Методические рекомендации для самостоятельной работы студентов по дисциплине "Английский язык" на тему: "Американские традиции и обычаи" для специальности 080110 Экономика и бухгалтерский учёт (по отраслям), 2010 год.
методическая разработка по английскому языку (11 класс) на тему
Методические рекомендации включают в себя тексты для домашнего чтения, а также упражнения для закрепления знаний и развития речевых умений.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Государственное образовательное учреждение
среднего профессионального образования
«Арзамасский коммерческо-технический техникум»
для самостоятельной работы студентов
по дисциплине
«Английский язык»
На тему: «American Customs and Traditions»
080110 Экономика и
бухгалтерский учёт
(по отраслям)
Арзамас, 2010
цикловой комиссией Зам. директора по УР
социально-гуманитарных ______Т.А. Агафонова
дисциплин «___» _________ 2010 г.
____________Л.И. Ледянкина «___»_____________20_г.
Автор: Н.Б. Красникова, преподаватель английского языка высшей квалификационной категории ГОУ СПО «Арзамасский коммерческо-технический техникум»
Настоящее методическое пособие предназначено для изучения дисциплины «Английский язык» студентами специальности 080110 Экономика и бухгалтерский учёт (по отраслям) в соответствии с учебной программой и требованиями, предъявляемыми Государственным образовательным стандартом среднего профессионального образования.
Методическое пособие включает тексты для домашнего чтения по теме «Американские обычаи и традиции», а также упражнения для закрепления полученных знаний и развития речевых умений.
1. The Wild West
2. Native Americans
3. Sports
4. Entertainment
5. Food and Drink
В соответствии с рабочей программой по дисциплине «Английский язык» для специальности 080110 Экономика и бухгалтерский учёт (по отраслям) на изучение раздела «Соединённые Штаты Америки» отводится всего 6 часов, поэтому студентам предлагается самостоятельно изучить тему: «Американские обычаи и традиции».
Данное пособие содержит тексты для домашнего чтения, направленные на совершенствование навыков чтения. К текстам прилагаются задания для проверки понимания прочитанного, речевые упражнения.
Выполняя первое задание первого упражнения после каждого текста нужно согласиться или не согласиться с утверждением « true or false», во втором задании нужно ответить на вопросы полным ответом. При работе над вторым упражнением студенты высказываются об определённых фактах, на определённые темы, проблемы, связанные с содержанием текстов. Выполняя третье упражнение необходимо подготовить развёрнутое сообщение, используя материалы текста, высказывая своё мнение и сравнивая с обычаями и традициями родной страны.
Цель данного учебно-методического пособия: дальнейшее развитие иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции (речевой, языковой, социокультурной, компенсаторной, учебно-познавательной), развитие и воспитание способности и готовности к самостоятельному и непрерывному изучению английского языка, дальнейшему самообразованию с его помощью.
После изучения предложенной темы Вы будете
- значения новых лексических единиц,
- речевые выражения по теме,
- становедческую и социокультурную информацию
- вести диалог в ситуациях общения в социокультурной сфере,
- рассказывать, рассуждать в связи с тематикой прочитанных текстов, выражая своё отношение к излагаемым фактам и
давая им свою оценку.
The Wild West
New words:
desert – пустыня
empty – пустой
ghost – привидение
gun – ружьё
to protect – защищать
mud – грязь
tailor – портной
miner – шахтёр
cattle – скот
brass – духовой(муз.)
The story of the “Wild West” began in the 18th century, when people started to go west to look for new land. In the 19th century, many went west to look for gold. They built new towns in the mountains and in the desert. Some people were lucky, but many were not. When they couldn’t find gold, the towns became empty. Now some of these “ghost towns” are popular tourist attractions.
Life in the Wild West was dangerous. The Native Americans in the west did not welcome the white people who took their land. Sometimes they attacked them. There were bears and other dangerous wild animals, and it was necessary to carry a gun. Today many Americans still keep a gun in their house, and all American police officers carry guns.
Another tradition that comes from the Wild West is “cowboy” clothing. In the days of the Wild West each piece of clothing was important. Cowboys wore scarves and hats, boots, jeans, and “chaps.” The scarf and hat protected them from the sun. The boots made riding more comfortable and protected the cowboy from the mud, the long grass, and the snakes. The chaps protected his legs and clothes. Jeans, or “levis”, were invented in the middle of the 19th century by a San Francisco tailor, Levy Strauss. He made them for mines, who needed strong pants. Soon cowboys started wearing them too. Today jeans are worn in all parts of the world as well as in the USA. In the 19th century thousands of cowboys worked on big ranches in the west. Often they spent weeks away from the ranch house, “rounding up” cattle and taking them to the markets or railway yards. At the end of a round-up they held competitions to see who was the best at roping a cow, riding a wild horse or a bull, or shooting. These competitions were called rodeos. Rodeos became more popular toward the end of the century. They are still popular today – there are around five hundred rodeos each year in the US. Modern rodeos have brass bands, singing cowboys, and clowns. The largest rodeo is Cheyenne Frontier Days in Wyoming, and it lasts for one week.
- How much did you understand?
- Are these statements true or false?
- The story of the “Wild West” began in the 17th century.
- People started to go west for entertainment.
- Life in the Wild West was very pleasant.
- The Native Americans in the west welcomed the white people.
- The scarf and hat protected cowboys from the dust and the sun.
2. Can you answer these questions?
a) What did the story of the “Wild West” begin with?
b) Why did many people go west in the 19th century?
c) Were all people who went to the west lucky?
d) What are “ghost towns”?
e) Why didn’t the Native Americans welcome the white people who came to the west?
f) Why do many Americans still keep a gun in their house?
g) What is the other tradition that comes from the Wild West?
h) What did cowboys wear at that times?
i) Why did they wear such clothing?
j) When and where were jeans invented?
k) Who invented them?
l) Whom did Levi Strauss make jeans for?
m) Today jeans are worn in all parts of the world as well as in the USA, aren’t they?
n) Where did cowboys spend weeks?
o) What competitions did they hold?
p) What do modern rodeos have?
- What do you know about
- the “Wild West”?
- life in the “Wild West”?
- cowboy clothing?
- rodeos in the past and nowadays?
- Say
- what your favourite travelling clothes are.
- If you would like to visit a rodeo in the USA and why?
Native Americans
New words:
tribe – племя
spirit – дух
to hunt – охотиться
pipe – трубка
to recognize – признавать
event - событие
Originally the Native Americans came from Asia. Over 20,000 years ago, they travelled along land between Siberia and Alaska. Before the Europeans came to America, there were over 300 different groups of tribes. Some tribes lived in small earth houses and grew their own food. Some ate only the grass, nuts and fruit they could find. Other tribes were fishermen and lived in wooden houses. Most Native American tribes were very peace-ful. They wanted to live happily with nature and each other. They thought spirits lived in natural things such as rocks, trees, or water. They believed these spirits could bring success in hunting, farming, fighting or marriage and music for these events.
Native American songs and poetry are an important part of their tradition. Because most tribes did not have a written language or history, it was a way of keeping their stories and culture alive. Another tradition among some Native Americans was the peace pipe. When they smoked this pipe with a stranger it meant friendship and peace.
Once there were Native American tribes in all parts of the U.S., and Native Americans hunted and fished wherever they chose. Now most Native Americans live in the empty lands west of the Mississippi River. Many live on “reservations”: land that the government recognizes is theirs. Because they do not want their old traditions to die, Native Americans hold festivals called “powwows” in different parts of the U.S. They perform their dances and show their art and music. They also use these ceremonies to help their children understand their culture and history. Two large festivals are the Bald Eagle Gathering in 6Lacier National park, Montana, in late October, and the United Tribes Pow Won, which takes place each September in North Dakota.
“Sea Gull”, a Native American poem
Sea Gull
Who flaps his wings
Over my head
In the blue air,
You Gull up there
Dive down
Come here
Take me with you
In the air!
Wings flash by
My mind’s eye
And I’m up there sailing
In the cool air,
a – a – a –a – a – ah,
In the air.
- How much did you understand?
- Are these statements true or false?
- Over 20,000 years ago the Native Americans travelled along land between Siberia and Alaska.
- Some tribes lived in skyscrapers and grew their own food.
- Most Native American tribes were very peaceful.
- They held special ceremonies with dancing and music for success in hunting, farming, fighting or marriage.
- “Sea Gull” is Native American poem.
- Can you answer these questions?
- Where did the Native Americans come from?
- How many different groups of tribes were there in America before the Europeans came?
- Where did some tribes live and what did they eat?
- What did they think about spirits?
- What is an important part of the Native Americans’ traditions?
- What was the way of keeping their culture?
- What did the tradition of the peace pipe mean?
- Where do most Native Americans live now?
- What do they do to keep their old traditions alive?
- What are the two large festivals of the Native Americans?
- What do you know about
- the life of the Native Americans before the Europeans came to America?
- Native American songs and poetry?
- The present life of Native Americans?
- Imagine you are a Russian TV reporter in the USA. Make up a report on Native American history, traditions and current life for a TV programmer in Russia.
New words:
sports fans – болельщики
noisy – шумный
shout – кричать
cheer – аплодировать, подбадривать
fall – осень
entertainment – развлечение
local – местный
plenty of – много
nearby - соседний
Take me out the doll game,
Take me out with the crowd.
Buy me some peanuts and crackerjack,
I don’t care if I never get back.
I’ll root and root for the home tea,
If they don’t win it’s a shame
For it’s one….two….three
Strikes – you’re out,
At the old ball game.
Americans love sports of all kinds. Many people play sports in their free time, and many go to games or watch them on TV. American sports fans are friendly but very, very noisy. At games they shout and cheer for their favourite team.
One of the most popular sports is football. About 37 million people watch football each weekend during the fall and winter. Baseball is also very popular. It is played in the spring and summer. Basketball is played in winter and spring. Baseball started in the US there in the late nineteenth century. People wanted to play sports in winter, but it was too cold outside. Basketball was a game they could play indoors.
At big games in the USA there is a lot of entertainment before and during the game. There are parades, bands, and cheerleaders.
The cheerleaders dress in their team’s colours and they lead the crowd in cheers. You have to be in good shape to be a cheerleader, and you have to practice for many hours.
Professional games are fun, but so are the thousands of smaller, local games. Each school or high school has its own teams, and its own cheerleaders. The students and their families and friends come to watch games against teams from other schools nearby. Sometimes these games are just as exciting as the big games.
Thousands of boys between 8 and 12 belong to “Little League” teams and play baseball on weekends. Many families and groups of friends get together on weekends too play softball in parks, often with picnic and barbecue. But if you don’t belong to a team, there are plenty of other sports you can do, and in the USA there is plenty of space to do them. You can go to the mountains for skiing or hiking, or you can go to the ocean for surfing or scuba diving. But if that’s too much trouble, you can always stay home and watch the big ball games on TV.
- How much did you understand?
- Are these statements true or false?
- American doesn’t love sports of any kind.
- American sports fans are friendly but very noisy.
- One of the most popular sports is gymnastics.
- Baseball is played in winter.
- Can you answer these questions?
- What do many Americans do in their free time?
- What do American sports fans do at games?
- What is the most popular spot game in the USA?
- When do Americans play football
- When do they play baseball?
- When did baseball start in the USA?
- Is it popular in the USA?
- Is there a lot of entertainment before and during big games?
- What do the cheerleaders do during the game?
- What do thousands of boys between 8 and 12 belong to?
- What do you know about
- popular sports in the USA?
- entertainment before and during big games?
- sports in schools?
- the ways American families spend their weekends?
- Say if you like sports and what kinds of sport are popular in this country.
New words:
However – однако
Cheap – дешёвый
Create – создавать
Character – герой
Movie – фильм, кино
Throughout –повсюду, везде
Couple - пара
If American wants to go out for evening, where do they go, and what do they do? It’s easy if they’re in New York. The theatres on Broadway have some of the biggest, brightest, and best shows in the world. However, you don’t have to be in New York to see a Broadway show. Many of the shows go on tour to theatres across the country. In many theatres in the USA, you can sit at tables and eat a meal, then watch the show. This is called “dinner theatre”.
It’s cheaper, of course, to go to the movies. Even small towns have at least one movie theatre showing the latest movies. In bigger cities there are theatres showing older movies and foreign movies, too.
Hollywood was once the movie capital of the world. Movies were first made in Hollywood just before the First (made in Hollywood) World War. In the early days most movies were made at the Hollywood studios. There were entire “Wild West” streets for western movies, for example. Many movie companies are still in Hollywood, but their movies are now filmed all over the world.
In the Hollywood Walt Disney created the first talking cartoon film with Mickey Mouse in 1928. It was called “Steamboat Willie”. Later he created other famous characters, such as Donald Duck. One of Disney’s dream was to make parks with all the characters. Disneyland in California opened in 1955, and Disney World in Florida opened in 1971.
If you don’t want to see a play or a movie, you can always go and listen to music. Americans have given many forms of music to the world. Jazz, blues, soul, and rock come from music that black people brought with them from Africa. You will also hear country and western music throughout the USA, especially in the South. This comes from traditional folk music.
Another way to spend an evening is dancing. Disco dancing and ballroom dancing are the most popular, but “square dancing” is the most traditional American dance. Square dancing comes from English folk dancing. Four couples form a square and a “caller” shouts out what movement to make, so every dance will be different.
- How much did you understand?
- Are these statements true or false?
- Small towns have no movie theatres.
- Americans haven’t given any music to the World.
- “Square dancing” is not traditional in the USA.
- Can you answer these questions?
- What theatres have the best shows in the world?
- Can American see these shows in the other theatres across the country?
- What is “dinner theatre”?
- Where is cheaper to go?
- What was once the movie capital of the world?
- Many movie companies are still in Hollywood, aren’t they?
- Where was the first talking cartoon film made by Walt Disney? What was its name?
- What was one of Disney’s dreams?
- Did his dream come true?
- What music did Americans give to the world?
- Another way to spend an evening is dancing, isn’t it?
- What kinds of dancing are the most popular?
- What do you know about
- American theatres?
- Hollywood?
- Movies?
- American music?
- Disco, ballroom, “square dancing”?
- Say which type of entertainment is the most interesting for you?
Food and Drink
New words:
doughnut – пончик
hole – отверстие, нора
to complain – жаловаться
to pick up – забрать, собирать
to eat out – кушать вне дома
instead of – вместо
snack – лёгкая закуска
What is “American” food? The answer is that it is part Italian, part British, part German, part Mexican, part Chinese… when people from other countries came to live in the USA, they brought different cooking traditions. Some of them opened restaurants and food stores, and today American enjoy food all over the world.
Over the years, some foreign dishes changed a little. “Tex-Mex” food is popular in Texas and other states in the Southwest. But it is not quite the same as the Mexican food you will find in Mexico. Doughnuts were originally from Holland. But doughnuts with a hole in the middle are American.
In 1847 a young boy complained to his mother that her doughnuts were never with a hole in the middle. He cut out the centers and his mother cooked them – and they were delicious!
Maybe the USA is the most famous for “fast food”. The first fast food restaurants served hamburgers, but now they serve other kinds of food as well. Many fast food restaurants have a drive – in section. Here you can order and pick up your food without even getting out of your car! Inside there is often a “salad bar”, where you can help yourself to as much salad as you want.
Americans eat out a lot, and when they go to a restaurant, they don’t expect to be hungry afterwards. Most restaurants will put a lot of food on your plate – sometimes it can be too much. But if you can’t finish at all, don’t worry: the waiter will bring you a “doggy bag” and you can take it home with you.
Busy people don’t have a lot of time to cook at home, and so snack and convenient food are becoming more popular. Most Americans now have a light breakfast instead of the traditional eggs, bacon, hash brown potatoes, orange juice, and coffee. But on weekends there is more time, and a large breakfast or early lunch (“brunch”) is often eaten with family or friends. And if guests come to lunch or dinner, the hosts will make something special. It might be good old American steak.
- How much did you understand?
- Are these statements true or false?
- Some people from other countries opened restaurants and food stores in the USA.
- Over the years some foreign dishes didn’t change.
- “Tex-Mex” is the same as Mexican food you will find in Mexico.
- Doughnuts with a hole in the middle are American food.
- The first fast food restaurants served hamburgers.
- Can you answer these questions?
- What is American food?
- What food does American enjoy?
- What food is popular in Texas?
- What country is the most famous for fast food?
- What do the “fast food” restaurants serve?
- What is drive-in section in a fast food restaurant?
- Does American eat out a lot?
- What is a “doggy bag”?
- What foods are becoming more popular among busy people?
- What do most Americans have instead of the traditional eggs, bacon, toast, hash brown potatoes, orange juice and coffee?
- What is usually eaten with family on weekends?
- What do you know about
- American food?
- “fast food”?
- American restaurants?
- Talk about “American” food and drink, compare them with Russian cuisine.
1. Примерная программа учебной дисциплины Английский язык для профессий начального профессионального образования и специальностей среднего профессионального образования, Москва, 2008
2. Агабекян И.П. Английский язык для ССУЗов, Москва, «Проспект»,
3. Иностранные языки в школе, Москва, 1998, №4 и №5
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