Учебное пособие Подготовка к ЕГЭ на основе регионального социокультурного компонента для учащихся общеобразовательных школ Ульяновской области
методическая разработка (10, 11 класс)
Учебное пособие для элективного курса «Подготовка к ЕГЭ на основе регионального социокультурного компонента для учащихся общеобразовательных школ Ульяновской области»
Цель данного пособия – подготовить учащихся 10 – 11 классов к итоговой аттестации на базе текстов регионального компонента. Лексически и грамматически пособие соответствует требованиям, предъявляемым к выпускникам школ согласно федеральному компоненту государственного образовательного стандарта. Оно может быть использовано для подготовки учащихся к ЕГЭ, а также для развития навыков чтения, говорения и письма. Пособие может быть использовано учителями как дополнительный компонент к учебно-методическим комплектам или для самостоятельной работы самими учащимися.
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Предварительный просмотр:
МКОУ «Тагайская СШ имени Ю.Ф. Горячева»
Учебное пособие
Подготовка к ЕГЭ на основе регионального социокультурного компонента для учащихся общеобразовательных школ Ульяновской области
Работу выполнила
учитель английского языка
высшей категории
Коткова Наталья Алексеевна
Н.А.Коткова. Учебное пособие для элективного курса «Подготовка к ЕГЭ на основе регионального социокультурного компонента для учащихся общеобразовательных школ Ульяновской области»
Цель данного пособия – подготовить учащихся 10 – 11 классов к итоговой аттестации на базе текстов регионального компонента. Лексически и грамматически пособие соответствует требованиям, предъявляемым к выпускникам школ согласно федеральному компоненту государственного образовательного стандарта. Оно может быть использовано для подготовки учащихся к ЕГЭ, а также для развития навыков чтения, говорения и письма. Пособие может быть использовано учителями как дополнительный компонент к учебно-методическим комплектам или для самостоятельной работы самими учащимися.
Актуальность учебного пособия 4
Цели и задачи учебного пособия 5
Теоретическое обоснование учебного пособия 6
Практические упражнения………………………………………………………..8
Согласно Федеральному базисному плану общего среднего образования, учебный план должен включать региональный компонент, содержащий материалы о конкретном регионе, где живут обучающиеся. Учащиеся должны знать не только страну изучаемого языка, но и страну, край, район, село, в котором они живут. Часто ребята знают о стране изучаемого языка больше, чем о своей собственной стране, своём крае. «Преподавание иностранного языка на современном этапе является не только введением учеников в мир иноязычной культуры, но и осмысленным пониманием ими родной культуры, что важно в процессе становления личности, формирования мировоззрения, в культурном развитии детей. Если ученик обладает обширными знаниями об истории, традициях своего региона, ему легче научиться представлять родную культуру на иностранном языке».
Усвоение материала о своем регионе позволяет учащимся лучше узнать свой край, проникнуться любовью к родной земле, а также успешно готовиться к ЕГЭ.
Благодаря краеведческим материалам учебного пособия учащиеся пополняют знания о родном крае, расширяют словарный запас, закрепляют знания по грамматике, учатся писать письма и сочинение на английском языке.
У ребят появляется заинтересованность глубже узнать историю своей малой Родины, своего народа, его культуру, традиции, а это ведет к формированию уважения к своей стране, потребности в практическом использовании иностранного языка в различных сферах деятельности. Использование краеведческого материала помогает формировать чувство любви к родному краю, бережное отношение к окружающему миру. Обращение к истории развития края, района, к природным богатствам воспитывает у детей чувство гордости, уважение и любовь к родным местам.
Актуальность методического пособия
Актуальность пособия обусловлена особенностью современной ситуации развития общества, а также целью современного образования, включающего в себя воспитание у школьников положительного отношения к иностранному языку, культуре говорящего на этом языке; знания о культуре, истории, реалиях и традициях.
Данное учебное пособие составлено на основе нормативных документов Министерства образования, определяющих образовательную политику в области изучения иностранных языков:
- Федеральный компонент государственного образовательного стандарта по иностранным языкам
- Примерная программа по английскому языку для начального общего, для основного общего и для среднего (полного) общего образования на базовом уровне.
А также на основе Инновационной уровневой образовательной программы по английскому языку для общеобразовательной школы «Оксфордское качество».
Следовательно, актуальность данной работы обусловлена, с одной стороны, потребностью общественной жизни, а с другой - потребностью педагогической теории и практики.
Цели и задачи учебного пособия
Основные цели пособия:
- помочь учащимся 10-11классов подготовиться к итоговой аттестации на базе текстов регионального компонента и повышения уровня гуманитарного образования учащихся, формирование личности и её социальной адаптации;
- использование английского языка как средства передачи универсальных и национальных культурных ценностей своего региона;
- способствование развитию культурной и духовно богатой личности, укрепление уважения к национальной культуре, осознание богатства культурного наследия народа своего региона.
- Развивать у учащихся способность понимать и читать несложные тексты с целью понимания основного содержания, деталей, извлечения специальной информации о регионе, быте, культуре, истории, значимости, проблемах Ульяновской области;
- Сформировать положительный имидж региона, показать основные и малоизвестные достопримечательности и факты культуры;
- Способствовать развитию умения написания личного письма и эссе (задания 39-40 в ЕГЭ);
- Создать условия для формирования и закрепления лексико-грамматических навыков (задания с 19-31 в ЕГЭ, всех типов вопросов);
- создать условия для формирования личности:
- способствовать формированию выпускника - умелого хранителя, пользователя и создателя социокультурных ценностей и традиций региона.
Использование регионоведческого компонента позволяет решать одновременно две взаимосвязанные задачи:
- повысить эффективность изучения основного содержания предмета;
- поднять уровень владения иностранного языка у школьников, опираясь на личностно-ориентированный подход к организации работы учащихся со значимым для них местным материалом.
Теоретическое обоснование учебного пособия
Одним из принципов совершенствования отечественной системы образования является принцип региональности. Закон РФ «Об образовании» предусматривает включение в государственные образовательные стандарты национально-регионального компонента. Это нормы, правила, требования, принятые в области преподавания учебных дисциплин в регионе и обязательные для выполнения каждым учебным заведением. Данное пособие может быть полезно учителям, которые найдут в нём необходимый материал для работы на уроках или как отдельное пособие для элективного курса в подготовке к ЕГЭ.
Теоретическая значимость пособия усматривается в том, что в нём:
- обоснована эффективность использования регионального компонента в общей системе обучения иностранному языку в школе для формирования у учащихся навыков в подготовке к ЕГЭ;
- даны разработанные упражнения, которые помогут прочно усвоить лексику и наиболее важные аспекты грамматики;
- сформулированы цели обучения региональному компоненту в старших классах при подготовке к ЕГЭ.
Практическая значимость пособия состоит в том, что: 1) отобран конкретный региональный материал, включающий лексические единицы с региональным компонентом значения, специальные тексты по региональной проблематике. Все упражнения направлены на формирование и контроль навыков, приобретённых в процессе обучения, английскому языку в средних общеобразовательных учебных заведениях и ориентировано, главным образом, на учащихся 10 – 11 классов. Учебное пособие поможет легко и качественно подготовить к итоговой аттестации в форме ЕГЭ по английскому языку.
Новизна учебного пособия заключается в том, что традиционно действующие УМК не ориентированы на региональный компонент и поэтому возникла необходимость создания учебного пособие в подготовке к ЕГЭ на основе регионального компонента.
Необходимость обучения иностранному языку с учетом национально-регионального компонента продиктовано тем, что понимание иной культуры возможно только на основе знания своего региона. Иностранный язык изучается не только для того, чтобы узнать страну изучаемого языка. Не менее важно, научиться на иностранном языке, представить свою культуру,
рассказать о своей малой родине.
Учебно-тематический план
Unit I. The History of the Ulyanovsk province
1. Before reading. Read and pronounce the words and word combinations correctly:
a governor - губернатор;
a landowner - помещик;
to live in the outskirts - жить на окраине;
commerce - торговля;
peasant wars - крестьянские войны;
a cloister - монастырь;
a theological seminary - духовная семинария;
merchants - купцы;
craftsmen - ремесленники;
a nobiliary town - дворянский двор;
manor - поместье;
to erase - исчезать;
twilight - сумерки.
2. Read the text “The town of Simbirsk”. Use the words given in capitals in the box to form new words that fit in the same numbered space in the text.
The town of Simbirsk 1 in 1648 by voevode (commander of an army, a 2 of a province in ancient Russia D.V. Khitrovo) as a fortress to protect the 3 borders of the Moscow state. It 4 by order of tzar Aleksei Michailovich between 5 rivers: the Volga and the Sviyaga. Like many other towns Simbirsk had 6 Kremlin, it means the territory 7 with high walls. Inside the Kremlin there 8 many important buildings: the voevode’s house, a special 9 (Izba), houses of landowners and the Troitsky Cathedral. The poor people, 10 , merchants lived in the outskirts of the Kremlin. There were 11 churches and cloisters, which played a very important role in the life of the 12 because the people believed in God at that time. By 1770 Simbirsk 13 the center of industry and commerce for the Middle Volga region. It was a nobiliary town with the 14 of 16 790 people. Among the nobiliary 15 there were such as Polivanovs, the Beketovs, the Davydovs, the Kindyakovs, the Yazykovs. They 16 their special attitude to the motherland - it was everything in 17 life. In Simbirsk there were 20 schools, a military school, a classic gymnasium, a 18 seminary, 2 libraries. The Karamzinskay 19 had 34 000 books and the Goncharovskay library:had 2 600. In 1796 the Simbirsk province 20 of 8 districts: Alatyrsky, Ardatovsky, Buinsky, Karsunsky, Kurmishinsky, Sengileysky, Simbirsky, Syzransky. | FOUND GOVERNMENT SOUTH BUILD SECOND IT ENCLOSE BE BUILD CRAFTSMAN MUCH SETTLE BECOME POPULATE FAMILY HAVE THEY THEOLOGY LIBRARIAN CONSIST |
I. Answer the questions to the text.
- When and why was Simbirsk founded?
- Who ordered to build the town?
- Where did the poor people live?
- How did the Kremlin look like?
- How many districts were there in the province in 1796?
II. Correct the false statements.
- Simbirsk was founded by the order of voevoda D.V. Khitrovo.
- It was built on the Sviyaga river.
- The Troitski Cathedral was in the outskirts of the town.
- Rasin didn’t attack Simbirsk and its Kremlin.
- The Simbirsk province consisted of 10 districts in 1796.
III. Complete the sentences using the text.
- The town of Simbirsk was founded as a fortress to protect...
- The poor people, craftsmen, merchants lived in the ...
- By 1770 Simbirsk had become the center of...
- There were near 20 schools, a military school,...
IV. Write down the questions.
- The town of Simbirsk was founded in 1648. (Special)
- The people believed in God at that time. (General)
- The Karamzinskay library had 34 000 books. (Tail)
- In 1796 the Simbirskay province consisted of 8 districts. (Alternative)
- Like many other towns Simbirsk had its Kremlin. (Who-q.)
V. You have 20 minutes to do this task
39 |
You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend Sam who writes
At school we are doing projects on the Russian cities. I’ve decided to write about Ulyanovsk. Could you tell me about the history of your town? What is special about your city? As for the family news, my sister got married last week … |
Write a letter to Sam.
In your letter
- tell him about the history of Ulyanovsk
- ask 3 questions about his school
Write 100 – 140 words.
Remember the rules of letter writing
VI. You have 40 minutes to do this task
40 |
Comment on the following statement.
A lot of people think it is very important to know the history of your province.
What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement?
Write 200 – 250 words.
Use the following plan:
- make an introduction ( state the problem)
- express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for your opinion
- express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion
- explain why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion
- make a conclusion restating your position
3. Read the text “The Ulyanovsk region is the birthplace of many famous people.” Use the words given in capitals in the box to form new words that fit in the same numbered space in the text.
The Simbirsk province was the birthplace of such 1 writers, poets, statemen as I.A. Goncharov, D.V. Davydov, N.M. Yazykov, D.D. Minayev, N.M. Karamsin, A.F. Kerensky, A.A. Plastov. Park Yazykovo is the only thing that 2 from the manor of the 3 Russian poet Nikolay Mikhailovich Yazykov (1803-1846). Estimating 4 value of the poet, Belinsky 5 : «The Name of Yazykov belongs to the 6 literature forever and will not be erased from its pages even when 7 poems are not be read any more by public: it 8 in the history of Russian literature». Yazykovo is on the coast of the river Uren, near the 9 mountains. It is a very 10 village. The river whispers under twilight brittle willows as 11 as in times of Yazykov. In 1833 A.S. Pushkin 12 Simbirsk to find out some facts about Pugachev’s peasant war. In 1870 V.I. Ulyanov – Lenin 13 born in Simbirsk and in 1924 the town was 14 to Ulyanovsk in his honour. Then in 1943 there was 15 of the Ulyanovsk province with the center in Ulyanovsk. During the Great Patriotic War 155 16 from the Ulyanovsk province got 17 of the Soviet Union. Among 18 there is: I.S. Polbin, N.G. Maksimov, A.K. Jorovets, Y.P. Karukin, A. Matrosov, V. Deyev. Many streets of the Ulyanovsk province’s towns are named after 19 heroes. 72 men of the province 20 the Heroes of Socialists Labour for their valuable contribution to the 21 of the province. | FAME REMAIN REMARK HISTORY WRITE RUSSIA HE REMAIN WOOD BEAUTY GOOD VISIT BE NAME FORM MAN HERO THEY THIS, GET
I. Answer the questions to the text.
- What famous people lived in the province?
- What did Belinsky write about N.M. Yazykov?
- When and why did A.S. Pushkin visit Simbirsk?
- When and why was Simbirsk renamed to Ulyanovsk?
- The Ulyanovsk province was formed in 1943, wasn’t it?
II. Correct the false statements.
- In 1835 A.S. Pushkin visited Simbirsk to find out some facts about Pugachev’s peasant war.
- In 1870 V.I. Ulyanov - Lenin was bom in Moscow.
- During the Great Patriotic War 255 men from the Ulyanovsk province got Heroes of the Soviet Union.
- 77 men of the province got the Heroes of Socialists Labour for their valuable contribution to the development of the province.
III. Complete the sentences using the text.
- The Simbirsk province was the birthplace of such famous …
- The Name of Yazykov belongs to …
- In 1833 A.S. Pushkin visited Simbirsk to find out …
- During the Great Patriotic War 155 men from the Ulyanovsk …
- Many streets of the Ulyanovsk province’s towns …
IV. Write down the questions.
- The Simbirsk province was the birthplace of famous writers, poets, statesmen. (General)
- Yazykovo is on the coast of the river Uren, near the Woody mountains. (Special)
- In 1870 V.J. Ulyanov - Lenin was bom in Simbirsk. (Who-q.)
- During the Great Patriotic War 155 men from the Ulyanovsk province got Heroes of the Soviet Union. (Alternative)
- Many streets of the Ulyanovsk province’s towns are named after these heroes. (Tail)
V. You have 20 minutes to do this task
39 |
You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend Mary who writes
… In previous letter you told me that you had joined your school History Club. I wonder what you do at your club meetings. Can I help you in any way? As for me, I enjoy reading very much and I would be really interested to know about famous people from the Ulyanovsk region. Who is your favourite person? Have you got enough time for reading? |
Write a letter to Mary.
In your letter
- tell her about the famous people of the Ulyanovsk province
- ask 3 questions about her reading preferences
Write 100 – 140 words.
Remember the rules of letter writing.
VI. You have 40 minutes to do this task
40 |
Comment on the following statement.
The Ulyanovsk province occupies an honorable place in the history of Russian culture.
What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement?
Write 200 – 250 words.
Use the following plan:
- make an introduction ( state the problem)
- express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for your opinion
- express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion
- explain why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion
- make a conclusion restating your position
Unit II. Geographical position, vegetation and wild life of the Ulyanovsk province
1. Before you read the text guess the meaning of the following words and word combinations:
The Russkaya plane
The Middle Volga region
Moderate and continental climate
Flora, fauna
Mineral resourses
Mineral springs
The Twelfth day in January
Sacred water
Jurassic park
2. Read the text “The location of the Ulyanovsk province”. Use the words given in capitals in the box to form new words that fit in the same numbered space in the text.
The Ulyanovsk province is 1 on one of the most 2 rivers - the Volga. It is on the eastern part of the Russkaya plane in the Middle Volga region, 893 km south-east of Moscow area. This province 3 borders with Mordovia, Chuvashiya, Tatarstan. 1 462 000 people covering 80 nationalities live here; urban - 72% and rural - 28%. The territory of the Ulyanovsk province is 4 than 5 of Belgium, Albania and has 37 200 sq. km. There 6 4 main towns in the province: Ulyanovsk, Dimitrovgrad, Inza, Barysh. Forests cover 28% of the territory. Due to the7 of the province, the climate is moderate and 8 , because the province 9 between taiga and steppe. The average temperature in summer is 20 degrees above zero and in winter it is 20 degrees below zero. July is the 10 month and January is the 11 month of the year. | SITUATION BEAUTY HAVE LARGE TERRITORY BE LOCATE CONTINENT LOCATE HOT COLD |
I. Answer the questions to the text.
1. Where is the Ulyanovsk province situated?
2. How many nationalities do live here?
3. What main towns are there in the province?
4. What is the average temperature in summer and in winter?
5. What is the climate due to the location of the province?
II. Correct the false statements.
1. The Ulyanovsk province is situated on one of the most beautiful lakes - the Baikal.
2. It is on the southern part of the Russkaya plane in the Middle Volga region.
3. The territory of the Ulyanovsk province is smaller than the territory of Belgium.
4. There are 6 main towns in the province.
5. The average temperature in summer is 30 degrees above zero and in winter it is 27 degrees below zero.
III. Complete the sentences using the text.
1. The Ulyanovsk province is situated on one...
2. This province has borders with...
3. The territory of the Ulyanovsk province...
4. There are 4 main towns in the province...
5. Due to the location of the province, the climate is...
IV. Write down the questions.
1. The Ulyanovsk province is situated on the eastern part of the Russkaya plane in the Middle Volga region. (Alternative)
2. 1 462 000 people covering 80 nationalities live here. (Who-q.)
3. Forests cover 28% of the territory. (Tail)
4. The province is located between taiga and steppe. (General)
5. July is the hottest month of the year. . (Special)
V. You have 20 minutes to do this task
39 |
You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend Jill who writes
… Thanks for inviting me to stay with you when I visit your country next month. I’m not sure how to get to your apartment from the airport. Could you write back giving me some basic instructions? What would be the best way of transport for me? I’d prefer one that isn’t too expensive! Just one other thing – What will the weather be like when I get there? (Just so I’ll know what clothes to pack) |
Write a letter to Jill.
In your letter
- answer her questions
- ask 3 questions about her plans
Write 100 – 140 words.
Remember the rules of letter writing
VI. You have 40 minutes to do this task
40 |
Comment on the following statement.
Some people think that visiting the biggest cities in Russia is more interesting than travelling in small towns.
What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement?
Write 200 – 250 words.
Use the following plan:
- make an introduction ( state the problem)
- express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for your opinion
- express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion
- explain why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion
- make a conclusion restating your position
3. Read the text “The vegetation and wild life of the Ulyanovsk province”. Use the words given in capitals in the box to form new words that fit in the same numbered space in the text.
The flora in the Ulyanovsk province is very rich. You can see1 kinds of plants, trees, bushes here. The most unique trees are Siberian cedars, Karelian birches, Siberian larches, Siberian fur-trees. The Kuvai taiga is a unique place of the province’s vegetation. Jurassic park is a unique park in the province too. Near one of the stones the2 Pyotr Mikhailovich Yazykov, the brother of the 3 -known poet Nikolay Yazykov, found some fragments of the bones of the big reptiles. It 4 in 1829. Probably, in memory to Yazykov, articles from the English magazines 5 about the remains of the ancient sea dinosaurs. 6 on the same place there were found little bones of ihtiosaurs. Then these and other rests of dinosaurs 7 to the Moscow university where professor G. Fisher gave his description. At the end of the 8 century these places were frequently visited by the geologist A.P. Pavlov. He was interested in unique 9 cuts on the coast of the Volga. He collected the big 10 of the rests of reptiles. Some of them 11 in the Moscow geological museum named after Vernadski now. Pavlov collected many 12_______ parts of skeletons of ihtiosaurs. In the well-known book «Dinosaurs of the ancient seas» German 13 I. August and Z. Burain wrote in 1960: «In Russia there are extensive 14 where you find the rests of ihtiosaurs». The fauna is 15 to that of the north-west of Europe: foxes, hares, squirrels, beavers, herons, black cocks, hazel-hens, ermines. There are 50 kinds of fish: ruffs, perches, pike perches, breams in the province’s rivers and lakes. The annual catch of fish averages 11 600 tons. Sturgeons and starlets 16 into the Red book now. Such 17 as appolons, admirals, machaons are included into the Red book too. The most 18 lakes in the province are the Beloye (96 ha), the Swan lake (217 ha), the Kryazh (56 ha). | DIFFER GEOLOGY GOOD BE WRITE LATE DELIVER LATE GEOLOGY COLLECT KEEP MASS SCIENCE TERRITORY SIMILARITY INCLUDE BUTTERFLY BEAUTY |
I. Answer the questions to the text.
1. What kind of trees can you see in the Ulyanovsk province?
2. Where is a unique place of the province’s vegetation?
3. Who found some fragments of the bones of the big reptiles?
4. What was A.P. Pavlov interested in?
5. What animals are included into the Red book now?
II. Correct the false statements.
1. You can see different kinds of flowers, insects here.
2. Jurassic park is an ordinary park in the province.
3. At the end of the last century these places were frequently visited by the geologist Pyotr Mikhailovich Yazykov.
4. The fauna is similar to that of the south-west of Europe.
5. Wolves are included into the Red book now.
III. Complete the sentences using the text.
1. The most unique trees are ...
2. Near one of the stones geologist ...
3. Later on the same place ...
4. Pavlov collected many massive parts of ...
5. The most beautiful lakes in the province are ...
IV. Write down the questions.
1. You can see different kinds of plants, trees, bushes here. (General)
2. The most unique trees are Siberian cedars, Karelian birches, Siberian larches, Siberian fur-trees. (Tail)
3. At the end of the last century these places were frequently visited by the geologist A.P. Pavlov. (Who-q.)
4. Pavlov collected many massive parts of skeletons of ihtiosaurs. (Special)
5. Sturgeons and starlets are included into the Red book now. (Alternative)
V. You have 20 minutes to do this task
39 |
You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend Paul who writes
… By the way, we are doing project at college on the vegetation and wild life in different countries. It would be nice if you could tell me what plants, trees and animals are there in the Ulyanovsk province. Do you know any rare animals? What kind of fish can be found in the province’s rivers and lakes. |
Write a letter to Paul.
In your letter
- answer his questions
- ask 3 questions about his house
Write 100 – 140 words.
Remember the rules of letter writing
VI. You have 40 minutes to do this task
40 |
Comment on the following statement.
The flora influences the climate in the province.
What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement?
Write 200 – 250 words.
Use the following plan:
- make an introduction ( state the problem)
- express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for your opinion
- express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion
- explain why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion
- make a conclusion restating your position
4. Read the text “Mineral resources”. Use the words given in capitals in the box to form new words that fit in the same numbered space in the text.
The Ulyanovsk province is also rich in such mineral resources as sand, chalk, blue clay, oil, and mineral springs. One of the springs is Marishkin spring. It is very 1 with the citizens of Ulyanovsk. Every year in January on the Twelfth-day this spring 2 by a priest and people come here to drink this sacred water. The ancient village Undory on a right raised coast of the Volga 3 as the native land of decembrist V.I. Ivashev. Mineral water, bright semi-precious stones, remains of mineral reptiles are in Undory. In 1988 the territory of the shore along the village Undory 4 by paleontologists reserved. In the twentieth years of the twentieth century the 5 of Undory general P.N. Ivashev paid attention to set of springs in neighbouring ravines. Tests of water 6 to the Kazan university where the scientists defined a 7 compound in it. As in water there was a plenty of iron, by analogy to curative sources known at that time, undor’s water was called 8 . In the 9 years, the local doctor Evgeny Mikhailovich Chuchkalov 10 interested in the properties of this mineral waters. Due to his efforts scientific researches of the water had 11 results. In Undory the factory on pouring mineral waters 12 to function, and the construction of the first sanatorium of the future resort began too. 13 Chuchkalov proved, that the main medical factor of local water is in the presence of some microcells - silver and zinc. But the 14 researches have resulted in the 15 about the presence of the organic substances in it rendering 16 influence on an organism of the person. Nowadays, this sanatorium is 17 and many people from our country come to Undory to get a good medical 18 . | POPULARITY SANCTIFY KNOW DECLARE OWN SEND CHEMISTRY MEDICINE SIXTY BECOME PRACTICE BEGIN ORIGIN FAR CONCLUDE FAVOR FAME TREAT |
I. Answer the questions to the text.
1. What mineral recources is the Ulyanovsk province rich in?
2. Where is the ancient village Undory situated?
3. When did the local doctor Evgeny Mikhailovich Chuchkalov become interested in the properties of this mineral waters?
4. What did Chuchkalov prove?
5. Why do many people from our country come to Undory?
II. Correct the false statements.
1. Marishkin spring is unpopular with the citizens of Ulyanovsk.
2. The ancient village Undory on a left raised coast of the Volga is known as the native land of decembrist V.I. Ivashev.
3. In 1998 the territory of the shore along the village Undory was declared by paleontologists reserved.
4. Due to Pavlov's efforts scientific researches of the water had practical results.
5. Tests of water were sent to the Moscow university.
III. Complete the sentences using the text.
1. One of the springs is ...
2. Mineral water, bright semi-precious stones, remains of mineral reptiles are...
3. In the twentieth years of the twentieth century the owner of Undory...
4. In Undors the factory on pouring mineral waters...
5. But the further researches have resulted...
IV. Write down the questions.
1. Every year in January on the Twelfth-day this spring is sanctified by a priest. . (Alternative)
2. Mineral water, bright semi-precious stones, remains of mineral reptiles are in Undory. (Special)
3. In 1988 the territory of the shore along the village Undory was declared by paleontologists reserved. (General)
4. In the sixtieth years, the local doctor Evgeny Mikhailovich Chuchkalov became interested in the properties of this mineral waters. (Who-q.)
5. The further researches have resulted in the conclusion about the presence of the organic substances in it. (Tail)
V. You have 20 minutes to do this task
39 |
You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend Jack who writes
… Have you ever thought what you are going to do in the future? As for me, I want to study Geography, although my parents say it’s not worth doing it. What kind of job would you prefer to do? Have you asked your parents for advice? Could you tell me a few things about mineral resources in your region? Anyway, we’ve got some time to think about the future career. Let me know What you think about it. |
Write a letter to Jack.
In your letter
- answer his questions
- ask 3 questions about his hobbies and leisure activities
Write 100 – 140 words.
Remember the rules of letter writing
VI. You have 40 minutes to do this task
40 |
Comment on the following statement.
However, some people insist that to be fit one should live a healthy way of life.
What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement?
Write 200 – 250 words.
Use the following plan:
- make an introduction ( state the problem)
- express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for your opinion
- express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion
- explain why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion
- make a conclusion restating your position
Unit III. Industry and Agrobusiness in the Ulyanovsk province
- Pre-reading task.
Read the words and phrases correctly:
industrial output – промышленная продукция
Ministry of Defence
a military 'vehicle
aircraft industry
light industry
a confectionery factory
a beer brewery - пивзавод
private 'enterprises
'annual yield - ежегодный доход
joint-stock companies - акционерные общества
- Read the text “Industrials sectors in the Ulyanovsk province”. Use the words given in capitals in the box to form new words that fit in the same numbered space in the text.
The most important 1 centers in the province are Ulyanovsk and Dimitrovgrad. Large industrial 2 employ over 200 000 3 . The key industrial sectors are aircraft building, motor-car building, electronic 4 and textiles. The motor-car building sector accounts of 56% of the province’s industrial output. The automobile industry 5 by the AutoUAZ automobile company, which 6 in UAZ cross-country vehicles, small trucks, minibuses. This plant manufactures nearly 90000 automobiles a year. At present Russia’s Ministry of Defense 7 the Bars military vehicles produced by the Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant. This car has military 8 and is likely to be purchased by Russia’s Armed Forces. The aircraft industry 9 by the Aviastar Aircraft Buildings Plant, which 10 in 1976. It manufactures AN-124-100 «Ruslan» and TU-204 freight and passenger airplanes. New 11 by Sirocco Aerospace, an Egyptian firm, should guarantee the plant’s future. Aviastar 12 also to cooperate with the Tolyatti AvtoVAZ Plant (Samara province). Aviastar is to make thirty 13 components for VAZ automobiles. The other economic sectors in the Ulyanovsk province include light industry, food processing, wood 14 . The15 food processing companies in the province are the Volzhanka, confectionary factory and the Vityaz, beer brewery. The Ulyanovsk province is also a large 16 of clothing and knit wears. Agro business in the province 17 59% of the whole territory. 18 409 thousand people live in the country-side. The Ulyanovsk province 19 in producing grains, sugar beets, sunflowers, fodder. The annual yield of grains averages 1, 5 million tons. At present the 20 situation in the province favours the progress in market relations. A large network of commercial banks, small and joint-stock companies, private enterprises 21 in the province. There are boasts of partnership with 49 countries, for example: with the USA, Germany, Great Britain, India, Vietnam, Poland and China. A number of joint programs are now in practice. | INDUSTRY COMPONY WORK ENGINEER REPRESENT SPECIAL TEST CAPABLE REPRESENT BUILD INVEST PLAN DIFFERENCE PRODUCE LEAD SUPPLY OCCUPY NEAR SPECIAL ECONOMY EXISTENCE |
I. Answer the questions to the text.
1. What are the most important industrial centers in the province?
2. How many automobiles does the plant manufacture?
3. What is Russia's Ministry of Defense testing now?
4. What territory does Agrobusiness in the province occupy?
5. When was built the Aviastar Aircraft Buildings Plant?
II. Correct the false statements.
1. Large industrial companies employ over 350 000 workers.
2. The Aviastar Aircraft Building sector accounts of 56% of the province's industrial output.
3. Aviastar is to make 50 different components for VAZ automobiles.
4. The other economic sectors in the Ulyanovsk province include heavy industry, paper processing.
5. A large network of commercial banks, small and joint-stock companies, private enterprises have disappeared in the province.
III. Complete the sentences using the text.
1. The key industrial sectors are ...
2. It manufactures AN-124-100 «Ruslan» and ...
3. Aviastar is also planning to cooperate with ...
4. The leading food processing companies in the province are ...
5. At present the economic situation in the province ...
IV. Write down the questions.
1. The most important industrial centers in the province are Ulyanovsk and Dimitrovgrad. (Who-q.)
2. The key industrial sectors are aircraft building, motor-car building, electronic engineering and textiles. (Special)
3. At present Russia's Ministry of Defense is testing the Bars military vehicles. (General)
4. Agrobusiness in the province occupies 59% of the whole territory. (Tail)
5. There are boasts of partnership with 49 countries. (Alternative)
V. You have 20 minutes to do this task
39 |
You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend Patricia who writes
... My home town is rather small but I like it. The people here are very friendly and there are no industrial sectors in it. And what about your native town? Do you enjoy living in a big city? What is the most important industrial center in your region? As for me, I’m going on holiday with my parents next week … |
Write a letter to Patricia.
In your letter
- answer her questions
- ask 3 questions about her home town
Write 100 – 140 words.
Remember the rules of letter writing
VI. You have 40 minutes to do this task
40 |
Comment on the following statement.
Lots of young people choose to continue their education after finishing school. However, a number of school-leavers would rather find a job and start working.
What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement?
Write 200 – 250 words.
Use the following plan:
- make an introduction ( state the problem)
- express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for your opinion
- express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion
- explain why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion
- make a conclusion restating your position
Unit IV Science and Education in the Ulyanovsk province
1.Pre-reading task.
Read the words and phrases below correctly:
an educational system
a faculty
a scientific center
at one’s disposal
a department
nuclear reactors
2. Read the text “Science and Education in the Ulyanovsk province”. Use the words given in capitals in the box to form new words that fit in the same numbered space in the text.
The quality of our country’s future life 1 , industrially and intellectually depends on the quality of its 2 system. The education in our country is free. Local education authorities are 3 for organizing schools in their regions. There are more than 100 4 schools, lyceums, colleges, gymnasiums, and 5 schools, 3 military schools and many 6 schools in the Ulyanovsk province. Ulyanovsk is also a home to three universities: 7 University, The Teachers’ Training University and The State University. The Teachers’ Training University is the 8 one. It was opened in 1932 and had only 3 faculties at 9 . Two years ago three faculties of the Ulyanovsk State University 10 in Dimitrovgrad too. The students have many 11 at their disposal in the province. The 12 one is the Palace of Book. It is the unique library, which 13 its own museum from funds of Karamzin’s public library. One of the leading departments is the department of the rare books, 14 in its funds the great books of LA. Goncharov, N.M. Yazykov, N.M. Karamzin. The 15 university is the Ulyanovsk State University, which was opened in 1988. The Technical University was opened in 1957. The Ulyanovsk province is not only a large 16 but a scientific center of the Volga region as well. There are 33 scientific centers and laboratories in the Ulyanovsk province. The world-known Research Institute of Nuclear Reactors 17 in Dimitrovgrad. | COMERCIAL EDUCATION RESPOSIBILITY SECOND VOCATION NURSE TECHNICIAN OLD ONE OPEN LIBRARIAN FAME MAKE HAVE YOUNG CULTURE LOCATE |
I. Answer the questions to the text.
- What does our country’s future life depend on?
- Who is responsible for organizing schools in the province?
- How many universities are there in the province?
- Which library is the most famous in the province'?
- Are there any scientific centers in the province?
II. Correct the false statements.
- The education in our country is paid.
- Ulyanovsk is also a home to six universities.
- The youngest university is the Teachers’ Training University
- Two years ago five faculties of the Ulyanovsk State University were opened in Dimitrovgrad too.
- The Teachers’ Training University was opened in 1942.
III. Complete the sentences using the text.
- The quality of our country’s future life …
- Local education authorities are responsible for …
- Ulyanovsk is also a home to …
- One of the leading departments is …
- The Ulyanovsk province is not only a large cultural but …
IV. Write down the questions.
- The education in our country is free. (Alternative)
- Ulyanovsk is also a home to three universities. (Who-q.)
- Two years ago three faculties of the Ulyanovsk State University were opened in Dimitrovgrad. (Special)
- The Technical University was opened in 1957. ( Tail)
- The world-known Research Institute of Nuclear Reactors is located in Dimitrovgrad. (General)
V. You have 20 minutes to do this task
39 |
You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend Jenny who writes
... I’m getting ready for my A – levels at the moment. It’s rather difficult for me to decide what university to enter. When do you have exams in Russia? What universities do you have in your town? What university are you going to enter? Is there any advice you could give me? And another thing! My parents say you could come and visit us in summer. Would you like to? … |
Write a letter to Jenny.
In your letter
- answer her questions
- ask 3 questions about your trip to England
Write 100 – 140 words
Remember the rules of letter writing
VI. You have 40 minutes to do this task
40 |
Comment on the following statement.
The students of the province don’t have opportunities to study.
What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement?
Write 200 – 250 words.
Use the following plan:
- make an introduction ( state the problem)
- express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for your opinion
- express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion
- explain why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion
- make a conclusion restating your position
Unit V. The Amazing Sights of the Ulyanovsk province
- Before reading.
Read the words and phrases below correctly:
honorable – почётный, благородный
a custodian - хранитель
local lore - хранитель
ancient erection - древнее сооружение
slope - склон
core - сердцевина
2. Read the text “The Amazing Sights of the Ulyanovsk province”. Use the words given in capitals in the box to form new words that fit in the same numbered space in the text.
The Ulyanovsk province occupies an 1 place in the history of 2 Culture. The old Simbirsk was «the landowner of the Volga region towns». The 3 libraries in the Volga region 4 here. Now the museums are custodians of the culture of the province. The city is very proud of the Goncharov's house-museum with the displays of the writer’s 5 and work. Here you can also get acquainted with manuscripts and documents, books of XVIII century. The Museum of local lore tells 6 about the history of Simbirsk province from the ancient times - treasures, 7 costumes of people, Gobelin tapestries, weapons. The Yazikov’s house - museum (the 8 museum) is the story about the Yazikov’s family life - the most 9 and advanced family in Russia of 19 century, known by the 10 with A.S. Pushkin and D. Davidov. But the 11 of present - day Ulyanovsk is the Lenin Memorial. The 12 of this splendid architectural complex was entrusted to the 13 construction crews of the country. The Lenin Prize 14 in 1972 to a group of the project’s architects and 15 who had made an important 16 to this magnificent monument. The Memorial ensemble houses are a branch of the Lenin Central Museum, The Lenin 17 Hall, the House of Political 18 and the Grand Assembly. About 20 million 19 from more than 100 countries have visited the Memorial. The Memorial 20 the site of many 21 national and international events. Presentations of state awards, classical music concerts of the Ulyanovsk Symphony Orchestra 22 in the Hall of Ceremonies. People’s Friendship Park 23 over the slope near the Lenin Memorial. Each of the 15 Soviet Republics was allotted 24 plot or sculptures symbolizing each region, in this park. The core of the Ulyanovsk Art Museum is in the canvas represented by Rokotov, Levitsky, Bryullov, Tropinin, and landscapes by Aivasovsky, Shishkin and Levitan, Plastov. Both the citizens of Ulyanovsk and its guests enjoy the Ulyanovsk Theatre 25 and the concerts of the Philarmonic Society, which contribute to the 26 life of the city. | HONOUR RUSSIA ONE OPEN LIVE WE NATIONALITY LITERATURE PROGRESS FRIEND PROUD ERECT GOOD AWARD BUILD CONTRIBUTE CEREMONY EDUCATE VISIT BECOME IMPOTANCE HOLD SPREAD IT PERFORM CULTURE |
- Answer the questions to the text.
- Simbirsk was called «the landowner, of the Volga region», wasn’t it?
- The city is proud of the Goncharov’s house-museum, isn’t it?
- What does the museum of lore tell us about?
- Why is the Lenin Memorial the pride of the province?
- How do the citizens of the province spend their free time?
- Correct the false statements.
- The first museums in the Volga region were opened here.
- The Literary museum is the story about the Pushkin’s family life.
- The Lenin Prize was awarded in 1982.
- The Memorial has become the site of many important sport competitions.
- People’s Friendship Park spreads over the slope near The Museum of local lore.
- Complete the sentences using the text.
- The old Simbirsk was …
- The city is very proud of …
- The Museum of local lore tells us about …
- The Memorial ensemble houses are …
- The core of the Ulyanovsk Art Museum is …
- Write down the questions.
- The Ulyanovsk province occupies an honorable place in the history of Russian Culture. (Special)
- The first libraries in the Volga region were opened here. (Tail)
- The Lenin Prize was awarded in 1972 to a group of the project’s architects and builders. (Alternative)
- About 20 million visitors from more than 100 countries have visited the Memorial. ( Who-q.)
- People’s Friendship Park spreads over the slope near the Lenin Memorial. (General)
V. You have 20 minutes to do this task
39 |
You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend Andrew who writes
... I’m going to visit Russia in July. I’ve read a lot about Ulyanovsk, but I’m especially interested in its history. What historical sites and museums would you recommend me to visit? Will you be able to help me by going sightseeing? Any ideas as to what we might do? By the way, I’m thinking of joining our school drama club. Is that a good idea? … |
Write a letter to Andrew.
In your letter
- answer his questions
- ask 3 questions about his holiday
Write 100 – 140 words.
Remember the rules of letter writing.
VI. You have 40 minutes to do this task
40 |
Comment on the following statement.
Nowadays, museums are not so popular and necessary as they were earlier.
What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement?
Use the following plan:
Write 200 – 250 words.
- make an introduction ( state the problem)
- express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for your opinion
- express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion
- explain why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion
- make a conclusion restating your position
3. Read the text “The legend of Nikolskaya mountain”. Use the words given in capitals in the box to form new words that fit in the same numbered space in the text.
Nikolskaya mountain is well-known not only in the Ulyanovsk province. Many, many years ago there was a miracle which rescued the village from 27 . Once the tatar army 28 near the village and was preparing for the plan of an attack. Our scouts penetrated into the camp of the tatar army and killed their 29 . They thought, that without the leader the tatar army 30 attack the village. But they were mistaken. Our army was weaker than the tatar army. When the tatar army approached Nikolskaya mountain, its soldiers 31 , showing on the top of the mountain. Then the tatar army 32 ran away. When Russians looked at the top of Nikolskaya mountain, they 33 a huge god with a sword and a child on hands. This legend 34 for many years. There are also some sacred sources for which this place is also well-known. 35 in these sources relieves of all sins and cures from all deceases. In the Ulyanovsk province there are some more similar sights which 36 like to visit. Each of them has its own features and secrets. | SLAVE STAND LEAD CANNOT STOP SUDDEN SEE EXIST BATH TOUR |
- Answer the questions after the text.
- What is well-known not only in the Ulyanovsk province?
- What was the tatar army doing near the village?
- What did the scouts?
- Where did solders stop?
- Why did the tatar army suddenly run away?
- Correct the false statements.
- Many, many years ago there was a soldier who rescued the village from slavery.
- Our army was stronger than the tatar army.
- The tatar army approached Nikolskaya mountain and climbed it.
- When Russians looked at the top of Nikolskaya mountain, they saw a big building.
- In the Ulaynovsk province there are no more similar sights which tourists like to visit.
- Complete the sentences using the text.
- Many, many years ago there was …
- Our scouts penetrated into the camp of the tatar army and …
- They thought, that without the leader the tatar army …
- This legend has been existing …
- Bathing in these sources relieves of all …
- Write down the questions.
- Nikolskaya mountain is well-known not only in the Ulyanovsk province. (General)
- Our scouts penetrated into the camp of the tatar army. (Special)
- Our army was weaker than the tatar army. (Alternative)
- This legend has been existing for many years. (Who-q.)
- In the Ulaynovsk province there are some more similar sights which tourists like to visit. (Tail)
V. You have 20 minutes to do this task
39 |
You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend Susie who writes
... We’re doing a project this month at school on legends and customs around the world. Could you tell me about any legend in your region? What do people know about it? Do you like reading? What do you prefer to read about? As for my school trip to London last week, it was really wonderful … |
Write a letter to Susie.
In your letter
- answer his questions
- ask 3 questions about the trip to London
Write 100 – 140 words.
Remember the rules of letter writing.
VI. You have 40 minutes to do this task
40 |
Comment on the following statement.
People should be responsible for their own health and use different ways of keeping it.
What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement?
Write 200 – 250 words.
Use the following plan:
- make an introduction ( state the problem)
- express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for your opinion
- express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion
- explain why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion
- make a conclusion restating your position
Unit VI. Ecological situation in the Ulyanovsk Region
1. Pre-reading task.
Read the words and phrases below correctly:
2. Read the text “The environmental problems”. Use the words given in capitals in the box to form new words that fit in the same numbered space in the text.
Every year a lot of people all over the world get more and more 1 concerned. First of all they pay attention to dirty water they drink, 2 air they breathe, sun radiation causing cancer, acid rains 3 their hair. All 4 problems exist in the Ulyanovsk province too. Engineering factories, industrial plants, cars are the 5 air polluters in the region. In the region there are nearly 300 thousand cars. Every year 87 percent of gaseous wastes and chemicals from the factories and plants are puffed out without clearing. That’s why the level of air 6 in the region is very high and 7 for people, especially for children. Many 8 have such a decease as bronchial asthma. The rivers and lakes are polluted with toxic 9 as phenol, copper, oil products. It is even forbidden by medical service of the province to set a foot on the Sviyaga river. But nothing is being done by the Administration of the province to clear it up. The 10 object in the province is the Research Institute of the Nuclear Reactors. Though the 11 of this Institute do everything in their power to make 12______ institute safe, the threat of the radio-active materials is still remaining. The problem of trash is one of the 13 in the province. The streets, parks, yards are very dirty and need cleaning every day. So the task of every 14 of the province is to take more care of the place where they live. The nature of the province needs protecting and 15 using nowadays. There have been already created 2 republic 16 lands, 2 landscapes, 6 hunting state lands to protect nature and its 17 in the province. And everyone should always remember that the pollution of the environment 18 human life. | ENVIRONMENT POLLUTE DAMAGE THIS BIG POLLUTE DANGER CHILD CHEMISTRY DANGER SCIENCE THEY IMPOTANCE CITY PROPER ZOOLOGY INHABIT THREAT |
I. Answer the questions to the text.
1. What environmental problems do exist in the Ulyanovsk province?
2. What are the biggest polluters in the region?
3. Why is the level of air pollution in the region is very high and dangerous for people?
4. What is the most dangerous object in the province?
5. Who should always remember that the pollution of the environment threatens human life.
II. Correct the false statements.
1. First of all people pay attention to clear water they drink, fresh air they breathe.
2. Engineering factories, industrial plants, cars are the smallest air polluters in the region.
3. It is allowed by medical service of the province to set a foot on the Sviyaga river.
4. The problem of trash is one of least important in the province.
5. There have been already created 5 republic zoological lands, 7 landscapes, 9 hunting state lands to protect nature and its inhabitants in the province.
III. Complete the sentences using the text.
1. In the region there are nearly...
2. Every year 87 percent of gaseous wastes and chemicals...
3. The rivers and lakes are polluted with...
4. Though the scientists of this Institute do everything in...
5. So the task of every citizen of the province is …
IV. Write down the questions.
1. Every year a lot of people all over the world get more and more environmentally concerned. (Tail)
2. All these problems exist in the Ulyanovsk province. (Who-q.)
3. The rivers and lakes are polluted with toxic chemicals. (General)
4. The nature of the province needs protecting and properly using nowadays. (Special)
5. Many children have such decease as bronchial asthma. (Alternative)
V. You have 20 minutes to do this task
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You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend Donna who writes
… At school we’re doing projects on the environmental pollution. Please could you tell me how factories, industrial plants, cars are changing your nature and how people feel about it? Do you have any ideas how to change the situation? By the way, I’m going to join Green Peace. Is that a good idea? … |
Write a letter to Donna.
In your letter
- answer his questions
- ask 3 questions about her hobbies
Write 100 – 140 words.
Remember the rules of letter writing.
VI. You have 40 minutes to do this task
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Comment on the following statement.
Some people think that ecological problems can be solved only by the governments, while others are sure that ordinary people can improve the situation.
What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement?
Write 200 – 250 words.
Use the following plan:
- make an introduction ( state the problem)
- express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for your opinion
- express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion
- explain why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion
- make a conclusion restating your position
- Благовещенский В.В. Особо охраняемые природные территории Ульяновской области. — Ульяновск: Дом печати, 1997.
- Григорьев Д.В. Социокультурное самоопределение подростка/ Д.В. Григорьев//Педагогика.-2000.- № 7. с. 42-47.
- Дворянское В. Поклонение родникам. — Ульяновск: Дом печати, 1993.
- Кальянов К.С., Лебедев В.И. География Ульяновской области. — Приволжское кн. изд-во (Ульяновское отд.), 1974.
- Край Симбирский: Краткие исторические очерки. — Саратов: Приволжское кн. изд-во (Ульяновское отд.), 1989.
- Кузминский Н.А. Край наш родной. — Приволжское кн. изд-во (Ульяновское отд.), 1975.
- Кузьмина Т.В. Обучение иностранному языку как средству межкультурного общения / Т.В. Кузьмина // Проблемы преподавания иностранных языков в контексте модернизации образования: Сборник материалов и тезисов докладов IX Межрегиональной научно-практической конференции. - Самара,СГАУ, 2003. - С. 111-113.
- Кузьмина Т.В. Региональный социокультурный компонент УМК для учащихся общеобразовательных школ г. Ульяновска и Ульяновской области / Т.В. Кузьмина. - Ульяновск: УИПКПРО, 2004.- 39 с.
- Перова, А.К. Роль социокультурного фактора в обучении иностранному языку [Текст] / А.К. Перова // Культура против терроризма: роль культуры в развивающемся обществе. Материалы международной научно-практической конференции. – Калуга : Изд-во КГПУ им. К.Э. Циолковского, 2005. – С. 349-352.
- Памятники Отечества. Вся Россия. Века над Венцом. В 2-х частях.// Иллюстрированный альманах Всероссийского общества охраны памятников истории и культуры. — Ульяновск, 1998. — № 41-42.
- Селиванов К. Литературные места Ульяновской области. — Саратов: Приволжское кн. изд-во, 1969.
- Симбирск и его прошлое: Хрестоматия краеведческих текстов. — Ульяновск: Лаборатория культурологии, 1999.
- Табарданова Т.Б. Историческое краеведение: Учебное пособие для VII-IX классов общеобразовательных учреждений. — Ульяновск: ИПКПРО, «Корпорация технологий продвижения», 2002.
- Ульяновская-Симбирская энциклопедия. В 2-х томах. — Ульяновск: Симбирская книга, 2000.
Unit I.
1. The town of Simbirsk
2.The Ulyanovsk region is the birthplace of many famous people
Unit II
- The location of the Ulyanovsk province
- Vegetation and wild life of the Ulyanovsk province
- Mineral resources
Unit III
- Industrials sectors in the Ulyanovsk province
Unit IV
- Science and Education in the Ulyanovsk province
Unit V
- The Amazing Sights of the Ulyanovsk province
2. The legend of Nikolskaya mountain
Unit VI
The environmental problems
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
Методическое пособие. Стресс у учащихся общеобразовательной школы. Рекомендации
Стресс в жизни ребенка. Основные причины стресса....
Методическое пособие для проведения занятий по правилам пожарной безопасности с учащимися общеобразовательных школ
В помощь учителю...

Моделирование формы предмета. Методическое пособие для учащихся общеобразовательных школ.
Технические преобразования и развитие науки и техники требуют от людей овладения графической грамотой, знаниями правил выполнения чертежей и умения читать их. Черт...

Программа кружка по основам безопасности жизнедеятельности для студентов младших курсов образовательных учреждений среднего профессионального образования и учащихся общеобразовательных школ.
Программа кружка по ОБЖ разработана для студентов младших курсов и учащихся общеобразовательных школ разработана для выработки умений и навыков для обеспечения личной безопасности в повседневной жизни...

Тематическое планирование по английскому языку к учебниу О.В. Афанасьевой , И.В. Михеевой "Английский язык" - 2 класс для учащихся общеобразовательных школ.
Данная пяснительная записка включает :- УМК-цели и задачи на первом этапе обучения английскому языку-требования к уровню подготовки учащихся начальной школы- тематическое планировани...
Учебное пособие. Метод проектов в реализации регионального содержания в обучении географии.
Учебное пособие предполагает использование краеведческого материала в обучении географии, реализуя метод проекта. Региональное содержание включено во все курсы физической и экономической географии....

МЕТОДИЧЕСКОЕ ПОСОБИЕ для проведения занятий по правилам пожарной безопасности с учащимися общеобразовательных школ
Обучению по настоящему методическому пособию должны быть охвачены все учащиеся общеобразовательных школ Форма проведения занятий: беседа, лекция, семинар в сочетании с практическими занятиями, экскурс...