Liquids, powders, and granular materials need containment?
9. Some types of information are required by governments?
10. Iron and tin-plated steel were used to make cans in the early 19th century?
Задание 32. Раскройте скобки и поставьте слово в нужной форме
1. Packaging can be described as a (coordination) system of preparing goods for transport, warehousing.
2. In many countries packaging is fully (integration) into government, business, institutional, industrial, and personal use. 3. Paperboard cartons and corrugated fiberboard boxes were first (introduction) in the late 19th century.
4. Keeping the contents clean, fresh, sterile and (safety) for the intended shelf life is a primary function.
5. Packages and labels (communication) how to use, transport, recycle, or dispose of the package or product.
6. Package design may take place within a company or with (variety) degrees of external packaging engineering.
7. Examples of environmental and recycling (symbolize) include the recycling symbol, the resin identification code and the "Green Dot".
8. Package (develop) involves considerations for sustainability, environmental responsibility, and applicable environmental and recycling regulations.
9. Packages can have features that add (convenient) in distribution, handling, stacking, display, sale, opening, reclosing, use, dispensing, and reuse.
10. Package design starts with the (identify) of all the requirements.
Задание 33. Ответьте на вопросы
1. What is packaging as a coordinated system?
2. What is package labeling?
3. What natural materials did the first packaged use?
4. What objectives do packaging and package labeling have?
5. What are technologies related to shipping containers?
6. What does package design start with?
7. What does package development involve?
8. What do three R’s stand for?
Задание 34. Составьте диалоги
1. Packaging – the science, art and technology.
2. Package design techniques.
3. Materials used in package industry.
Задание 35. Ответьте на вопросы о себе
1. Tell us a little about yourself (age, education)
2. What attracts you in our company?
3. Reason for leaving your last job.
4. What are your strengths as a specialist?
5. Convince me that you are the one who needs to be hired.
6. What was the main result of your work?
7. How wide was the range of tasks that were set before You?
8. Give an example from your past experience when you could not fully perform your duties.
Explain why.
9. What is more interesting for you personally, exciting process or the final result?
10. What are the main achievements you could name? What did not happen from what I would like to do and? Why? From what or whom it depended?
11. What difficulties did you face at work? What have you done? And if that didn't work, what would you do?
12When did you make your first money? Do you remember how you spent it?
13. Under what conditions is your work more effective?
14. What qualities do you value in people?
15. List the criteria by which you evaluate your employees. What do you pay bonuses for? Do you apply fines?
Задание 36. Заполните анкету
AGE ……….
E-mail ……
From ……. till …….
Задание 37. Составьте резюме по шаблону
… (First Name, Surname)
… (Address (Number of your house, Street, City, Region, Country))
… (Date of birth)
Cellular phone: … (Number), Home phone: … (Number)
OBJECTIVE To obtain a position as …
Apply my skills as …
A career in …
… (Dates) … (Position)
… (Title of company)
… (City)
Type of business - …
Major Duties:
- …;
- ….
- …;
- ….
… (Dates) … (Position)
… (Title of company)
… (City)
Type of business - …
Major Duties:
- …;
- ….
… (Dates) … (Title of educational institution, Major, Degree)
… (Dates) … (Title of educational institution, Major, Degree)
SKILLS Computer: … (Name of program)
Languages: … (Native and foreign)
HONORS … (Title, Awarding Organization, Date(s))
PUBLICATIONS … (Title and Type, Title of Publication, Publisher, Date Published)
PERSONAL … (Hobby etc.)
REFERENCES Available upon request
Задание 38. Составьте письмо о приеме на работу из фраз
I am applying for this vacancy as I reckon on progress from a senior manager to a managerial position with further career advancement opportunities.
I have always been interested in sales and
I have been striving for professional and personal development and strongly believe your organization is a well-run business.
I would like to work for your company.
Yours sincerely, / yours faithfully,
I would be glad to have an interview with you to give you a better idea about my experience and working potential.
I look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience.
I am writing to apply for the vacancy of a deputy sales manager advertised in the Jobs Today of 14 January 2017.
Задание 39. Переведите письмо
Dear Mr. Brams
I am writing with reference to your advertisement in Guardian. Can you give me some information about your proposal? I would like to receive a copy of your latest price-list. I also wonder if it is possible to get discounted price for buying in volume.
Thank you and I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely,
Kate Gordon
Sales Manager
T&K Corporation
Задание 40. Переведите письмо
Dear Mr. Murray,
Please accept our apologies for the recent problems you had regarding our delivery service.
Our company recently had experienced some problems with the software. The vendor has since applied a patch, and our systems are now 100% functional. Please be assured that you will receive your order not later, than the day after tomorrow.
To compensate for the inconvenience caused we have applied a 20% discount on equipment you ordered. We value your custom highly.
Nick Harley
Customer Service Manager
Задание 41. Составьте договор, заполните пробелы
«___» _________ 20___
(A) __________, a legal entity established and organized under the laws of __________, located at __________ ("Supplier") and
(B) __________ LLC, a legal entity established and organized under the laws of the __________ ("Purchaser")
Have concluded the present Сcontract as provided herein below:
2.1. The Supplier shall manufacture, deliver equipment ____________. The Purchaser shall accept and pay for equipment, tooling, facilities, spare parts and other related goods (hereinafter - "Goods"), in accordance with the Invoice. The Invoices are stated in accordance with purchase notifications (Annex №1) and specification №1 (Annex №2).
2.2. While performing their obligations under the Contract, the Parties are required to follow the provisions of the Contract and the __________ (__________) dated __________ (hereinafter - the "Global Terms and Conditions"), which are submitted to the Supplier at the time of signing this Contract. The Global Terms and Conditions shall apply as long as they do not contradict the applicable Russian legislation.
2.3. Term delivery of the Goods – not later than __________ - __________
3.1. All goods must be accompanied by relevant certificates issued in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation.
3.2. This product and all its parts, and materials used must be new, not previously installed.
3.3. Supplied goods should be quantitative measures in accordance with the Annexes to the agreement.
4.1 The Goods to be supplied shall be accompanied by the documents listed below. Any other documents will be subject to additional negotiations between Purchaser and Supplier.
4.2. The copies of the documents mentioned in items 1-8 shall be faxed and e-mailed by the Supplier within 24 hours after the shipment of the Goods at the addresses given by the Purchaser.
5.1. The term of delivery shall be __________, Russian Federation in accordance with INCOTERMS 20_____.
5.2. In case of any changes in the mentioned above delivery address (4.6 3), the Purchaser shall send a written notice to the Supplier informing about the new delivery address two (2) weeks prior to the date of shipment and will agree with the Supplier about the modification of the Letter of credit, if necessary.
6.1. The Purchaser shall check the Goods on conformity with the quantity, quality, and integrity of the packing as well as the conformity to the data specified in the shipping documentation, at the delivery address. The Purchaser shall confirm the receipt by the signing of the documents hereof
7.1. Goods should be packed up meeting requirements of normative documents and ensuring safety and quality of product during its transportation and storage.
8.1. The price of the Goods will be in Euro and will be indicated in the Annex №2. More detailed schedule of the Goods shall be specified in the Purchase Notification and in the Invoice.
9.1. The total maximum value of the Goods to be supplied under this Contract is _____________ Euro 00 eurocents (_______________ Euro 00 eurocents).
9.2. The total aggregate purchase price of all Goods purchased hereunder shall not exceed such amount.
10.1. All payments for Goods shall be made by means of documentary, irrevocable letter of credit opened in favor of the Supplier on the contract sum without VAT __________ Euro 00 eurocents (___________________ Euros 00 eurocents).
11.1. All notices, inquiries, invoices and other communications provided hereunder shall be forwarded by the Purchaser at the addresses and to the numbers set forth below:
12.1. If obligations for this Contract, annexes or additional agreements failed to be performed or are improperly performed, the Parties shall bear responsibility in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
13.1. The Parties shall be exempt from liability for full or partial failure to perform obligations under this Сcontract in case of force majors; the circumstances shall be testified by the Chamber of Commerce of the Russian Federation or by another appropriate body according to its established procedure.
The Parties shall treat all information under this Contract, financial, commercial and other information, including the information on costs and validity of the Contract, volume of supplies and plans on future cooperation of the Parties as confidential.
The Parties shall take efforts to resolve any disputes and claims resulting from or in connection with this Contract by negotiations.
This Contract shall become effective from the moment of it's signing by the Parties and will be valid till ___________, but in anycase until the full implementation of its obligations.
The Purchaser shall have the right to send its authorized representatives at any reasonable time to inspect and review any documents and materials in or under the Supplier’s possession or control, which concern the performance by the Supplier of its obligations.
18.1. This Contract has been executed in 2 (two) originals, each in the English and Russian languages. In case of any discrepancies the Russian text shall prevail.
18.2. All changes to this Contract are valid only if they are made in writing and signed by both parties.
19.1. The Supplier warranties:
19.1.1. That the delivered new goods meet the high standards for this kind of the goods by the date of signing the contract.
Задание 42. Расскажите кратко о знаменитом художнике России по следующей схеме:
- Occupation (writer/singer/artist/politician, etc.),
- Date of birth/place of birth,
- Childhood and family,
- Achievements (awards/famous pictures/roles, etc.),
- Your personal opinion about him/her.
Задание 43. Опишите картину. Схема описания – Приложения 2.
Перечень учебных изданий
- Бескоровайная Г. Т., Койранская Е. А., Соколова Н. И., Лаврик Г. В. Planet of English: учебник английского языка для учреждений СПО. — М., 2022.
- Голубев А. П., Балюк Н. В., Смирнова И. Б. Английский язык: учебник для студ. учреждений сред. проф. образования. — М., 2021.
- Голубев А. П., Коржавый А. П., Смирнова И. Б. Английский язык для технических специальностей, учебник для студ. учреждений сред. проф. образования. — М., 2023.
- Колесникова Н. Н., Данилова Г. В., Девяткина Л. Н. Английский язык для менеджеров, учебник для студ. учреждений сред. проф. образования. — М., 2023.
- catalog.iot.ru – каталог образовательных ресурсов в сети Интернет
- www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer
- www.itv.com/
- www.channel4.com/video
- www.channel4learning.com/
Приложения 1
Приложение 2
Описание картинки на английском, которое вы можете взять за отправную точку.
I’ d like to tell you about a picture that I like very much. It makes me feel happy, calm and sensitive. When I look at her my problems seem too little, and I forget about them. So, I don’t know the painter. I don’t know he is an amateur or a mateur artist. I can’t find information. I am not the expert in this field but I think it is a group portrait with elements of symbolism. Why do I like it?
This picture is watercolour painting. I believe that the author painted it from imagination. He tries to convey emotions and mood of two women, their happiness. Look at the composition. He places on the foreground two Japanese women which are represented standing. They are smilling and you can feel their happiness. They are dressing in luxury clothes. You should pay attention on the dresses which are coloured in typical ornament and colours of the country. On the background we can see the symbol of Japan. It is tree with pink leaves. It captured my attention. Also on the background you can see the house and the mountains. The artist don’t emphasize contours purposely. The sky is grey but it isn’t depressed. The colouring is great. There are many different and bright subtle colours which play with mind and immagination. Everything is combined into harmonious unity. The soft and delicate colours are dominated in the picture. You can see how the artist used the light and shade effects.
I think this picture is lyrical and poetic in tone and atmosphere. I like it very much because it gives me a sense of tenderness, happiness and peace of mind. In conclusion I would like to add that it is an unsurpassed masterpiece to me. I recommend everybody watching this picture.
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