Международный разговорный клуб по английскому языку "Operation English Outreach"
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (8 класс)

Зубова Дарья Викторовна

First session "Break the ice"

Second session - "Halloween"

Third session "Christmas"


Файл breaking_the_ice._slang.pptx2.04 МБ
Файл 8-1_and_joe.pptx1.78 МБ

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Breaking the ice. Socialising. Characteristics about Americans.

Слайд 2

Smiling at people for no reason and talking to them.

Слайд 3

Small talk talking to people you may not know about the weather or sports.

Слайд 4

Where & when to use small talk: this can be done at a bus stop, or on public transportation (bus or train)

Слайд 5

Nice ( adj ) – to be kind. Examples: They said it’s going to rain today. How about those Packers (an American football team in Wisconsin), or Vikings (a football team in Minnesota)?

Слайд 7

American dream(y) Anyone can be successful. This is done with hard work, taking risks and sacrifices

Слайд 8

To make great effort

Слайд 9

Risk (noun) – to be in possible danger. To give up something like a possession Dreamy ( adj ) – to be beautiful. To have an unreal quality

Слайд 10

American Slang vocabulary Note: these are words you can say about someone

Слайд 11

Goon – someone who is goofy. Slow witted. example: That guy is a goon . Goonette : a female goon. Example: That girls is a goonette .

Слайд 12

Gavoon : a goon that looks good. Ex: He looks good. What a gavoon !

Слайд 13

Goonda : a thug. ( убийца, головорез, бандит) That guy stole something. He’s a real goonda.

Слайд 14

Swagga – a person who has a unique style, or personality. He looks nice. He’s got swagga .

Слайд 15

Chatonality A person who is more lively while chatting online, but boring when talking in person. Oh, she’s really quiet in person, but she has chatonality over the Internet.

Слайд 16

A teddy bear : a person who is huggable or cuddly . ( cuddle – крепкие объятия) I like him. He’s a teddy bear.

Слайд 17

A gem A good looking or an outstanding person . Ex: She got great marks in school. Yeah, she’ s a gem.

Слайд 18


Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 2

Outdoor Holiday Decorations

Слайд 3

Holiday Baking

Слайд 4

X-mas Stockings

Слайд 5

X-mas presents

Слайд 6

Christmas Slang

Слайд 7

Christmess : Christmas – mas +mess = Christmess A blended term for a mess around the house, or apartment from the holiday celebrations (dishes, wrapping paper from the presents, tots ( стопки, маленькие рюмки) and others)

Слайд 8

Birthmas : Birth +Christmas – Christ = Birthmas A blended term for having a birthday on, or close to the day of Christmas.

Слайд 9

Merry Textmas : Merry + Text+ Christmas – Christ = Merry Textmas A blended set of terms that mean someone wished you a Merry Christmas via SMS or text message.

Слайд 10

Fabulights : Fabulous – lous + lights= Fabulights Blended terms that mean a display of X-mas lights are fabulous https://vk.com/video477105_456239035 https://vk.com/video477105_456239037

Слайд 11

Ghetto X-mas Decoration A low budget item used to decorate an X-mas tree. An example of this could be a used CD for an ornament.

Слайд 12

Bah Humbug : a word used to express displeasure by a mean and old person such as Ebenezer Scrooge.

Слайд 13

Ginorament: Ginormous – mous +ornament = Ginorament A blended set of terms, which means a ginormous ornament

Слайд 14

X-mas Creep A retailer introduces holiday themed merchandise before the start of the holiday season. The holiday season is October to January 2 nd .

Слайд 15

Grinching A grumpy, or unhappy person who spoils Christmas for everyone. Also known as: Kiljoy or spoilsport

Слайд 16

Thanksmas: Thanksgiving – giving +Christmas – Christ= Thanksmas A blended set of terms that means a mixed celebration of the holidays Thanksgiving and Christmas at the same time, because certain family members cannot attend the X-mas celebration.

Слайд 17

Christmaholic: Christmas – s+alcoholic – alco = Christmaholic A blended set of terms, which mean a person who cannot stop celebrating X-mas all-year-round.

Слайд 18

Blitzmas: Blitz + Christmas – Christ = Blitzmas A blended set of terms, which mean a very fast Christmas celebration. Almost as if you didn’t celebrate the holiday.

Слайд 19

Christmacide: Christmas – s+ Homicide – homi= Christmacide A blended set of terms that mean the prevention of a Christmas celebration.

Слайд 20

Christmoween: Christmas – as +Halooween – hall = Christmoween A blended set of terms that mean Christmas and Halloween decorations blended together (for a party) Example: Nightmare before Christmas. Closely associated words: Christmoween and Christmasween.

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