6 класс итоговая работа. STARLIGHT
тест (6 класс)

Кожина Ирина Викторовна

Годовая контрольная работа 6 класс STARLIGHT 


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Вы услышите разговор двух подростков. Запишите одну цифру, которая соответствует номеру правильного ответа. Прослушайте запись дважды.

1.Sophie is happy because

а) she’s going to Russia on Saturday.    

 b) she has seen an interesting TV programme                c) she is going on holiday with her brother.

     2.Sophie’s holiday is

a)  a week long.       b) seven weeks long.         c) half a month long.

3. Sophie is going

a) to see the industrial centres of Russia.         b) to travel about old Russian towns.

c)  to see the biggest cities of Russia.

 4. As a present to Tom’s mother, Sophie is going to get

a) a toy.        b)   a nesting doll.           c)   a shawl.

5. Tom says that the Hermitage

a) is overcrowded.       b) must be visited by all means.      c) has a lot of rooms.

6. According to the dialogue, on the Day of the City

a)  St. Petersburg is full of people.       b) children wave flags.

c)  everybody goes to the Hermitage.

Итоговая диагностическая  работа по английскому языку

6 класс (1 вариант)        Starlight


Вы услышите разговор двух подростков. Запишите одну цифру, которая соответствует номеру правильного ответа. Прослушайте  запись дважды.

1.Sophie is happy because

а) she’s going to Russia on Saturday.    

 b) she has seen an interesting TV programme    

c) she is going on holiday with her brother.

 2.Sophie’s holiday is

a)  a week long.       b) seven weeks long.         c) half a month long.

3. Sophie is going

a) to see the industrial centres of Russia.        

 b) to travel about old Russian towns.

c)  to see the biggest cities of Russia.

 4. As a present to Tom’s mother, Sophie is going to get

a) a toy.        b)   a nesting doll.           c)   a shawl.

5. Tom says that the Hermitage

a) is overcrowded.       b) must be visited by all means.      c) has a lot of rooms.

6. According to the dialogue, on the Day of the City

a)  St. Petersburg is full of people.      

 b) children wave flags.

c)  everybody goes to the Hermitage.

II. Чтение (7-11)

Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствия между заголовками 1-5 и текстами А-E. Запишите выбранные буквы заголовков под соответствующими номерами текстов. Используйте каждый заголовок только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.

 1. What season is the best for visiting the hotel?

2. What can help people keep warm in the hotel?

3. Why do people stay in the hotel?

4. What places are there in the hotel?

5. How much does the hotel cost?

6. How many people can stay in the hotel? 

The Ice Hotel

A. Are you into skiing? Is winter your favorite time of year? If you like snow and ice, maybe you should stay at the Ice Hotel in Quebec, Canada. But, you can only check in to this hotel during the winter. Why? Because this hotel is made entirely of ice and snow!

B. This amazing hotel is built every December. It has thirty-two rooms, and eighty people can stay there each night.

C. The hotel has a movie theater, an art gallery, and a church. Of course, all of these parts of the hotel are made of ice. In fact, all the furniture, art, lights, and even plates and drinking glasses are made of ice.

D. Because this hotel is so unusual, it has become very popular. People from all over the world come to the Ice Hotel to look at the fantastic ice art, drink and eat from designer ice dishes, and experience the unique atmosphere. Some couples have even got married in the hotel’s ice church.

E. However, all the guests keep their winter coats on! Because of all the ice, the temperature inside the hotel is always between -2 and -5oC. Surprisingly, sleeping is not a problem in the freezing cold hotel rooms. Every guest gets a special cold-weather sleeping bag and some fur blankets. These keep them cozy and warm until morning.

III. Лексика, грамматика (12- 28)

A. Fill in the gaps with the following words (One word is extra):

crowded • encouraged • who • where • hunting • which• stunning • respect • clean up • experience • attracts• whose • spend

1. While I was on holiday in Africa, I took many photographs of the .........................landscape.

2. My mum ................................................me to become a volunteer at the local zoo.

3. We decided to...............the night at a hotel in the mountains .
4. It's important to...................the culture of a country you visit .
5. The streets of London are always ................... with people.

6. People should ...........................................................after themselves when they go to the beach

7. Climbing Mt Everest must be an amazing .......................

8. The Louvre ........................ many tourists every day.

9. This is a woman …. son works in a rescue team.

10. The hotel … we stayed last year was amazing.

11. What’s the name of the museum …is in St Petersburg?

12. Do you remember Irina …. used to live next door?

 B. Put the words  in the correct form:

13.Ted ______ to become a police officer.          A. is wanting    B. wants     C. want

14. Is Peter ______ for new flat?                          A. looks           B. looking    C. look

15. You ____ touch those animals. They're dangerous        A. mustn't     B. don’t have to     C. can’t

16.. How ____ onions do we need?           A. much       B. many       C. any

17 . There aren’t _____ strawberries in the fridge.         A. some     B. any        C. a

18. If she …(have) more free time, she would join a gym.    A would   B. has    C. had

19 . How do you prefer _____ by train or plane?        A. travelling     B.travel       C. to travel

20. 1.        I love swimming in ____________ Black Sea.    A.  a     B. ---      C. the

21 . If I had a lot of money, I_____________ a new house.

                A. will buy        B. would have bought          C. would buy

22. If he __________to the lake, he will take nice photos.     A. goes      B. will go      C. would go

23. Pizza is the food ______I tried in Italy.       A. where       B. which        C. whose

24. We _______already ________money for the homeless.

                     A. are/ raising      B. will/raise        C. have/raised

25. __Washington is ___ capital of ___ United States of America.    A.-  a the   B a the -   C.  – the the  

26. The new museum _________________in Moscow last month.

                        A. opened             B.      was opened       C. will be opened

27. The Tretyakov Gallery ____________by millions of tourists this year.

                A. will be visited       B. has been visited C. is visited

28.  Ellie ________ (write) a letter to her granny when mother _____________(call) her.

                              A.   wrote was calling     B.   had written    called      C.   was writing   called

Итоговая диагностическая  работа по английскому языку

6 класс (2 вариант)        Starlight


Вы услышите разговор двух подростков. Запишите одну цифру, которая соответствует номеру правильного ответа. Прослушайте  запись дважды.

1.Sophie is happy because

а) she’s going to Russia on Saturday.    

 b) she has seen an interesting TV programme    

c) she is going on holiday with her brother.

 2.Sophie’s holiday is

a)  a week long.       b) seven weeks long.         c) half a month long.

3. Sophie is going

a) to see the industrial centres of Russia.        

 b) to travel about old Russian towns.

c)  to see the biggest cities of Russia.

 4. As a present to Tom’s mother, Sophie is going to get

a) a toy.        b)   a nesting doll.           c)   a shawl.

5. Tom says that the Hermitage

a) is overcrowded.       b) must be visited by all means.      c) has a lot of rooms.

6. According to the dialogue, on the Day of the City

a)  St. Petersburg is full of people.      

 b) children wave flags.

c)  everybody goes to the Hermitage.

II. Чтение (7-11)

Прочитайте тексты и дайте ответ True, False, or Not stated.

1. The part of the hotel is made of wood.

2. This hotel is built every first month of winter.

3. There is a cinema in the hotel.

4. You can eat ice cream there every day.

5. It’s always cold inside.                                  

The Ice Hotel

A. Are you into skiing? Is winter your favorite time of year? If you like snow and ice, maybe you should stay at the Ice Hotel in Quebec, Canada. But, you can only check in to this hotel during the winter. Why? Because this hotel is made entirely of ice and snow!

B. This amazing hotel is built every December. It has thirty-two rooms, and eighty people can stay there each night.

C. The hotel has a movie theater, an art gallery, and a church. Of course, all of these parts of the hotel are made of ice. In fact, all the furniture, art, lights, and even plates and drinking glasses are made of ice.

D. Because this hotel is so unusual, it has become very popular. People from all over the world come to the Ice Hotel to look at the fantastic ice art, drink and eat from designer ice dishes, and experience the unique atmosphere. Some couples have even got married in the hotel’s ice church.

E. However, all the guests keep their winter coats on! Because of all the ice, the temperature inside the hotel is always between -2 and -5oC. Surprisingly, sleeping is not a problem in the freezing cold

hotel rooms. Every guest gets a special cold-weather sleeping bag and some fur blankets. These keep them cozy and warm until morning.

III. Лексика, грамматика (12- 28)

A. Fill in the gaps with the following words (One word is extra):

attracts, encourage, stunning, inspire, legend, species, rubbish, explorer, attempt, survive, signs, mammal, accurate.

1. Some drivers don’t always obey the road _______.

2. London _______ millions of tourists every year.

3. A cartographer is a person who draws very detailed and _____ maps.

4. My mum _______ me to become a volunteer at the local zoo.

5. While I was on holiday in Africa, I took many photographs of the ______ landscape.

6. Columbus was a (an) ___________________ who went on four voyages to “the New World”.

7. Leonardo da Vinci continues to __________ artists even today.

8. Thieves are often caught when they _________ to sell stolen property.

9. The story of Bolster the giant is a very well-known ________.

10. Half of the Pilgrims managed to ___________ the first winter.

11. The Siberian Tiger is the largest cat ______ in the world.

12. A dolphin is a _______that lives in the sea.

 B. Put the words  in the correct form:

13.____Urals separate ___Europe from ____Asia.   A.  – the -     B. the the a    C. the - -

14. Alice dreams of travelling to _____North Pole.       A.  a   B. the    C. --

15. Yesterday I ______ to school early in the morning.    A.  comed   B. comes     C.  came

16. What ___ you  at 6 p.m. on Saturdays?   A.   was doing     B.    did do     C. were doing

17. When   I   _________   Emma,   she _______over the phone.

                A.  saw  talked       B.   seeing    was talking       C.   saw    was talking

18. Ellie __________ a letter to her granny before her mother _______ her.

                    A.   wrote/ was calling     B.   was writing / called      C.  had writing /called

19. Charlie __   a big family. They ________ together in a cottage.

               A.   have   live      B.    has  living         C.   has    live

20.  ”Where is Charlie?” “He ____________ (walk) the dog!  

                       A.   walks    B.   has been walking     C.  is walking

21. I ______ to London five times.      A.  was     B.  have been      C. am being

22. What _____ the weather like last Sunday?    A.  is       B.     had    C.  was

23. ”Hi, Dan! Have you got plans for the weekend?”

“I ___________ (visit) my cousins Eva and Tom.”

  1.   will visit     B.    would have visited     C.  am visiting

24. I  have  a  birthday  party  next  weekend._    you ___(come)?

                          A. will come    B.  are coming       C. did come

25. After the guard on duty _________ (leave) his post, the thief ___________ (lift) the painting.

                    A.   lived  has lifted    B. left   lifted       C.    had left   lifted

26. Which river is________________ (long) than the Amazon?

                    A. the long      B.   longest        C.    longer

27.  The new airport________ so far.     A.   is built      B. have built      C.   has been built

28.  The trees _________     now in the garden.    

                             A.    is planted     B. are planting      C.   are being planted

Предварительный просмотр:


Итоговая диагностическая  работа по английскому языку

6 класс (1 вариант)  УМК «Starlight»


1A    2C    3B    4C    5B    6A


1A   2E    3D    4C    6B  

III. Лексика

1.stunning    2. encouraged    3. spend     4. respect      5. crowded  

6. clean up      7. experience      8. attracts    9. whose     10.  where

11. which      12. who

III. Грамматика

13B      14B     15A     16 B      17B      18 C     19 A     20 C    21C     22A     23B

24 C     25 C     26B    27B       28 C


Итоговая диагностическая  работа по английскому языку

6 класс (2 вариант) УМК «Starlight»


1A    2C    3B    4C    5B    6A


1False    2True    3True    4Not stated    5 True  

III. Лексика

1. signs     2. attracts   3. accurate     4.  encouraged    5. stunning

6. explorer      7. inspire     8.  attempt     9.  legend     10.  survive

11. species    12.  mammel

III. Грамматика

13C      14B     15C     16 B      17C      18 B     19 C    20 C    21B     22C    23C

24 A    25 C     26C    27 C       28 C

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