Present Simple Tense для 5-6 классов
материал (5 класс)

Сабитлова Елена Олеговна

Отработка Present Simple


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Предварительный просмотр:


1. Write the correct 3rd Person form.    Remember the spelling rules!                              

eat _________       do ________        d

study ________    watch ________

drink ________     read ________        

make ________    learn ________

tidy __________   play _________

2. Complete the sentences. Use Present Simple affirmative.

1. My brother _________ (play) football.

2. We _________ (eat) hamburgers.

3. I _________ (study) French.

4. My friends _________ (listen) to jazz.

5. My mum __________ (like) classical music.

3. Make the sentences negative.

1. I eat pizza.


2. My brother studies German.


3. We play computer games.


4. Harry likes sport.


5. They drink water.


4. Choose the correct verb form.

1. We go/goes to school by bus.

2. My teacher speak/speaks Italian and Japanese.

3. We don’t/doesn’t do P.E in the


4. My friends don’t like/likes art.

5. My mother teach/teaches in a primary


6. I don’t copy/copies their homework.

7. They finish/finishes work at 8.30 in the


8. We don’t/doesn’t think that English is


5. Write the questions in the correct order. Then, write short answers.

1. your teacher/does/English/speak?


2. does / use/a computer/your mother?


3. ask/your teacher/a lot of questions/does?


4. CDs and DVDs/copy/do/you?


5. on Saturday/ to school/go/you/do?


6. do/you/French/understand?


7. does/your school/at half past three/ finish?


6. Write questions.

1. Bella practises English every day. (her friends?)_____________________________

2. We go to school at nine o’clock. (you?)


3.My father studies French. (study/Italian?)


4. We live near the school. (your teacher?)


5. My sister plays volleyball. (she/football?)


6. They lose their books. (their pens?)


7. Complete the crossword. Use the –s form of the verbs in the box.


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