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учебно-методический материал (9 класс)

Хиль Ольга Андреевна

Данный материал будет полезен в рамках подготовки обучающихся к сдаче ОГЭ по английскому языку. Материал содержит 40 карточек по грамматике и ключи к ним. 


Предварительный просмотр:


1) RANG 2) DID 3)  YOURS 4) HAD NOT 5) LONGER 6) WOMEN’S 7)  HAVE LOST (можно LOST) 8) MINE 














1) him 2) best 3) were made 4) means 5) was born 6) 7) wrote 8) most popular 9) has been 




























1) CHILDREN 2)EATING (можно также TO EAT)  3) LEFT 4) THEM 5) WOULD DIE






































1) COULD 2) BOUGHT 3) WILL HAVE 4) WERE  WAITING                                                            5) WAS 6) YOUNGER 7) COST 8) FIRST 9)HERSELF




Предварительный просмотр:


Amy was clothes shopping. She was trying on new outfits when her mobile phone suddenly 1)__RING__. It was her friend Adam. He wanted to know if she needed any help __STUDY__ for their history test.
‘Yes, please!’ said Amy. ‘I 2 )__DO__ badly in the last test, so I really want to impress Mrs Sanders this time.’
They arranged to meet at Adams house at seven o’clock. ‘I can’t find my history notes, so remember to bring 3)__YOU__’ said Adam.
At eight o’clock, Amy still  4) __NOT ARRIVE__. Adam was not happy.
‘I can’t wait any5)  __LONG__,’ he thought to himself.
‘I’ll have to get the notes from someone else.’
He was just about to call his friend Tom when he heard a couple of6)  __WOMAN__ voices outside. It was Amy and an older woman. Adam opened the door. ‘Hi Adam,’ said Amy. ‘Sorry I’m a few minutes late. The bad news is that I 7)__LOSE__ my history notes too.’
Amy smiled. ‘But don’t worry because this is a good friend of 8) __ME__ and she’s a history teacher!’


The rouble is the currency of Russia. It 1) __BE__ in use for around five centuries.

Sometimes, the rouble used in Russia 2) __KNOW__ as the Russian rouble. This is because some other countries also call their currencies roubles.

In the 1700s, Russian roubles 3) __MAKE__ with precious metals such as silver, gold and platinum.

The Russian government  4) __BEGIN__ printing paper money until towards the end of the 1700s.

Russian rouble banknotes today have images of well-known places in Russia, as well as famous5) __MAN__ in Russian history.

The banknotes have modern features that stop 6)__THEY__ from being copied illegally.

The7) __HIGH__ amount that appears on a banknote is 5,000 Russian roubles. After that, there are banknotes worth 1,000, 100, 50, 10 and 5 roubles.

However, there are also 5- and 10-rouble coins, and these are used 8) ___COMMONLY__ than the 5- and 10-rouble banknotes.

Because 5-rouble coins are used so often, the government decided to stop 9)__PRINT__ the 5-rouble banknotes any more.


Frank’s birthday is on 6th July. Last year, he decided to have a big party for all his friends as it 1)__BE__ his sixteenth birthday.

In previous years, his parents had refused to let him have a party, so he 2)__FEEL__ very excited when they said yes this time.

‘This is going to be the 3) __GOOD__ party ever!’ he told his friend, Charlie. ‘Will you help me?’

‘Sure’ 4)__REPLY__ Charlie, because he liked the idea. So they started planning the party together.

Charlie and Frank had been to lots of 5) __PARTY__ so they knew what to do.

‘What we need is some good music,’ said Frank. ‘We’ve got lots of MP3s, but it would be great if we 6)__HAVE__ a sound system to play them really loudly.’

‘That’s a good idea,’ Charlie agreed. ‘My cousin is a DJ, so I’ll ask him if we can borrow 7) __HE__ equipment.’

‘I 8) __THINK__ your cousin was a policeman ’ Frank said, confused. Charlie told him that he had nineteen cousins.

‘Oh, yes, your family is much bigger than 9) __I__ ’ said Frank. ‘Just don’t invite them all to the party!’


Do you remember the 2012 Olympics? The opening ceremony 1) __DIRECT__ by award-winning film-maker Danny Boyle.

Not many people expected the ceremony to be very good, despite 2)__HE__ excellent reputation as a director.

But, in the end, it was very successful. Almost everyone who 3)__SEE__ it said it was fantastic.

The show 4) __WATCH__ by more than 900 million people and lasted for four hours.

Many of the various sections of the show contained lots of 5)__CHILD__ and young people.

The aim of the ceremony was to give the world a taste of the 6)__GOOD__ of British culture.

The sections featured everything from the Industrial Revolution to Britain’s literary heritage. These showed what the nation had achieved so far in 7) __IT__ history.

One part of the ceremony appeared to show the Queen parachuting into the stadium. This has helped make her 8)__POPULAR__ than ever.

Of course, she didn’t really jump from a helicopter. Everyone 9) __KNOW__ it was a joke.


Lisa was getting ready for bed. She’d iust brushed her1) __TOOTH__ and was deciding which book to read in bed.

As usual, she was thinking about a million other things at the same time. ‘Daddy’s got the 2) __INTERESTING__ job in the whole world,’ she thought.

I wonder if I’ll be a teacher like Daddy when I’m 3)__OLD__ ,’she then thought. ‘Maybe I’ll be an astronaut.’

She smiled to 4)__SHE__ at the idea of speeding through space in a spaceship.

Then she stopped 5)__SMILE__ . ‘But if I’m an astronaut. I’ll be away from my family, friends and cat.’

She 6)__KNOW__ it was impossible to be an astronaut and see her family all the time.

She 7) __MAKE__ a decision. ‘I won’t do that job, then. I want to see my cat every evening.’

At that moment, her cat Timothy 8)__COME__ into the room. Timothy looked at her, as if to say: ‘I want to see you every day, too.’

‘Now,’ said Lisa. ‘What book do you want  9)__I__ to read to you before bed tonight, Timothy?’


Red Square is a city square in the centre of Moscow. It 1) __CONSIDER__ by some people to be the centre of all of Russia.

Its name 2)__NOT COME__ from the red bricks that make up the square, nor from any connection to a type of government.

Rather, the word ‘red’ in Russian can also mean ‘beautiful’. As the square has grand and beautiful buildings, 3)__IT__ appearance is indeed lovely.

Originally, the square 4)__DESIGN__ to be a market-place, but it has also been used for other purposes.

Official ceremonies 5) __TAKE__ place there over the years, such as the crowning of tsars in past centuries.

Around the square, there 6)__BE__ several important buildings, such as the Kremlin and St Basils Cathedral.

In 1990. Red Square 7)__BECOME__ a UNESCO World Heritage Site, along with the Kremlin.

Red Square is also used for rock concerts 8)__THIS__ days. Performers such as Paul McCartney, Shakira and the Red Hot Chili Peppers have played there.

McCartneys band, The Beatles, was not allowed to play in Russia. McCartnev, however, was the 9)__TWO__ Beatle to perform in Russia, after Ringo Starr played there in 1998.


Celebrating Mother’s Day

One of the 1)__GOOD__ ways to celebrate Mother’s Day is to give your mom the day off. Let her take it easy and relax while all the other members of the family 2)__DO__ the work.

Many families begin Mother’s Day with breakfast in bed. Dad and the kids think that it 3)__BE__ the most pleasant and healthy way to let mom sleep late as they go to the kitchen and prepare her favourite meal. It can consist of anything your mom 4)__LIKE__.

After the food 5)__COOK__, try to do your best to arrange everything nicely on the tray. Don’t forget the vase with the single flower. When everything 6)__BE__ ready, carefully carry the tray to the bedroom. Cards and small presents from the 7)__CHILD__ can be placed on the tray before it is presented to mom, who at that moment 8)__SLEEP__ soundly and is not woken up either by the alarm clock or by the noise from the kitchen.

If you are eager to show what you 9)__DO__ already and can’t wait any longer, switch quietly mom’s favourite music on and enjoy the results of your surprise preparations.


Pablo Picasso

Many people realized that Pablo Picasso was a genius but he disappointed those who wanted 1)__HE__ to become a traditional painter. He was always breaking the rules of artistic traditions and shocked public with his strange and powerful pictures. He is probably 2)__GOOD__ known for his ‘Cubist’ pictures, which used only simple geometric shapes. His paintings of people often 3) __MAKE__ up of triangles and squares with their features in the wrong place. His work changed our ideas about art and, nowadays, to millions of people modern art 4) __MEAN__ the work of Picasso.

George Bernard Shaw

George Bernard Shaw, an outstanding Irish playwright and critic, 5)__BEAR__ in Dublin on July 26, 1856 to a poor protestant family. Later the family 6)MOVE__ to London. There he started writing novels and plays. Between 1892 and 1930 he 7)__WRITE__ over twenty plays, both tragedies and comedies. One of the 8) __POPULAR__ plays is ‘Pygmalion’. In many countries of the world this play always 9)__BE__ a great success with the public.


First Footing

It was believed that the first person to visit one’s house on New Year’s Day could bring good or bad luck.

Therefore, people 1) __TRY__ to choose a concrete person 2)__THEY__. That person was standing outside their houses ready to be let in the moment midnight came. To fulfill the ceremony, a dark haired man usually 3)__CHOOSE__ by people.

It4) __CANNOT__ be a woman, for she would bring bad luck. The first footer was required to carry three things: a piece of coal to wish warmth, a piece of bread to wish food, and a silver coin to wish wealth. In parts of northern England this custom 5)__OBSERVE__ still.

Easter Symbols

Many modern Easter symbols come from pagan times. The egg, for instance, 6) __BE__ a fertility symbol long before the Christmas era. The ancient Persians, Greeks and Chinese 7)__EXCHANGE__ eggs at their spring festivals. In Christian times the egg took a new meaning symbolizing the tomb from which Christ rose. The ancient custom of dying eggs at Easter times is still one of the 8)__POPULAR__.

The Easter bunny also originated in pre-Christian times. The rabbit was the most fertile animal our ancestors knew, so they selected it as a symbol of new life. Today, children enjoy candy 9)__BUNNY__ and are listening to stories about the Easter bunny, who brings Easter eggs in a fancy basket.


Bob Marley

Bob Marley 1)__REMEMBER__ by millions all over the world not only for his music but for his beliefs and his work for peace. Marley was the first superstar from the rural north of Jamaica. Poverty as well as ambitions 2)__DRIVE__ Bob to make music. His professional career began in 1962 when he made his 3)__ONE__ single. He and his group became a sensation in Jamaica and everywhere in the Caribbean. They identified with rebellious youth. But soon Marley’s life was to be changed by a new influence. In the early 1960’s the Rastafarian movement 4)__GROW__ in Jamaica, becoming more and more popular.

The Rastafarians believed that eventually all black people 5)__RETURN__ to their homeland to Africa. Marley was interested in religion and from 1967 his music 6)__REFLECT__ this. At the start of the 70’s his group 7)__BE__ still unknown internationally. But in 1971 while visiting Britain, they signed a contract with Island Records in London. The deal gave a big advance and access to the 8)__GOOD__ recording equipment. By 1975, when the single
‘No Woman, No Cry’ reached the charts, they 9)
__CONQUER__ Britain.


The Geography of the Russian Soul

There 1)__BE__ much mysterious in Russian history, in destiny of the Russian people and the Russian state. The relation between the Russian people and the huge Russian state still 2)__REMAIN__ a riddle in the geography of the Russian state.

Russia was influenced by its huge spaces. The Russian people 3)__FORCE__ to form a large state. The Russian soul is encircled by vast Russian fields and deep Russian snows. Russian space 4)__DOMINATE__ the Russian man instead of the Russian man dominating Russian space. 5)__THIS__ huge spaces are represented as the geographical factor of Russian history. But from a 6)__DEEP__, more internal point of view such spaces can be considered as the internal, spiritual fact of Russian destiny. It is the Geography of the Russian soul.

In the Russian 7)__MAN__ there is none of the narrow spirit of the European people. There 8)__BE__ none of this carefulness, the economy of space and time and the greatness of culture. Depth, strength, and sympathy are general 9)__CHARACTERISTIC__ of the Russian soul.


The Art of Forgetting

It’s amazing what we can remember and what we forget!

Six years after the death of Princess Diana, a famous magazine 1)__REPORT__ that every one of the famous people they had asked could remember the exact 2)__DETAIL__ of how they 3)__ONE__ heard the news of the princess’s death on August 31, 1997.

We remember such shocking and dramatic events 4)__WELL__ than any others but why do we forget anything? The things we most often forget are names (of things as well as people), numbers, dates and things we 5)__NOT UNDERSTAND__.

We also find it hard to remember anything when we 6)__EMBARASS__, ill or very tired.

However, forgetting is perfectly normal. There is, it seems, a limit to what we can remember. If we could remember everything, all the time, life 7)__BECOME__ impossible! As we get older, we lose more and more of 8)__MEMORY__, leaving only the 9)__IMPORTANT__.


Get Fit

After princess Diana 1)__DIE__ in 1997, the British Prime Minister, Tony Blair, called her ‘the people’s princess’. This was not only because she was very popular, but also because she did many things that ordinary people did. One of these things was to regularly visit her local gym.

Over the past twenty years, going to a gym 2)__BECOME__ an important part of many people’s lives. Nowadays, the fitness business 3)__BOOM__! But for many people fitness is not the main reason for going to a gym. They go because they are unhappy with their appearance. They want to change the way they look by losing weight and making their muscles 4)__FIRM__. Even the beautiful Diana was not satisfied with her body.

There are gym-goers, however, who exercise to improve their fitness. It 5) __MAKE__ them feel good.

They6) __DISCOVER__ that walking miles on a treadmill, or using a rowing machine has many physical benefits. They have more energy, their health 7)__IMPROVE__ and they feel less stressed. Studies have shown that regular exercise also 8)__HAVE__ many psychological benefits.

It improves confidence and self-esteem. People also report that when they are fitter, they can think 9)__GOOD__.


Extreme Sports

Heart-stopping activities such as mountain biking, snowboarding and skydiving 1)__KNOW__ as ‘extreme sports’. And they are attracting more and more people. Rock-climbing, for example, 2)__ENJOY__ now by more than half a million Americans. Only 50,000 were doing it in 1989.

One of the 3)__EXTREME__ of all these sports is BASE jumping. First done in 1980, BASE jumping is jumping off tall buildings, towers and bridges, using a parachute. It4) __BE__ dangerous, but of course, that’s why BASE jumpers love it. Like other extreme sports, it’s the risk of disaster that makes BASE jumping so exciting. As one BASE jumper 5)__PUT__ it,
‘There aren’t many injuries in BASE jumping; you either live or die’.

Some experts predict that extreme sports 6)__BECOME__ the major sports of the 21st century. They may become 7)__POPULAR__ than traditional favourites like soccer and baseball. One of the8) __REASON__ is that parents start taking their little kids to extreme sports shows. And 9)__TEENAGER__, also attending them, would like to do these dangerous sports in the near future.

What’s more, they are almost sure that they will be able to repeat their ‘deadly’ jump once again, like they always do in a computer game.



Once upon a time a personal diary was something you kept hidden away. It was where you wrote down your 1)__PRIVATE__ thoughts and feelings, knowing that no one else would read it. Then along 2)__COME__ the Internet, and now the idea of a private diary seems to be old-fashioned. 3)__THIS__ days many teenagers write diaries just for other people to read. In the USA alone, one in five teenagers 4)__HAVE__ their own web page. Their sites contain stories, poems and 5)__FILL__ with pictures and, of course, diaries. Many teenagers like writing online diaries because they feel free to write anything.

However, some people 6)__BE__ not sure that online diaries are a good idea. ‘Teenagers need to be careful what they write on the website’, says Patricia, a mother of three, who 7)__RUN__ her web site.

‘It’s playing with fire. You 8)__NOT KNOW__ who is visiting your web site and whether they will try to find you. And there are always people who find pleasure in finding and spoiling the 9)__DEAR__ moments of your life described in the diaries’, she adds.


Comic Books

Comic books started out as collections of comic strips from newspapers. They1)__KNOW__ as ‘funny books’, because the comic stripes were humorous. It wasn’t until the 1930’s that the first adventure stories started to appear. The heroes of these stories were characters like —- Tracy and the Phantom. But although they 2)__HAVE__ some cool gadgets, these heroes were still just ordinary people.

Then in June 1938 a new comic came out. It had a new kind of hero.

His powers were far 3)__GREAT__ than any normal person’s. His name was Superman, and he wasn’t just a hero; he was a superhero. Since Superman made his debut there 4)__BE__ many comic book superheroes. Most worked alone but sometimes they 5) __TEAM__ up with other superheroes. Today the most popular superhero team is the X-6)__MAN__.

Outside the USA comics have developed in different ways. Japanese comics (known as ‘manga’) include many more topics than American comics do. Topics range from giant robots and time travel to cooking, sport, romance and much more. There 7)__BE__ also a huge variety of artistic styles.

Although now manga comics 8)__START__ to become popular outside Japan, they still aren’t as well known as American comic books. Most people outside Japan wouldn’t know who Captain Hurlock was. But you can bet they 9)__HEAR__of Superman.


Driving to the airport in early morning, Nick and Ron were excited. As it was their 1)__ONE__ journey abroad without parents they felt excited and a bit nervous.

They 2) __ARRIVE__ in New York at about 10 p.m., and decided to go ahead and get some sightseeing out of the way. When they settled on the Empire State Building, the 86th floor was 3) __WINDY__ than they had expected.

Nevertheless, they got the 4)__GREAT__ view of the city.

The rain 5)__POUR__ when they woke up the next morning. But the boys only had two days in New York, so they had to get up and get on it.

The boys spent most, of the clay wandering around Times Square. They enjoyed 6)__WATCH__ all the people and the street performers.

They liked this city as it was always alive, always running from one thing to another. That’s why it 7)__CALL__ “the city that never sleeps”.

When Nick and Ron returned to the hotel to pack, they didn’t want to leave. Nick said: “New York is the best place I 8)__SEE__ ”.
Flying back home Nick thought: “I wish we 9) 
__SPEND__ more time in that amazing city!”.


Shopaholics are individuals who can’t control their spendings. For such 1)__PERSON__ buying something is like a tonic — it makes them feel great.

Spending often 2)__BECOME__ an addiction which is very hard to overcome.

Just recently my friend 3)__BUY__ a new sweater, although she already has one of the same style and color.

If you suspect that 4)__YOU__ friend is a shopaholic, there’s help available.

Many 5)__CITY__ have an organization called “Debtor’s Anonymous” for those who want to recover from overspending.

Of course, if you yourself 6)__BE__ a shopaholic, then this organization would be for you.

Follow the Twelve Steps to the 7)__GOOD__ of your ability, and they can help!

Doctors say that those individuals, who 8)__JOIN__ this organization already, have very good chances for recovery.

If you want to know more, the website 9)__TELL__ you a lot about the program.


Berkham is a small town situated high in the mountains. It is 6,000 feet above the sea level.
The town 1)__SURROUND__ by a very thick forest of pine trees.
2)__THIS__ plants make the air clean, but they are also a great danger to the town and its residents.
Berkham gets very little rainfall during the year but the summer temperatures are very high. So, the town 3)__SUFFER__ from droughts since 2010.
To protect the 4)__PERSON__ living in Berkham from fires thousands of trees are going to be removed over the next five years. It will cost the government more than 3 million dollars.
The government is planning to clear the area of 4,000 square miles. At 5)__ONE__ the brush will be removed and then the trees will be cut down.
The mayor said last week that very soon the town 6)__BECOME__ a much safer place to live in.
The residents look forward to the tree removal.
It will help 7)__THEY__ town to survive future fires which are regular in this area.
“However, there 8) __BE__ two big problems with all this tree removal,” one resident said.
“All the extra trucks are going to make traffic 9)__BAD__ than it is now. Also, when the area is cleared, we have to make sure bikers don’t try to make it their personal playground.”


The National Museum of Natural History is part of the Smithsonian Institution, the 1)__OUTSTANDING__ museum and research complex in the world.

The Museum 2)__DEDICATE__ to inspiring curiosity, discovery, and learning about the natural world through its exhibitions, and education programs.

Opened in 1910, the museum on the National Mall was the 3)__ONE__ Smithsonian building.

There 4)__BE__ different exhibitions that educate and entertain millions of visitors each year.

Scientific research lies at the heart of the Museum’s work. Many exhibits 5)__GATHER__ during scientific expeditions.

Since 1910 the National Museum of Natural History 6)__CARRY__ out research all over the world.

The main building on the National Mall contains 1.5 million square feet of space overall and as people say soon it 7)__BECOME__ even bigger.

The museum has a very interesting history: during World War I, American Special Forces 8)__OCCUPY__ the building from 1917 to 1919. Through its research, collections, education and exhibition programs, the museum 9)__SERVE__ a source of pride for all Americans.


The easiest way to understand the nation is to read the books of 1)__IT__ authors.

How can we imagine British 2)__PERSON__ without that special humor of British writers!

This humor 3)__NOT/MAKE__ you laugh, but smile!

Of course, the most well-known playwright of British literature 4)__BE__ William Shakespeare.

But at the end of the 19th century the Irish author, Oscar Wilde successfully 5)__CONTINUE__ the traditions of British drama. As for American literature, it is 6)__YOUNG__ than British. It started only in the 17th century.

A famous American writer of the 18th century, Benjamin Franklin is considered by Americans as 7)__THEY__ founding father.

Another outstanding American writer is Ernest Hemingway. He is one of the most famous writers of the 8)__TWENTY__ century. In his books we can see that to win, a man has to learn to win 9)__HE__ first.


Just like Santa Claus at Christmas time, Grandfather Frost brings gifts to 1)__CHILD__ on New Year’s Eve.

Grandfather Frost used to be known in Russia as “the Frost.” Country people did not know exactly what he looked like and what he liked 2)__EAT__, but they knew his strong personality well.

So people 3)__LEAVE__ gifts of food for the Frost so that his icy touch would not spoil their crops.

Grandfather Frost is also a character in legends and fairy-tales. One of 4)__THEY__ runs that once there was a woman who had both a daughter, whom she loved, and a step-daughter, whom she hated.

One day, the woman ordered her husband to take her stepdaughter out into the winter forest. She hoped the girl 5)__DIE__.

The Frost found her there. As the girl was polite and kind to him he gave her a lot of beautiful things, diamonds and fine clothes. After a while, the stepmother sent the 6)__GIRL__ father to bring back her body, but the girl came back, beautiful and happy.

When the stepmother saw what she 7)__BRING__ she had an idea.

She said: “If you take my daughter out into the forest she 8)__GET__ even more diamonds and precious things”.

But the girl was rude to the Frost and 9)__FREEZE__ to death.


English as a foreign language has been popular for quite a long time. I love 1)__SPEAK__ English so I use any opportunity to do it.

Actually, I 2)__STUDY__ English since my primary school.

But I 3)__NOT/THINK__ my eleven-year English learning is very effective.

When I 4)__LEAVE__ primary school, all I had learnt was very limited vocabulary, basic greetings and asking for directions.

In high school, 5) __WE__ English classes consisted of very easy listening practice and writing an article within 150 words.

However, when I came to Singapore for one year English course, things that I 6)__TEACH__ there were totally different.

During my course there, I was suddenly exposed to 7)__ADVANCED__ English than I had studied before.

Our tutors explained to us how to be an effective reader, do critical thinking and write academic 8)__ESSAY__ on our own.

That was the 9)__ONE__ time I had to think in English.


After leaving school young individuals face the dilemma of what career path to follow. They constantly ask 1)__THEY__, “What should I do in life?”

And very often they 2)__ADVISE__ to consider a career in medicine, law, banking or teaching.

Advice like this may come from a friend or a classmate. However, most of the time, such advice 3)__COME__ from the parents.

The fact is, many parents want the best for their children and therefore often push them into jobs where they believe that their child 4)__BE__ financially successful.

As a result, the majority of school leavers wish they 5)__CAN__ become doctors, lawyers, accountants and teachers.

And it is hard to find 6)__THAT__ who wish to be painters or charity workers.

Career choices today 7)__GET__ wider.

Earlier, school leavers 8)__FACE__ the lack of choices.

But today they have 9)__MANY__ choices. So it all comes down to making the right career choice.


Tom was a little boy, and it was his 1)__ONE__ day at school.

Tom 2)__TAKE__ to school by Lucy, their housekeeper.

The boy liked Lucy but he didn’t like 3)__SHE__ for taking him to school.

The school building was very ugly to Lucy and the boy. She wished he 4)__NOT/HAVE__ to go to school.

School 5)__SMELL__ strange, and sad, and frightening like everything new.

The classroom was full of humming little boys and girls. Miss Winney, their teacher, suddenly asked Betty Mayers what she 6)__CHEW__.
“Gum,” said Betty.

The next morning on the way to school Tom 7)__BUY__ a package of Spearmint. In the hall he saw Betty and said:” What in the world are you chewing?” “Tutti-frutti.”

It was such an awesome word that the boy repeated it to 8)__HE__ all day even when he came back home after school.

“What’s that?” said his father who was going to read his evening newspaper as usual.
“Gum,” Tom said. “The kind Betty Mayers chews.”
“Tell me 9)
__MUCH__ about your classmates.”


Everyone’s school days have the memories they can treasure for life. School days 1)__BE__ joyful and funfilled.

In my school days, I had many friends. I had two 2)__GOOD__ friends. They were very nice to me. Every teacher in my school liked us.

Since my childhood, I 3)__NOT/COMPLAIN__ to anyone for anything. I just had everything. I miss my school days. The 4)__EXCITING__ part used to be ‘the exchange of lunch boxes’.

Usually I and my best friend liked each other’s lunch and soon we 5) __DEVELOP__ a habit of exchanging lunches.

Also we used to share our secrets. We used to play 6)__WE__ own created games and draw for fun.

My childhood was really amazing and simple. We 7)__FIND__ fun in simple but beautiful things. We sometimes played in the rains, made paper boats, ate ice-creams and enjoyed every drop of water.

These were some of the stuff of my school and childhood, which I remember today as sweet 8)__MEMORY__.

I wish God 9)__MAKE__ everyone’s childhood days as carefree as mine.


Have you played Angry Birds? If not then you shouldn’t! This game is hard to stop 1)__PLAY__!

Someone brought this Rovio’s virus in class and three days later all my classmates 2)__INSTALL__ it on their phones and computers.

Mum said she 3)__CONSIDER__ it senseless. Dad said, in his days he would enjoy riding a bicycle and other more useful activities after school.

Between the break bells and in the classroom, we ‘4)__THROW__’ poor birds at bad pigs hiding stolen eggs in their houses, on the islands and on the planets.

At home I 5)__NOT/CAN__ start my homework. The game took all my free time.

‘Children like games where something can 6)__RUIN__’, our school psychologist explained.

We knew there 7)__BE__ an Angry Birds wallpaper on her computer!

Since that time, I 8)__DOWNLOAD__ other games that I enjoy more.

But I often find 9)__I__ coming back to Angry Birds.


Last week I 1)__DECIDE__ to watch a film in French!

I 2) __LIVE__ in France for five months now and I have been studying the language for eight years and I was still yet to see a film, in French, at the cinema.

So we went to the cinema at Part-Dieu shopping centre in Lyon and prepared 3)__WE__ for two hours of nonsense.

We chose to watch a modern-day remake of Disney’s well 4)__KNOW__ Beauty and the Beast.

As we knew the storyline by heart, we hoped that it would make the film a bit 5)__EASY__ to watch.

I felt very happy leaving that cinema room. It was the 6)__ONE__ time I’d understood so much from a French film at the cinema.

The film probably7) __BE NOT__ the most difficult one, but it was still such a relief to understand nearly everything!

I know that it may seem crazy to travel to another country just to go the cinema, but if you ever have a spare minute on your trips, and you speak the language, I 8)__RECOMMEND__ a trip to the cinema!

You 9)__SEE__ a film in the language you’re learning, haven’t you?



O’Henry whose real name was William Porter (1862-1910) 1)__BE__ one of the 2)__MANY__ popular writers both in America and in Europe.

He 3)__TRY__ various professions before he turned to journalism. He worked at a chemist’s and then in a bank. Although he was innocent he was accused of having stolen one thousand dollars and was put in prison. It was there that he 4)__BEGIN__ to write his short stories. First they 5)__PUBLISH__ in magazines and later in the collections like The Four Million (1906), Heart of the West (1907), The Roads of Destiny (1909) and many others.

Their heroes are ordinary American people 6)__LIVE__ in big 7)__CITY__ or in the wild West. Great humour is an outstanding characteristic of most of O’Henry’s stories.



One day two, friends 1)__SIT__ in a restaurant. One of them, a Scotsman, told his friends he 2)__BET__ ten shillings that he could eat a turkey and three pounds of sausages. Of course his friends 3)__BELIEVE__ this. So the turkey 4) __ROAST__ and put before him on the table. With great astonishment his friends watched him 5)__EAT UP__ the bird. And after some minutes he also swallowed the three pounds of sausages! So they had to pay the money.
The Scotsman finally drank some 6)
__GLASS__ of beer and then went home together with one of his friends. But when they arrived at the front door of his house, the Scotsman said to his friend:
«Please don’t tell my wife that I 7)
__EAT__ so much.»
«Why not?» asked his friend.
«Because she would give me no supper», — the Scotsman answered.


Scotland 1)__BE__ an independent kingdom, often at war with England until 1603. Since 1603 England and Scotland have been under the same monarch.

English 2)__SPEAK__ all over Scotland with different accents. One of the traditional Scottish 3)__LEGEND__ is that there is a monster in Loch Ness. Hundreds of people have reported 4) __SEE__ a creature in the lake.

Though it turns out that people see trees or waves in the water, there are several cases that cannot be explained. The lake is 23 miles long and very deep, so it is very difficult to explore, and the mystery of the Loch Ness Monster still 5)__CONTINUE__ today.
Nessie became a national joke and is on many local postcards and T-shirts. Sometimes she 6)
__RUN OFF__ with a sheep in her mouth, sometimes she is blowing the bagpipes. From time to time young people make mysterious footprints on the loch side or produce photographs of the Monster for fun. In the last few years, however, there have been several serious expeditions to Loch Ness and a lot of very interesting facts 7)__COLLECT__. It is very hard to say now that the monster does not exist.



Blind people can learn to type by 1)__FEEL__ the keys but they can’t find and correct a mistake. In order to help blind people use a computer Dr. Tom Vincent 2)__MAKE__ a system that reads aloud what has been typed. He added a voice to a cheap microcomputer.

The computer 3)__PROGRAMM__ to repeat each letter as it is typed and to read what is displayed on the computer screen — it can be a letter, a word or the whole sentence. It is programmed to pronounce English words. If a word is not in 4)__IT__ memory the computer5) __SPELL__ it. Any mistakes can easily be corrected. When the text is complete, a printed copy can 6)__MAKE__ in the usual way. The system has won a prize and is already in use, so blind students at a college in Wales can use computers.

Dr. Vincent 7)__WORK__ now at an optical sensor that can recognize printed words and read them aloud.


One dark night a young man was going home from the railway station.

It was very late and there 1)__BE__ very few people in the streets. The young man was very nervous because he had never returned home so late.

Suddenly he 2)__FEEL__ that somebody 3)__FOLLOW__ him. The young man thought that it was a robber and decided to walk as quickly as he 4)__CAN__ . When he looked back he saw that the man was still following him. The young man turned round and asked:

«What 5)__YOU WANT__? Why are you following me?» «I am going to see Mr. Brown,» said the man, and the porter at the station told me: «If you follow this young man, you 6)__FIND__ his house easily, he 7)__LIVE__ next door to Mr. Brown.»


Mrs. Darling returned to the nursery, and 1)__FIND__ Nana with 2)__SOME__ in her mouth, which proved to be the boy’s shadow. As he leapt at the window Nana had closed it quickly, too late to catch him, but his shadow had not had time to get out.
You may be sure Mrs. Darling 3)__EXAMINE__ the shadow carefully, but it was quite the ordinary kind. Nana had no doubt of what was the best thing to do with this shadow. She hung it out at the window, meaning «He is sure to come back for it; let us put it where he can get it easily without 4)__DISTURB__ the children.» But Mrs. Darling could not leave it hanging out at the window. She thought of 5)__SHOW__ it to Mr. Darling, but she knew exactly what he 6)__SAY__:
«It all 7)__COME__ of having a dog for a nurse.»


One night I 1)__BE__ alone at home with my ten-year-old daughter. She woke me up in the middle of the night: «Mum, mum! There was a man outside the house.

He 2)__WATCH__ me through the window!»

I 3)__LOOK__ out of the window. I could see the shape of a man outside. Who was he? What was he doing there?

I went downstairs hardly daring to breathe, afraid that he would hear my movements. I reached for the telephone, lifted the receiver and dialed 999.

The police answered and I explained what 4)__HAPPEN__.

They said that they 5)__COME__ at once. Soon a police car 6) __STOP__ in front of the house. I hurried downstairs and opened the front door. A police officer came in. «What has happened?» he asked. After listening to my story he went out and after a while returned. «It’s all right,» he said.

«I 7)__JUST SEE__ that man. He is walking his dog.»


Good luck, Carl!

Carl Osbourne lives in Glasgow. He ought to be in The Guinness Book of Records because he 1)__HAVE__ a terrible time this year. The trouble started one fine morning at the beginning of January when Carl 2)__FIND__ that his car 3)__DISAPPEAR__ from his garage. He hasn’t seen it since that time! In February he bought a new car, but two weeks later he crashed it into a lamp-post.

Three days ago Carl 4)__SIT__ on a seat that had been pained only a few seconds before.

He 5)__WEAR__ a brand-new suit that he had bought only the previous week. In summer Carl spent his holiday at the seaside. When he arrived home, he discovered that his house had been broken into.

Now poor Carl 6)__KNOW__ what he has done to deserve this bad luck.

He just hopes that his luck 7)__CHANGE__ soon.


Coming out from the mountain pass we travelled among the fields 1) __COVER__ the great plain. Soon we entered the city through one of its four gates. The flat roofs of the houses on either side of the streets 2)__CROWD__ with people. They threw flowers to us and cried, «Welcome, princess! Welcome, princess of the Otomie!»

When we 3)__REACH__ the great square, crowds of people greeted the princess with such loud shouts that it seemed as if the earth shook with the sound. They greeted me, too, by touching the ground with their right hands, but I think the horse I rode aroused 4)__GREAT__ curiosity than myself.

Most of them 5)__NEVER SEE__ a horse before and looked at it with fear. Suddenly Otomie asked me:

«Do you believe that the Spaniards 6)__RETURN__

«So surely as tomorrow’s sun shall rise»

«I fear you 7)__BE__ right», she answered sadly.


axophonist Kenny G is now the world’s 1)__SUCCESSFUL__ jazz musician. He was bom in 1956 as Kenny Gorelick in Seattle, USA, and he learned to play the saxophone at an early age. When he was just fifteen years old, he 2)__TOUR__ Europe with his High School band for a month. After 3)__STUDY__ at Washington University he started his career as a musician. In 1982 he sighed for Arista records and his first solo album 4)__MAKE__. Success came slowly at first, but by the 1990s Kenny 5)__BECOME__ well-known on the international music scene. He released Breathless, his most popular album so far in 1993, and in 1994 won the Best Artist award at the 21s* American Music Awards held in Los Angeles. As well as making records, he also found time to play in front of another famous saxophone player – US President Bill Clinton – At the ’Gala for The President’ concert in Washington, and to break the world record for playing a single note (45 minutes and 47 seconds) at the J&R music World Store in New York in 1997.

During the last 20 years, Kenny 6)__PLAY__ with superstars like Aretha Franklin, Michael Bolton and Whitney Houston and he has sold more than 36 million albums worldwide, in spite of the fact that he hasn’t sung a note! And it’s not his limit. Nobody 7)__KNOW__ what will be in future.


Last week my friends 1)__GO__ to the London Eye. When they arrived, the queue was huge. The people 2)__WAIT__ for more than an hour. Luckily though, they 3)__NOT MUST__ wait more than ten minutes, because Harry had already bought the tickets on the Internet. The view from the top was wonderful. Beth was particularly excited because when she was little she used to be scared of high places, but not anymore.

Ann 4)__BRING__ her camera with her — she wanted to take hundreds of photos. Unfortunately, while she 5)__TAKE__ a photo of Peter and Harry, the camera slipped from her hands and fell onto the floor. Since then it 6)__NOT WORK__ properly. Ann is sorry about it but her camera is rather old. And her father promises to buy a new one when it 7)__BE__ her birthday.


Mrs Evans went to a large local cinema one summer afternoon. Half-way through the film there was the usual interval, so people1) __CAN__ buy sweets, chocolates and ice-cream.

Mrs Evans rarely 2)__BUY__ anything in the cinema, but that time she was feeling hot, so she thought,

“I 3)__HAVE__ an ice-cream to cool me. I certainly need it”

Quite a lot of people 4)__WAIT__ to buy ice-creams from the girl who was selling them, so Mrs Evans waited for her tum.

There 5)__BE__ a small boy in front of her.

He was much 6) ___YOUNG__ than the other children there.

When it was his turn, he offered the girl ten pence and asked for an ice-cream, but it 7)__COST__ twenty pence, so the girl smiled and said, “I want another ten pence, please”

The small boy put the coin back in his 8)__ONE__ pocket, put his hand in the other pocket, took out another ten pence coin and offered that to the girl.

Mrs Evans was so amused that she paid the other ten pence 9)__SHE__.

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