Презентация урока «A Vegetarian Diet is the Key to a Long Life»
презентация к уроку (8 класс)
Цель презентации: пропаганда здорового образа жизни
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Цель проекта : Пропаганда вегетарианского здорового питания. Задачи: 1.Собрать материал по теме «Вегетарианская диета – это ключ к долголетию». 2. Поделиться своим опытом относительно вегетарианства. 3. Проконсультироваться с диетологом из Британского Вегетарианского Общества о целесообразности вегетарианской диеты. 4.Провести тестирование учащихся школы № 5 и узнать их отношение к питанию. 5.Сравнить результаты анализов крови на уровень холестерина до антихолестириновой диеты и после . 6. Проанализировать собранную информацию. 7 . Оформить материал.
Предполагаемые результаты: Оценить свое питание. Доказать , что вегетарианское питание – это правильный путь, чтобы быть здоровым и дожить до старости. Научить людей высчитывать дневную норму калорий индивидуально для каждого человека и узнавать по формуле , предложенной Глинном Оливером , индекс массы тела Провести пропаганду здорового питания.
GOOD HEALTH IS ABOVE WEALTH I wanted to know what kind of food the pupils of my school preferred. The results of research showed that the students (43%) liked junk food (meat, diary products, fast food ). A few students (21%) used healthy vegetarian food. That was the reason to promote a vegetarian diet.
MY EXPERIENCE . In my opinion you are what you eat. I think any food is food for the whole organism. It is very important to choose right food nowadays. Healthy food begins from the healthy products. I prefer to eat only healthy food because I don’t want to get ill or get fat. I support the vegetarians. I have read that they live 6 years longer. I am a vegan. When I became a vegetarian, my worldview changed. Vegetarian is a parallel Universe where 380 million people live. I never eat animals, fish and birds because they are my friends. When I see ham, I imagine a pig with a cute face and a kind heart. I really cannot eat friends. I don’t want to be eaten. I want to live too.
Mr. Oliver, a dietitian of B VS , gave the healthy diet recommendations. Eat at least 5 portions of variety of fruit and vegetables. Base meals on potatoes, bread, rice, pasta or other starchy carbohydrates. Include some dairy or diary alternatives such as soya drinks and yoghurts. Eat some beans, pulses, eggs and other proteins. Choose unsaturated oils and spreads and eat them in small amounts. Drink plenty of fluids, 6-8 glasses a day.
Benefits of vegetarian food. Carbohydrates : cereals, pulses and nuts. Proteins : soya, groundnut. Minerals :they help the body to eliminate excess of liquid and salt. Vitamins : A,B1,C,D. Folic acid -lettuce, spinach, tomatoes, cabbage etc.
9 health benefits of a vegetarian diet. May improve mood. May improve symptoms of psoriasis. May reduce incidence of diabetes. Reduces risk of cataract development. Reduces risk of cardiovascular disease. Less risk of stroke and obesity. Less chance of developing kidney stones. It can satisfy all your nutritional requirements. Vegetarians have low cholesterol.
Conclusion : Personally, I think that every man must think about his life, make right decisions. The health of a person is the main value in the life. There is no price for it . Being sick, you cannot realize all your dreams and be successful in the modern world.
Calculating Daily Calorie Needs. Nutritionists offer a formula М en : 66 + (13.7 х weight ) + (5 х height ) – (6.8 х age ); Women : 655,1 + ( 9,6 * weight) + ( 1,85 * height ) – ( 4,68 * age).
Mr. Glynn gave us know what a healthy BMI is. For most people, an ideal BMI is in the 18,5-24,9 range. If your BMI is higher than 25, you weigh more than is ideal for your height BMI WEIGHT RANGE below 18,5 underweight range 18,5-24,9 healthy weight 25 -29,9 overweight range 30-39,9 obese range TO WORK OUT YOUR BMI : W(kg) : H(m) : H(m)= BMI
Cholesterol lowering foods Legumes Avocados Nuts Whole grains Fruits and berries Dark chocolate Garlic Figs Broccoli Chinese Cabbage Wheat germ Lentils Salmon
PEOPLE, stop killing animals, please! Live in harmony with Nature. If you want to be healthy, use vegetarian food. Remember that Jesus Christ was a vegetarian, he loved all God’s creatures and we should be against blood, violence and wars.
We are for Healthy Food!!! I say No to junk food. I say Yes to healthy vegetarian diet! I can calculate my daily calories and my BMI I drink 2 liters of water every day! AND WHAT ABOUT YOU ?
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