Тесты, контрольные работы
методическая разработка

Дымшеева Рыгзема Дамбинимаевна

Предварительный просмотр:

Тренировочные задания к ОГЭ

ОГЭ 9 КЛ№1 р.12.  Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 18-26, так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста.

18. Driving to the airport in the early morning, Nick and Ron were excited. As it was their……………………………….journey abroad without parents they felt excited and a bit nervous.  (ONE)

19. They……………………………………… in New York at about 10 p.m., and decided to go ahead and get some sightseeing out of the way. (ARRIVE)

20. When they settled on the Empire State Building, the 86-th floor was………………………………….than they had expected. (WINDY)

21. Nevertheless, they got the ………………………………………….. view of the city. (GREAT)

22. The rain…………………………………………………….. when they woke up the next morning. But the boys only had two days in New York, so they had to get up and get on it. (POUR)

23. The boys spent most of the day wandering around Times Square. They enjoyed……………………………… all the people and the street performers. (WATCH)

24. They liked this city as it was always alive, always running from one thing to another. That’s why it……………………………………………”the city that never sleeps (CALL)

25. When Nick and Ron returned to the hotel to pack, they didn’t want to leave. Nick said: “New York is the best place I…………………………………………..” (SEE)

26.  Flying back home Nick thought: “I wish we ………………………………….. we more time in that  amazing city!”  (SPEND)

№2 р. 12.  Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 27-32, так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста.

27. Last weekend we enjoyed a city break in Chester,…………………………………  ancient medieval town in  the northwest of England.  (HISTORY)

28. The heart of the town is the …………………………………………………… of Victorian, Tudor and Gothic times. (ARCHITECT)

29.  Chester is the county town of Cheshire. Can you remember the Cheshire cat who……………………….. disappears in Lewis Carol’s books about Alice? (SLOW)

30. The best way to enjoy the centre of Chester is on the foot. I t is a small ……………………………………….. town ideal for walking. It took us one and half hour to walk along the top of the city walls. (CONVENIENCE)

31. This central part of the town dates back to its ………………………………………. As a fortress. (FOUND)

32. Our …………………………………. city holiday was relaxing, full of museums, tasty food and unforgettable sightseeing. It was a journey through time. (ENJOY)

 ОГЭ 9 КЛ№3. р.21.  Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 18-26, так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста.

18. The National Museum of Natural History is part of the Smithsonian Institution, the ……………………………….. museum and research complex in the world. (OUTSTANDING)

19. The Museum ……………………………………. to inspiring curiosity, discovery, and learning about the natural world through its exhibitions, and education programs. (DEDICATE)

20. Opened in 1910, the museum of the National Mall was the ……………………………………. Smithsonian building. (ONE)

21. There ……………….. different exhibitions that educate and entertain millions of visitors each year. (BE)

22.  Scientific research lies at the heart of the Museum’s work. Many exhibits…………………………during scientific exhibitions. (GATHER)

23. Since 1910 the National Museum of Natural History…………………………………. out research all over the world. (CARRY)

24. The main building on the National Mall contains 1,5 million square feet of space overall and as people say soon it …………………………………………… even bigger. (BECOME)

25. The museum has a very interesting history: during World War I , American Special Forces ………………………………. the building from 1917 to 1919. (OCCUPY)

26. Through its research, collections, education and exhibition programs, the museum……………………. a source of pride for all Americans. (SERVE) 

№2 р. 22.  Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 27-32, так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста

27. Washington D.C. ………………………………. for its  National Mall which includes eleven museums and galleries which belong to the Smithsonian Institution. (FAME)

28. The Smithsonian Institution is named after British scientist James Smithson. He left his wealth to his nephew w Henry Hungerford; however, when Hungerford died…………………………………..in 1835 he left everything to the United States of America. (CHILD)

29. Five other Smithsonian museums and the …………………………..Zoo are also located in  Washington. (NATION)

30. The National Air and Space Museum holds the largest………………………………………….. of historic aircraft and spacecraft in the world. (COLLECT)

31. It was established in 1946, as the National Air Museum and opened its main …………………………. In 1976. (BUILD)

32. The museum is …………………………………..famous among American children   and every American boy dreams  of going there. (WIDE)

Предварительный просмотр:

  Тесты для 6 класса.  Reading comprehension.    

Christmas in Great Britain.

The shops are open every day and there are beautiful Christmas trees and decorations in the windows. People go out and buy presents. There are a lot of nice things in the shops, so you can find very good presents. I like to do Christmas shopping and listen to Christmas songs. There is a Christmas tree in every house and the family decorate it together. In the evening they drink hot chocolate by the Christmas tree ands talk about Christmas miracles (чудеса). Every Saturday before  Christmas our friends organise big parties. They are fun. Children write letters to Santa Claus. In the letters they tell  Santa Claus what they want for Christmas and promise to be good in the coming year. On Christmas Day all the family is together. On the morning of 25 December children find a lot of presents in their stockings. Then the family has Christmas dinner. There is always a turkey (индейка) and Christmas pudding on the table.

Find the wright answer.

1.Christmastime in Britain begins ……a) in December      b) in November     c) in October

2. People buy…… a) presents      b) food      c) Christmas trees        d) all of these thungs

3.There are a lot of Christmas parties for friends …..  a) in November    b) in December   c) on Christmas Day

4.   Children write letters to………      a)  Santa Claus      b) the Queen       c)Big Ben

5.  Christmas is……..   a) on 25 December       b) 24 December     c) 31 December)

6. Children find Christmas presents ……..  a) in their shoes    b) in their stockings   c) under the Christmas tree

7. Traditional Christmas food is…..   a) turkey    b) chicken and Christmas pudding   c) turkey and Christmas pudding.

II.Use of English.

Выберите правильную форму глагола.  « Thanksgiving day.»

There 1 one day a year when all Americans 2 at home with their family and 3 a big dinner. This 4                                                                              Thanksgiving day. The pilgrims 5 the first. The pilgrims 6 to America from Plymuth, England, in September, 1620. They 7 to America for religious freedom. They  8 among the first European setllers in America. Since that time  Americans 9    Thanksgiving day every autumn. Turkey 10 still the main dish and pumpkin pie  11 the most popular dessert.

1. a) was         b) are        c) is      d) were                                  2. a) will stay    b) stay    c) stayed   d) is staying

3. a) ate          b) eats       c) eat    d)will eat                             4. a) is                b) was      c) are        d) will be

5. a) celebrate  b) celebrated   c) will celebrate  d) celebrates   6. a) sail  b) sailes     c) sailed   d)is sailing

7. a) comes   b)come    c) are coming    d) came                  8. a) be     b) are    c) is     d) were

9. a) have been celebrating      b) have celebrated         c) will celebrate         d) had been celebrating

10. a) was     b) was being         c) is    d) were                     11.a) were     b) is     c) will be     d) are              

Поставьте прилагательные в нужной степени сравнения.

Pete was one of the (popular) artists in our (small) town. He was born in a (big) family. He had (many) brothers  and sisters. After leaving  Grammar School  he went to Bradford School of Art and after that to famous Royal College of Art in London, where he was one of the (good) students. But he thought that he couldn’t paint (good) than  his teacher. Although his friends were sure that his pictures are as (fine) as his teacher’s ones  

 Ключи 6кл

№ 1Текст

1 - а,    2 - a,   3 – b,     4 – a,    5 – a,    6 – b,    7 – c.

№ 2 Глаголы

1 –c ,    2-b,  3-c,  4-a, 5-b,  6-c, 7-d, 8-d, 9-a,  10-c,  11-b

№ 3

Most popular, big, many, best, better, fine

Предварительный просмотр:

Лексико-грамматические упражнения.

Замени русские слова подходящими по смыслу английскими эквивалентами в прaвильной форме.

To employ, (the) self-employed,  an employee,  an employer

Contributory benefits are paid by the government from the National Insurance contributions made regularly by  employers (работодателями),                                                     (служащими), and                                                            (предпринимателями).  Most of the working population in Britain  -  about 90% - are                                                     (служащие) who work for a wage which is paid either weekly or monthly. Another 6% are                                        (предприниматели), working on their own  and paying themselves from the profits of their work. Another 3 % are                                          (работодатели) who must first pay their (работникам) and then pay themselves from the profits of their businesses. However, it is not simply  true that the 3% of                                                                                               (работодателей) directly                                        (нанимают на работу)  all the ( служащих). About a third  of the working population are                                        (нанимаются на работу)  by the State. And many of the biggest                                                     («работодателей») are individuals but trust, of financial organizations representing hundreds or thousands shareholders ( акционеров).

Дополните предложения подходящими словами в правильной форме.

 To pay(out), to provide, to be entitled to, to claim, available, to contribute

  1. It is said that one in 10 of some 18 million European workers are jobless. They                         unemployment benefits, though it does not that they all                     them.
  2. Half of jobless  Europeans have been                                                           with the “dole money”  

for more than a year.

        c). Over the last four years in the United States , 12 million new jobs have become                                    to Americans.

        d). The US government                                           to the  construction costs of some hospitals.  Today there are nearly, 7,000  hospitals in the USA; many of them                          some free or low –cost care to those who cannot                          .

        e). Europeans  seem to want                                unemployment benefits rather than                            low wages.

         f). Many Germans believe they are                             not just                     a job, but to the right kind of a job.

        g). Some people, who are elderly, disabled or live on low incomes sometimes don’t                      the benefits to which they                                        .

       h).  Some benefits are no longer                          to sixteen- to eighteen-year –olds and this has caused difficulties for young people who cannot live at home, but cannot find a job.

       i). Child benefit is                              to everybody, although many middle-class people do not actually need financial help.  

       j). People do not try hard to get a job, because they know that in a Welfare State  they will be                                          with financial help.

Предварительный просмотр:

Контрольная работа в 4 классе

  1. Reading  comprehension.

Прочитай рассказ и выбери подходящие ответы на вопросы.

   My name is Jane and I am eleven now. I go to school five days a week. In my free time I go to dancing because I want to be a model. Look at this photo. My dad took it  when I was only two. I was a very fat baby. I ate a lot of porridge and  drank a lot of milk. I played, slept, ate and always smiled.  I was  a happy baby.

  I am happy now too. I don’t play with toys. I like reading and playing with my friends. For breakfast I usually have a glass of tomato juice. I don’t eat a lot for lunch, just a sandwich and an orange. For dinner I usually have fish and vegetables. I need to have a good figure to be a model.

  1. How old is Jane?

a) She is 10.

b) She is 12.

c) She is 11.

       2. Why does she go dancing?                            4. What does she usually eat for dinner?

           a) She wants to be a dancer.                               a) ham, fish and potatoes.

           b)  She wants to be an actress.                            b) fish, carrots and tomatoes.

           c)  She wants to be a model.                                c) chips and orange juice.

       3. Who took pictures of Jane?                            5. What does she when she was a baby?

           a) her father.                                                            a) porridge and juice.

           b) her mother.                                                          b) oranges and sandwiches.

           c) her cousin.                                                            c) milk and porridge.

  1. Use of English.

A). Заполни пропуски  глаголами be, have, do. Выбери каждому вопросу подходящий ответ.

1. What is the weather like?                                    a) I live in the cottage.

2. ………….it sunny?                                                     b) No, I haven’t.

3. Where …………you live?                                         c) Yes, there is.

4. How many rooms……………there?                       d) Oh, it’s lovely.

5. …………..there a river near your house?            e)  No, it isn’t

6…………………..you got a garden?                            f) There are four rooms.

7, ………………….your family big?                               g) I’ve goВыбери t a sister.

8. ………………….you got a sister or a brother?       h) No, it’s cloudy and winfdy.

 2 –                                                            6 -

 3 –                                                            7-

 4-                                                              8 -

 5 -                                                             9 -

b) Выбери и  обведи глаголы в нужной форме в Present Simple или  Past Simple.

Example: I didn’t usually sing/ don’t usually sing at parties.

  1. Tom didn’t go/ doesn’t go  to bed early on last Saturday night.
  2. Zoo-keepers fed/ feed animals three times a week.
  3. My family often stayed/ stay in a small hotel in Moscow when I was a child.
  4. Dima took/ takes photos when he was on holiday in Moscow.
  5. Anya didn’t write/ doesn’t write letters home when she stays at her granny’s.
  6. When my grandmother was/ is  young, she wasn’t/ isn’t  good at sports.

c) Прочитай сказку, раскрой скобки и напиши прилагательные в превосходной степени.

Once upon a time there lived a princess. Her name was Most.

She was (1) the most beautiful princess.

She lived in  (2 -modern) castle with (3 -famous) garden.  (4- wonderful) flowers were in her garden. One day Most was in her garden  and she met a prince.

 “Good morning, dear princes. You are very beautiful”, he said.

“You are wrong, dear prince. I am  (5-  beautiful). My name is Most”.

“And my name is Est. I am (6- strong).”  

“And I live in (7- old) castle. ”

“And my garden is (8- big).”        

“And my horses are (9- fast).”

They talked and talked. The princess and the prince became good friends and had good time together.

2 –                                                              6 -

3 –                                                              7 -

4 –                                                              8 -

5 -                                                               9 -            


d) Заполни пропуски предлогами on/ in/ of.

There are three month (1)………………………………..autumn. My favourite month is November, because my birthday is (2)………………..the third  (3)……………….November. Usually I have  a  birthday party  (4) ……………..that day. All my friends come to my flat and we have fun. If it is warm (5)……………………….autumn, we go outside and play (6)……………. garden.


  1. Reading  comprehension.

1-c,  2 –c,  3 – a,  4 – b,   5 – c

            2.Use of English.

a)   2- is, h                                6 –have, b

       3 – do, a                            7 –is, e

       4 – are, f                           8 – have, g

       5 – is, c


b)  1- didn”t  go                            4 - took

      2 – feed                                   5 – doesn’t write

      3 - stayed                                6 – was, wasn”t

c)   2 – the most modern                       6 – the strongest

      3 -  the most famous                        7 – the oldest

      4 - the most wonderful                    8 – the biggest

      5 - the most beautiful                       9 – the fastest

d)  1- in                            4 - on

      2 – on                         5 - in

      3 – of                          6 -in

Предварительный просмотр:

Задания для подготовки к ЕГЭ


 I wanted to find my niche. I wanted to fit so badly with some group, any group in high school. Sports didn’t really work for me. In fact, I dreaded those times in PE when the captains picked teams. Fights sometimes happened between captains about who would have the misfortune of ending up with me on their team. But one day, I saw a girl I liked go into the marching band office to sign up.  OK, sure, the uniform looked stupid and being in the band didn’t exactly give you the best reputation at school, but there was Jaclyn. I would later learn that many of  the greatest musicians of our time were motivated to music by some girl whose name they most likely don’t remember anymore.

       The first thing to learn was to hold the drum and play it. Holding the drum and playing it is not as easy as it  might look. I did, after several private lessons, learn the rhythm. Next, as if that weren’t difficult enough, I had to learn how to play it while not only working, but marching. At the end of the summer, our uniforms arrived. The band uniform is sacred attire. It is not carefully sized to fit  the  individual, long-sleeved and hand sewn, acquired through a lot of fund raising activities, and cleaned after each use. It is worn with pride. It is also 100% wool.

     I also forgot to mention something.  In addition to inability to play sports,  I was also not so good at marching. If you were not in step, the band director would yell in a loud and ambarrassingly annoyed voice, “OUT OF STEP!” It was at that point that I began to my decision to join the band. How do playing music and marching around in silly formations, all “in step”, go together?

  The day of our  first competition finally arrived. Although it didn’t start until 9 a.m., we had to meet had to meet at 6 a.m. to get our uniforms from the “band boosters” – those selfless, dedicated parents who provided comfort and assistance to the members of the band. I was not really in existence. I could walk and talk, but inside my brain was asleep. I was standing around waiting for my hat to be cleaned when I noticed a big container of coffee. I poured myself a cup – my first-ever cup coffee. It tasted pretty bitter, I had to wake up.

    Finally, they lined us all up and off we went. I had my coffee, so I marched and beat the rhythm out with all my heart. Then, suddenly all my energy drained away. I began to feel  sleepy and I fell “OUT OF STEP”. No one noticed at first and tried to skip back into step. But nothing worked. But nothing worked. Then I saw one of the band boosters talking to another one and pointing at me. Then they motioned for me to leave the formation. I walked over to them as the band marched on.  They told me what I already knew, I was “OUT OF STEP”,  and would have to stay out of the formation until the band passed the judging stand.

    I couldn’t believe it. Now I had to climb over the lawn chairs, popcorn and arms and legs of my fellow townspeople for the next mile to keep up with the band, carrying my  drum and wearing my uniform. This was the most humiliating moment of my life.

  1. When the narrator (рассказчик) was in high school he

     a). wanted badly to belong to some sports team.

     b). looked forward to PE classes.

     c). sometimes had fights with team captains picking teams.

     d). longed to have something in common with other students.

       2.   The reason why the narrator decided to sign up for the band was his

     a). dream to become a musician.

     b). wish to get a better reputation.

     c). attraction to a girl.

       d). liking the band uniform.

  1. “The band uniform is sacred attire” means it is

              a). carefully sized to fit the individual.

              b). long-sleeved hand sewn pure wool.

              c). cleaned after each use.

              d). highly respected and symbolic.

        4.   The narrator began to question his decision to join  the band because he

   a). saw no connection between playing music and marching.

   b). suddenly found out that he was not so good at marching.

   c). had a bad ear for music.

   d). got frightened by yells of the band director.

       5.   The narrator had a cup of coffee before marching because he

     a). sometimes liked to have some.

     b). didn’t want to feel sleepy.

                    c). had got tired of waiting.

                   d). liked its bitter taste.

    6. When the narrator fell “out of step” he

                a). just kept on marching.

                b). expected the band boosters (помощник) to encourage (поддерживать) him.

               c). worked hard to improve the situation.

               d). looked forward to leaving the formation.

    7.  When the narrator was told to leave the formation he felt

              a). frightened that the band director would scold him.

              b). miserable because he knew  he would be a laughing stock.

              c). relieved because he did not have to march any more.

              d). happy that he could join his fellow townspeople.

Предварительный просмотр:

Текст для чтения в 4-5 классе

                                                   The Sahara.

    The Sahara is one of the world’s biggest deserts. Many people think it has always been a desert, but they are wrong. At one time the Sahara was under water, and then the water went away and things grew. However, hot winds made everything  very dry and then nothing could grow.

During the day, the Sahara can be the hottest place in the world. One day, in 1924, it was 136,4 degree in F, or 58 degree in C! At night, however, it is not so hot, and in winter it can be very cold.

Not many big animals can live in the desert. The camel is the best known, and there is also a kind of deer. These animals can live for a long time without water. There are also people living in the desert. They are called Bedouins. They do not live in the same place all the time but move about from place to place.

  1. Предтекстовый этап.

Pre-reading activity.

  1. What are the names of the animals in the picture?
  2. Where do these animals live?
  3. Is this place hot or cold?

New words

Соотнесение значения слова с темой текста.

Desert    The man died in the desert because there was no water.

Wind       A strong wind is always in the desert.

Camel     Camels can go on long journey without drinking water.

Deer        A deer is not as big as a camel.

Complete the sentences with the words.

  1. It is usually very hot in a …
  1. place                  b) desert
  1. A deer is a kind of ….
  1. animal                  b) plant
  1. The hot …   made everything very dry.
  1. wind                     b) desert

2  Текстовый этап

Чтение текста и выделение ключевых предложений и слов. Определение основной идеи.

Main idea

The text is about ………. 1) hot winds     2) winter     3) a desert     4) Bedouins

Circle the correct answer.

  1. The Sahara is……………..a) very big     b) under water   c)  always very cold    d) never cold
  2. The Sahara has not always been …….. a) full of water    b) very dry   c) cold in winter    d) very dry
  3. A Bedouin is a …….  a) person   b) deer    c) camel    d)  desert
  4. It is very dry in the desert because of ………  a) the water    b) the long winters     c) the hot winds        d)  the Bedouins

Complete the sentences with the words:  move      called    driest    grow     animals

The Sahara is one of the ……………….places in the world. It is a desert and nothing can ………………… there.  The only big ………….. that live there are the camel and the deer. There are also some people living there.  They are ……………..Bedouins and they ………………from place to place.


7- 8 классы


Coca-Cola is one of the most popular soft drinks in the world.  Dr. John  Pemberton  first made it in Atlanta, America, in 1886. Dr. John  Pemberton  was not a real doctor but he sold syrups to people who was ill. He made his first Coca-Cola drink with syrup and soda water.  He gave it to his friends to try. They liked it  but asked him to make it even  better.

Although Dr. Pemberton’s drink was99% sugar and soda water, 1% of it was coca leaves and coca nuts (that is why he called the drink “Coca-Cola”) and some other things. Dr. Pemberton would not tell anyone what these other things were. He kept them a secret.  The drink  was not sold well at first so he sold the secret. Two years later, he died.

In 1892, Asa Candler bought the secret  and started The  Coca-Cola Company. Until 1899 people couldn’t take the soft drink away from the shop to drink at home. They had to drink them in the shops.  However, when the Coca-Cola drink became very popular, people wanted to take home bottles of it, so Mr. Candler agreed to sell  it in bottles.

In 1919, Mr. Candler sold his part of the company for $25 million!

Today, The Coca-Cola Company is one of the largest companies in the USA. In 1992, it sold 506 million bottles of Coca-Cola each day. People can buy it in 195 countries. It is still the same drink that Dr. Pemberton made in 1886.

  1. Draw lines to join the matching words and phrases.
  1. Popular                                not well
  2. Ill                                          liked by many people
  3. Bought                                 began            
  4. Started                                 paid for

2 Complete these sentences using words from the box.

Selling,  syrup,   soft drink, secret, real, Company, agree, other

  1.  Mr. Candler started so The Coca-Cola ……………………………..
  2. Dr. Pemberton made the Coca-Cola drink with ………………………… and soda water.
  3. The way to make Coca-Cola is a…………………
  4. Coca-Cola is one of the most famous ………………………………………………..in the world.
  5. Some companies make a lot of money from……………………………………………things.
  6. Do you…………………….that this drink is popular?
  7. The …………………….very popular soft drink is Pepsi-Cola.
  8. Is this……………………………..real orange juice? It doesn’t taste like it.
  1. Chose and write the correct  word
  1. We have five fingers on …………………hand.                        Other/each
  2. Bert and Bill have ……………………to stop fighting.                    Liked/agreed
  3. Coca-Cola is one of the most ………………….. soft drinks.            Better/popular


6-7 классы

Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy were both presidents of the United States of America. Lincoln became president in 1861 and Kennedy in 1961. Both were shot  in the head and killed. They were both shot on Friday. The wives of both men were with them when they were died. John Wilkes Booth, the man who shot Lincoln, was born in 1839. Booth was shot soon after he killed the president. The man who shot Kennedy was Lee Harvey Oswald.  He was born in 1939 and was also shot after he killed the president.

Lincoln had a secretary called Kennedy. The secretary told him not to go out on the day he was shot. Kennedy had the secretary called Lincoln. This secretary told him not to go out on the day he was shot. The name of the man who became president after Lincoln was Johnson.  The name of the man who became president after Kennedy was also  Johnson. What a lot coincidences? 


1. Take me to the….....of your country. a) secretary     b) president

2. This man has been…………………..  He needs a doctor. a) shot    b) killed

3. Will you marry and become  my……………? a) wife     b) head

4. who will….. the president’s new secretary?   A) made   b) become

THE PASSIGE IS ABOUT……..1. the man who killed two American presidents.   2. two presidents who were killed.      3. the presidents’ wives.      4. the presidents’ secretaries.


  1. Who shot President Lincoln?      a) His secretary   b) His wife     c) Lee Harvey Oswald  

d) John Wilkes Booth  

      2) When did Kennedy become president?    a) in 1839  b) in 1961   c) in 1939  d) in  1861

     3) What happened to both presidents on Friday?  a) They were born.   b) They became presidents.

       c) They didn’t go out with their wives.     d) They were shot.

    4) Who were the two people called Johnson?    a) The presidents’ secretaries.   b) The presidents’ wives.     c) The man who shot the presidents.    d) The men who became presidents next.


(both, shot, after, born, with)

This is the story of two American presidents who were ….1…  and killed on a Friday. They ..2.. had their wives….3…. them when they were shot and the men who became presidents ….4… them were both called Johnson. Both presidents had secretaries who told  them not to go out on that day. The killers were both ………….5….. in a year that ended in 39.

Levi jeans

8-9 классы

Levi  Strauss was born in Bavaria in Europe in 1829. He moved to America when he was 17 years old. His brothers sold (продавали) cloth (ткань), and he worked for them although he couldn’t speak English very  well.  At this time many people were moving to California because there was gold  there. Strauss went to look for (искать) gold, too.

Strauss took a lot of cloth with him to San Francisco. He thought it would make good tents (палатки) in the gold fields. But when he got there, he saw people needed clothes (одежда) more (больше) than they needed tents.  Сlothes did not last very long in the gold fields. At first Strauss made pants (брюки) out of canvas (парусина). They were very strong – much stronger than other pants.  Soon everyone was wearing them. He decided that he would stop looking for gold and would only make pants. He opened a small shop and made a lot of money selling pants. 

After a while, Strauss found an even stronger cloth than canvas. It came from town in France called Nimes. The French called it “serge de Nimes” which means “cloth from Nimes”. The Americans called it “denim”.  Strauss also bought some cloth from Genoa, a town in Italy. To Americans this name sounded like “jeans” so they called his pants “jeans”. The cloth  Strauss used was always blue so people also called his pants “blue jeans” or “blue denims”. Other people called them “Levi’s”.

Today Levi Strauss jeans are one of the best-selling jeans in the world. They last a long time and are very comfortable.

  1. THE PASSAGE  is about   1) Levi Strauss ‘ journey across America.  2) how to make a lot of money  3) the man who made Levi jeans.   3) life on the gold fields.   4) where cloth came from.
  2. Write the word that completes the sentence. ( decided, tents, canvas, comfortable)
  1. Many people on the gold fields were living  in………
  2. ……………… was a good cloth to use for pants.
  3. Levi jeans are popular because they are …………………..
  4. Mr. Strauss ………………….. to go to California because there was gold there.

SUMMARY   (pants, but, moved, from, very, to, cloth)

Levi Strauss came…………….1…………. Bavaria. In 1829, he went …….2… America sold cloth. Later, he ……3….. to California to sell cloth to people who were looking for gold. He was going to sell cloth to make tents, but people needed ……..4…. more than tents. He opened a shop to sell his pants and did well. Later, he bought …..5…. from France and Italy. This cloth was soft and comfortable ……6….. it lasted a long time. Today Levi jeans are ….7… popular.


  1. Where did Levi Strauss go when he was 17?
  2. What did Levi Strauss make pants from at first?
  3. Where did denim come from?
  4. What did he sell in his shop?

The Mary Celeste

5-6 классы

The Mary Celeste

“Mary Celeste” is the name of a ship. In 1872 sailors on  another ship , the “Dei Gratia”, saw the  “Mary Celeste”. Both ships were in the middle of Atlantic Ocean, a long way from land.  The  “Mary Celeste” was not moving. The sailors on  the “Dei Gratia” thought there was something wrong with the  “Mary Celeste”. They tried to speak to the sailors on the ship, but no one answered.

Some of the sailors from the  “Dei Gratia” climbed on to the “Mary Celeste”. They looked everywhere on the ship, but they could not find anyone. Although there was nothing wrong with the ship, there was no one on it. Something had happened  while the sailors on the  “Mary Celeste” had been eating a meal. There was still food on the  table. No one knows what happened to the sailors on the  “Mary Celeste”. No one has ever seen any of them again.


  1. I would like a table in the ………………………………… of the  restaurant, please. A) food B) middle
  2. There some questions no one ……………………………….a) think   b) answer
  3. How far are we from ………………………………………..?   a) land      b) everywhere
  4. I’m too sick to eat any………………………………..a)  food                        b) meal


The passage is about a ship that………………………….1) had no sailors on it.      2) had many people on it.                            3) was in the Pacific ocean.                    4) no one has ever seen.


  1. Where were the sailors when they first saw the “Mary Celeste”?   a) On  the “Dei Gratia”                       b) On land      c) No one knows      d) In the water.
  2. What was wrong with the “Mary Celeste”?   a) There was food on the table.                                        b) It was in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.  c) It was never seen again.   d) No one was on it.
  3. Why did the sailors think something had happened on  the “Mary Celeste”?

a)They knew many of the sailors on her  b) No one answered when they spoke.

c)There was no food on the ship.    d) The ship was in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.

        4.   What happened  on  the “Mary Celeste”?     a) Someone ate all the food.   b) The sailors got sick. c) No one knows.     d) No one on the ship could speak


 But, anyone, happened, land, found

No one knows ……………1………………… to the “Mary Celeste”. She was …………………..2 ………………….in the Atlantic Ocean, a long way from……………………3…………………….. by sailors on the   “Dei Gratia” . They did not find ……………………..4………………on  the “Mary Celeste”.,………………………5……………….there was food on the table.                        

Предварительный просмотр:

The best films                

 One of the most famous film prizes in the world is the Oscar. Every year in the USA, the Academy of Motion  Picture Arts and Sciences gives  the Oscars to people who have done well in films. There is an Oscar for the best  film of the year, another  for the best actor, and Oscar for doing many other things well in films. Oscars are very important because people want to see films that have won them. They also want to see actors who have won Oscars. This means  that films that have won Oscars make a lot of money. The Academy first gave  prizes to films in 1927, but they were called Oscars then.  That happened 4 years later. Most people think  that Oscar was someone famous in films, but he wasn’t. He was no one important. He was  someone that a woman  called Margaret Herrick knew. She worked for the Academy and one day she saw the prize on the table. She said, “He looks like my friend, Oscar” From that time on the prizes  were called  the Oscars.


  1. 1. Have you ever won a………………..?         a) film                        b) prize
  2. Some…………… ….in films are very famous.      a).  Oscars    b) actors
  3. “Gandy ” is one of the best…………………… I have ever seen.     a) films    b) prizes
  4. I went to the cinema …………………. than my friend because I had to study first.  a) then  b) later


The passage is about ……    1) Margaret Herrick         2) The Academy    3) the Oscars.    4) money


  1. The Academy gives prizes to people who……………a) pay the Academy money   b) like films

c)  are friends of Margaret Herrick         d) have done well in films

            2. An Oscar is ……………..a)a film               b) an actor    c) a prize  d) someone famous  

               3. The Oscars   got their name  d)  in         a) 1927     b) 1931     c) 1923   1928

              4. Oscar was the name of       ……a) the actor who won an Oscar the first Oscar    b) the first film to win   an Oscar           c)  Margaret Herrick‘s friend                  d) the president of the Academy

Вставьте пропущенные слова:                Friend, money, win, worked, prize

The most famous ……1 …. in films is called the Oscar.   Films and actors  that ……..2……………

……  this prize make a lot of..3………….  because many people want to see them.  The prize is called an ‘Oscar’ because a woman who …………4…………..at the Academy said it looked  like her…..5….. , Oscar

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