Конспект урока в 10 классе
план-конспект урока (10 класс)

Мишкина Диана Денисовна

Конспект урока в 10 классе


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Предварительный просмотр:

        Тема: Food and Health

        Форма проведения: урок

Плановый урок в 10м классе по учебнику «Английский в фокусе» Английский язык 10 класс

Учебник для общеобразовательных учреждений

Авторы: О.В. Афанасьева, Дж. Дули, И.В. Михеева, Б. Оби, В. Эванс

        Aims: to teach listening and reading;

                 to develop speaking skills;

                 to widen the pupil’s outlook.

        Equipment: tape – recording, copies of the Questionnaire, materials to give away

Ход урока:

I. Организационный момент.

        Teacher: I think keeping health is very important for everyone. Moreover health is one of the most urgent problems in the world now. Why is that so? There is nothing more important than health. "Health is above wealth" wise people say, because you cannot be good at your studies or work well if you don't take care of your health. How do my mates and other people care about their health? Do they have bad habits and do they know how dangerous they are? Do they anxious about food they eat?

II. And that do you know about food?


        Далее учитель раздает учащимся экземпляры  Questionnaire (анкеты),  специально приготовленные для этого урока. И учащиеся работают с вопросами анкеты самостоятельно. По истечении 10-15 минут необходимо провести итоги анкетирования с помощью раздела Key.

  1. Are vitamins and mineral supplements...
  1. useful for preventing colds and boosting energy?
  2. a waste of money?
  3. an insurance policy against modern food that may be short on essential nutrients?

  1. How many portions of fruit and vegetables should you eat every day?
  1. two;
  2. three;
  3. four.

  1. A calorie is...
  1. a type of vitamin;
  2. a unit of energy;
  3. a blood cell.

  1. Protein is...
  1. a body-building material;
  2. a hormone;
  3. sugar.

  1. Vitamin A helps us...
  1. build strong bones;
  2. produce healthy skin;
  3.  in the digestion of fats.

  1. Vitamin B12 primarily helps...
  1. night vision;
  2. growth of teeth;
  3. growth of nerve cells and blood cells.

  1. Vitamin K is essential for...
  1. manufacture of fats;
  2. hormone production;
  3. blood clotting.

  1. Lack of iron leads to...
  1. a form of anemia;
  2. discoloured teeth;
  3. soft bones.

  1. Too much salt can lead to...
  1. high blood pressure;
  2. copper deficiency;
  3. over-eating.

  1. What effect does eating oily fish have?
  1. It reduces blood cholesterol levels;
  2. it prevents colds;
  3. it makes you put on weight.

  1. Cholesterol is...
  1. a part of sugar;
  2. a disease;
  3. a product of fat digestion.

  1. Why is fast food a bad idea?
  1. It hardly contains any nutrients;
  2. it gives little protein in relation to fat;
  3. it contains too much salt and fat.

  1. What effect does microwaving have on vitamins?
  1. It destroys most of them;
  2. it preserves them;
  3. it destroys fewer vitamins than normal cooking. 14. Which has the highest sugar content? - a) A plain chocolate bar;
  1. a milk chocolate bar;
  2. a coffee.

  1. How many people in Western Europe are overweight?
  1. 11%;
  2. 26%;
  3. 37%.

  1. Which is the best way to lose weight and stay healthy?
  1. To use slimming and vitamin pills;
  2. to eat only fruit and vegetables;
  3. to eat a variety of foods but in smaller quantities.

  1. Which activity bums up the most energy per minute?
  1. Swimming;
  2. walking quickly;
  3. football.

  1. How often should we exercise?
  1. At least 20 minutes once a week;
  2. at least 20 minutes twice a week;
  3. at least 20 minutes three times a week. Score 1 point for each correct answer.

Key: 1c, 2a, 3b, 4a, 5b, 6c, 7c, 8a, 9a, 10a, lie, 12c, 13c, 14a, 15c, 16c, 17a, 18b.

15—18 - You obviously know a lot about food you eat and you're probably, very healthy.

10-14 - Pretty good, but there's still room for improvement.

6-9 - You may be eating the wrong diet. Check that you're including enough fresh produce in your meals.

  1. 0-5 — Oh, dear! You need to be careful. Buy a good book on nutrition - there are plenty of recipes to choose from

III. Работа по учебнику в разделе Reading Skills

        Стр. 102-103 учебника

        упр. 4(а, в)

        CD  №26 (диск №2)

Этапы работы:

  1. Выполнение задания 4а на стр. 102;
  2. Прослушивание материала;
  3. Выполнение задания 4в на стр. 102 – чтение  и обсуждение прослушанного и прочитанного материала опираясь на заданное упражнение в учебнике.

        Параллельно учащиеся ведут работу по словарю в конце учебника в разделе 6а находя там значения новых слов и выражений.

IV. Закрепление материала урока путем выполнения задания в формате ЕГЭ.

        Teacher: My dear boys and girls, today we have got a lot of interesting and useful information about food. Let’s fasten it reading the text and matching items.

        И далее учащимся предлагается выполнить самостоятельно задание в форме ЕГЭ, составленное на тематической лексике данного урока. Оно поможет десятиклассникам закрепить лексику урока и потренироваться в формате ЕГЭ.

Read the text and match items A-G with gaps 59-64. There is one item you do not need to use. Write your answers in the table below.

Colorful and crunchy fruit and vegetables can be an enjoyable part of our diet. However, not all children and adults eat the recommended amount of two pieces of fruit and five vegetables per day. Some children learn to expect 'tastier' snack foods 59___. Unfortunately, parents may not always set a good example 60___.

There are many reasons why we should eat plenty of fresh produce. Not only are they packed with healthy vitamins, 61___. Eating more fruits and vegetables can also lower cholesterol and bring down high blood pressure. They also keep your eyes and digestive system in good shape.

Fruit and vegetables may be any color, shape, texture or variety. They can be frozen, fresh, tinned or dried. There are also many ways to prepare them, It is important to include a 62___ variety of different colors of fruit and vegetables in your diet.

Sometimes vegetables and fruit can seem expensive. But, compared to packaged foods like crisps, they are relatively cheap. If you are worried about the cost, choose those that are in season. That way you will get a chance to try new things 63___.

So how can we find ways to include more fruit and vegetables in our diet? It is a good idea to add fruit to your breakfast cereal in the mornings. Or you can try drinking fruit juice 64___ . Increasing the amount of fruit and vegetables you eat by as little as one serving a day can make a big difference.

A        but they can also lower the risk of disease

B        and enjoy more flavor, too

C        such as steaming, boiling, microwaving, stir-frying or roasting

D        and reject the healthier options such as raw carrots or an apple

E        which give us the daily vitamins that we need

F        by enjoying a wide variety of fresh fruits and vegetables themselves

G        instead of coffee, tea or fizzy drinks







        Данный раздаточный материал учащиеся забирают домой в качестве дополнительного задания, так как на уроке остается недостаточно времени для его выполнения.

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