Цифровые образовательные ресурсы
электронный образовательный ресурс

Создание и обновление коллекции ЦОР


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Dmitry Nosov Career: Judoka Date of Birth: April 9, 1 980 Place of Birth: Chita , Russia. Russian Federation

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Victory and awards - bronze medalist of the Olympic Games Athens 2004 - winner of the Olympic Games among policemen 2003 - bronze medalist of the 2004 European Championship - two-time bronze medalist of Russian Championships in 2002, 2003

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Career Since 2011 Dmitry Nosov is a deputy of the State Duma on the LDPR party list of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

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public figure, Chairman of the Charitable Fund of assistance to the education of physically and morally healthy generation "Foundation Dmitry Nosov "

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Married in January 2011 has a daughter Darina also has a daughter from his first marriage Zlata .

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My favorite athlete

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Biography Habib Nurmagomedov was born in 1988 in the village of Silde Tsumadinskog region (Dagestan, Russia). Since childhood, he was trained by his father, Abdulmanap Nurmagomedov . During his stay in the United States he has been training in the gym AKA (American Kickboxing Academy) under the leadership of Javier Mendez.

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achievements The Finalist of the Russian Championship, Cup and Champion of Eurasia in fighting, the champion of Russia, two-time world champion in combat sambo,the champion of Europe in pankration , grappling world champion under version NAGA Grappling. He took part in several tournaments M-1 Global, as well as in competitions under the auspices of other organizations.

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Personal life He is undefeated Russian athlete in mixed martial arts, acting under the auspices of the UFC lightweight champion. ON February 2017 takes the thirteenth place in official ranking among the best UFC fighters regardless of weight category (Eng. Pound-for-pound), and the first (after the champion Conor McGregor) in a light weight . By nationality he is an Avar.The athlete is married and his daughter was born in June 2015. In 2016 he founded his own team "Eagles MMA" together with Ziyavudin Magomedov

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achievements Mixed Martial Arts M-1 Global M-1 Selection Championships Ultimate Fighting Championship The holder of the record for the number of takedowns in one fight (21 takedown, 27 attempts, 3 rounds) against Abel Trujillo 2014 "Fighter for viewing 2013 "Breakthrough of the Year" 2016 "Massacre of the Year" (vs. Michael Johnson) [27] The International Federation of Combat Sambo Two-time world champion in combat sambo Russian Federation combat sambo Champion of Russia in Combat Sambo ARB (Army dogfight) [ The Russian Union of Martial Arts European champion in army fighting Grappling NAGA Brazilian jiu-jitsu No- Gi World Champion Russian Federation Pankration European Champion in Pankration

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The Kremlin

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The Kremlin is located on a hill above the Moscow-river

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The Moscow Kremlin, which in the beginning was wooden, is first mentioned in the Chronicles in 1156 as "Moscow fortress"

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The Tower Of The Moscow Kremlin The walls of the Moscow Kremlin has 20 towers and they are all different . The history of Moscow began in Borovitsky gate. Here is one of the South-Western tower of the Kremlin walls - " Borovitskaya ". It goes out to the Alexander garden and Borovitskaya square.

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The Tower Of The Moscow Kremlin The

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The uspenskiy cathedral The The

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The Moscow Kremlin includes eight councils . One of the main temples of the Russian state is the assumption. Here the coronation of emperors, the election of heads of the Russian Orthodox Church were held. It is also the burial place of metropolitans and patriarchs. Now here you can see the praying place of Ivan the terrible, a particularly valuable icons, a necropolis and a magnificent iconostasis.

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The Archangel Cathedral The Archangel Cathedral was a burial-vault of great princes and tsars. There are 47 tombstones and 2 reliquaries in it. Here lie the great princes Ivan Kalita and Dmitry Donskoy , Ivan III and Ivan the terrible, Tsarevich Dmitriy and tsars Mikhail and Alexey Romanov

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The Annunciation Cathedral The Annunciation Cathedral served as the personal temple of the great princes and tsars of Moscow. It is believed that part of Church icons were created by Andrei Rublev and Theophanes the Greek.

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The end

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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