Урок английского языка по теме «В мире театра» (The world of theatre). 7 - 8 класс
план-конспект урока (7 класс)
Конспект урока английского языка на тему "Театр" в 7 - 8 классах и презентация к уроку
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Предварительный просмотр:
Ваганова Ж.В.
Урок английского языка по теме «В мире театра» (The world of theatre).
7 - 8 класс
Цель урока – приобщение учащихся к культурной жизни средствами театра.
- Учебная: активизировать тематическую лексику в устной речи учащихся в диалогической и монологической форме в процессе развития иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции учащихся;
- Образовательная: расширить знания учащихся о театрах;
- Развивающая: развивать способности к логическому изложению, к догадке, развивать способность осуществлять продуктивные и репродуктивные речевые действия, развивать коммуникабельность;
- Воспитательная: воспитывать культуру посредством театра.
Задачи урока:
1.Ввести и научить употреблять в диалогической и монологической речи лексические единицы по теме «Театр».
2.Закрепить использование лексико-семантической группы слов по теме.
3.Лингво-страноведческая задача: работа с текстом, ознакомление с историей театра и приемами театральной педагогики.
Тип урока: смешанный.
Формы работы:
- Индивидуальная
- Фронтальная
- Парная
- Групповая
Оснащение урока: распечатки из пособия по теме «Театр», карточки с заданиями, опорная схема здания театра, аудиозапись фрагментов представлений различных театров мира, изображения театров на картинках, презентация, портреты писателей.
Ход урока:
3 минуты. Оргмомент, мотивация, выход на тему, деление на группы. Подготовка учащихся к учебной деятельности на английском языке:
Организация групп; уч-ся покупают билеты и делятся на 2 группы (рассаживаются в зависимости от номера на билете).
I want you to buy tickets at the box office.
Ассимилятивно-проблемная установка;
I am glad to see you. Sit down, please. I hope you are ready for your English lesson. Look at the pictures. What connects them together? Say only one word. Fantastic! You are absolutely right! It’s THEATRE. Did you guess what we are going to speak about? Yes, will speak about theatre.
What do you know about this year? (2019 - год театра).
Let’s go to the theatre!
В итоге должны получиться мини-проекты (плакаты – афишы о театре).
Фонетическая разминка.
- Now I’d like you to train some sounds and words:
the sound [межзубной] – think, I think, theatre
the sound [э] – ballet, tragedy, backstage, actor, actress, dramatist, talented, gallery
the sound [эй] – stage, play, make
the sound [о:] – audience, performance, hall, stalls
the sound [о] – opera, box, operetta, drop
the sound [ай] – price, lights, designer, director
the sound [ё] – curtain, circle, rehearsal
the sound [и:] – seat, scene
the sound [а] – company, usher, conductor
the sound [а:] – star, drama, cast
Речевая зарядка. Words and phrases:
1 Theatre – театр
2 Spectator – зритель
3 Cloak room - гардероб
4 a house / auditorium - зрительный зал
5 a dressing room - раздевалка, гримерная
6 Company – труппа
7 Ballet dancer – балерина
8 make up - макияж, грим
9 Make-up man – гример
10 Stage-hand - рабочий сцены
11 Prompter – суфлер.
12 Performance – представление, спектакль
13 Talented - талантливый
14 Successful – успешный
English-speaking atmosphere creation.
1 What is a theatre?
A theatre is a special building where actors play, sing, dance and wear costumes. People can see different plays at the theatre.
2 What is your favourite kind of theatre? Which do you like better: drama, opera or ballet?
3 Are you a theatre goer? How often do you go to the theatre?
4 When did you last go to the theatre? Whom do you go to the theatre with?
5 Do your parents like to go to the theatre? Do you usually discuss the play?
21 мая – Всемирный день культурного разнообразия во имя диалога и развития.
Виды театров и театральных представлений.
Teacher – Now I would like to refresh in your memory different kinds of theatres and performances.
1 group: What types of theatres do you know?
Opera House – Opera and Ballet theatre – оперный театр
Drama theatre – драматический театр
Musical Comedy theatre – театр музыкальной комедии
Young People's theatre – театр для молодежи
Children's theatre – театр юного зрителя
Variety theatre – эстрадный театр (варьете)
Puppet theatre - кукольный театр
Amateur theatre – самодеятельный (любительский) театр.
2 group: What theatrical performances can we see in a theatre?
a tragedy- трагедия
a comedy - комедия
Drama - драма
Opera - опера
Musical – мюзикл
Ballet – балет
Play - пьеса
Do you know any famous theatres (известные театры мира)?
Видеоролик № 1 “The world’s most beautiful theatres”
1 group: Guess-game “Theatres of the world”. Try to find a suitable picture to each recording and guess what nation it belongs. Then listen to the information about these theatres.
№ 1- Traditional Japanese theatre (Kabuki, No Theatre)
№ 2 - Moscow Bolshoi Theatre (the Russian Ballet Theatre)
№ 3 - the Classical Peking Opera of China
№ 4 - The Sydney Opera House
№ 5 – Convent Garden (The Royal Opera House)
№ 6 - La Scala
2 group: Правила поведения в театре.
Видеоролик № 3
Theatre Rules:
- Follow the dress code of the event. Always wear tidy and elegant clothes.
- Sit only on your place (seat).
- Always come in time (never be late).
- During the performance listen attentively.
- Never eat, don’t make noise and don’t talk loudly during the play.
- All devices must be switched off or switched to silent mode.
- Don’t leave before the end of the play.
- Be always calm, polite and well-wishing.
- Love theatre and never miss the chance to touch the great art.
- Taking pictures and video recording is not allowed.
- Show your appreciation by clapping.
Видеоролик № 2 “What is theatre”
1 group: Театральные профессии (в ролике):
Backstage crew
Stage manager
Set designer
Работники театра. What people take part in theatrical productions? Say who is who by making sentences with the expressions below
- Actor – актёр / actress - актриса (Someone who entertains the public)
- Controls and fits the light on stage and auditorium (a light engineer)
- a very famous and popular actor or actress (a star)
- writes plays to stage them in a theatre (a dramatist) - драматург
- people who take part in a particular show or performance (a cast) – состав исполнителей, труппа
- Artistic director (rehearses the parts with actors) – режиссёр, художественный руководитель
- a person who sells playbills and shows people where their seats are (an usher) – капельдинер, билетер, швейцар
- Costume designer – художник по костюмам (A person whose job is to design clothes for actors by making drawings of them)
- Sells tickets to public in the box office (a cashier) - кассир
- Controls and fits the sound on stage and auditorium (a sound operator) – звукорежиссер
- A conductor (Someone who stands in front of a group of musicians or singers and directs their playing or singing) - дирижер
- Builds the set for the performance (set / stage designer) – сценограф, оформитель спектакля.
Театральная лексика (слова крупно напечатаны и развешиваются).
На листочках (распечатки) – подписать, как что называется в театре.
Read the definition, write the word or word-group on a card and put it in a proper place in the scheme of a theatre:
1 a place where a performance takes place (the stage) – сцена
2 the office where spectators book or buy tickets (box office)
3 where the orchestra plays; the hall is separated from the stage by it (the orchestra pit) – оркестровая яма
4 this thing covers the stage (the curtain) - занавес
5 they illuminate the stage from above (toplights)
6 they illuminate the stage from beneath (footlights)
7 the seats on the ground floor nearer the stage are (the stalls) - партер
8 the passages between the rows of stalls are (aisles) – проход между рядами
9 the small private compartment nearer the stage (the box) - ложа
10 the seats in the first floor (the balcony)
11 the farthest and cheapest seats where standing room is available for the lowest admission fee (the gallery) - галерка
12 a sad or serious play in the theatre (a tragedy)
13 something actors or actresses put on their faces to change their appearances (make up)
14 a room where a performer can get dressed (a dressing room)
15 the part of a theatre where the audience sits (a house)
16 a large area inside the theatre where people meet or wait, walk in the interval (a foyer)
Театральные суеверия и приметы.
Видеоролик № 4 “Top theatre superstitions”
Good and bad luck theatre superstitions
- To wish “Break a leg!”
- Only fake flowers can be used on stage
- To pinch the beginning actor
- To kiss the hem of a dress (if you step on it)
- Ghosts in every theatre (The Ghost night)
- To perform Cinderella
- Dolls and lucky charms in the dressing room
- Dance on spilled powder
- A bad rehearsal
- To wear a wig on stage
- Cats on stage during the rehearsal
- The Scottish play (“Macbeth”)
- Flowers before the play
- 3 candles
- Real mirrors or jewelry
- To knit while in a play
- Peacock feathers
- Whistling in the theatre
- To open a play on Friday or on the 13th of the month
- To use yellow, blue or green on stage
- To open an umbrella on stage
- Shoes placed on a chair
Мимика и жесты
Ходим по театру, смотрим реквизит, играем с ним.
Театральные предметы / вещи (props - реквизит, бутафория). Look at these objects. (shows some theatre objects to the class). Can you tell me what all these things have in common?
Imagine… (превращения предметов).
1 group
Карандаш – волшебная палочка.
Указка – меч, шпага.
Передай книгу так, как будто это… (кирпич…)
2 group
Линейка – подзорная труба.
Лист бумаги – зеркало.
Возьми ручку так, как будто это …
Разгадывание кроссворда на листках и при помощи презентации. Учитель задает вопрос, дети отвечают и записывают ответы в кроссворд.
Учитель: The first word in our crossword is “here we can read the name of the play, characters and actors.” (Posters)
Учитель: The second word is “a group of people who sing together” (Chorus)
Учитель: The third word is “A traditional Russian puppet toy” (Punch)
Учитель: The fourth word is “money we pay for the ticket” (Price)
Учитель: The fifth word is “a part of a show” (Scene)
Учитель: The six word is “what do actors do on the stage” (Act)
Учитель: The seventh word is “a place where we sit in the theatre” (Seat)
Учитель: The eighth word is “a role that actor plays” (Character)
Учитель: The ninth word is “a man who plays a role” (Actor)
Учитель: And the last tenth word is ”some seats in one line” (Row)
Учитель: What word do we have here? (Puppet show)
22 мая 1907 года – родился Лоуренс Оливье, британский актёр театра и кино, режиссёр, продюсер.
Рассказ учителя: Laurence Olivier - Один из крупнейших актёров XX века, репертуар которого включал как античную драму и произведения Шекспира, так и современные американские и британские пьесы.
Сэр Лоуренс Оливье – cоздатель Королевского Национального театра, лучший интерпретатор шекспировских ролей, человек, посвященный в рыцари. Знаменитый актер сыграл 120 театральных ролей.
Он обладал непревзойденным уровнем актерского мастерства, и многие считали его величайшим актером.
Видеоролики № 5, 6 – Оливье и Смоктуновский (Быть или не быть)
William Shakespeare
Работа с текстом о Шекспире и его творчестве.
Учитель: Very well! Do you like acting? Did you join any drama club or drama centre? Well, I see most of you like theatre. It’s great! would you like to be an actor or actress? Why? Why not?
Актерское мастерство (Acting technique and artistic skills).
And what do actors do before they start a show?! They train their mouths!
- James plays with trains and planes.
- A girl sees three big geese.
- Kate bakes eight tasty cakes.
- Here is a rose, the rose is red.
Say it with different intonation (try to express some feelings and emotions).
Достают пальчиковые куклы и говорят с разной интонацией, выражая различные чувства и эмоции.
Act out an emotion:
Generous, kind Santa Clause – Yes, of course! Let me see…
Clever, smart cat – Yes, of course! Let me see…
Greedy dragon – Yes, of course! Let me see…
Angry, rude shark – Just a minute!
Shy, modest frog – Just a minute!
Brave, glad punch – Just a minute!
Surprised parrot – What is it? Fire?
Sad elk – What is it? Fire?
Lazy, sleepy panda – What is it? Fire?
Frightened, scared mouse – What is it? Fire?
Proud elephant – Come here! Sit down.
Loving, happy deer – Come here! Sit down.
Hateful, cruel bird – Come here! Sit down.
Sly, cunning fox – Come here! Sit down.
Nursery Rhymes:
Little cat, little cat,
Where have you been?
I’ve been up to London,
To look at the Queen.
Pussy cat, pussy cat,
What did you see there?
I saw a little mouse under the chair.
Little mouse, little mouse,
Where is your house?
Pussy cat, pussy cat,
I have no flat.
I am a poor mouse,
I have no house.
Proverbs and sayings:
1 Business before pleasure.
2 Two heads are better than one.
3 Early to bed, early to rise makes the man healthy, wealthy and wise.
4 To be as busy as a bee.
Let’s practice acting out sad and happy characters and read the dialogue. It’s important HOW you say the words, not just WHAT WORDS you say.
Just remember an event from your life when you felt really sad (you lost or broke something, your dog ran away). Act out a dialogue as if it were a tragedy. OK.
Now remember a happy day in your life (you were given a nice present, you got a five in your test) and act out the same dialogue as a happy character.
Видеоролик № 7 «Эмоции»
Мимика и жесты.
Try to show (act out, mime) some actions using only your face, gestures and body.
Sit as if you are a king, a child. Посидеть так, как сидит царь, наказанный ребенок.
Walk as if you are an old man, a vain, proud person. Походить так, как ходит старик, гордец.
Без слов (without words):
Прогоните (drive away, banish),
пригласите (invite),
привлеките внимание (draw attention),
укажите (show, point),
предупредите (warn),
откажите (refuse, deny),
поблагодарите (thank),
объяснитесь в любви (make a declaration of love).
Зеркало. Mirror (do the same / repeat after your partner).
Guess (What are you doing?). “I am cleaning my teeth / brushing my hair / reading a textbook / writing a difficult test/ swimming / yawning / sleeping / doing shopping / choosing and eating a sweet / crying / playing badminton / playing chess”.
5-second objects (washing machine; vacuum cleaner; fan; crane).
Creating characters (I’m a strong man / a real hero / a cat / a squirrel / a naughty child / a superstar).
Professions: a conductor / a make-up man / a prompter / a ballet dancer.
Greetings (Good morning!): All students start milling about the room. Ask them to greet each other, perhaps just by shaking hands. Students just shake hands, move on, and greet the next student they meet. Then ask the students to greet each other in a more specific way. Possibilities are: like a lost friend, like someone you don’t really trust, someone you hate, an ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend, someone you are secretly in love with, someone with bad breath.
22 мая – день основания Третьяковской галереи (в 1856 году).
Внутренняя культура актера и режиссера. Зрительное восприятие и наблюдательность. Внимание и память (картины).
Look at the pictures very attentively and try to remember all the details.
1 The Morning in a Pine Forest (Утро в сосновом лесу) is a painting by Russian artist Ivan Shishkin. 1889. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow, Russia.
How many bears are there in the picture?
2 Girl with Peaches (Девочка с персиками) is an 1887 painting by the Russian painter Valentin Serov.
How many peaches are there in the picture?
What colour is the girl’s blouse?
What is there on the wall?
3 Bogatyrs • 1881 (Богатыри). VASNETSOV, Viktor Mikhaylovich (1848-1926).
What colour are Ilya’s and Dobrynya’s horses?
4 Ivan Tsarevich riding the Gray Wolf by Viktor Vasnetsov, 1889 (Иван – царевич на сером волке).
What colour is Elena’s clothes and Ivan’s hat?
5 Low (bad) Marks Again (Опять двойка) is a painting by Fyodor Pavlovich Reshetnikov, created in 1952.
How many people are there the picture?
What colour is the dog?
6 Pavel Fedotov: Major’s marriage proposal (Сватовство майора, 1848 г).
How many people are there in the picture?
What animal can we see in the painting?
Freeze (Sculpture gallery). Family portraits. Изобразить без слов любую картину.
7 минут. 27 мая – общероссийский день библиотек.
Небольшая передвижная книжная выставка. Учитель рассказывает о известных драматические произведениях и их героях.
Видеоролик № 8 – Весь мир театр
Hamlet Tragedy about the ghost of father
Romeo and Juliet Romantic story about unhappy love
Othello Jealousy and killing of wife
Macbeth Murders and power
There are a lot of people who becomes theatre-goers. They go to the theatre... | either to see the play or to listen to an opera. see ballet enjoy actors playing feel the magic of music for pleasure |
Usually we buy tickets to the performance ... | in the box-office in advance at the theatre agency right before it |
The audience in the theatre... | seats for a play leaves their cloths in the cloakroom buys a programme prepares opera glasses watches the performance applauds the actors |
Before the performance... | the lights go down the musicians tune up the curtain rises |
Mostly I like ... | tragedies and dramas comedies and musicals |
Now let`s speak about theatres and cinemas. You have to complete the sentences using the parts of the table:
And now design your own theatre posters. Make theatre one-pagers to represent visually the world of theatre (обе группы учащихся оформляют афишы – постеры о театре).
OK. Thanks a lot for your work.
4 минуты. Рефлексия (театральные маски – веселые или грустные). Выводы. Оценки.
Why do you think the theatre is so important in the lives of people?
On your desks there are two kinds of masks. Choose one mask which reflects your mood now.
Home task. to find information about Tyumen theatres.
T: You worked hard at the lesson. This work was interesting and useful for everybody. You have learned some information about theatre. What new things have you learned? Did you like the lesson? Who did the best to get a five at the lesson? Give your ideas.
(Possible answers: Now I know that\how…, I have learned…, Now I can…, etc.).
T: Thank you for the lesson, children. See you tomorrow. Good-bye!
Nursery Rhymes:
Little cat, little cat,
Where have you been?
I’ve been up to London,
To look at the Queen.
Pussy cat, pussy cat,
What did you see there?
I saw a little mouse under the chair.
Little mouse, little mouse,
Where is your house?
Pussy cat, pussy cat,
I have no flat.
I am a poor mouse,
I have no house.
Proverbs and sayings:
1 Business before pleasure.
2 Two heads are better than one.
3 Early to bed, early to rise makes the man healthy, wealthy and wise.
4 To be as busy as a bee.
Sit as if you are a king, a child. Посидеть так, как сидит царь, наказанный ребенок.
Walk as if you are an old man, a vain, proud person. Походить так, как ходит старик, гордец.
Без слов (without words):
Прогоните (drive away, banish),
пригласите (invite),
привлеките внимание (draw attention),
укажите (show, point),
предупредите (warn),
откажите (refuse, deny),
поблагодарите (thank),
объяснитесь в любви (make a declaration of love).
Зеркало. Mirror (do the same / repeat after your partner).
Guess (What are you doing?). “I am cleaning my teeth / brushing my hair / reading a textbook / writing a difficult test/ swimming / yawning / sleeping / doing shopping / choosing and eating a sweet / crying / playing badminton / playing chess”.
5-second objects (washing machine; vacuum cleaner; fan; crane).
Creating characters (I’m a strong man / a real hero / a cat / a squirrel / a naughty child / a superstar).
Professions: a conductor / a make-up man / a prompter / a ballet dancer.
Greetings (Good morning!): All students start milling about the room. Ask them to greet each other, perhaps just by shaking hands. Students just shake hands, move on, and greet the next student they meet. Then ask the students to greet each other in a more specific way. Possibilities are: like a lost friend, like someone you don’t really trust, someone you hate, an ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend, someone you are secretly in love with, someone with bad breath.
Look at the pictures very attentively and try to remember all the details.
1 The Morning in a Pine Forest (Утро в сосновом лесу) is a painting by Russian artist Ivan Shishkin. 1889. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow, Russia.
How many bears are there in the picture?
2 Girl with Peaches (Девочка с персиками) is an 1887 painting by the Russian painter Valentin Serov.
How many peaches are there in the picture?
What colour is the girl’s blouse?
What is there on the wall?
3 Bogatyrs • 1881 (Богатыри). VASNETSOV, Viktor Mikhaylovich (1848-1926).
What colour are Ilya’s and Dobrynya’s horses?
4 Ivan Tsarevich riding the Gray Wolf by Viktor Vasnetsov, 1889 (Иван – царевич на сером волке).
What colour is Elena’s clothes and Ivan’s hat?
5 Low (bad) Marks Again (Опять двойка) is a painting by Fyodor Pavlovich Reshetnikov, created in 1952.
How many people are there the picture?
What colour is the dog?
6 Pavel Fedotov: Major’s marriage proposal (Сватовство майора, 1848 г).
How many people are there in the picture?
What animal can we see in the painting?
Freeze (Sculpture gallery). Family portraits. Изобразить без слов любую картину.
Hamlet Tragedy about the ghost of father
Romeo and Juliet Romantic story about unhappy love
Othello Jealousy and killing of wife
Macbeth Murders and power
There are a lot of people who becomes theatre-goers. They go to the theatre... | either to see the play or to listen to an opera. see ballet enjoy actors playing feel the magic of music for pleasure |
Usually we buy tickets to the performance ... | in the box-office in advance at the theatre agency right before it |
The audience in the theatre... | seats for a play leaves their cloths in the cloakroom buys a programme prepares opera glasses watches the performance applauds the actors |
Before the performance... | the lights go down the musicians tune up the curtain rises |
Mostly I like ... | tragedies and dramas comedies and musicals |
1 It’s a masterpiece!
2 It’s super!
3 Excellent!
4 Very good.
5 Well done.
6 Not bad.
Box office
Make up
Dressing room
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
– th ink, th eatre – b a llet, tr a gedy, a ctor, a ctress, dr a matist, t a lented, g a llery – st a ge, play, make, fake, br ea k, spect a tor – au dience, perf or mance, h a ll, stalls – o pera, box, drop – pr i ce, light, des i gner, d i rector – c ur tain, c ir cle, reh ear sal – s ea t, scene – c o mpany, u sher, cond u ctor – st ar , dr a ma, cast
Our Project What do modern children like to do? Do they often go to the theatre? Do we have theatre in our native place? Do our pupils know much about the theatre? What can be done in this situation? Aim : to give some information about theatre and to interest our schoolchildren. How to do it? – To learn something new and make some product about theatre (for other people to enjoy and to get interested, and to organize the first English theatre corner in our classroom) Why “Theatre”? Culture To hold the audience To be one’s own man To command oneself To have good speech and memory
7 W’s Programmes Where are the most famous theatres? Who works in the theatre (theatre professions) What are different parts of theatres? Which is the strangest and funniest superstition? When did Shakespeare live and write? Why do we admire some actors? Whose theatre poster and album is better? 21 мая – The world Day of cultural diversity ( Всемирный день культурного разнообразия во имя диалога и развития ) 22 мая – Laurence Olivier was born in 1907 ( родился Лоуренс Оливье, британский актер и режиссер ) 22 мая – the Tretyakov Gallery was founded ( день основания Третьяковской галереи ) 27 мая – the Libraries Day ( день библиотек )
Kinds of theatres and theatrical performances Opera House – Opera and Ballet theatre – оперный театр Drama theatre – драматический театр Musical Comedy theatre – театр музыкальной комедии Young People's theatre – театр для молодежи Children's theatre – театр юного зрителя Variety theatre – эстрадный театр ( варьете ) Puppet theatre - кукольный театр Amateur theatre – самодеятельный (любительский) театр. a tragedy - трагедия a comedy - комедия Drama - драма Opera - опера Musical – мюзикл Ballet – балет Play - пьеса
Famous Theatres of the World Convent Garden: Convent Garden is situated in London, England. It is also known as The Royal Opera House. Moscow Bolshoi Theatre (1825): This is a famous theatre in the capital of Russia.
Classical Peking Opera of China La Scala (1908). This opera theatre is in Milan, Italy.
Traditional Japanese theatre includes Kabuki , Noh and the puppet theatre . The Kabukiza Japanese Theater (in the center of Tokyo) The Sydney Opera House, 1973 (in Australia)
Theatre Rules: Follow the dress code of the event. Always wear tidy and elegant clothes. Sit only on your place (seat). Always come in time (never be late). During the performance listen attentively. Never eat during the play. Don’t make noise and don’t talk loudly. During performances all devices must be switched off or switched to silent mode. Don’t leave before the end of the play. Be always polite and well-wishing. Love theatre and never miss the chance to touch the great art.
Theatre professions Actor / actress - entertains the public Controls and fits the light on stage and auditorium - a light engineer a very famous and popular actor or actress - a star Artistic director - rehearses the parts with actors Costume designer – designs clothes for actors by making drawings of them Controls and fits the sound on stage and auditorium - a sound operator A conductor - stands in front of a group of musicians or singers and directs their playing or singing
Different parts of theatre a place where a performance takes place - the stage the office where spectators book or buy tickets - box office where the orchestra plays; the hall is separated from the stage by it - the orchestra pit this thing covers the stage - the curtain the small private compartment nearer the stage - the box the seats in the first floor - the balcony a room where a performer can get dressed - a dressing room they illuminate the stage – toplights / footlights
Good and bad luck theatre superstitions To wish “ Break a leg !” instead of good luck Ghosts in every theatre ( The Ghosts night ) Ghost light on stage Cats on stage during the rehearsal The Scottish play (“Macbeth”) Stolen flowers To have real mirrors or jewelry on stage Peacock feathers Whistling on stage and in the theatre To open a play on Friday or on the 13 th of the month To use (wear) yellow, blue or green on stage 3 candles on stage
Break Props - реквизит Imagine… Pencil – a magic stick Pointer – a sword Book – a brick Ruler – a telescope Paper – a mirror Pen – a worm Walk as … Sit as …
Laurence Olivier Лоуренс Оливье (22 May 1907) Famous British actor and director Created many Shakespeare’s characters
William Shakespeare ( Уильям Шекспир ) All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players: They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts… To be, or not to be, that is the question: Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles And by opposing end them. Быть или не быть, вот в чем вопрос. Достойно ль Смиряться под ударами судьбы, Иль надо оказать сопротивленье И в смертной схватке с целым морем бед Покончить с ними?
Театр «Глобус» “The Globe” Theatre
B He started writing poems when theatres were closed. C The Globe Theatre was round. D Musicians made special noises. E All the characters were played by men and boys. F He wrote comedies, tragedies and history plays. G He invented lots of new English words and expressions. H His plays and poetry are still very popular today.
Acting Technique – Актерское мастерство PERFORMANCE P E R F O R M A N C E s P eech (речь) voic E (голос) playing a R ole (играть роль) trans F ormation (перевоплощение) int O nation (интонация) imp R ovisation (импровизация) M emory (хорошая память) A rtistic skills (артистизм) imagi N ation (воображение, фантазия) fa C ial expression (мимика) g E stures (жесты)
Tongue twisters . Скороговорки James plays with trains and planes. A girl sees three big geese. Say it with different intonation (try to express some feelings and emotions). Read rhymes Kate bakes eight tasty cakes. Here is a rose, the rose is red. Try to show some actions using only your face, gestures and body. Mirror (do the same and guess).
22 May – the Tretyakov Gallery was founded (1856)
27 May – Day of libraries Tragedy about the Prince and the ghost of his father Romantic story about unhappy love Jealous man kills his wife Murders to get the power
Reflection: Did we answer all the questions? Where are the most famous theatres? Who works in the theatre (theatre professions) What are different parts of theatres? Which is the strangest and funniest superstition? When did Shakespeare live and write? Why do we admire some actors? Whose theatre poster and album is better?
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