Разработка урока на тему "Уэльс"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (6 класс)

Сизякина Елена Сергеевна

Урок позволяет прививать интерес к историческому наследию Великобритании, культуре Уэльса, развивать речь, память, воображение учащихся.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Урок английского языка

Классы:  6                                        

Учитель: Сизякина Елена Сергеевна

Тема: «Wales».

Цель: повторить лексический материал по теме, развивать навыки чтения и работы с текстом.



  1. Повторить лексический материал по теме “Wales”.
  2. Совершенствовать навыки говорения путем пересказа темы.

Воспитательные: прививать интерес к культуре Уэльса, историческому наследию Великобритании.

Развивающие: развивать речь, память, воображение учащихся.

Форма урока: комбинированный урок.

Методы: фронтальный устный опрос, упражнения.

Приемы: вовлечение в интересную деятельность, хоровое проговаривание.

Оформление: меловое оформление доски, цветные фотографии Уэльса.

План урока:


Целеполагание и актуализация.

Основная часть.

Подведение итогов.


        Stand up! Stand still! Good morning (afternoon), pupils. Well done, sit down, please. Are you ready to start our lesson? Let’s travel around Wales.

Целеполагание и актуализация.

        Let’s speak about Wales. Let’s check your knowledge of places of interest in Wales. Have you ever been to Wales? – No, I haven’t too. - Would you like to visit it? Well, today we have a happy chance to visit this country, to watch its sights, to learn some more information about Wales.  

Ход урока.

  1. Фонетическая разминка.

        These words are not new for us. You should know these words, their meaning and pronunciation. Let’s revise the words from this text. Repeat them after me altogether.

To enter



To argue

An argument

To injure

To rescue

To serve

A service

In brief

A cathedral


A stream

A path

  1. Речевая разминка

I’d like you to answer several questions before retelling the text.

Where is the country situated? (Wales is a country situated in the West of Britain).

What is the capital of Wales? (Cardiff is its capital and the main port).

Who is the patron saint of Wales? (St. David is the patron saint of Wales).

What is the national game? (rugby)

What language is spoken in the country? (Welsh language, English)

People of what nationality do live in Wales?

How do the Welsh call their country? (Cymru) ['kimru]

Is Welsh different from English? (Of course, it is. Welsh is one of the Celtic languages, like Scottish and Irish Gaelic).

  1. Пересказ текста.

        Open your books at page 197. So let’s retell the text, please. You have one minute to look through the text.

  1. Match the places and the attractions:

1 Wales

2 Cardiff

3 Machynlleth                  

4 Portmeirion                          

5 Snowdonia

6 Betws-y-Coed                              

7 Snowdon

A  a dramatic mountainous area that is a centre of outdoor holidays of the more energetic kind

B  a complete Italian hill town built by an eccentric Welshman who had a passion for Italian architecture

C  the highest mountain in Wales

D  a charming town built from local stone

E  a land of beautiful mountain scenery and music

F  excellent for canoeing, walking and climbing

G  the capital of Wales

H  a market town where you can buy from local food to clothes and materials

I  there are fast flowing streams of Snowdonia with waterfalls nearby

J  you can get there by small steam railway which is one hundred years old now and one of the tourist attractions

K  has a weekly auction of farm animals

  1. The Welsh language. Fill in the gaps with the missing words:

        Welsh is a ________ language. Other ________ languages have mainly _______, but Welsh has been in daily use for centuries. ________ of the population spoke Welsh during the first quarter of the 19th century. Various factors reduced the number of Welsh ________: many ________ workers moved to South Wales during the 19th century; people moved to the ________ where less Welsh was spoken; children were punished if they spoke Welsh at school.

        In recent years, however, there has been a revival of ________ in Welsh. It is now spoken as a first language by more than ________ of the population. Welsh is studied at ________. There are television and radio ________ with Welsh-language programmes.

        To understand how different Welsh is from English, compare the lines from the Welsh national anthem (гимн) with their English translation.

  1. On the blackboard there are some examples of the Welsh words.

Llanfairpwellgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogoch – the longest place-name in Wales;

Llangollen – the name of the town;

1 – un

2 – dau

3 – tri

4 – pedwar

5 – pump

6 – chwech

7 – saith

8 – with

9 – naw

10 – deg

  1. Mark the sentences true (T), false (F) or not mentioned (NM)):

Wales has always been a part of Great Britain.

Wales really begins with the Anglo-Saxon victories in the 6th and 7th centuries which isolated the Welsh from the rest of Britons.

Between the 9th and the 11th centuries, Wales was divided into small states.

Until the 11th centuries the Vikings made frequent raids on the coast.

In the 15th  century, Llewelyn ap lorwerth united the country and his son was crowned the first Prince of Wales.

Later that century, the English king Henry VIII, conquered Wales.

He gave the title of Prince of Wales to his son, Edward II.

The youngest son of the English king or queen has always been given the title ‘The Prince of Wales” and this is why Wales is called “Principality”.

Wales is a land of castles. They were built by the Romans and the English to dominate the Welsh.

The number of castles there is more than anywhere else in the world.

Подведение итогов. So our lesson is over. Thank you for attention.

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