методическая разработка
Данное пособие включает комплекс упражнений, направленных на активизацию лексики, развитие навыков перевода, устной и письменной коммуникации, ведения дискуссии, и на закрепление знаний и умений в области английской грамматики. Предметно-лексические темы пособия охватывают следующие разделы: 1) Описание внешности и характера человека и 2) Еда. Разнообразный характер упражнений, включающих аналитические, тренировочные, творческие и коммуникативно-направленные задания, поможет студентам более эффективно освоить данные темы. В конце каждого раздела имеются специальные проектные задания (групповые или индивидуальные), способствующие развитию творческих, коммуникативных и исследовательских навыков.
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Предварительный просмотр:
для 1 курса очной формы обучения
преподаватель иностранного языка
Замахова Ю. Ю.
Нижний Новгород
Пояснительная записка 3
Unit 1 People. Their Appearance and Character. 5
Unit 2 Food 19
Приложение 1 Рекомендации по составлению кроссворда 32
Приложение 2 Основные требования к оформлению мультимедийной презентации 34
Приложение 3 Интернет - ресурсы, рекомендуемые студентам 36
Пояснительная записка
Внеаудиторная самостоятельная работа – планируемая учебная работа студентов, выполняемая во внеаудиторное время по заданию индивидуально или в группе и при методическом руководстве преподавателя, но без его непосредственного участия.
Целью самостоятельной работы студентов является овладение фундаментальными знаниями, умениями и навыками, опытом творческой и исследовательской деятельности.
Самостоятельная работа студентов является важнейшей составной частью процесса обучения и направлена на решение следующих задач:
1. закрепление, расширение и углубление знаний, полученных студентами на аудиторных занятиях с преподавателем;
2. приобретение новых знаний;
3. приобретение устойчивых профессиональных умений и навыков;
4. развитие у студентов творческого мышления;
5. воспитание у студентов стремления к познанию, поиску, интереса к специальности;
6. воспитание умения организовать свою самостоятельную работу.
Основными видами самостоятельной работы студентов при изучении учебной дисциплины Английский язык являются:
1. изучение дисциплины или её отдельных тем (вопросов) по литературным источникам (учебникам, учебно-методической литературе, Интернету и т.п.);
2. работа с текстом.
3. конспектирование;
4. составление диалогов;
5. составление монологических высказываний;
6. подготовка рефератов/докладов по отдельным разделам дисциплины;
7. составление тематических кроссвордов;
8. подготовка презентаций.
9. подготовка проектов
Для организации самостоятельной работы необходимы следующие условия:
1.готовность студентов к самостоятельному труду;
2.мотивация получения знаний;
3. наличие и доступность всего необходимого учебно-методического и справочного материала;
4. система регулярного контроля качества выполненной самостоятельной работы;
5. консультационная помощь преподавателя.
В качестве контроля самостоятельной работы используются следующие формы:
1.индивидуальные беседы и консультации с преподавателем;
2.защита рефератов, презентаций и проектов;
3.проверка письменных заданий;
5.проведение групповых письменных контрольных работ с их проверкой;
6.проверка конспектов;
7.выборочная проверка заданий;
8.систематизация лексического материала в устной или письменной форме.
9.проверка перевода иностранных текстов и выполнения заданий по тексту;
Формы организации внеаудиторной самостоятельной работы:
- индивидуальная
- групповая
- парная
Данное пособие включает комплекс упражнений, направленных на активизацию лексики, развитие навыков перевода, устной и письменной коммуникации, ведения дискуссии, и на закрепление знаний и умений в области английской грамматики. Предметно-лексические темы пособия охватывают следующие разделы: 1) Описание внешности и характера человека и 2) Еда. Разнообразный характер упражнений, включающих аналитические, тренировочные, творческие и коммуникативно-направленные задания, поможет студентам более эффективно освоить данные темы.
В конце каждого раздела имеются специальные проектные задания (групповые или индивидуальные), способствующие развитию творческих, коммуникативных и исследовательских навыков.
Unit 1
People. Their Appearance and Character.
1. Запишите и выучите активную лексику.
1. Рост
tall (высокий), short (низкий), quite tall (довольно высокий), medium height (среднего роста)
2. Фигура
slim (стройный), fat (толстый), skinny (тощий), thin (худой), plump (полный, пухлый)
3. Возраст
young (молодой), old (старый), middle-aged (средних лет)
4. Лицо
round (круглое), oval (овальное), thin (худое), a double chin (двойной подбородок), long nose (длинный нос), straight nose (прямой нос), turned up nose (вздёрнутый нос)
5. Волосы
long (длинные), short (короткие), curly (кучерявые), bald (лысый), straight (прямые), untidy (неухоженные), haircut (стрижка)
6. Цвет волос
a blonde (блондинка, блондин), fair-haired (светловолосый), fair (русый), brown-haired (шатен, шатенка), dark-haired (брюнет), red (рыжий), grey (седой)
2. Прочитайте и переведите тексты.
Text 1
Enrique Iglesias is a popular Spanish singer. He has recorded nine albums and forty singles. Enrique has won a lot of music awards, including a Grammy, ten World Music Awards, five American Music Awards, etc. He has sold more than 100 million records and is one of the best selling Spanish language singers ever. He is also famous as an actor, a songwriter and a producer.
Enrique is really handsome. He can move and dance very well. He is tall and slender. Enrique is quite brawny and broad-shouldered. His arms and legs are long, well-shaped and firm. Enrique has got muscular chest and back. He is dark-skinned and has got beautiful golden tan.
Enrique has got thick dark hair. It is short and straight. Enrique’s face is handsome too. He has got delicate features. Enrique has got high forehead and thick dark eyebrows. He has got expressive eyes. They are big and brown with thick black eyelashes. He has got a straight nose. His lips are quite full. He has got high cheekbones. Enrique often has stubble on his cheeks.
He usually wears fashionable youth clothes. We can often see him on stage or in his music videos wearing jeans and sport shoes with a T-shirt or a shirt. Enrique often wears chains on his neck.
Text 2
My neighbour Alex is 18 years old and he is a student. Alex is quite good looking. He is not very tall. He is well-built and has got broad shoulders, sturdy chest and strong back. His neck is quite short and firm.
Alex is very sporty; he does karate and goes running every day. That is why he has got well-developed muscles. His arms and legs are quite short, but they are very firm, his fingers are stumpy and his feet are not very large. Alex is very strong; he can lift heavy things easily.
Alex is pale-skinned. His hair is red. It is of medium length, curly and very thick. He has got handsome roundish face. His forehead is quite low; he has got thick eyebrows. Alex has got bright green almond-shaped eyes. His nose is not very big and it is a little snub. He has got small ears. His lips are neither full nor thin. He is usually clean-shaven and wears a neat small beard on his chin. As many people with red hair, Alex has got freckles on his face. He also has got a small scar on his forehead.
3. Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу словами.
white, turned-up, rosy, soft, fair, age, grey, small
1. Alice is thirteen years old. She is tall for her ….. . Her hair is ….. and
….. . Her eyes are ….. and her cheeks are ….. ; she has a ….. mouth and pretty ….. teeth. But she has a ….. nose and she doesn’t like it.
beard, wavy, dark, long, thin, large, moustache, smile, neck, high, black
2. Near the park I saw a man on horseback. I saw at once that he was a stranger. He was very tall, dressed in rich clothes, with a gold chain hanging round his ….. and seemed to be about forty years old. His face was ….. and ….. , the eyes were ….. and ….. , the mouth was small with a cruel ….. on it, the ….. forehead was marked with a scar. The man’s complexion was …. , his hair like my own was ….. . He had a ….. and ….. .
Is beauty in the eye of the beholder?
4. Прочитайте и переведите текст.
Is there such a thing as the perfect face? Is beauty something you can measure? Recent scientific evidence suggests that the answer is “yes”. A new science, the science of attraction, has come to the conclusion that beauty is objective and quantifiable and not, as the romantics believe, in the eye of the beholder.
For more than a century it was thought that a beautiful face was appealing because it was a collection of average features. Using his computer system, Dr. David Perrett of the University of St Andrews has challenged the theory. In a key experiment, photographs of women were ranked for their attractiveness by a number of volunteers. Two composite pictures were then created: one, the average of all the pictures; the other made from those rated most attractive. Although the faces looked very similar at first glance, a significant number said they preferred the composite of most attractive faces.
“The conclusion I reached,” said Dr. Perrett, “was that the most attractive shape was not average. If you look at famous film stars and supermodels, most of them have ideal features – larger than normal eyes, higher arched eyebrows, slightly smaller noses, cheekbones are a little more prominent. Even popular cartoon character such as Betty Boop, Yasmin from Aladdin and Bambi have big eyes, small turned –up noses, big mouths and small chins. And if these features are exaggerated, the attractiveness rating goes up even more. Julia Roberts is a good example of this”.
But what do scientists make of men’s face? Do men with large eyes, high cheekbones and a small chin have the same irresistible appeal? Researchers were a bit shocked at the top-ranking male face. They expected it to have the classic square jaw and strong cheekbones, but instead, women seem to prefer men with gentle faces. Although there is more pressure on females to be perfect, research suggests that men and women look for many of the same things: for example, expressive features such as arched eyebrows and a big smile were associated with attractiveness in men.
Dr. David Perrett puts forward an evolutionary reason to explain why so many women now swoon over baby-faced stars such as Leonardo DiCaprio and Tom Cruise. Women like a man with a feminine face because he is more likely to have higher levels of the female hormone estrogen and therefore to make a kinder and more trustworthy husband and father.
But do these ideals of beauty manage to cross cultural boundaries? For instance, in some cultures, lips discs, scars and tattoos are considered to be attractive. Professor Cunningham of the University of Louisville, Kentucky, found that there were only very subtle differences between ethnic groups. For example, Asians tended to prefer faces that were slightly less mature and slightly less expressive, whereas blacks preferred faces that were a little bit plumper. In other words, although there might be a little truth in the old adage that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, by the large, we all seem to be attracted to the same things.
5. Определите соответствуют ли следующие предложения содержанию текста (True or False).
a) Beauty is 'in the eye of the beholder'.
b) Most film stars and supermodels don't have ideal features.
c) Most women prefer men with gentle features.
d) There is more pressure on men to be perfect than there is on women.
e) There are only subtle differences in what is considered to be beautiful by people from different cultures.
6. План описания внешности человека.
Age | young, middle-age, elderly, old, toddler, in his teens, in his 30’s, in his late teens, in his mid-20’s, in his early 40’s |
Build | fat, thin, frail, skinny, stocky, slim, plump, medium-build, well-built (m), broad-shouldered, overweight |
Height | 1.70m, medium height, average height, below average, tall, short, tallish, shortish |
Hair colour | black, brown, red, fair, blonde, grey, dark, white, dyed, a brunette, a blonde, a redhead, mousey dark, shiny |
Hairstyle | long, short, straight, wavy, curly, neat, untidy, with plaits, a fringe, swept back, in a bun, pony-tail, spiky, wiry (quality), bald, balding, thinning, receding |
Face | thin, long, round, oval, square, chubby, heart-shaped, high cheekbones, high forehead, friendly-looking Eyes: blue, grey, brown, slanting, wide open, close together, deep set, protruding, appealing, shining, long eyelashes, thick eyelashes, bushy eyelashes, thin eyebrows Nose: long/large/wide, straight, turned-up, broken, high-bridged, short and snub, shiny Mouth: curving up, large, straight lips, curved lips, thin lips, full lips,mean, generous Ears: wide, large lobes, no lobes, sticking out, pointed, small; Chin: a cleft chin, pointed, double, weak, strong, square |
Complexion | pale, sunburned, tanned, olive-skinned, fair-skinned, oriental, brown, black, sallow |
Dress | smart, well-dressed, casual, conservative, elegant, fashionable, well- groomed, well-dressed, scruffy, filthy… material: leather, cashmere, suede, nylon … see Chapter III |
Distinguishing features | beard, moustache, side-burns, unshaven, clean-shaven, a scar, a beauty-spot, a mole, with freckles, with dimples, with spots, with wrinkles, with lines, with glasses, (well) made-up |
Personality | quiet, reserved, thoughtful, calm, moody, sociable, sophisticated, lively, cheerful, amusing, polite, reliable, talkative, aggressive, friendly, shy … see Chapter II. |
Vocabulary Task
7. Четыре человека рассказывают о своих друзьях. Заполните таблицу, обращая внимание на образец.
Name | Liz | Mark | Sarah | Steve |
Age | Late teens | |||
Build | Good figure | |||
Height | Fairly tall | |||
Hair colour | Black | |||
Hairstyle | Long, wavy | |||
Face | Heart-shaped, turned-up nose, full lips | |||
Eyes | Blue, long eyelashes | |||
Complexion | Olive-skinned | |||
Distinguishing features | Dimples | |||
Dress | ||||
Personality | Lively, talkative |
She’s quite a lively, talkative person in her late teens. She’s fairly tall with a good figure. She’s got a heart-shaped face with a small, sort of turned-up nose. It’s very attractive really. She’s got long, black wavy hair and blue eyes with very long eyelashes. Her complexion is … well, she’s olive-skinned. Her lips are very full and she’s got dimples in her cheeks.
He’s a very big guy, you know, well-built with very broad shoulders. Not fat, really …, just well-built. He’s in his early thirties. He’s got a long face with thin lips. Oh, and a small scar on his chin. He’s got very short, fair hair but with long sideburns and a moustache. Eyes … I haven’t really noticed the colour, he wears glasses. He’s got thick eyebrows and a kind of a long, straight nose. He’s fairly reserved, thoughtful, sometimes even moody.
She’s sophisticated. Well-dressed, expensive hairstyle and so on. I’d say she is in her late thirties or early forties, but she looks younger. She’s about average height and very slim. Her hair’s very blonde, dyed, I think, but I’m not sure about that. It’s always very neat, not long. She’s got pale grey eyes with thin eyebrows. Her face is always sunburned and very well made up. It’s an attractive face … not really beautiful, but very attractive, you know what I mean. High cheekbones, small chin… and yes, there’s a beauty spot on her left cheek. She’s very calm and reliable sort of person, very sociable and always very, very polite.
Robert’s a wonderful person really. He’s elderly but not old … still very lively and amusing. He’s probably in his early seventies. He’s got white hair, receding a bit, and a small white beard. He’s a medium build, a little overweight perhaps. He’s got very nice, large, brown eyes and he always seems to be smiling… lots of wrinkles round his eyes, laughter lines I think you call them. He’s got a very high, lined forehead which makes him look very intelligent, which he is, of course.
8. Поставьте в предложения следующие словосочетания:
long nails | lovely complexion | bad skin | long legs |
big feet | hairy chest | deep voice | thin legs |
1. Size 12! Are these your shoes? You’ve got _______ , haven’t you?
2. You’ve got such _______ . Would you like to move the seat back a bit?
3. I’ve never seen you in shorts before. You’ve got such _______ . You should go running and try to build up them up a bit!
4. My boyfriend’s got a really _______ . It’s like being with a gorilla.
5. You’ve got such lovely _______ . Are they real?
6. He’s got such a _______ . I like when he speaks to me on the phone.
7. Keith’s new girlfriend must spend a fortune on face cream to have such a _______ .
8. Poor Tim. He’s had really _______ since he was 13.
9. Traits of character
Запишите и выучите активную лексику.
1) traits of character / character traits — черты характера
2) negative / positive character traits — отрицательные / положительные черты
3) sociable — коммуникабельный, общительный
4) easy-going — легкий в общении, добродушно-веселый, беспечный
5) helpful — услужливый, всегда готовый прийти на помощь
6) sympathetic — полный сочувствия
7) kind-hearted — добрый, мягкосердечный
8) lazy — ленивый
9) stubborn — упрямый
10) hot-tempered — вспыльчивый
11) angry — злой
12) cheerful — веселый
13) clever — умный
14) purposeful — целеустремленный
15) hardworking — трудолюбивый
16) to have wide range of interests — быть разносторонним человеком
17) envious — завистливый
18) greedy — жадный
19) two-faced — лживый, двуличный
20) cruel — жестокий
21) cold-hearted — бессердечный, черствый
22) optimistic — оптимистичный
23) pessimistic — пессимистичный
24) shy — застенчивый
35) mean — подлый
36) stupid — глупый
37) generous — щедрый, великодушный
39) unpleasant — неприятный, отталкивающий
9. Прочитайте и переведите текст
Secrets of the face
Is it really possible to judge someone's character from their face? The Chinese seem to think so. For over 2,000 years they have been practicing Siang Mien, which is the art of judging character and predicting fortune from an analysis of the face. It developed in the ancient imperial court of China and consisted of jealously guarded secrets that were passed from masters to a few chosen apprentices. The secrets of face analysis were hidden away in special books which only a few could look at.
These secrets cannot have been that well-guarded and must have got out because practically all Chinese practice some form of face analysis. Mothers tell their daughters that men with flat noses and small ear lobes will make shy and rather dull husbands.
So how does this analysis work? Well, to start with, people's faces can be classified according to one of ten basic shapes, each of which has its own special name. A triangular face, for example, is called a fire-face. One which is square is known as a wall-face, while one which is diamond shaped is a jade-face. There are even bucket-faces!
Once the basic shape has been decided, then parts of the face such as the eyes, nose, chin and mouth can be analyzed in their turn. People who have not got conventional or beautiful faces should not worry, as ugly people tend to be lucky.
Anyway, let us see how Siang Mien works by using Princess Diana as a practical example. To begin with, we can say that she has got a jade-face which means that she must be strong-willed. This shape also belongs to people who are said to have had difficult childhoods. As you may know, the Princess's parents were divorced when she was a child and this time must have been a period of great unhappiness.
Turning to more specific features, we can see that one eye is a little larger than the other. It is a known fact that people with eyes of different sizes are often brought up by step-parents. They are also believed to be charming as well of being capable of great jealousy. We can see from this photograph that the top of her ears goes above the line of her eyebrows. People who have high ears such as hers are likely to become famous before the age of 30, while those who combine this with eyes of different sizes will be lucky.
10. Choose the best answers to these questions.
1. In China, who knew the secrets of Siang Mien?
A Those who could read. С Ordinary people.
В Experts and their students. D The emperor and selected courtiers.
2. Why has Siang Mien become common knowledge?
A Because everyone practices it. С The secrets remained well-guarded.
В At some point, its secrets were given away. D More people had access to the special books.
3. Chinese mothers think men with
A big ears are exciting. С flat noses are not interesting.
В small ear lobes are kind. D small ears and flat noses can't be trusted.
4. A jade-face is best described as
A flat at the bottom and pointed at the top. С pointed at the bottom but flat at the top.
В pointed at the top and bottom. D oval.
5. Why doesn't it matter if you're not good looking?
A Because you'll worry less. С Fortune may smile on you.
В You may have some attractive features. D People are attracted to interesting faces.
6. People with eyes of different sizes
A often have step-parents. С are often divorced.
В are usually unhappy. D are supposed to be generous.
7. Princess Diana
A proves the truth of Siang Mien. С was over 30 when she became famous.
В has low ears. D has an ordinary face.
11. Ответьте на вопросы.
1) When you first meet someone, what do you look at first?
a) their hair e) the front of their body
b) their face f) the back of their body
c) their eyes g) the clothes they are wearing
d) their mouth h) other (please specify)
2) Which of the following will make you think most positively about someone? (Choose one only.)
a) They are well-groomed. c) They have a good physique.
b) They are well-dressed. d) They look interesting.
3) Think of two people that you find very attractive. What is the most physically attractive thing about them?
4) Think of two people whose appearance you find unusual or striking. What is the most unusual/striking thing about them?
12. Найдите соответствия
1. The leopard cannot change his spots. 2. Appearances are deceptive. 3. All is not gold that glitters. 4. Good clothes open all doors. 5. Beauty is but skin deep. 6. He wouldn’t hurt a fly. 7. Handsome is as handsome does. 8. A fair face may hide a foul heart. | 1. Не все золото, что блестит. 2.По платью встречают, по уму провожают. 3.Красна ягодка, да на вкус горька. 4. О человеке судят не по словам, а по делам. 5. Внешность обманчива. 6. Горбатого могила исправит. 7. Лицом хорош, да душой непригож. 8. И мухи не обидит. |
13. Project 1: Составьте описание внешности и характера человека в форме презентации.
14. Прочитайте и переведите диалог.
Jean: Well, I work on a women's magazine, so you can imagine how many beautiful models I've met. But I'm also in daily contact with women who are not physically perfect, and I have to say that the most beautiful women I know are not the models – they are the intelligent, interesting women whose inner beauty shines out. I believe that true beauty comes from within, and no amount of cosmetic surgery can give you that.
Rita: Yes, I agree with you, Jean, but not everybody has the confidence to let their inner beauty shine out. Plastic surgery can actually give people that confidence. I really don't think there's anything wrong with trying to improve on what nature has given you.
Mark: Oh well, that's where I disagree with you, Rita. I think we should be grateful for what God has given us. The point is, it's selfish and indulgent of people to spend vast amounts of money on superficial improvements when there's so much poverty and sickness in the world.
Rita: Actually, it's not that expensive, you know, Michael. I mean having your nose done only costs the price of a vacation frankly, cosmetic surgery can do more for you than a vacation, because the benefits last longer.
Jean: Well, I don't know about that. I agree with Michael. I think that we should accept ourselves as we are and refuse to be influenced by stereotypical ideas of beauty.
Rita: I'm sorry, but I don't think you're being very honest, Jean. I read your magazine and I frequently read articles encouraging women to have their hair dyed or highlighted. And do you ever go to the dentist, Michael? What do you think about people who have their teeth straightened? If you ask me, it's no different from having cosmetic surgery.
Mark: No, hang on, Rita. I think we have to make the distinction here between having something done for health reasons and having some part of your body changed simply because you don't like it ...
Jean: Or because you want to stay young. Of course it's good to keep healthy, do sport, use sunscreen, that kind of thing, but I love to see life experience showing on people's faces. These aging film-stars who've had so much cosmetic surgery ... they all look the same.
Rita: It's easy for you to say that, Jean, because you're lucky enough to be a good-looking woman. But if you're honest, I'm sure you will admit that your looks had something to do with you getting the job you have.
Jean: Rita, are you suggesting ...
Mark: Oh, this is rubbish, Rita. You're talking about a very different world from the one I know.
Rita: Look, you two may not agree with it, but it's a fact of life. People who feel good about the way they look are more likely to do well in their career - good looks open doors.
15. Ответьте на вопрос.
Do you think these three people are likely to be for or against cosmetic surgery? What arguments have these people found to support their ideas? (Jean, Rita, Mark).
16. Обсуждение: С чем вы согласитесь, а с чем нет? Обоснуйте свои ответы.
1. True beauty comes from being intelligent and interesting, not from being physically perfect.
2. There's nothing wrong with trying to improve on what nature has given us.
3. People should be grateful for what God has given them.
4. It is selfish and indulgent to spend money on superficial improvements when there is so much poverty and sickness in the world.
5. Cosmetic surgery can be more beneficial than a holiday, because the effects last longer.
6. We should accept ourselves as we are.
7. Having cosmetic surgery is similar to having your hair dyed or your teeth straightened.
8. It is good to see life experience showing on people's faces.
9. People who feel good about the way they look are more likely to do well in their career.
17. Project 2: Cosmetic surgery. For or against?
Для выполнения данного задания студентам необходимо разделиться на три группы (по 4-5 человек). Две проблемные группы, 1 фокус-группа.
1 группа выступает за пластическую хирургию.
2 группа выступает против пластической хирургии.
Обе группы подготавливают свои выступления в виде презентаций, в которых приводят свою точку зрения по теме, выдвигают аргументы «за» или «против», основываясь на реальных примерах, личном опыте, статистических данных и т.п.
3 фокус-группа прослушивает выступления, анализирует их и выбирает наиболее объективное и грамотно аргументированное мнение.
Unit 2
Russian Cuisine
1.Прочитайте и переведите текст. Запишите и выучите активную лексику к тексту.
Russian cuisine is rich and varied. There is a big choice of appetizers, soups, hot and dessert dishes. Soup makes an important part of a Russian meal. The traditional Russian soups are shchee (fresh cabbage meat shchee, sauerkraut shchee, shchee Petrovsskie cooked from pike-perch and fresh cabbage), borshch, rassolnik (kidney and salted cucumber soup), meat and fish solyanka, ukha, mushroom soup and soup in season — okroshka and cold beetroot soup. No two recipes are the same for borshch and shchee.
Pelmeni is another specialty of Russian cookery, which has its history. Under the Mongol yoke pelmeni became established in Siberia and the Urals and gradually spread on all the territory of Russia. Nowadays there is a great number of recipes and varieties of them. Traditional muxture of beef, pork and elk is used to make minced meat. It is interesting that the whole ceremony of making pelmeni exists in the villages of Siberia. There is a local tradition there that the families gather at the table once or twice a month in winter and spend the whole afternoon to make a vast batch of pelmeni. The women make the dough and chop the meat, the men do the folding. The traditional form is ear-shaped, but they come in all shapes from square to triangles. Then the pelmeni are deep frozen and kept in sacks, bags or buckets in cold pantries.
Russian cooking makes greater and more varied use of mushrooms than any other cuisine in the world. They are eaten raw, dressed with herbs, cooked into soups and pies, baked with cream. A popular winter delicacy is pickled or salted mushrooms, which are eaten as hors d'oeuvres.
The English word "porridge" is no good for translating kasha, which covers almost all ways of cooking all grains in water, milk, stock and cream. There is a large variety of consistencies from dry (like rice) to a thick puree. The simplest and traditional way to serve Russian kasha is with plenty of good butter. As the saying goes: "You can't spoil kasha with butter".
A large variety of milk products are used in Russian cooking: a sort of dry, granulated cream cheese called tvorog, thick sour cream called smetana and several types of sour-milk products of the yoghourt type. Smetana can be used with almost anything: we can dress soups, meat dishes, strawberries and apples sliced up with it. It is also used on pancakes and drunk by the glassful with or without sugar. Kefir is a dietary beverage made from cow's milk, yeast and lactic acid bacteria. Ryazhenka is a sour milk product made from baked milk.
Russian cuisine is famous for its pies which were baked in Russia in good old times and are very popular nowadays. They are rasstegai (open- topped pirozhki with meat of fish stuffing), kulebiaka (a pie with meat, cabbage or fish filling), vatrushki (yeast dough rolls with hollows filled with curds or jam), krendeli (knot-shaped bread), boubliki (thick ring- shaped rolls), baranki (ring-shaped rolls), sooshki (small ring-shaped crackers), koolich (Russian Easter cake).
As for drinks, Russian cuisine offers you its orignal beverages: kvas and zbiten, and a lot of different fruit and berry beverages. Kvas is a beverage made from rye bread and water fermented by yeast. There is a lot of sorts of kvas: mushroom kvas, kvas with mint, beetroot kvas, kvas with horseradish and a lot of others. Zbiten is an old Russian beverage made from kvas, cognac or vodka, honey, tea and spices.
varied разнообразный
appetizer закуска
sauerkraut квашеная/кислая капуста
beetroot свекла
recipe рецепт
festive праздничный
cookery кулинария
minced meat мясной фарш
dough тесто
to chop рубить
to fold заворачивать, сворачивать
pantry кладовая
raw сырой
to dress приправлять
pickled маринованный
hors d'oeuvre закуска
flavouring заправка, приправа
filling начинка
to ferment бродить; вызывать брожение;сквашивать
2. Найдите в тексте русские эквиваленты следующих слов и выражений:
1. Суп — это часть обеда в русской кухне. 2. Щи — это традиционный русский суп, приготовленный из мяса и капусты. 3. Петровские щи готовятся из судака и свежей капусты. 4. В русской кухне нет двух одинаковых рецептов щей и борща. 5. В деревнях Сибири существует целая церемония приготовления пельменей. 6. Женщины делают тесто и рубят мясо, мужчины лепят пельмени. 7. Сметана — это универсальная приправа в русской кухне. 8. Русская кухня знаменита различными пирожками. 9. Сбитень — это старинный русский напиток, который готовят из кваса, коньяка или водки, меда, чая и специй.
3. Ответьте на вопросы.
- How often do you drink milk?
- How often do you eat at restaurants?
- What’s your favorite food?
- What food do you hate?
- What’s your favorite ice-cream flavor?
- What’s the strangest thing you’ve ever eaten?
- Are you allergic to any food?
- What’s your favorite drink?
9. What time do you eat the main meals of the day?
10. Do you eat regularly?
11. What do you most often eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner?
12. Do you know what food is healthy and what is not?
13. Do you eat a lot of sweets or fast food and drink a lot of fizzy drinks?
4. Прочитайте диалог и переведите, используя лексику раздела:
Waiter: Good afternoon, sir! Glad to see you. Can I help you?
Mr Campbell: Good afternoon! Nice to see you too. I would like to have a birthday party in your restaurant.
Waiter: When do you want to come? And how many of you?
Mr Campbell: Tomorrow at seven o'clock in the evening. A table for four, please. We would like to taste national Russian cuisine.
Waiter: OK! Here is a menu card. We have a big choice of appetizers, salads, pelmeni, meat and fish dishes.
Mr Campbell: Well, I would like to have red caviar, herring, pickled cucumbers and salted mushrooms.
Waiter: I advise you to order traditional Russian meat dish kholodets. It is an aspic dish made with pig's trotters or ox cheek. And what main courses do you prefer? Meat or fish dishes?
Mr Campbell: We want to taste Russian pelmeni. Can you tell me some words about them?
Waiter: They are meat dumplings, dough is rolled thin, cut into small pieces and then filled. Pelmeni are cooked in boiling water. We have pelmeni with different kinds of filling: meat, fish, mushrooms.
Mr Campbell: OK! I'll take pelmeni with meat filling. What can you recommend for dessert?
Waiter: We have fruit and berry kissels.
Mr Campbell: What are they?
Waiter: Kissels are made from fruit or berry juice and potato flour. They are tasty. And of course, you should order Guryevskaya kasha for dessert. It's a many-layered cooked semolina with layers of jam and baked milk skin. It's delicious.
Mr Campbell: Thank you. I'll order kissel and Guryevskaya kasha for dessert. And what about zbiten for drink? They say it's an old Russian beverage made from kvas, cognac or vodka, honey, tea and spices, isn't it?
Waiter: Oh yes! We have it.
Mr Campbell: Well! How much is my bill?
Waiter: Just a minute, please. I won't be long... Here is your bill.
Mr Campbell: Thanks a lot. It's not very expensive. We'll be at seven tomorrow.
Waiter: You are always welcome. See you tomorrow.
Mr Campbell: Goodbye! Have a nice day!
5. Прочитайте и переведите текст.
Meals in Britain
A typical full English breakfast is a very big meal: sausages, bacon, eggs, tomatoes, mushrooms and of course toast. But nowadays many people don’t have time to eat all this and just have toast, or sometimes fruit and yoghurt. The typical breakfast drink is tea; which people have with cold milk. Some people have coffee made with just hot water. Many visitors to Britain think this coffee is horrible!
For many people lunch is a quick meal. In cities there are a lot of sandwich bars, where office workers can choose the kind of bread they want, either brown or white, and then all sorts of salad and meat or fish to go in the sandwich. Pubs often serve good, cheap food, both hot and cold. School-children can have a hot meal at school, but many just take a snack from home: a sandwich, a drink, some fruit, and perhaps some crisps.
People eat their evening meal quite early, often at about six o’clock. A typical dinner is meat and vegetables, especially on Sundays, when all the family eat together.
6. Прочитайте и переведите текст. Определите соответствуют ли содержанию следующие предложения. (True/False)
1. Many British people don’t eat a full English breakfast.
2. Many British people choose toast for breakfast.
3. The typical drink with breakfast is coffee.
4. Many visitors to Britain love British coffee.
5. A lot of British people have a sandwich for lunch.
6. Many offices in cities have sandwich bars.
7. People can buy hot and cold food in a British pub.
8. Schoolchildren have a hot lunch at home.
9. British people usually have lunch at six o’clock.
10. People in Britain often eat meat on Sundays.
7. Переведите на английский выделенные слова
There are four приема пищи a day in an English home: завтрак, обед, чай и ужин.
Завтрак is the first прием пищи of the day. It is at about 8 o'clock in the morning, and consistsof каши with молоком and солью или сахаром, яиц – вареных или жареных, хлеба и масла with вареньем. Some people like to drink чай, but others prefer кофе. Instead of каши they may have сок, or they may prefer печенье.
The usual time for обеда is 1 o'clock. It starts with супа или сока. Then follows some мясо or poultry with картошкой – вареной или жареной. Then a pudding comes. Instead of the pudding they may prefer сыр или печенье. Last of all кофе– black or white. Englishmen often drink something at обедом. Вода is usually on the table. Some prefer сок or lemonade.
Чай is the third прием пищи of the day. It is between 4 or 5 o'clock, the so-called 5 o'clock чай. On the table there is чай, молоко, сливки, сахар, хлеб и масло, пироги и варенье.
Ужин is the fourth прием пищи of the day. The usual time is about 7 o'clock, and all the members of the family sit down together. Ужин usually consists of супа, рыбы или мяса with овощами, sweet pudding, фруктового салата, мороженого, сыра и печенья. Then after a talk they have black or white кофе.
8.What would you like to eat? Расставьте предложения в правильном порядке, чтобы получился диалог.
-And what would you like for your main course?
-Yes, of course. Thank you.
-Are you ready to order?
-Certainly. A glass of grapefruit juice.
-The fish. Very good. And what would you like to drink?
-Саn I have a glass of grapefruit juice, please?
-And I'd like a bottle of mineral water, too.
-Can I have the fish, please?
-Yes, I’d like the soup to start, please.
9.Соотнесите вопросы и ответы.
10. Соотнесите блюда со следующими разделами меню:
roast beef with new potatoes and green salad, cheesecake, fried cod (fish) with roast potatoes, prawn cocktail, grilled steak with broccoli, tomato salad, chicken curry, fruit salad, mushroom soup, vegetable risotto, spaghetti bolognese pizza, chocolate cake. potato salad, baked salmon with boiled vegetables
starters | main courses | desserts |
11. Отнесите указанные слова к подходящим группам определений:
yoghurt, ice cream, sauce, chocolate, pie, cake
1. chocolate, fruit, cheese, birthday, wedding ……..
2. natural, strawberry, black cherry, Greek, low fat ……..
3. tomato, pesto, soy, oyster, apple, mint ……..
4. milk, plain, white, dark, Belgian ……..
5. meat, chicken, apple, cherry, home-made ……..
6. vanilla, strawberry, chocolate, Italian ……..
12. Соотнесите выделенные слова и их определения.
1. Have you had breakfast? | a. a small meal eaten just before you go to bed |
13. Eating out at a restaurant. Запишите и выучите активную лексику.
book a table – забронировать столик
bar – бар
check (bill) – счет
lunch – обед
dinner [ˈdɪnə] – ужин
sushi bar – суши-бар, ресторан японской кухни
diner [ˈdaɪnə] – ресторан эконом-класса (или семейного типа)
restaurant – ресторан
vegetarian restaurant (vegan [ˈviːɡən] restaurant) – вегетарианский ресторан
manager – менеджер, управляющий
floor manager – менеджер по залу
waiter – официант
head waiter – старший официант, менеджер
hostess – хостес (девушка, которая встречает у входа и проводит гостей к столикам)
menu [ˈmenjuː] – меню
starter (appetizer) – закуска
entrée [ˈɑnˌtreɪ] (main course) – основное блюдо
dessert [dɪˈzɜːt] – десерт
side dish – гарнир
wine list – винная карта, список вин
drink, beverage – напиток
reservation – бронирование (столика)
tip – чаевые
14. Расставьте предложения от 1 до 11 в правильном порядке.
... The cook prepares your meal.
... The waiter or waitress brings you a menu.
... The waiter or waitress brings your check, and then you pay the bill and leave.
... The host or hostess greets you.
... The waiter or waitress then brings your meal.
... You look through the menu and decide what you want to eat and drink.
... Then he or she takes the order to the kitchen.
... When you are ready to leave, you ask for the check.
... The waiter or waitress writes down your order.
... Someone takes you to a table, and you sit down.
... You eat your meal and then have dessert if you want.
15. Соотнесите английские выражения с русскими эквивалентами.
1. Here you are. а. Вот, пожалуйста.
2. Anything else? b. Передайте мне соль, пожалуйста.
3. Was everything all right? c. Мне нравится твой выбор.
4. Yes, please. d. Что-нибудь еще?
5. Can I help you? e. Все было хорошо?
6. Pass me the salt, please. f. Я принесу вам меню.
7. I like your choice. g. Здесь вкусно пахнет.
8. It smells good in here. h. Могу ли я вам помочь?
9. The table is laid. i. Да, пожалуйста.
10. I’ll bring you the menu. j. Стол накрыт.
16. Назовите продукт по описанию.
1.You need me to make a sandwich or toast. – B_________
2.I’m yellow or white. I’m made from milk. People like me on their pizza. — C___________
3.People eat us fried, boiled or scrambled. — E_______
4.I’m a very popular fast food with a sausage in the middle. — H______________
5.I’m a long yellow fruit. — B_____________
6.Rabbits love this orange vegetable. – C_______________
17. Переведите на русский язык.
1)red pepper, sweet grapes, tasty strawberry, juicy raspberry, crisp cereal, olive oil, bitter chocolate, sour lemons, spicy curry, mushroom soup, mild butter, healthy seafood, unhealthy rice, frozen prawns, fresh bread, organic food, salty ham
2) crowded café, relaxed atmosphere, attractive choice, traditional dishes, modern design, spacious terrace, delicious pasta, spectacular view, expensive prices, unusual starter, noisy dining hall, trendy décor, GM food
18. Переведите на английский язык
1. Этот сыр очень соленый. 2. Я люблю есть не дома. 3. Я предпочел бы французскую кухню. 4. Это мясо такое нежное. 5. Клубника очень вкусная ягода. 6. Хорошая идея есть много овощей и фруктов. 7. Этот ресторан самый дорогой. 8. Это блюдо такое же острое как то. 9. Ананас больше яблока.
19.Вставьте в пропуски подходящие по смыслу слова.
grill | heard | pork | share |
healthy | pasta | red | tried |
Hi again,
How are you? I hope you are well. In this e-mail, I'd like to tell you about the food in my country. Have you ever (1)________ Argentinean food? I love it - even though it's not very (2)__________! In Argentina, we eat a lot of (3)_________ meat, especially beef. I think we have the best beef in the world. Our cows are free to run around in the fields! We usually (4)__________ the beef on a barbecue, and we cook lots of other meat like this too - lamb, (5)__________ and chicken. We usually eat the meat with salad or chips. We also eat a lot of pizza and (6)_________ because there are lots of Italians living here. We have great ice cream too! Oh, I nearly forgot, mate is very important here too. Have you (7)__________ of it? It's a kind of tea and we (8) it between friends. It's very nice.
Anyway, write and tell me about the food in your country.
All the best. Paul
19. Дайте совет своему другу, используя should /shouldn’t
Your friend is fat. Give him advice what to eat and not to eat.
Your friend wants to be slim. Give him advice what to eat and not to eat.
Your friend is ill. Give him advice what to eat and not to eat.
20. Какое из блюд, по-вашему:
a) the tastiest
b) the healthiest
c) the most popular in Russia
21. Ответьте на вопросы:
1.Which dishes are suitable for vegetarians? 2. Which dishes aren’t cooked? 3. Which dishes are suitable for people on a slimming diet? 4. Which dishes would you choose to eat? 5. Which dishes have you tried? Did you like them? 6. Which dishes can you prepare?
22.Опишите фото и ответьте на вопросы:
1.Is the food the people are eating healthy? Why?
2. What problems may they face in the future if they go on eating like this?
3. Why are fast food restaurants so popular?
4. What should people eat to be healthy?
5. How often do you have take-away fast food or go to fast food restaurants?
23. Project: Творческое задание на выбор.
1) Составление кроссворда на тему «Food»
2) Проект-презентация на одну из предложенных тем или на свою тему по разделу «Food»
Темы: 1. Русская кухня
2. Английская кухня
3. Английское чаепитие
4. Еда в США
5. Здоровая еда
6. Рецепт
Приложение 1
Рекомендации по составлению кроссворда:
1. Кроссворд составляется в произвольной форме и должен содержать не менее 20 терминов.
2. Вопросы формулируются четко и должны исключать двойное толкование.
3. Оформление:
- титульный лист (оформляется также как для реферата)
- два листа с ячейками кроссворда (один заполнен ответами)
- лист с вопросами кроссворда
- лист с ответами и список использованной литературы.
Критерии оценки кроссворда:
Работа выполнена на «отлично»: термины и определения написаны грамотно, допускается 1 ошибка; в содержании кроссворда используются термины по изучаемой теме; определение терминов не вызывает у обучающегося затруднений; определения терминов не повторяют дословно текст учебника или конспекта; кроссворд оформлен аккуратно и точно в соответствии с правилами оформления; объем отчета соответствует регламенту; кроссворд оформлен иллюстрациями; сетка кроссворда имеет заливку, красочно оформлен; при оформлении кроссворда использовано специальное программное обеспечение.
Работа выполнена на «хорошо»: содержание материала в таблице соответствует заданной теме, но есть недочеты и незначительные ошибки; ячейки таблицы заполнены материалом, подходящим по смыслу, но представляет собой пространные пояснения и многословный текст; в оформлении таблицы имеются незначительные недочеты и небольшая небрежность.
Работа выполнена на «удовлетворительно»: студент работу не выполнил в полном объеме; содержание ячеек таблицы не соответствует заданной теме; имеются не заполненные ячейки или серьезные множественные ошибки; отчет выполнен и оформлен небрежно, без соблюдения установленных требований.
Приложение 2
Основные требования к оформлению мультимедийной презентации:
1. Соблюдение единого стиля оформления.
2. Все слайды презентации должны быть выполнены в программе Microsoft Power Point любой версии в едином стиле.
3. Размер файла должен быть не более 2Мб, количество слайдов 15-20шт.
4. Титульный слайд должен отражать тему презентации, и кто ее выполнил (фамилия, имя, учебное заведение, город).
5. Формат презентации.
Параметры страницы:
- Размер слайдов - экран;
- Ориентация - альбомная;
- Ширина - 24 см.;
- Высота - 18см.;
- Нумерация слайдов с «1».
6. Оформление слайдов:
- Шрифты для использования: Times New Roman, Arial, Arial Narrow. Нельзя смешивать разные типы шрифтов в одной презентации.
- Цвет и размер шрифта должен быть подобран так, чтобы все надписи четко читались на выбранном поле слайда.
7. На завершающем слайде указываются источники, откуда взяли информацию и иллюстративный материал (автор, год издания, и т.д.).
8. В титульном и завершающем слайде использование анимационных объектов не допускается.
9. Не следует заполнять один слайд большим объемом информации.
10. Нужно использовать короткие слова и предложения.
11. Наиболее важная информация должна находиться в центре экрана.
12. Требования к информации: достоверность, полнота, использование современных источников информации.
13. Требования к тексту: научность, логичность, доступность, однозначность, лаконичность, законченность.
14. Отсутствие грамматических и других ошибок.
15. На одном слайде рекомендуется использовать не более 3 цветов: один для фона, другой для заголовка, третий для текста.
16. Используйте возможности компьютерной анимации для представления информации на слайде.
17. Анимация объектов должна проходить автоматически. Анимация объектов «по щелчку» не допускается.
18. Желательно добавлять в мультимедийную презентацию звуковые фрагменты, мультипликацию, фрагменты фильмов для обеспечения эмоционального воздействия.
Типичные ошибки в презентациях:
1. Отсутствие титульного слайда с темой презентации, целью, фамилией, полным именем и отчеством автора презентации.
2. Отсутствие последнего слайда со словами «Спасибо за внимание!».
3. Отсутствие итога урока, выводов.
5. Слайд содержит объем информации слишком большой для восприятия.
6. Отсутствуют источники информации: литература, интернет-сайты.
7. Излишнее использование анимации (занимает много времени, мешает логике восприятия содержания, чрезмерное количество анимационных объектов);
Приложение 3
Интернет - ресурсы, рекомендуемые студентам:
http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary.htm - словарь Вебстера онлайн
http://www.westegg.com/cliche/ - 3300 английских клише
Self-Study Quizzes for ESL Students
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