конспект урока "Образование в англоязычных странах" (9 класс)
план-конспект урока (9 класс)
разработка открытого урока по учебнику Кузовлева В.П. "Английский язык"
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Предварительный просмотр:
Муниципальное казенное общеобразовательное учреждение «Средняя школа №10»
Республика Дагестан г. Избербаш ул. Ленина 6
Открытый урок в 9 «а» классе
на тему:
"The system of school education in English-speaking countries and in our country"
Провела: Саидова Г.М., учитель английского языка МКОУ СОШ №10
2021-2022 учебный год
Цель урока: систематизаций знаний по теме «Education»
Задачи урока:
- повторение, обобщение и систематизация знаний учащихся по данной теме.
- развитие речевых умений.
- развитие умения запрашивать информацию с помощью вопросов.
- развитие способности к осмысленности восприятия и развитие способности к сравнению и сопоставлению фактов.
- способствовать формированию интереса к системам образования в англоязычных странах.
Планируемые образовательные результаты
Предметные: Воспроизводить основные коммуникативные типы предложения на основе моделей и речевых образцов в устной речи; оперировать в процессе общения активной лексикой в соответствии с коммуникативной задачей; участвовать в диалоге.
Метапредметные: Развитие коммуникативных способностей школьника; расширение общего лингвистического кругозора школьника; формирование мотивации к изучению иностранного языка;
Личностные: Формирование положительного отношения к фактам культуры других стран, осознание своей культуры через контекст культуры англоязычных стран, развитие умения представлять свою культуру, воспитывать готовность к коллективному творчеству.
Формы работы: Фронтальная, парная, индивидуальная, групповая
Оснащение урока: доска, компьютер, проектор, презентация, карточки с заданиями.
1.Организационный момент.
Приветствие, сообщение о теме и характере работы на данном уроке.
Good morning! I am very glad to see you and hope that you are ready for the lesson and you are in a good mood. Today the theme of our lesson is "The system of school education in English-speaking countries and in our country". Today we’ll speak about the role of knowledge in our life. Our task is to remember and discuss all aspects of school education which are typical of Great Britain, the USA and our country.
2. Warming-up. Для настройки учащихся на беседу по теме используется высказывание. Teacher: There is a saying about education. Let’s read and translate it.
“Education brings a child the world”. (How do you understand it? The more a man knows, the more opportunities he has. Knowledge gives a man great power. Everybody must try to increase his knowledge.)
Do you share this opinion? Why? (Do you agree?)
Knowledge is power, isn’t it?
Where do you get knowledge? (from books, magazines, TV, the Internet)
Do you try to learn all subjects well?
Do you try to broaden your outlook?
3. Развитие речевых навыков.
Teacher: The more we learn – the more we know,
The more we know – the more we forget,
The more we forget – the less we know.
So why study?
So, “Why do you study? Why do you go to school?”, “Is education important?”
Pupils: I go to school to _______.
4. Phonetic practice. Teacher: Now let’s remember proverbs about learning. Match the proverbs and their Russian equivalents. Repeat it after me, please.
Live and learn. - Век живи, век учись.
It’s never late to learn. - Учиться никогда не поздно.
Practice makes perfect. - Повторение – мать учения.
A little learning is a dangerous thing. - Недоученный хуже ученого.
Learning is an eye in the mind. - Учение – свет, а не ученье - тьма.
Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.- Никогда не откладывай на завтра то, что можешь сделать сегодня.
Teacher: At home you were to prepare the phonetic reading of the poem “Today is yours". Read it, please.
Today is yours
Don't wait till tomorrow
to reach out and grow,
To learn something interesting
you didn’t know.
Don't wait till tomorrow
to find ways to share,
To make a new friend,
really show that you care.
Don't wait till tomorrow
to follow your heart,
To savor the beauty
that life can impart.
Don't wait till tomorrow
to let yourself start…
Take time to do it today!
What is the idea of the poem?
5. Активизация лексических навыков. Teacher: Now let’s revise the vocabulary. Match.
Teacher: Give the definition for the following (using active vocabulary from our theme):
– the process of teaching or learning, usually in a school or college (education).
– to go to (school) (attend).
- a school for children between 3 and 6 years old that prepare them for school – kindergarten (nursery school)
–a school for children between the ages 7 to 10 – primary school
– a school for children between the ages of 11 to 18 – secondary school
– a set of clothes that school children wear so that they all look the same (school uniform).
– an organization for people who have the same interest or enjoy similar activities – club
– one of the twelve years you are at school in the USA – grade
- to get good results for exams – to pass exams
6. Совершенствование навыков чтения
Teacher: Read the text a bout school uniform and say if the statements below the text are true, false or not stated.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
a | a | c | b | c | a | A | b |
7. Развитие навыков монологической речи
Teacher: Get ready to answer some questions about school uniform.
8*. Teacher: Now listen to my statements, express your agreement or disagreement.
- Most children start primary school at the age of 5. (true)
- Children stay at secondary school to the age of 18. (false-to the age of 16)
- At the age of 16 students take an examination called GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education). (true)
- At the end of each stage of education students take A-Level exams. (false –at the age of 18, at the end of the 6th form)
- Most schools are mixed both for girls and boys. (true)
- Many British students learn a foreign language from the age of 7. (false –from the age of 11)
- Most British students study French, but Spanish and Italian are also popular. (true)
- Students have a break for lunch for an hour. (true)
- The lessons finish at 6 o’clock in the afternoon. (false – at 4 o’clock)
- There are a lot of extracurricular classes in British schools. (true)
- Eton, Harrow and Winchester are very popular independent schools in Britain. (true)
9. Физминутка
Teacher: Now let’s relax. Look at the word and name as many words as you can for each letter.
e – enter, entrance, exam, elementary
d – discipline, drama
u – university
c – curriculum, compulsory, comprehensive
a – attend, ability, activity
t – treat, tolerance, trust
i – institute, ideal
o – optional
n – national exam, nursery school
*Учитель предлагает выполнить упражнение для улучшения мозгового кровообращения: наклоны головы. Вправо – влево. Назад – вперед. http://ecosounds.net/zvuk-lesa/atmosfera-dnevnogo-lesa/
*9. Fill in the missing words.
1. State schools provide _______(free) education in Great Britain.
2. There are no ________ (entrance exams) in comprehensive schools in Great Britain.
3. At the end of each stage pupils in Great Britain have _______ (national exams).
4. Secondary education in Great Britain and in Russia is _______(compulsory).
5. If pupils want to study at a grammar school, they have to _______ (pass 11+exams).
6. Kindergartens, nursery classes are ______(optional) in many countries.
7. Parents pay for education in ______ (private schools).
8. All schools in Great Britain follow the same ______ (National curriculum).
9. After finishing school in Russia pupils get ______ (a certificate of complete secondary education).
10. To enter the University in the USA students have to take ________ (SAT Scholastic Aptitude Test).
11. Project work. Teacher: Now let’s compare three systems of education. English schools, American schools and Russian schools. Each group should do a project about of these systems of education. Your time is limited. You have 5 minutes to do this task. (Чайковский ВАЛЬС ЦВЕТОВ)
12. Teacher: Exams are always stressful. Let’s revise some conversational phrases which help to calm and reassure your partner.
Фонетическая отработка фраз.
There is nothing to worry about.
I shouldn’t worry if I were you.
I’m sure things will turn out fine in the end.
Try and look on the bright side.
Teacher: Диалоги по предложенным ситуациям. Tell your partner that you are afraid of or worry about
- your future exam
- your test results
- your further education
13. Teacher: We’ve spoken a lot about education and schools. Let’s sum up all things that are necessary in modern school. What things are the most important for it?
- curriculum
- a range of subjects
- number of students
- teachers
- school community
- location
- equipment
- timetable
- location
Imagine an ideal school. What school are you dreaming of? Put the criteria in the order of importance.
I’d like to study in a school where there is / there are ....
I’d like to have a .... in my dream school
There will be ... in my school.
14. Teacher: Homework (Write a letter about your school).
Thank you for your work!
15. Reflexion
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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