Методические рекомендации для самостоятельной работы студентов с ограниченными возможностями здоровья.(ОВЗ)
учебно-методическое пособие
Учебно-методические пособия
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Предварительный просмотр:
Бюджетное учреждение профессионального образования
Ханты-Мансийского автономного округа – Югры
«Нижневартовский социально-гуманитарный колледж»
Воробец Юлиана Васильевна
Методические рекомендации для самостоятельной работы студентов с ограниченными возможностями здоровья.(ОВЗ)
Методические рекомендации предназначены для самостоятельной работы студентов с ограниченными возможностями здоровья(ОВЗ) с нозологией: слабослышащие. Целью работы является -научить студентов самостоятельно пользоваться словарем, переводить профессионально-ориентированные тексты, составлять рефераты и аннотации.
1.Работа со словарем
2.Составление аннотации.
3. Перевод профессионально-ориентированных ( научных) текстов
1. Работа со словарем.
Приступая к работе со словарем, необходимо, прежде всего, познакомиться с его структурой. Несмотря на то, что существует множество различных типов словарей, большинство из них состоит из нескольких основных разделов:
- Предисловие;
- О пользовании словарем;
- О фонетической транскрипции;
- Список помет и условных сокращений;
- Алфавит (например, английский в англо-русском словаре);
- Собственно словарь;
- Приложение.
В результате анализа структуры словаря студент должен:
- знать объем словаря (т.е. количество слов)
- знать, где находятся в словаре алфавит, краткий фонетический справочник, список помет и условных сокращений;
- ознакомиться с приложением к словарю (это может быть список географических названий, наиболее употребительных сокращений, таблица неправильных глаголов и т.д.)
Для успешной работы со словарем необходимы следующие знания и умения:
- Твердое знание английского алфавита.
Слова в словаре расположены строго в алфавитном порядке, последовательность алфавита соблюдается так же и внутри слова.
- Умение поставить слово в исходную форму.
Слова в словаре даются в исходной форме:
- существительное – в общем падеже, единственном числе;
- глагол – в неопределенной форме, т.е. в инфинитиве;
- прилагательное – в положительной степени;
- наречие – в положительной степени;
Однако в предложениях слова не всегда стоят в исходной форме, поэтому ее необходимо уметь образовывать.
Следует помнить:
- Y в конце слова и с предшествующей согласной меняется на i при образовании:
- множественного числа имен существительных: city-
- степеней сравнения прилагательных и наречий:easy-easier;
- 3-го лица единственного числа в PresentSimple:study-studies, а также при образовании PastSimpleи PastParticiple;
- в односложных прилагательных и глаголах с кратким гласным при образовании различных форм конечная согласная удваивается:
Big-bigger-biggest; to stop-stopped;
- Слова, оканчивающиеся на образованные от глаголов, следует искать в словаре, отбросив окончание:
Discovering- discover; reading-read;
- Для неправильных глаголов формы PastSimpleи PastParticipleдаются в словарях в круглых скобках.
- Знание правил словообразования.
Многие новые слова могут быть образованы с помощью префиксов и суффиксов, знание которых значительно облегчает самостоятельную работу над текстом с использованием словаря.
Необходимо помнить значения следующих префиксов:
Префиксы De- Dis- In- Mis- Over- Pre- Re- Un- | Значение Отрицательное или противоположное значение. Отрицательное значение. Не-, без- в словах, начинаю- щихся с букв I, г, т, буквы р, то, п меняется на m неправильно, ложно сверх-, над-, пере-, чрезмерно до-, пред-, впереди, заранее снова, заново, ещё раз, обратно противоположное значение (в глаголах) не-, без-(бес-) | Примеры Merit-заслуга demerit- недостаток Toappear –появляться To disappear- исчезать Convenient-удобный Inconvenient-неудобный Legal-законный illegal-незаконный moral-нравственный immoral-безнравственный resolute-решительный irresolute-нерешительный possible-возможный impossible-невозможный to understand-понимать to misunderstand-непонимать to estimate-оценивать to overestimate-переоценивать historic-исторический prehistoric-доисторический to write-писать to rewrite-переписывать to close-закрывать(ся) to unclose-открывать(ся) to expect-ожидать unexpected-неожиданный real-реальный unreal-нереальный |
Наиболее употребительными суффиксами являются:
Суффиксы существительных | |
-er, -or | Speaker-оратор, translator-переводчик |
-ment | Agreement- соглашение |
--ness | Business-дело |
-hood | Brotherhood- братство |
-dom | Freedom-свобода |
-ship | Partnership- партнерство, товарищество |
Суффиксы прилагательных наречий | |
-less | Helpless-беспомощный |
-ful | Useful-полезный |
-al | Formal-формальный |
-ic | Economic-экономический |
-able | Understandable-понятный |
-ive | Active- активный |
-ly | Quickly-быстро |
- Умение понимать различные обозначения при словах в словаре.
- Следует помнить, что каждое слово( в том числе и сложное слово, пишущееся через дефис или раздельно) со всем относящимся к нему материалом образует самостоятельную словарную статью.
- При словах иностранного происхождения, сохранивших свое написание и иногда происхождение, дается указание на происхождение слова. Напримерvice versa(лат.) наоборот, напротив.
- Слова в словаре помечаются сокращениями.
a | adjective | прилагательное |
adv | adverb | наречие |
attr | attributive | атрибутивное употребление( в качестве определения) |
cj | conjunction | союз |
etc | et cetera | и так далее |
n | noun | существительное |
num | numeral | числительное |
pl | plural | множественное число |
p.p | past participle | причастие прошедшего времени |
prep | preposition | предлог |
pron | pronoun | местоимение |
sing | singular | единственное число |
v | verb | глагол |
- Умение выбрать в словаре нужное для данного контекста значение слова.
Следует помнить, что поиску слова в словаре должен предшествовать анализ предложения. Чтобы уметь анализировать предложение, необходимо знать:
А) структуру предложения в английском языке;
Б) формальные признаки различных частей речи. Старайтесь избегать следующих ошибок:
1)студенты иногда выписывают из словаря значения слов, даже не прочитав до конца предложение. Такая работа часто оказывается безрезультатной, поскольку выписывается, как правило, лишь первое значение слова, которое может не соответствовать значению слова в данном контексте;
2) некоторые студенты сначала отыскивают значения всех слов, а затем пытаются их соединить. При отсутствии предварительного анализа предложения не получится правильного перевода.
При переводе текста с помощью словаря ПОМНИТЕ:
- Перевод текста не является переводом всех слов в предложении подряд. Необходимо понять смысл данного предложения
- Поискам слова в словаре должно предшествовать определение его грамматической функции в предложении.
- Не следует брать из словаря первое значение слова, не прочитав всю словарную статью.
- Если в словаре нет значения слова, соответствующего контексту, следует выбрать наиболее близкий синоним или, исходя из общего содержания, самому подобрать наиболее подходящее значение.
- Если в словаре нет нужного слова, его значение можно установить по строевым элементам на основе правил английского словообразования.
- При переводе текстов по специальности старайтесь запоминать встречающиеся в них термины, что впоследствии значительно облегчит работу над текстом по экономической тематике.
Составление аннотации.
Список фраз для составления аннотаций
1.The title of the article (text) is “…”.(Название текста).
2. It is taken from the periodical magazine, newspaper, textbook(Она взята из журнала, газеты, книги).
3. The author of the article is… (автор этой статьи).
4. At the beginning of the article the author depicts/dwells on/touches upon the problem, the question/explains/introduces/mentions/comments on/underlines/criticizes/makes a few critical remarks on/gives a summary of/stresses the fact =emphasizes /singles out/points out; says that.
5. Then/after that/ next/further on/the author passes on to/goes on to say/gives a detailed analysis of.
6. In the conclusion the author sums it all up (в заключении автор…)= At the end of the article the author…
7. I find the article interesting;In my opinion; To my mind; From my point of view; It is useful, informative, cognitive, educational etc.
Пример аннотации текста
- The title of the article is “Markets”.
- It is taken from the English textbook for students of economic department.
- The author of the text is Voroncova.
- At the beginning of the text the author gives the definition of the term “Market” and underlines the fact that markets bring together buyers and sellers of goods and services.
Then the author explains the meaning of prices of goods and resources and assures that they are used to produce those goods and services that society demands. The author goes on to say that much of economics is devoted to the study of how markets and prices enable society to solve the problems of what, how and for whom to produce.
After that the author analyses the price of the goods from different view points such as the café owner ,a buyer and notes that everyone makes his own profit on the price which he takes.
The author also stresses the fact that adjustments in prices will lead to reallocation of resources.
Coming to the conclusion the author sums it all up by saying that there are several markets involved in one purchase.
In my opinion the text is rather cognitive and useful for the students of economic specialities.
Составление реферата.
При реферировании происходит осмысление отдельных положений, представляющих суть оригинала, сокращение всех малозначащих сведений, не имеющих прямого отношения к теме, обобщение наиболее ценных данных и фиксирование их в конспектной форме.
Содержание работы излагается в реферате объективно, без критической оценки материала с позиции референта.
Независимо от того, на каком языке пишется реферат иностранного источника, заголовочная часть составляется на языке оригинала. При написании реферата на другом языке после названия произведения в скобках дается перевод.
Объем реферата варьируется в зависимости от объема оригинала, его научной ценности, от того. На каком языке он опубликован (работы на иностранных языках могут быть прореферированы подробнее). Предельным объемом реферата принято считать 1200 слов при сокращении теста оригинала в 3, 8 и даже 10 раз.
В процессе реферирования происходит не просто сокращение текста, а существенная переработка содержания, композиции и языка оригинала: выделяются главные факты и излагаются в краткой форме. Второстепенные факты, детальные описания, примеры, исторические экскурсы опускаются, однотипные факты группируются , дается их общая характеристика, цифровые данные систематизируются и обобщаются. Язык и стиль оригинала претерпевает изменения в сторону нормативности, нейтральности, простоты и лаконичности.
Реферат-это не простой набор ключевых фрагментов текста, на базе которых он строится, а новый, самостоятельный текст.
Для связности изложения используются такие стереотипные выражения, как: «отмечено», «рассматриваются», «установили», «анализируются», «отмечается», «указывается», «показывает», «получаю одобрение», «вызвало интерес», и т.д., а также специальные клише, которые можно сгруппировать следующим образом:
- Для выражения общей оценки источника, его темы, содержания: «статья посвящена…», « целью статьи является…», « статья представляет собой…» и т.д.;
- Для обозначения задач, поставленных и решаемых автором: «в первой (второй и т.д.) главе автор описывает(отмечает, анализирует и т.д.)…».
- Для оценки полученных результатов исследования, для выводов: «результаты подтверждают…», «автор делает вывод, что …» и т.д.
Приводимые ниже клише помогут адекватно и без ошибок передать на английском языке содержание статьи из газеты, журнала, главы книги и т.п.
1.The Moscow Times dated the 10th of May carries an article headlined… 2. The article deals with… 3. Here is something about… 4.The article is devoted to the analysis of the situation… 5. The article discusses… points out… stresses on reveals… reviews… 6. The article goes on to say… 7. It should be noted that… 8. In conclusion the article says… 9. That’s about all I wanted to say. | В газете…от 10 мая помещена статья, озаглавленная… В статье говорится о… Вот некоторая информация о… Статья посвящена анализу обстановки в… В статье обсуждается… указывается на… подчеркивается, что… разоблачается… рассматривается… Далее в статье говорится… Следует отметить, что… В заключение в статье говорится… Это, кажется, все, о чем мне хотелось вам сообщить. |
Перевод научных текстов
Чтение иностранного текста - сложный процесс, который предполагает не только владение техникой и приемами чтения, но и способность понимать мысль, выраженную на другом языке.
При переводе на другой язык потери неизбежны, то есть возможна неполная передача значений слов в тексте подлинника, поэтому текст перевода никогда не может считаться абсолютным эквивалентом текста подлинника; задача переводчика заключается в том, чтобы сводить потери до минимума и научиться передавать не только смысл отдельных слов или даже предложений, а всего текста в целом.
Научные тексты на английском языке отличаются большим количеством сложных предложений и конструкций; в них встречаются инфинитивные, причастные и герундиальные обороты, различные придаточные предложения-все это значительно затрудняет понимание таких текстов.
Основным приемом полного осмысления любого предложения является лексико-грамматический анализ текста. Грамматическое чтение предложения – это членение данного предложения на отдельные смысловые группы(группу подлежащего, сказуемого, обстоятельства и т.д.). При этом важно раскрыть связь как между отдельными смысловыми группами, так и между словами в пределах каждой из них.
В английском языке смысловая структура предложения тесно связана с его грамматической структуре, и порядок слов является основным формальным организатором структуры предложения. Структуру распространенного предложения можно схематически представить следующим образом:
Подлежащее Сказуемое Дополнение
Исходная информация Сообщаемая информация
В английском утвердительном предложении надо постоянно помнить о порядке слов и учитывать особенности английского языка ( в подавляющем своем большинстве слова не спрягаются и не изменяются по родам).
Английское утвердительное предложение имеет следующий порядок слов: первое место занимает подлежащее, второе-сказуемое, третье-дополнение, на нулевом (или четвертом) месте находится обстоятельство.
Следует отметить, что определение не имеет постоянного места в структуре предложения: оно обычно входит в состав смысловой группы определяемого слова и располагается перед ним или после него.
Рассмотрим характерные признаки отдельных смысловых групп в порядке их следования.
- ПОДЛЕЖАЩЕЕ-обязательный член всех предложений в английском языке, кроме повелительных, в которых оно подразумевается. Даже в безличных предложениях типа «говорят», «известно», « можно сказать» и т.д. подлежащим является местоимение it или one. Например: It is said, It is to be noted; One can say.
В соответствии со структурой английского языка предложения подлежащее, как правило, стоит перед сказуемым.Формальным показателем подлежащего является наличие артиклей, указательного, притяжательного или неопределенного местоимения. Например:
The programmer has been welcomed…
These two external factors are of great significance…
This article summarizes…
Подлежащее может быть выражено существительным, местоимением, числительным, инфинитивом, герундием, придаточным предложением. Например:
Achieving this requires work-based training…They will continue to receive benefits…
- СКАЗУЕМОЕ занимает второе место в предложении. Вместе с подлежащим оно дает законченное выражение мысли. Между подлежащим и сказуемым существует непосредственная синтаксическая связь, которая в английском языке выражается порядком членов предложения. Показателями начала группы сказуемого являются глагол-связка, вспомогательный глагол, модальный глагол или морфологический показатель личной формы смыслового глагола (суффиксы ^, ^as, -ed)
Japan employs around 320,000 foreign works.
Job Centre started a registration system for people looking for a part-time job.
It should be added that employment in Japan has its own very special characteristics.
A local structure can be characterized in several complementary ways.
We can give you whatever extra help you need.
Большую помощь в определении группы сказуемого оказывают вспомогательный и модальный глаголы. Следует помнить, что эти глаголы всегда употребляются в сочетании с другими глаголами и образуют смысловую группу сказуемого, в которую кроме глагольных форм могут входить любые части речи. От сказуемого зависят другие члены предложения, без которых его смысл иногда бывает недостаточно полно выражен. В таких случаях сказуемое вместе с зависимыми от него членами предложения (дополнением, обстоятельством) составляет одну смысловую группу. Например:
The language barrier is a major obstacle to the speedy communication of new knowledge.
Modern man becomes increasingly upon Quick and easy access to information in all fields of knowledge.
В первом примере на начало группы сказуемого указывает вспомогательный глагол в личной форме is. Смысловаягруппасказуемоговключаетсовокупностьсловis a major obstacle to the speedy communication of new knowledge. Во вторичном примере группа сказуемого начинается смысловым глаголом с окончанием ^s.
- ДОПОЛНЕНИЕ–в английском языке дополнение занимает третье место в предложении. Как и в русском языке , оно может быть прямым или косвенным. Прямое дополнение неразрывно связано со сказуемым и образует единую с ним смысловую группу. Например:
Each issue of a periodical usually contains articles by several contributors.
Косвенное дополнение бывает беспредложным и предложным. Группа предложного дополнения связана со сказуемым с помощью предлога и входит в смысловую группу сказуемого. Например:
The federal government sets the guidelines for economic and commercial policy, but it does not engage in national planning…
- ОБСТОЯТЕЛЬСТВО обычно относится к сказуемому, но иногда может относиться и к другим членам предложения; в этих случаях оно не выделяется в отдельную смысловую группу.
Группа обстоятельства занимает в предложении четвертое ( в конце предложения) или нулевое (перед подлежащим) место и начинается со служебного слова, в качестве которого выступает предлог, наречие или союз. Например:
During the period 1961-1975 books was greater than in any comparable period in book trade history. In the major book-producing countries a whole complex of bibliographies might be required to achieve this comprehensive coverage.
- ОПРЕДЕЛЕНИЕв отличие от дополнения и обстоятельства, не имеет постоянного места в структуре предложения и не образует отдельной смысловой группы, а входит в группу определяемого члена предложения, составляя с ним одно целое.
Определение может располагаться до и после определяемого слова. Следующие за определяемыми словами определения образуют с этими словами предложные словосочетания. Определения, стоящие перед определяемыми словами, составляют с ними беспредложные словосочетания, в которых определяемые слова являются главными. Обычно определение относится к существительному и может быть выражено любой частью речи. Например, в предложении Thefieldofcomputersciencehas… группа подлежащего представляет собой предложное словосочетание, где главное слово – существительное Thefield; слова ofcomputerscience являются определением.
Зная отличительные признаки основных смысловых групп в предложении, можно свободно провести грамматическое чтение любого сложного предложения, то есть выделить в нем основные смысловые группы. При лексико-грамматическом анализе предложений, усложненных неличными глагольными формами, такими, как инфинитив, герундий или причастие, следует расчленить предложение по общему правилу, указанному выше, определить место и функции неличной глагольной формы в предложении, а затем приступить к переводу.
Surprisingly, he also found that any one national library duplicated very few titles to be found in the other national libraries.
Before taking some secondary material you should apply to a librarian of a reference library.
Onwishing to consult a book from a glass-fronted bookcase a reader must fill in a request slip and give it to an assistant.
Training in other departments before coming to reference work is of great importance.
Запомните алгоритм анализа предложения:
- Определить, является ли данное предложение простым или сложным.
- Разделить предложение на две части: на группу подлежащего и группу сказуемого. Если предложение сложное, произвести те же операции с каждым из составляющих его предложений.
- Выделить глагол-сказуемое ( установить наличие смысловых, вспомогательных и модальных глаголов, именной или глагольной части составного сказуемого).
- Разделить группу сказуемого на глагол-сказуемое, дополнения м обстоятельства.
- Определить подлежащее в группе подлежащего.
- Выделить в группе подлежащего определения, стоящие до и после него.
- Определить наличие оборотов(причастных, инфинитивных или герундиальных).
- Соотнести подлежащее со сказуемым и определить главную мысль, выраженную в данном предложении.
Студентам необходимо завести специальную тетрадь (особенно при переводе контрольных текстов), где приводилась бы схема, вычерчиваются четыре колонки:
Текст, подлежащий переводу | Новые слова и выра- жения , значение которых устанавли- вается по словарю самостоятельно | Первый вариант пере- вода (выполненный студентом самостоятельно) | Второй вариант пере- вода (выполненный студентом после ана- лиза и отработки первого варианта на занятии) |
Литература и источники:
Колесникова Н.Н Английский язык для менеджеров.М:»,Академия»,2012
- 1. https://ru.pinterest.com/pin/143059725640579164/
2. http://www.eslcafe.com- портал для студентов и преподавателей:грамматика, тесты, идиомы, сленг;
3.http://professionali.ru - сообщество "Профессионалы";
4.http://click.email.livemocha.com - обучающий сайт Livemocha;
5.www.angloforum.ru - специализированный Англофорум;
6www.angloforum.ru/forum/13 - форум «Деловой английский».
Предварительный просмотр:
Бюджетное учреждение профессионального образования
Ханты-Мансийского автономного округа – Югры
«Нижневартовский социально-гуманитарный колледж»
Воробец Юлиана Васильевна
Практические задания по английскому языку для студентов специальности 44.02.01 Дошкольное образование
Автор-составитель-разработчик :
Ю.В. Воробец
Методическое пособие предназначено для студентов специальности
44.02.01 Дошкольное образование.В пособии отражена терминология педагогической направленности,
включены базовые темы курса,представлены тексты для чтения и практические задания по данным текстам и темам,предназначенные для формирования и совершенствования языковых и профессиональных компетенций.
- History of Education.
- Pre-school education in English-speaking countries.
- Methods of Pre-school Education in English-speaking countries.
- Psychological peculiarities of children.
- Interpersonal relations.
- My future profession.
- Nursery-school teachers personality and professional qualities.
- Daily program of a child in the kindergarten.
- Teaching children in the kindergarten.
- The role of play in teaching children.
- My working day in in the kindergarten.
- Orphans and orphanage houses.
- Music for children.
- Children’s literature.
- History of Education.
- Read and translate the text.
History of Education.
The first milestone (краеугольныйкамень) in the history of education occurred in prehistoric times when man invented language. Language enabled man to communicate better than by signs and gestures. But early man had only a spoken language. Young people in prehistoric societies were to get educated through apprenticeship, imitation and rituals. About 3000 BC , the Sumerians(шумеры) and the Egyptians invented a system of writing. It included a method of writing numbers, as well as language. The invention of writing made possible the beginning of schools. The schools were taught by priests. Only talented boys could attend the schools. Civilization spread from Sumer and Egypt to the eastern shoresof the Mediterranean Sea. Hebrew Semitic tribes developed a democratic educational system. The Greeks also made the greatest educational advance of ancient times. Athenian gymnasiums taught philosophy, rhetoric, logic, math, morals and science. Rhetoric included the study of government history and public speaking. By 100 BC, the Romans had built the most extensive educational system of that time. The Romans provided schooling for girls and boys. They learned to read and write both Greek and their native language Latin. The Romans established institutions of higher learning which prepared young people for careers in law and government.
2.Give the English for:
происходить, изобретать, ученичество, приобретать, узы, связывать, иметь отношение к, сложный, включать, устно, запоминать, доступный, поведение, возникать, священник, переписывать, задача, племя, родственный, ценный, требовать, процветать, успехи, древний, основываться на, ограничивать, раб, предоставлять.
3.. Form adjectives from the following nouns:
history, religion, emotion, east, west, value, education, alphabet, power, policy, democracy.
4.Prove the following statements:
1) Today, in all societies, young people still learn through apprenticeship, imitation and ritual.
2) As a society grows increasingly complicated, teachers and schools take on more and more responsibility for educating the young.
3) Alphabetic system makes writing easier than picture system.
4) Athenian education was far from democratic.
5) By 100ВС, the Romans had built the most extensive educational system of that time.
5.Аnswer the following questions:
1.When did the first milestone in the history of education occur?
2.Howdid people communicate before language was invented?
3. How did young people in prehistoric societies get education?
4.Whoinvented a system of writing? What was it like?
5. What role did the invention of the system of writing have?
6. Who could attend the schools?
7. .Who took an active part in the development of education?
8.What subjects did Athenian gymnasium teach?
9. Who built the most extensive educational system of that time?
10.What educational system did the Romans provide?
6. Speak on the major milestones in the history of education. Give the advantages and disadvantages of each of the discussed educational systems.
7. Say what elements of ancient educational system you'd like to introduce in our system of education and why.
- Pre-school education in English-speaking countries.
- Read and translate the text.
Pre-school and primary education in Great Britain.
In England children under five go to nursery schools or to playgroups organized by parents. The difference is that a child spends the whole day in a nursery school while he or she can stay in a playgroup only for some hours a day. Nursery schools are usually stuffed with teachers and students in training. Here children play,draw, model things from clay and learn to work together. The main aim of such kind of establishments is to make children ready for primary schools. The period from the age of three years until the beginning of the first year in primary school is called the foundation stage of learning. There are all kinds of toys to keep children busy while their parents are at work. Here the babies play, lunch and sleep. Most nurseries are fee-paying.
Children from 5 to 7 attend infant school where reading, writing and arithmetic are taught for about 20 minutes a day.There is no written time-table. Much time is spent on modeling from clay, drawing, reading,singing.
2.Discuss the similarities and differences between pre-school education in Great Britain and in Russia.
3. Retell the text.
4Read and translate the text.
Pre-school education in the United States.
Kindergarten, play school and nursery school.
Pre-school education embraces all formal and informal education before the age of six (when compulsory schooling starts). It includes tots and toddler programmes, play school, nursery school (collectively known as pre-kindergarten) and kindergarten.
Attendance at school for children under six isn’t compulsory, and the provision of schools for children under six varies according to the finances and circumstances of local communities. Most public elementary schools provide a pre-school kindergarten (K) year for five-year-olds, which is usually the first year of elementary school.
There are various types of pre-schools, including non-profit co-operative schools, church-affiliated schools, local community schools, private schools and Montessori schools. A co-operative school is usually the least expensive, as parents work voluntarily as teachers’ aides alongside professional teachers. Church-affiliated schools are usually attached to religious centres and may include religious education (it isn’t always necessary for children to follow the same religion as the school). Private schools are the most expensive and vary considerably from small home-run set-ups to large custom-built schools.
A number of private nursery schools use the Montessori method of teaching, developed by Dr Maria Montessori in the early 1900s. Montessori is more a philosophy of life than a teaching method and is based on the belief that each child is an individual with unique needs, interests and patterns of growth. Some Montessori schools have ‘pre-school’ (for children aged two-and-a-half to six) and elementary levels (ages 6 to 12).
5.Make up 6-8 questions according to the text.
- Methods of Pre-school Education in English-speaking countries.
- Read and translate the texts.
Methods of Pre-school Education
In many areas, private classes are offered for children aged from six months to three years. These combine the theory and practice of play groups and day care centres. Many areas also have what are termed ‘toddler’ or ‘tot’ programmes, which usually accept children from two to four years of age. Activities generally include arts and crafts, music, educational games, perceptual motor activities and listening skills. Most communities also have informal community schools or learning centres, playgroups, morning programmes at local YWCAs, and other inexpensive alternatives to private schools. Community colleges also offer a variety of courses for small children, e.g. painting, dancing and cooking, once or twice a week, e.g. on Saturday mornings.
Many children attend private nursery schools for two to six-year-olds and some private elementary schools have a pre-nursery or nursery program. Fees for private nursery schools range from $5,000 to $15,000 per year for full-time schooling, depending on the school and area. School hours vary, but children usually attend for a few hours in the morning, e.g. from 9am to 11.30am, or afternoon, e.g. 12.45pm to 3.15pm, or both. Some schools allow you to choose a number of morning or afternoon sessions only, thereby reducing the fees. Many day care centres are designed for working parents and combine nursery school and (extended) day care, with centers open from 6.30am to 6pm.
Pre-school Education levels
Pre-school education programmes maintain a close relationship with the home and parents and are intended to introduce children to the social environment of school and concentrate on the basic skills of co-ordination. Activities are often expanded to include alphabetic and numerical orientation, so children entering kindergarten or grade one at the age of five or six who haven’t attended pre-school are usually at a disadvantage.
Research in a number of countries (including the US) has shown that children who attend pre-school usually progress at a faster rate than those who don’t. A much lower proportion of children (around 60 per cent) attend pre-school in the US than in Japan and many European countries (e.g. Belgium and France, where it’s 95 per cent). In some areas (e.g. New York City), nursery schools are in short supply and it’s necessary to put your child’s name on a waiting list as soon as possible (before conception!).
Some of the more ‘prestigious’ (and expensive) nursery schools require pre-admission testing and interviews (of the potential students and their families), as some people believe the choice of the ‘right’ nursery school is essential for eventual university admittance. Ensure that a pre-school or day care centre is licensed and meets local and state standards.
Nursery school is highly recommended for all children, particularly those whose parents’ mother tongue isn’t English. After even a few months in nursery school, a child is integrated into the local community and is well prepared for elementary school (particularly when English isn’t spoken at home). Parents can also make friends in the community through pre-school contacts.
2. Answer the following questions:
1)What age are children offered private classes?
2)What do private classes combine ?
3)What do activities generally include?
4)What kind of schools do most communities also have?
5)How much are the Fees for private nursery schools?
6)How are day care centers designed?
- Psychological peculiarities of children.
A knowledge of the child is the most fundamental and important of the teacher's preparation. Many teachers with thorough knowledge of their subjects fail because they do not understand the boys and girls whomthey teach. Boys and girls are not passive lumps of clay; they are living, developing beings who must be studied and understood before they can be taught . The most difficult factor to understand is the mind of the child. In order to teach efficiently we must get the child's point of view. The child's mind understands concrete things rather than abstractions. We must appeal to the child through his everyday experiences at each stage of his development. Instead of beginning with definitions, abstract principles and laws, the meanings of the things should first be made clear. Otherwise the statements are empty words. Every concept should have its concrete examples to which the mind can turn for illustrations at any time. Instruction to the particular children should begin with experiences personally familiar to the particular children. The teacher's knowledge should be broad and thorough that if the pupils cannot understand one illustration, others can be given immediately. In addition to the knowledge of formal subjects the teacher should know their relation to the life outside the classroom, so the pupils must see the significance of the things they do at school.
1. Look through the text and briefly say what it is about.
2. Translate the text using a dictionary.
(by Stephen R.C. Hicks)
The newspaper in Indiana town ran a contest for schoolchildren. The students were to create a picture on any topic; the best would be published in the paper.
A second-grader drew a sad-faced earth with the caption "I am weary. I am tired. Please quit wasting me!"* A third-grade girl depicted animals crying near a house under construction, with smokestacks in the distance; the caption read "We want our home back!"
Apparently many children are coming home from school frightened that the world is cold and inhospitable. All the furry animals are being killed and the nice green trees being chopped down. Even breathing air is dangerous.
Motivated by the best of intentions, most teachers want their students to become informed and independent thinkers. But in trying to convey a sense of urgency about such problems, they become frustrated and frightened. They begin to realize that we are living in a hostile world whose problems are too big to handle. And that's an attitude children often acquire early in life.
This does not mean educators and parents should pretend that problems do not exist. We need to take pains** to help children confront them on a scale they can grasp.
Frightened children are not going to grow into adults who can solve the world's problems. That requires a confidence in one's ability to find solutrons. And such healthy self-esteem*** requires nurturing**** over a long period, on a great number of small, day-to-day matters. Too much, too fast, can only destroy it.
* «Я больше не могу. Я устала. Пожалуйста, перестаньте зря растрачивать меня!»
** to take pains – прилагать огромные усилия
*** self-esteem –самооценка
1. In 3–5 short sentences give the main idea of the article.
2. Translate it using a dictionary.
- Interpersonal relations.
1.Read and translate the text using active vocabulary.
Mary’s parents are really wonderful. They never interfere in her affairs and give their daughter an opportunity to make any choice by herself. At the same time Mary always feels lack of the parents’ support and their participation in her life.
Susan’s parents always tell her what she must or mustn’t do, though she is rather a grown-up girl. She is completely under their influence. Her mother is a very powerful woman and her father is always expecting Susan to be an ideal girl.
How difficult to be good parents for your children! On the one hand they should keep their eyes on the children; on the other hand they shouldn’t interfere with the children’s independence.
The child’s happiness is all important; a child needs love and a lot of it. But extra love is surely doing more harm than good. The psychologists say that children who have had an extra love and care in their childhood fail to make any success in life.
Survivev пережить; вынести; выдержать, e.g. They survived that fail in their business. The custom still survives. (Этотобыча й все еще существует.)
Fearv бояться, страшиться, e.g. Не feared to give way to his feelings,
bring (brought) доставлять, e.g. The postman brought us a telegram. He brings his children to the kindergarten at 8 o’clock; bring up воспитывать, e.g. He was brought up in love and respect.
Treatv обращаться, относиться, e.g. He treated my words as a joke; treatment n обращение, e.g. His treatment of me leaves much to be desired.
Ignoreиигнорировать, e.g. Jack ignores any calls and messages; ignorance n незнание; невежество
Pretendv притворяться, e.g. He will pretend that he hasn’t heard his words.
Nastilyadvпротивно, отвратительно, e.g. It will never do to treat children nastily.
Misssmb/smthv скучатьпокому-л./чему-л., e.g. When I am away from home, I miss my parents very much.
interfere in one’s affairs вмешиватьсявчьи-л. дела; to interfere with smb’s independence покушатьсяначью-л. независимость
feel lack of smthичувствовать отсутствие чего-л., e.g. I feel lack of your love.
Supportn поддержка, e.g. He saw support in her eyes
, participation n участие, e.g. I feel your great participation in my life,
be completely under smb’s influence бытьполностьюподчьим-л. влиянием, e.g. If you are completely under smb’s influence, it means that you are a weak person.
keep an eye on smb/smthследитьзакем-л./чем-л., e.g. 1 noticed that he kept his eye on me.
do harm/good приноситьвред/пользу, e.g. A kind word can do a lot of good as well as a nasty word can do a lot of harm.
2. Learn topical vocabulary.
Basic principles’, to bring up; to avoid pitfalls; grown-ups (grownup children); generation gap; youngsters; physical and mental development; to encourage a child; to treat children like ..., excessive love and care •
Basic qualities: love, care, affection, respect, happy home background, to show a lot of patience (plenty of love)
Handling children: to have full faith in ... ; to keep anger under control; to listen to a child with understanding and sympathy
Punishment: to scream and yell at; not to hit children; spanking; to criticize; not to speak with a child deliberately; to ignore a child
Praise: to praise a child; to encourage a child; to mention always the child’s success; a kind smile and soft pat on the shoulder
3.Answer the questions using the vocabulary of the lesson.
1. Is it possible to avoid pitfalls in the process of upbringing?
2. What relations between parents and children do you call good and perspective?
3. What role does home background play in the children’s physical and mental development?
4. What are the main principles in handling children?
5. What kind of punishment do you take as suitable for a child?
4.Translate the instructions for parents and comment upon them, explain why they are important.
Here are some suggestions giving guidance to parents about the sort of things they should do with and for their children as a preparation for nursery school.
1. Encourage them to do things for themselves — like dressing, going to the toilet, washing and drying their hands.
2. Help them to recognizecoloursand shapes that they see around them. Count with them.
3. Read to them as much as you can. Get them to talk about the story.
4. Take them out as much as possible and talk about the things you see, the colours, smells, shapes that are around.
5. Talk to them and give them time to talk back to you. Use lots of words to describe things.
6. Listen to them and help them to say words and sentences properly.
7. Let them help you at home and talk about what they are doing, what is happening at the moment, what happened yesterday, what is going to happen tomorrow.
- My future profession.
- Read the text and say why you have chosen the profession of a nursery-school teacher.
It is not easy to decide what profession to choose. Not all young people make the right choice at once.
There are a lot of people you can turn for advice. At school there are teachers who can counsel you and give detailed information about job qualification. You can talk over your ideas with family members and friends. Because of the wide differences in jobs you
should find out everything you can about any job which interests you.
As for me I have already made my choice. Now I am a student of the pedagogic department of college. My future speciality is a nursery-school teacher.
The profession is closely connected with up-bringing and teaching children. It is very responsible as you work with small children. That is why a nursery-school teacher must possess definite qualities. First of all he must love and understand children. He must have basic knowledge of teaching children. He should also be able to find common language with children and get them interested in various activities .He must be kind ,fair and patient. He should also remember that the best way of teaching childrenunder 7 is through the game.I do my best to become a skilled specialist.
- Nursery-school teachers personality and professional qualities.
Few of those engaged in training teachers would conceive of a teacher who would be ideal for all and any teaching circumstances. The art and craft of teaching is so diverse that no such paragon would be likely to exist. What is possible, however, is to conceive of an ideal which is redefined in terms of the particular kinds of teaching situations the teacher actually proposes to engage in. Such an "ideal" teacher would possess personal qualities, technical abilities and professional understanding of the following kinds:
1) Personal qualities. These include both inherent qualities and other qualities acquired through experience, education, or training. Equally, it is obvious that the teacher must be intelligent, have a non-discouraging personality, and display emotional maturity. Among the acquired qualities are to be included a wide experience of life, an adequate level of personal education and sufficient command of the subject he is teaching.
2) Technical abilities. These are of three kinds: first ability to discern and assess the progress and difficulties of his pupils, an unhesitating control of the teaching in his class so as to maximize the role of learning; secondly a fluent and responsive grasp of classroom skills and techniques; and thirdly a "creative familiarity" with the syllabus and materials being used in his classes.
3) Professional understanding. This refers to a sense of perspective that sees the teacher's own particular task in relation to all types of teaching situations, to an awareness of trends and developments in methods of teaching, and to an acceptance that it is in his professional duty to go on improving his professional effectiveness throughout his career.
1. Render the text in English.
2. Say whether you agree with the author's understanding of the importance of teacher's work. Add some other important qualities a good teacher should possess.
GOOD nursery-school TEACHER
A professional nursery-school teacher should:
keep in contact with the parents of children
be able to maintain discipline and order;
work hard to remain up-to-date;
be interested in children,ask them about their homes and try to help where possible;
make the children work hard and set high standards;
be friendly and helpful to his or her colleagues;
use a lot of different materials, equipment and teaching methods and attempt to make his or her studies interesting;
get children interested and motivated in teaching material;
A nursery-school teacher should display technical abilities,personal qualities, professional understanding and emotional maturity.
1. Look through the text and arrange the listed teachers qualities in the order you think most proper. Try to explain why you have done so. Agree or disagree with your groupmates.
2. Read the following quotations and comment on them.
1) Raising a child is very much like building a skyscraper. If the first few stories are out of line, no one will notice. But when the building is 18 or 20 stories high, everyone will see that it tilts.
2) Any person can be a good teacher.
3) Every teacher continues to be a student.
4) The teacher is a model and example to his students.
5) Good teachers are born, not made.
6) Teaching machines and computers can be substitutes for any teacher.
7) Teaching is a two-way traffic.
8) Experience is the best teacher.
- Daily program of a child in the kindergarten.
1.Read the scheme and make up your own sentences about daily program of a child in the kindergarten.
What’s On The Programme
2. Learn topical vocabulary.
музыкальные занятия | music classes |
занятия на развитие речи | studies on the development of speech |
физкультура | physical training |
изобразительное искусство | fine art; Art |
формирование первичных математических навыков | formation of primary mathematical skills |
лепка | modeling |
сон | dreaming |
рисование | drawing |
пение | singing |
танцы | dances |
приход детей в детский сад | arrival of children into the nursery school |
плавание | swimming |
занятия по развитию речи | lessons on the development of speech |
воспитатель | nurse |
ужин | supper |
музыкальный работник | musical worker |
1)To have a good time | 6)to provide work |
2)to learn a lot of interesting things | 7)musical classes |
3)to have swimming instructions | 8)to keep a schedule |
4)to consult nursery-school teachers | 9)To get dressed |
5)do physical exercises | 10)to discuss children’s progress. |
3.Make up a story about the day of the child in the kindergarten using the following word combinations and expressions
- Teaching children in the kindergarten.
1.Read the text and make up 6-8 questions according to it.
The main idea of pre-school education in Russia is to teach children elementary skills and knowledge before going to primary school. So children have different activities and classes during their staying in the kindergarten.
The variety of them directly depends on the age and psychological peculiarities of children. During the day time children are taught drawing,modeling ,speech habits development.Children also attend musical activities where they are taught to sing,to dance to read verses .Physical culture is also paid much attention to in the kindergarten. So often before breakfast children do morning exercises and children from the age of 5 sometimes take part in sport competitions. Almost all classes are given in a play-form, because it is much easier to motivate children and get them interested in this or that kind of activity. At the age of 5 or 6children are taught letters and numbers. They are also taught to read and write .It is necessary to say that speech therapist works in a kindergarten to correct speech defects of some children. As the main task of a nursery teacher is not only to teach children but educate them it is important to note that children should also be taught manners of behavior and communication in a society.
- The role of play in teaching children.
- Learn the topical vocabulary
Topical Vocabulary:
The types of the plays and games:
play; a game; a puzzle; a crossword; a quiz; creative activities; different kinds of competitions; intellectual and scientific games; a project; a round table; a role-playing
Playing: to investigate the world,to stimulate children’s imagination, to develop different skillsto be playful by nature;to be free to express ones point of view; to educate children
2. Answer the questions. Use the vocabulary of the lesson in giving your point of view.
1. Do you agree with the statement that the elements of the educating play or game are very useful and carry a special motivation while studying a new material? 2. Is there any difference between a simple free play and educating one? If there is, point it out.
3..Read and translate the text
Children grow, learn and even investigate the world through play. Play is the basis for discovery, reasoning and thinking. When children are given the freedom to experiment, to make mistakes and then to learn from these mistakes, they are developing skills that will stay with them for life. Children do not differentiate between play, learning and work. Children are playful by nature. They love to play because play is an activity in which any child is open to express his points of view, ideas and thoughts. It is important to notice that games are necessary not just for junior pupils; in senior forms the elements of the play must be included into the educating process. So games vary accordingly to the age of children. In primary school the lesson is a game itself. All the material is given in the form of play: different puzzles, crosswords, different competitions, creative activities, which do not only stimulate children’s imagination, but also develop skills such as hand-eye coordination.
In secondary and higher schools games become more intellectual and scientific. They can be different projects on actual problems, role-playing, round tables, intellectual quizzes, some creative activities and team competitions.
In any case, we can’t teach and educate without plays.
4. Put questions to the text and ask your partners to answer them.
5. Retell the text.
6. Discuss the statements.
1. Children are always ready to learn, but they don’t like to be taught. 2. One of the secrets of the experienced teacher is to keep children’s intellectual curiosity through play. 3. The best way to get along with children is to give them good cheer and amusement.
7. Define the main criteria for the educating game.
• What is it?
• How does it differ from the usual games or plays?
• In what way should the educating game be realized?
• Should the game possess any educational purpose?
• How to arrange the end of the game?
• What kinds of praise are used?
8. Role-playing.
1. Anne Lacey didn’t manage to get interest from the children. They just ignored her. Act out this scene in your own way. Include the elements of play into Anne’s behaviour and see what will happen to the children.
2. All of you are taking part at the conference “Play Methods in Teaching”. Determine these methods, analyse them and come to the common conclusion.
- My working day in the kindergarten.
Read the text and single out the duties of a nursery school teacher. Add some more duties which haven’t been mentioned in the text.
Let me introduce myself .I am….. a four-year student of pre-school education department. So, my future profession is a nursery teacher of a kindergarten or a play- group.I have already got some experience of working in the kindergarten, as I have had practice there. So, I’d like to say a few words about the working day of a nursery teacher of a kindergarten.
It’s necessary to say that nursery teacher’s working day is divided into two parts-from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. and from 2 p. m. to 7 p.m. A working day of a nursery teacher starts at 7 a.m. From 7 t o 8 a.m.nursery teachers welcome and meet children and their parents, listen to parents’ recommendations and take the group of children to the gym to have morning exercises. After breakfast nursery teachers conduct different kinds of activities, such as modeling, drawing, speech habits development and so on .According to the schedule nursery teachers take children to music activities where children sing, read verses and dance. During walks nursery teachers offer children to play different games. Then teachers take children to lunch-hour and get them ready for a sleeping –break. At 2 p.m. another nursery teacher changes her or his colleague and performs the same duties. The main objective of a nursery teacher is to teach children new things and develop their skills. Besides a teacher should take care of children’s health. So, a nursery teacher doesn’t only look after children but also educates them.
- Orphans and orphanage houses.
1.Read and translate the text using active vocabulary.
Russian orphans: how many and who cares?
Statistics, facts, and information about Russian orphans
Most things and people of importance are counted. We have been ministering to Russian orphans for ten years, and we have not yet seen a definitive report on the number of Russian orphans and children at risk. Some reports place the number at over 100,000. Some, at 700,000. And one report indicates there are almost 4 million Russian orphans, if street children are included. In LudmilaShipitsyna’sbookPsychology of Orphans published in 2008, she writes that the official number at the end of 2004 was 699,200, but official police files state 2.5 million. Dr. Shipitsyna, a noted psychologist who resides in St. Petersburg, Russia, writes that “Russia occupies first place in the world by number of orphans per to 10,000 children” and that nearly 50 percent of Russia’s children (18 million) “belong to the social risk zone”.
Secondly, who cares about Russian orphans?
Fortunately, there are churches, ministries, organizations, and individuals who care much for Russian orphans. But more help is needed. More prayer is needed. More resources are needed. It seems that much of the care and concern for the plight of Russian orphans comes from outside the country. Marianna Belenkaya, writing for RIA Novosti, cited the results of a poll about attitudes to orphans conducted in downtown Moscow. When asked about their attitude towards orphans, 999 out of 1,000 respondents said that the problem has “nothing to do with me”. Children in Russia were the victims of more than 100,000 crimes on 2009, with about 2,000 killed, according to PaveAstakhov, Russia’s ombudsman for children’s rights.
You can read more below about how we are working with churches in Russia to change the attitude.
(What can you do to help? Check out our suggestions on how you can get involved to help rescue Russian orphans in right-hand column on this page.)
800,000 orphans?
It is probably safe to say that government-run Russian orphanages are home for hundreds of thousands of Russian orphans. In 2011, our best estimate is 800,000 Russian orphans. Most of the older orphans in Russia have a living mother or father, who has abused, neglected, or abandoned the child. The government removes the parent’s rights to be a parent, and the child is placed in an orphanage. Most often the parent’s neglect or abuse results from addiction to drugs, and/or alcohol.
Russian orphanage system
The Russian orphanage system sets up a vicious cycle. Orphans graduate at age 15 or 16 without family, without support systems and without guidance. They often turn to drugs and alcohol, they have children, and their children become orphans.
Human Rights Watch published a report in 1998 entitled: Cruelty and Neglect in Russian Orphanages. Although the report is now somewhat dated, it provides good background to help understand why many Russians (even those in the church) consider orphans to be “defective” or to have a curse on their life. Orphans who survive the quiet horror of baby houses are often automatically diagnosed as “oligophrenic”, or mentally retarded. Many bright children are unfortunately labeled as “oligophrenic” simply because they are poor or have been abandoned by their parents. Conditions on orphanages are better today than in 1998, but the Human Rights Watch report provides a good platform for understanding the plight of Russian orphans.
The answer to Russia’s orphan problem is not better-equipped orphanages, more and better food in orphanages, and social programs in orphanages.
The answer for Russia’s problem with orphans is family. Most Russian orphans will never have a family unless we find ways to provide family for them.
The topical vocabulary
1. to minister-оказыватьпомощь
2.careandconcernfortheplight-уход и забота за судьбу(состояние) сирот
3. attitudes to orphans- отношение к сиротам
4. to abuse, neglect or abandon a child-злоупотреблять, пренебрегать ребенком
5.to remove the parent’s rights-лишатьродительскихправ
6.addictiontodrugsandalcohol-пристрастиекнаркотикам и алкоголю
7.an orphan’s home=orphanage-детскийдом,приют
9.prayer-просьба, проситель
11.ombudsman for children’s rights-правительственныечиновники
- Point out the main problems of the Russian orphanage system and
suggest all possible solutions to them. Discussthemingroups.
2)Письменно переведите текст и напишите рецензию к тексту на английском(ваше мнение о тексте, с чем согласны, с чем не очень, как можно решить проблему и т.д.)
Researchers and social policy makers have long been interested in the developmental impact of institutionalization. Are young children who have experienced extreme deprivation in the first year or two of their lives ever able to overcome such poor developmental beginnings? Children in orphanages have been studied in many parts of the world (e.g., Iran, Lebanon, United States, Greece, Romania, Russia, and Canada). The early work on institutionalization demonstrated that deprivation resulted in developmental insult but made no attempt to establish what it was about deprivation that caused such deficits. Intellectual assessments were often used as outcome measures and social emotional variables were used to explain these outcomes. In the late twentieth century, researchers examined larger samples of orphanage children using standardized developmental assessments and measures of all aspects of development (i.e., physical, intellectual, behavioral, and social-emotional). This entry presents a review of both the early literature and late-twentieth-century research on institutionalized children. In most studies children with orphanage experience are compared to children reared in foster care, adopted children, or children who were home-reared from birth. Typically orphanage children fare less well on most measures than children in these other groups.
Behavior Problems
Behavior problems have also been examined in recent studies of institutionalized children. These studies have found that orphanage children display rather unique behavior problems when compared with either home-reared nonadopted children or within country-adoptees.
Stereotyped behavior concerned adoptive parents. The majority of orphanage children (84%) displayed stereotyped behavior, mostly in the form of rocking. Three years after adoption adoptive parents reported improvements in all behavior areas. At this time orphanage children did not look different from Canadian-born and early-adopted children in eating problems, sleeping problems, or sibling problems. However, they still displayed more stereotyped behavior than children in the other two groups, although this behavior had improved as well from Time 1 to Time 2. Clearly these recent results suggest that much of the difficulties linked to orphanage experience are over-come when children's environments improve.
shy; and (e) what their child typically did upon meeting new adults. These researchers found that orphanage children displayed significantly more indiscriminate friendliness than both early-adopted and Canadian-born children, and orphanage children were just as indiscriminate three years postadoption as they were initially (Chisholm 1998). Similarly, Thomas O'Connor, Michael Rutter, and their colleagues in the United Kingdom (2000) found that indiscriminate friendliness was associated with length of deprivation in their sample of Romanian adoptees.
- Music for children.
- Read and translate the text.
Influence of Classical Music
Although classical music has had a reputation at times for being old-fashioned or difficult to get into, it has become clear in recent years that the classical genre has a widespread influence on music, pop culture and people in general. Many artists use elements of classical music in their work, and some choose to quote or replicate it directly.
Some people claim that classical music has a positive influence on the brain development of infants. Although there isn’t any real scientific evidence to support a direct connection, there are a few positive incidental effects of playing classical music in the home for a baby. Babies tend to fall asleep faster when listening to soothing music, and sleep is beneficial for child brain development. In addition, if the other members of the household enjoy the music, the baby’s environment will probably be happier and more peaceful.
Classical music directly influences pop culture. For example, Walter Murphy’s disco hit “A Fifth of Beethoven” samples Beethoven’s Symphony No. 5. "Ode to Joy," also composed by Beethoven, has become a ubiquitous piece of music on television and in movies. Classical music has had an enormous influence on modern music,. Many bands and artists display a clear classical music influence in their work, from hip hop artists like Kanye West to rockers like Led Zeppelin or Muse, and more experimental artists such as Max Richter and Mogwai.
Many of the rules of music theory, developed in the Baroque period by composers like Bach, are still in use today. Theories about the ways in which chords, scales and notes interact are relevant and used at least to some extent by all but the most experimental composers and bands.
Fans of classical music often talk about the capabilities of classical music to emotionally move and influence the listener. Many people report feeling happier and more calm after listening to only a few minutes of classical music. Of course, this might depend on the composer and the listener; most people will find Beethoven or Handel more calming than Wagner or Stravinsky.
2Answer the following questions:
1.What does classical genre of music have influence on?
2.How does classical music influence babies?
3. How does it influence pop-culture?
4. What influence does classical music have on modern music?
5. What is still in use today?
6. What do fans of classical music often talk about?
7. Whatare people`s impressions of listening classical music?
- Children’s literature.
- 1.Read and translate the texts about books for children. Ask 4-6 questions to each text.
MR MEN (1971)
Roger Hargreaves (9 May 1935 - 11 September 1988)
Intended for very young readers, the Mr Men books comprised 48 books in all and they joined later by a series of 42 Little Miss books. With silly stories, bright-coloured, boldly drawn illustrations, they have been part of popular culture for over 25 years, with sales over 100 million worldwide in 15 languages. Among the funniest character were Mr Forgetful, Mr Fussy, Mr Lazy and Mr Grumpy - not forgetting Little Miss Chatterbox and Little Miss Trouble. And, of course, Mr Happy.
DEAR ZOO (1982)
By Rod Campbell (born 1945)
In the past 30 years, Dear Zoo has become firmly established as a classic for the under five’s. To celebrate the 25th anniversary, Rod Campbell, a Scottish writer and illustrator with a doctorate in organix chemistry, refreshed the original artwork to give Dear Zoo an updated and fresh look. Dear Zoo is a "lift the flap book" about, in case you hadn't guessed, a letter to the zoo from a child who wants a pet.
By Julia Donaldson (born 16 September 1948)
Children watch in awe as a cunning mouse navigates the deep, dark forest, fending off dangerous characters such as fox and snake with tales of his monstrous (and imaginary) friend, the Gruffalo. Written in rhyming couplets and accompanied by Axel Scheffler’s now iconic illustrations, The Gruffalo has sold more than 10.5 million copies, been adapted for stage in both the West End - with a new show in December 2010 - and Broadway, and has also been made into a 30-minute animated film.
Литература и источники
- Ваулина Ю.Е., Фрейдина Е.Л. Английский язык для студентов факультета дошкольного воспитания. – М.: Гуманит. изд. центр ВЛАДОС, 2003. – 240 с.
- Голубев А.П. Английский язык : Учеб. пособие для студ. сред. проф. учеб. заведений. – М.: Академия, 2012. – 336с.
- Мельчина О. П., Морозова Л. Ю. On Education. О педагогике: Практикум по английскому языку. – М.: Флинта: Наука, 2006. – 176 с.
- Степанова С.Н., Хафизова С.И., Гревцева Т.А. Английский язык для направления «педагогическое образование». – М.: Академия, 2014 – 224с.
- http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/books/booknews/8143303/The-25-best-childrens-books.html
- https://sites.wustl.edu/ahuseynli/files/2016/10/Reforming-child-care-systems-in-post-soviet-countries-ppc3d9.pdf
- https://ru.pinterest.com/pin/143059725640579164/
Предварительный просмотр:
Бюджетное учреждение профессионального образования
Ханты-Мансийского автономного округа – Югры
«Нижневартовский социально-гуманитарный колледж»
Аймурзина Валентина Викторовна
Воробец Юлиана Васильевна
В.В. Аймурзина
Ю.В. Воробец
Методическое пособие предназначено для студентов специальности 38.02.02.Страховое дело(по отраслям). Пособие состоит из специализированных текстов профессиональной направленности. К основному тексту прилагаются список слов и словосочетаний с переводом, а также упражнения по содержанию текста, предназначенные для развития умений и навыков изучающего чтения, расширения репродуктивного словарного минимума и получения информации по теме. Содержание текстов соответствует темам рабочей программы ФГОС данной специальности.
1. | What Is Social Insurance? | 4 |
2. | The main types of insurance | 6 |
3. | Life and industrial assurance. | 7 |
4. | Medical(health) insurance | 8 |
5. | Aviation insurance. | 10 |
6. | The deposit insurance system | 12 |
7. | Principles of insurance | 14 |
8. | Types of insurance policy. | 15 |
9. | Types of loss | 18 |
10. | Insurance documents | 19 |
11. | Working time schedule of an insurance agent | 20 |
12. | Checking tests | 23 |
1.1. Read and discuss the text:
What Is Social Insurance?
Two Points of View.We know that poverty is found in every country in the world. Each year millions of people starve to death. Many millions more die at an early age because they do not have proper food, shelter or medical care. One-third, and perhaps more, of the world's people go lo bed hungry each night. In country after country the same question is raised: Shouldn't a nation try to help all of its people living better and longer lives?
Until about one hundred years ago, the answer was the same in every part of the world. Nobody should have to depend upon others for help! Each person should he strong enough and amhitious enough to provide for his own needs! True, a government might do something to help its poorest and least able citizens stay alive. It might set up a few poorhouses. It might give away some food from time to time. Private persons might form charities to add to ihe little help a government offered. But little or nothing was done to give all people the medical care they needed.
Social Insurance.People often need help in facing an emergency. This help can come from their own savings, if these are very large. It can also come from an insurance plan. This plan can be private (paid for through membership in some large insurance plan to which many people contribute), or government (provided by the government as one of its services to its people, and paid for by tax moneys.) The word social describes activities affecting people and the way they live within society. Social insurance includes those plans that help people meet four kinds of problems:
1) Medical Insurance.This kind of insurance pays the costs of medical and dental eare. Such costs rise and rise. Few families can afford the costs of serious illness. Medical insurance plans pay all or a large part of the expense of helping people recover from illness. Some plans may pay for all or part of your regular medical care as well.
2) Life insurance. All life insurance plans pay money to some person or persons (The beneficiary or beneficiaries) whenthe insured person dies. The chief reason for life insurance is to provide money for the remaining members of a family when its chief wage-earner dies. However.the person who pays for the policy can decide who is to receive the payment. It can be a husband or wife, children, creditors or any
3) Income insurance. Some insurance plans give (he insured person some income during an emergency. The insured person may lose his job and then need money. He may become ill and be unable to work. An injury may make it impossible for him to continue his usual work. He may grow too old to work, or may decide to retire when he grows older. Finally, he may still be working, but be unable to earn enough.
4) Services insurance.Some insurance plans provide help, guidance, equipment or other services a person may need to solve a problem. A blind man may need a Seeing Eye dog or training in a new kind of work. A man or woman who has lost a job because of changes in industry may need training for a different kind of job. The parents of a child with a handicap may need help to pay for a special school for that child. A crippled person may need braces or a wheelchair to permit better movement.
insurance – гарантия, защита, страхование
compulsoryinsurance – обязательное страхование
groupinsurance – групповое (коллективное) страхование
healthinsurance – страхование на случай болезни
hospitalinsurance – основноестрахование на случай госпитализации
lifeinsurance – страхованиежизни
majormedicalexpensesinsurance – страхование чрезвычайных медицинских расходов
nationalinsurance – государственное страхование
privateinsurance – личное (индивидуальное) страхование
retirementinsurance – страхование пенсии по старости
socialinsurance – социальное страхование
voluntaryinsurance – добровольное страхование
voluntarymedicalinsurance – дополнительное страхование (считается добровольным, включает компенсацию за лабораторное лечение и визиты к врачу
unemploymentinsurance – страхование по безработице
insurancecompany – страховая компания
insure – страховать(ся), застраховать(ся), гарантировать
2.1. Translate the text, using your dictionary.
The main types ofinsurance
A great variety of risks can nowadays be covered by insurance. Some of the commoner risks which are usual for businesses and private individuals are as follows:
- the destruction of property by fire
- losses arising from burglary or other causes
- goods in transit
- motor vehicles
- third party claims arising out of accidents.
From past experience the probability of many risks can be calculated with great accuracy.
In Great Britain insurance business is conducted by insurance companies. The client or the prospective insured first approaches the insurance broker who then puts the client in touch with the insurer.
The insurer issues an insurance policy for the insured. It is a document setting out the exact terms and conditions of the insurance transaction. It states the precise risk covered, the period of cover and any exception there may be. The insured is to pay a premium the size of which is stated in the policy.
In many countries insurance against sickness, unemployment and old age is undertaken by the state. In Great Britain this insurance is undertaken by the state through the National Health Service. The employees’ contributions are deducted from their wages and salaries.
The main benefits of this insurance include:
- retirement pensions
- unemployment benefits, or relief’s
- sickness benefits
- maternity grants
- funeral grants
- industrial injuries
- family allowances
1. insurance | страхование |
2. variety | разновидность |
3. to cover | покрывать |
4.commoner | общий, простой |
5.business | торговое предприятие, фирма |
6.individual | частное лицо |
7.destruction | разрушение, уничтожение |
8.property | имущество |
9.loss | убыток, ущерб, урон |
10. burglary | кража |
11. cause | случай |
12. in transit | в пути |
13.motorvehicle | автомобиль |
14.claim | требование, претензия |
15.accident | несчастный случай |
16.third party | третья сторона, свидетель |
17.probability | вероятность |
18.to calculate | вычислять, подсчитывать |
19.accuracy | точность, правильность |
20.to conduct | вести, руководить, проводить |
21.client | клиент |
22.prospective | предполагаемый, ожидаемый |
23. to approach | обращаться |
24. insurance broker | Страховой брокер |
25. to put... in touch with | связывать кого-либо с кем-либо |
26.to issue | выдавать, издавать |
27.tosetout | устанавливать |
28.transaction | дело, сделка |
29.tostate | определять, формулировать |
30. precise | четкий, ясный, точный |
31.exception | возражение, отвод |
32. premium | страховая премия |
33.sickness | болезнь |
34.to undertake | брать на себя |
35.contribution | налог, взнос |
36.to deduct | вычитать, удерживать |
37.wage | заработная плата |
38.salary | жалованье, оклад |
39.benefit | выгода, польза, пособие |
40.retirement | отставка, уход на пенсию |
41.maternity | материнство |
42.grant | дотация, субсидия |
43.funeral | похороны |
44.injury | травма |
45.famil тyallowance | пособие на семью |
2.2 Match the equivalents:
1. to cover the risk | a) страховой бизнес |
2. insurance business | b) страховой полис |
3. insurance company | c) страховой риск |
4. insurance broker | d) страховая компания |
5. insurance policy | e) страховой брокер |
6. insurance transaction | f) страховщик |
7. insurer | g) сделка по страхованию |
8. the insured | h) страхователь |
9. insurance cover | i) покрывать риск |
2.3 Match the terms and their interpretations:
1. it is a document setting out the exact terms and conditions of the insurance transaction | a) an insurer |
2. the company issuing insurance policies | b) an insurance policy |
3. the person putting the client in touch with the insurer | c) an insurance broker |
4. the person or some business | d) the insured |
2.4.Read and translate the texts.Make the synopsis of them.
Types of Insurance
1)Insurance can be complex, and often times hard to decipher what coverages you need, and how much coverage you currently have. Denver Insurance Solutions is here to help you understand your policies to make deciding on your coverage even easier.
Home Insurance
A family’s home is one of their most valuable assets. Learn about the different kinds of home coverage that our agency has to offer.
Auto Insurance
Having the right auto coverage in place can help ensure that you and your vehicle are protected from all of the hazards that driving has to offer. Learn more about the different kinds of auto insurance coverage.
Business/Commercial Insurance
Adequate business coverage to protect your company is very important. Find out more about various business insurance coverage we provide.
Life Insurance
Protecting your family’s assets in the event of life’s unexpected circumstances is crucial in defending your family’s future. Read more about the advantages of life insurance, and the different kind of policies that can protect you.
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2)Tower Hill Insurance Group, LLC. creates and distributes insurance products and services that achieve superior results. Through relationships we have fostered with our independent insurance agents, we offer the following insurance policies through a variety of companies. All coverages are subject to the conditions, exclusions and limitations outlined in each policy.
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Personal Lines Products
Homeowners policies insure homes that are occupied by the owner and also provide coverage for personal possessions and liability. Get a quote >
Dwelling Fire
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Condominium Owners
Insures condominiums that are owned and occupied by policyholder or tenant and also provides coverage for personal possessions and liability. Get a quote >
Mobile Homeowners
Insures mobile homes that are occupied by the policyholder and also provides coverage for personal possessions and liability.
Insures policyholder property in a home that is rented, rather than owned, such as an apartment. Get a quote >
Covers damage due to flooding according to the guidelines established by the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).
Commercial Lines Products
Mobile Home Parks
Insures mobile home parks, resident-owned parks, travel trailer parks, and campgrounds with more than five sites.
Self Storage Facilities
Insures self-storage and mini-warehouse facilities. [Note: converted facilities that were not originally built as storage facilities and facilities used for other than storage purposes (e.g., to operate a business) are ineligible].
Homeowners' Association
Insures homeowners' associations, planned unit developments, condo or cooperative-owned communities.
Office & Retail Facilities
Insures buildings or offices (lessors' risk coverage); professional office complexes; multi-tenant retail shopping centers, and other related risks.
Hotels & Motels
Insures the property and general liability of hotel and motel owners.
3.1Translatethetext, usingyourdictionary
Life and industrial assurance.
One of the main branches of insurance is life assurance. It is a comparatively recent type of insurance.
Life assurance is different from all other branches of insurance. In case of insurance there is no certainty that the insured may face the risk against which he has been insured. The risk may never occur. But in case of life assurance the risk is certain to occur sooner or later. The only uncertainty is the time of occurrence.
There are two types of life assurance:
- endowment
- whole life assurance
Endowment assurance is provided for a specified number of years or until the attainment of a certain age. The sum assured is paid either at the agreed time or on the death of the assured.
Whole life assurance is less popular. The premiums must be paid to the assured until the deals of the insured.
Premiums for endowment and whole life assurance are paid quarterly or annually.
Industrial assurance is a branch of life assurance. Industrial assurance policies are usually for small amounts. The premiums are collected weekly by the companies` agents.
The largest life assurance company in Great Britain is Prudential Assurance Co., established in 1845. Besides all kinds of life assurance Prudential Assurance Company undertakes many types of insurance.
1. comparatively | сравнительно |
2. resent | новый, современный, недавний |
3. certainty | уверенность, определенность |
4. insured | застрахованный |
5. to face | сталкиваться |
6. to occur | случаться, происходить |
7. certain | уверенный, несомненный |
8.uncertainty | неуверенность, неопределенность |
9. occurrence | случай, происшествие |
10. endowment | вклад, дар |
11. endowment assurance | страхование на срок |
12. to provide | обеспечивать, предоставлять, предусматривать |
13. specified | точно определенное, установленное |
14. attainment | достижение |
15.agreedtime | установленное, согласованное время |
16. prudential | благоразумный |
3.2 Write the Russian equivalents:
life assurance
industrial assurance
endowment assurance
whole life assurance
the risk may occur
to attain a central age
the assured
the sum assured
3.3Write the English equivalents:
1. Главные ветви страхования
2. В случае страхования жизни
3. Время происшествия
4. Определенное количество лет
5. Менее популярно
6. Должны быть выплачены
7. Полисы промышленного страхования
8. Намаленькиесуммы
4.1.Translate the text, using your dictionary
Medical(health) insurance.
Health and life are the core values for a person. Medical services are constantly rising ,that is the reason why the health insurance in case of illness allows essentially reducing costs under treatment.
Health insurance in case of illness is the Lineof Business when every disease is estimated in cash equivalent. ThisLine of Business gives a real possibility to get a financial compensation from insurance company in caseof illness this is tangible reduced costs on treatment.
Actuarial risk is the disease of insured party, which requires an outpatient or hospital care under condition that it is occurred in the time of present insurance Contract and belongs to one of the classes of diseases , such as for example:
-Diseases of the endocrine system
-Mental diseases ets.
Underwriting rate depends on insurance program, insurance coverage, insurance term and other conditions that affect extent of risk.
Implementation of insurance benefit is effected by Assurer according to conditions ofinsuranceContract under condition of recieption of all necessary documents from the insured party.
Amount ofinsurance coverage payment in case of insured partydisease depends on type of disease, its severity level ,terms and settle by Assurer under conclusion of approved medical practitioner.
4.2. In 5–6 short sentences give the main idea of the text.
5.1Translate the text, using your dictionary
Aviation insurance.
Aviation insurance isinsurancecoverage geared specifically to the operation of aircraft and the risks involved in aviation.Aviation insurancepolicies are distinctly different from those to other areas of transportation and tend to incorporate aviation terminology , as well asterminology , limits and clauses specific toaviation insurance.
Aviation insurance is divided into several types ofinsurancecoverage available.
Public liability insurance.
Thiscoverage covers aircraft owners for damage that their aircraft does to third party property, such as houses,cars,airport facilities and otheraircraft struck in collision.
Passenger liability insurance.
Passenger liability protects passengers riding in the accident aircraft who are injured or killed.
Combined Single Limit.
CSL coverage combines public liability coverage into a single coverage with a single overall limit per accident. This type of coverage provides more flexibility in paying claims for liability, especially if passengers are injured, but little damage is done to third party property on the ground.
Ground risk hull insurance not in motion.
This provides coverage for the insured aircraft against damage when it is on the ground and not in motion. This would provide protection for the aircraft for such events as fire, theft, vandalism, food, mudslides, animal damage, wind or hailstorms, hangar collapse or for uninsured vehicles or aircraft striking the aircraft.
In-flight insurance.
In-flight coverage protects an insured aircraft against damage during all phases of flight and ground operation, including while parked or stored.
6.1.Read and translate the text
The deposit insurance system
The deposit insurance system (DIS) - a mechanism of protection of individuals' deposits in banks by their insurance (guarantee).
The main idea of the CER is to provide quick payments to investors from an independent financial source (such as a special fund) in the event of termination of the Bank (the revocation of his license). Thus, without waiting for the start of liquidation procedures, investors are guaranteed access to their funds.
Experience in most economically developed countries shows that the system of insurance (guarantee) of bank deposits is an effective tool for solving complex social and macroeconomic problems [citation needed 812 days]. First of all, it helps prevent panic among depositors, thus providing the stability of the banking system and reducing the social costs of overcoming the effects of the crisis. In addition, the presence of NE enhances public confidence in the banking system, creating the prerequisites for long-term growth of private deposits.
Currently, CERs in various forms exists in 104 countries around the world. More than half of all insurers are included in the International Association of Deposit Insurers
The system of deposit insurance in Russia
Deposit insurance in the Russian Federation in accordance with the Federal Law "On Insurance of Household Deposits in Banks of the Russian Federation» № 177-FZ of December 23, 2003 (hereinafter - the Law or the Law on Deposit Insurance.)
Insurance money shall be individuals placed on deposit and bank accounts registered in the territory of the Russian Federation. A number of exceptions listed below.
Deposit insurance is carried by the Act and does not require a contract of insurance. In order to manage the deposit insurance system based on the Deposit Insurance Act in January 2004, the Russian Federation created a public corporation - "Deposit Insurance Agency" (hereinafter - the Agency, or DIA DIA GC).
The participation of banks in North
In Russia, participation in the deposit insurance system is mandatory for all banks, attracting funds of individuals.
At present, the CERs are 908 banks (as of June 20, 2011)
The amount of insurance indemnity to the North
Insurance compensation for deposits in a bank in respect of which an insured event occurs, the investor is paid at a rate of 100% of deposits in the bank, but no more than 700,000 rubles. (For insurance claims)
Deposits in foreign currencies are translated at the exchange rate of the Central Bank as of the date of the loss.
The maximum amount of compensation of 700,000 rubles.on all deposits and accounts in one bank. Deposits in different banks are insured separately.
After the payment of insurance compensation law requirements for the deposit of the depositor, exceeding the size of the guarantee will be honored during the bankruptcy proceedings in the first stage of the creditors. The right to demand of the depositor to the amount of insurance payments made by transfer to the Agency for Deposit Insurance.
If the depositor received a loan from a bank in respect of which an insured event occurs, the amount of insurance compensation is reduced by the amount of counter-claims of the bank to the depositor on the date of revocation of license.
The deposit insurance system in the U.S.
The United States is the first country where there was a system of insurance of bank deposits. The necessity of creating this system was due to the economic crisis - the Great Depression. As a result, the 1933 Glass-Steagall Act created the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
Initially, the insurance limit was $ 5,000 U.S.. Until recently, the standard indemnity to the U.S. amounted to U.S. $ 100 000. However, in 2008 it was temporary, until December 31, 2013, increased to U.S. $ 250 000.
6.2.Make up 6-8 questions according to the text.
6.3.Give a short summary of the text.
7. 1. Translate the text, using your dictionary.
Principles of insurance.
For insurance to function properly, the insurer and insured have to make sure that certain basic requirements are fulfilled when the insurance policy is drawn up.
Utmost good faith
When someone fills out a form applying to take out insurance, he is obliged to tell the truth about the value and condition of the goods to be insured, and also to mention anything which might increase the risk of the goods being stolen or damaged. The insurer accepts the application in “utmost good faith” that all the details supplied by the insured are correct, and fixes the level of the premium accordingly.
For his part, the insurer is obliged to deal fairly with the insured, for example by making all the conditions of the insurance policy clear to him.
Insurable interest
It is essential that the insured has an insurable interest in the goods to be insured: this means he has to suffer a financial loss if the goods are stolen or damaged. Generally this means that you can take out insurance for your own property, but not for someone else’s.
The idea of indemnity is that if the insured suffers a loss, he has to be paid sufficient compensation to bring him back to the same financial condition as he was in before the loss – not more and not less (this doesn’t apply to life or personal accident insurance). This prevents people over-insuring their goods in the hope of making a profit.
Once the insurer has compensated the insured for his loss, he has the right to recover the amount in question from the party responsible for the loss (for example, if the insurer can prove that the ship was not seaworthy, he can take legal steps against the ship owner).
| должным образом | |
| требование | |
| выполнять, удовлетворять (требованиям условиям) | |
| полное доверие | |
| упоминать, ссылаться на | |
| усиливать, возрастать | |
| принимать | |
| заявление, прошение | |
| соответственно | |
| иметь дело, рассматривать вопрос | |
| справедливо | |
| страховой интерес | |
| необходимый, существенный | |
| гарантия от убытков | |
| препятствовать, предупреждать | |
| возвращать себе, получать обратно | |
| годный для плавания |
7.2 Write the Russian equivalents:
fill out a form
to tell the truth
the level of the premium
the insurance policy
an insurable interest
financial condition
in the hope of making a profit.
to recover the amount
73 What is wrong here?
- Mr. Smith’s insurance company refused to pay him when his house was broken into, as they found out from police records that it had already been broken into twice before he took out insurance. Why?
- Mary’s mother lent Mary some expensive jewellery. However, when Mary applied to have it covered by her house-hold insurance policy, the insurance company refused. Why?
- Mr. Adams wanted to insure the goods in his warehouse for $200,000, which was the price at which he could sell them. However, the insurance company told him that they could only insure the goods for $120,000. Why?
8.1. Translate the text, using your diction
Types of insurance policy.
Written evidence of the insurance contract is provided in the insurance policy. If insurance is needed at short notice, the insurer can provide the insured with a cover note to fulfit this function until the insurance policy is ready. The following types of cover are available:
- Hull policies cover the ship itself, but not the goods being carried.
- Cargo policy cover the goods carried on board the ship, but not the ship itself.
Voyage policy
This type of policy covers the ship and/or cargo for one voyage only. This kind of policy may specify a date limit within which the ship is expected to have arrived at the port of destination. It is used by people or companies who only have to ship goods occasionally.
Time policy
This is type of policy used most often. It covers all shipments made within a certain period of time. The premium is paid in advance and then adjusted at the end of the period of insurance, depending on the number and value of shipments made. The insured has the responsibility of filling out an insurance certificate for each shipment, so that an accurate record can be presented at the end of the period of insurance.
Floating policy
With a floating policy, the insured and insurer agree in advance on a certain sum at which the goods are to be insured. The insured can then make as many shipments as he wants until this value has been reached, at which point the policy expires.
Mixed policy
This is the combination of the voyage and time policies. The ship and/or cargo is covered for all voyages between two named ports for a certain period of time (for example for all voyages from Liverpool to New York over a period of one year).
1. evidence | основание; данные | |
2. cover note | временное страховое свидетельство | |
3. hull policy | полис страхования судна | |
4. cargo policy | полис страхования груза | |
5. voyage policy | полис страхования на перевозку | |
6. to specify | точно определять, устанавливать | |
7. within | в пределах | |
8. occasionally | изредка, время от времени | |
9. time policy | полис на срок | |
10. in advance | заранее | |
11. certificate | свидетельство, удостоверение | |
12. accurate | точный, правильный | |
13. record | запись, отчет, протокол | |
14. floating policy | генеральный полис | |
15. to agree | договариваться | |
16. to expire | кончаться, истекать (о сроке) | |
17. mixed policy | смешанный полис |
Страховой контракт
Следующие типы покрытия
Товары, перевозимые на борту корабля
Покрывает корабль и /или груз только на одну поездку
Этот вид полиса может точно определять
Порт назначения
В конце периода страхования
Ответственность за заполнение страхового сертификата
Заранее на определенную сумму
На все поездки между двумя названными портами
8.3 What type of insurance policy would you use in each situation? Justify your answer!
1. A customer in Sri Lanka placed a trial order.
2. A company in Canada received a standing order from a company in Boston.
3. A carpet importer in Italy often places orders with a company in Morocco. However, as sales fluctuate, the size and value of the orders tends to vary and is not always predictable.
4. An exporter in Japan was offered a one-year contract to supply goods to various branches of an American corporation.
5. A family emigration from England to Australia sent most of their household goods by ship.
9. 1 Translate the text, using your dictionary.
Types of loss
As far as marine insurance is concerned, insurers distinguish between total loss and partial loss.
- Actual Total Loss (ATL)
An actual total loss is said to have occurred when the ship and cargo have sunk and cannot be recovered.
If the ship disappears after leaving the port or if it is long overdue, this is also considered to be an actual total loss. If the ship then turns up after a claim for ATL has been settled, it automatically becomes the property of the insurers.
- Constructive Total Loss (CTL)
A constructive total loss occurs when the ship or goods are so badly damaged that the cost of repairing them would be greater than their market value. It also occurs when a ship sinks and is left because the cost of recovery would be too high or the risk to human life too great.
- Particular average
Particular average occurs when the object insured is loss or damaged because of an accident, such as a fire or flood on board the ship. The loss is born by the person to whom the object belonged.
- General average
General average occurs when the object insured is sacrificed in order to prevent a total loss for example, goods may be thrown overboard in order to stop a ship sinking. The loss is borne by all parties – both the ship owner and the cargo owners.
| различать | |
| действительная полная гибель | |
| запоздалый | |
| рассматривать | |
| конструктивная полная гибель | |
| частная авария | |
| жертвовать | |
| препятствовать, предотвращать | |
| выбрасывать |
9.2 Give English equivalents for Russian words and expressions.
1. As far as marine insurance is concerned, insurers (различаютмежду) total loss and partial loss.
2. An actual total loss is said to have occurred (когдакорабльигруззатонули) and cannot be recovered.
3. If the ship then turns up after a claim for ATL has been settled, it (автоматическистановитсясобственностью) of the insurers.
4. It also (случается) when a ship sinks and is left because (стоимостьвосстановления) would be too high or the risk to human life too great.
5. General average occurs when the object insured is sacrificed (длятогочтобыпредотвратить) a total loss.
9.3 What type of loss was this?
1. A ship disappeared while sailing through the Bermuda Triangle.
2. A ship carrying cheap general cargo sank close to the coast of France.
3. Two boxes of goods were lost overboard as a result of bad weather.
4. In 1912, the supposedly unsinkable Titanic hit an iceberg and sank in the Atlantic.
5. A ship carrying oil barrels caught fire, and the crew threw the barrels into the sea to prevent an explosion.
6. Pirates boarded a ship and stole part of the cargo.
10. 1 Translate the text, using your dictionary.
Insurance documents
Among insurance documents there are insurance policies and insurance certificates. There is a certain difference between the two but it is very subtle and sometimes, besides, they are used interchangeably. These documents state what goods are insured, in whose name they are insured, against what risks, for what amount, at what premium and so on.
Here is a part of a specimen insurance policy:
Insurance Policy No 338
This is to certify the insurance cover to the order of Chemico, Moscow, of: Chemicals ST, gross weight packed 5100 kgs, net weight 5000 kgs in 100 plastic bags in favour of: Petro Co Ltd. Liverpool for the amount of: 875,000.00 English pounds sterling (eight hundred and seventy five thousand English pounds sterling)
Shipped from: | Riga to Liverpool |
on board vessel: | Alexander Pushkin |
on: | 20 November, 1998 |
against: | war, fire and marine risks |
premium: | as agreed |
Besides insurance documents, transport documents, commercial invoices some other documents may be involved in business transactions in accordance with contracts. They are:
- import/export licences
- customs declarations
- consular invoices
- veterinary certificates
- phytosanitary certificate and others.
| едва различимый | |
| равнозначный | |
| страховать | |
| польза | |
| большой, брутто, грубый | |
| лицензия | |
| таможня | |
| консул | |
| санитарный сертификат на растения | |
| в пользу кого-либо | |
| вес, груз | |
| правление судном | |
| счет | |
| соответствие |
10.2 Open the brackets by using the verbs in the correct forms:
- A lot of various documents (to involve) in business transactions.
- Among insurance documents there (to be) insurance policies and certificates.
- There (to be) a certain difference between these two terms.
- The difference (to be) very subtle.
- Sometimes these two terms (to use) interchangeably.
- These two documents state what goods (to insure).
- They also (to state) in whose name the goods (to insure).
103 Write down the English terms:
импортная лицензия ________________________________________
таможенная декларация _____________________________________
консульский счет __________________________________________
санитарный сертификат на растения __________________________
ветеринарный сертификат __________________________________
11.1.Read and retell the text.
Working time schedule of an insurance agent
1.To begin with the working hours of an insurance agent are illegal. 2. His or her working day starts from 10 am and finishes at about 5 or 6 pm. 3. At 10.30 am the chiefs of the companyhold a consultation with their employees where they discuss various strategic plans and objectives for a certain period of time. 4. After it the working hours of each agent are distributed differently. 5. During free day time insurance agents make telephone calls, make appointmentsandhave business meetings with their insurers be they physical or judicial persons or companies. 6. Insurance agents make contracts and agreements on a large range of insurance such as life, health and property insurance. 7. At the end of the working day the employees of the company make a report about the results of the work, arrange the documents and leave the company. 8.But some of them have business meetings in the evening too. 9. So, the working day of an insurance agent is tense and busy.10. His wages directly depend on the quantity of the agreements he makes.
11.2.Make up your own sentences with the underlined words and word combinations.
13. Checking tests:
1.Translate into Russian:
Life insurance
Industrial insurance
Endowment insurance
Unemployment benefits
Sickness benefits
Maternity grants
Family allowances
To cover the risk
2. TranslateintoEnglish:
Страхование жизни, автострахование , страховая компания, страхование домашнего имущества, страховщик ,страховой полис, пособие на рождение ребенка, пособие на семью, страхование на срок
3. Choose the right word:
…is a document setting out the exact terms and conditions of the insurance transactions.a.insurance broker b.insurance policy c. insurance company
…insurance in case you die suddenly.
Household insurance b. car insurance c. life insurance
…insurance in case you have an accident when you are travelling.
a.travel insurance b. medical insurance c. car insurance
4. Answer the questions:
1.Is insurance business very popular in your country?
2.What insurance companies do you know?
3.What types of insurance are practiced in company you work?
Интернет ресурсы:
- http://www.twirpx.com/file/817129/
- http://studopedia.net/14_8404_INSURANCE-AND-RISKS.html
- http://universal_en_ru.academic.ru
- http://ebookandpdf.com/other/19945-principles-of-risk-management-and-insurance-12th.htm
- http://www.fool.com/investing/general/2015/05/22/5-life-insurance-types-to-know.aspx
- http://philologam.com/textes/1803-insurance-health-insurance-etc-strahovanie-medicinskoe-strahovanie-i-td.html
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