Внеклассное мероприятие для 10 классов "Англоговорящие страны"
опыты и эксперименты (10 класс)
Предварительный просмотр:
Учитель английского языка
Салтыкова Е.В.
МБОУ “Школа №63 с углубленным изучением отдельных предметов”
Внеклассное мероприятие
для 10 классов
"Англоговорящие страны"
«Англо-говорящие страны» (среди 10-х классов)
Ход внеклассного мероприятия.
Этап 1: Организация начала занятия
- Приветствие
Учитель: Good afternoon. I am glad to see you. Take your seats please.
- Сообщение темы урока
Учитель: Today we continue speaking about English-speaking countries.
- Сообщение цели урока
Учитель: We have already spoken about Great Britain and the United States of America. So today at the lesson one of the most important aims is to summarize all the information about such English-speaking countries as Australia, New Zealand and Canada in order to make projects successfully for the next lesson.
Этап 2: Фонетическая зарядка
Учитель: But first of all let's revise the tongue-twisters which you know very well.
A sailor went to the sea to see what he could see
And all that he could see was sea, sea, sea.
She sells sea shells by the sea shore.
The shells she sells are surely seashells.
Учащиеся за учителем повторяют уже известные им скороговорки.
Этап 3: Обобщение и систематизация знаний
- Повторение лексических единиц
Учитель: Before speaking about English-speaking countries, let's check up how well you remember the names of the countries, their capitals and nationalities.
На интерактивной доске представлены флаги Канады, Австралии и Новой Зеландии.
Примерные ответы учащихся:
Ученик 1. It is Canada, the capital of Canada is Ottawa and the nationality of Canada is the Canadians.
Ученик 2. It is Australia, the capital of Australia is Canberra and the nationality of Australia is the Australians.
Ученик 3. It is New Zealand, the capital of New Zealand is Wellington and the nationality of New Zealand is the New Zealanders.
- Проверка выполнения домашнего задания
Учитель: We have just remembered three English-speaking countries. And today you have three groups. Every group will represent one of these countries. Your home task was to make a short TV programme "In the World of Travelling" which will give us the most interesting information about this or that country.
Учащиеся показывают презентации, подготовленные дома и рассказывают о Канаде, Австралии, Новой Зеландии. Соответственно сформированы три группы учащихся.
Примерные ответы учащихся:
Ученик-ведущий: Good afternoon, dear viewers. It is the programme "In the World of Travelling". Last time we spoke about customs and traditions in Great Britain and the USA. But today we will get acquainted with some other English-speaking countries. They are Canada, Australia and New Zealand. So, our travelling starts in the hottest country Australia.
1 группа: Australia
Ученик 1: We would like to represent the world's smallest continent which is called Australia. It is out of the question that this country contains a great deal of interesting facts. Did you know, for example, that Australia is the biggest island in the World? It is only a little smaller than the USA, and it is bigger than the Western Europe.
Ученик 2: And did you know that Australia is one of the oldest lands in the world? During millions о years, wind and water have slowly taken the earth from the hills and filled the valleys with it. By the way, the total population is about 16 million people and most Australians are considered to be of British and Irish ancestry. It is a very interesting fact that Australia is sometimes called "The Lucky Country". One reason is the wonderful riches under the earth: gold, stiver, iron, coal and many precious metals.
Ученик 3: As we have already mentioned the capital of Australia is Canberra. Australia has a federal parliamentary government. So we invite you to our country because you will have a good chance to see beautiful Australian flora and fauna. This is even reflected in the country's coat-of-arms by the symbols of Australia's native animals and plants: the kangaroo and the emu and the twig of wattle. It is also reflected in Australia's poetic name: "Land of Wattle".
Ученик-ведущий: Thank you. Certainly one day we will come to your country and have a good time there. But now it is time to go to New Zealand.
Представление учащимися группы 2 Новой Зеландии.
Ученик-ведущий: Thank you. And now we have time to visit the country of hockey. Let's go to Canada.
Представление учащимися группы 3 Канады.
Ученик-ведущий: Thank you very much. We have visited the most interesting English-speaking countries. But our time flies. So we are finishing the programme. Next time we will visit the African countries where the English language is also spoken. Good bye, dear viewers and don't forget to see us next Monday at the same time.
Этап 4: Закрепление знаний и способов деятельности
4.1 Составление спонтанного монологического высказывания по изучаемой теме
Учитель: Thank you. You have represented the countries in your TV programme very well. But your countries seem to be ideal, without any problems and difficulties. Is it really so?
Примерный ответ учащегося:
Ученик: I absolutely disagree because I consider every country has its own problems which must be solved if you want to live in an ideal civilization.
Учитель: I agree with you. And now I offer you to think about the problems which these countries face to face with.
Предлагается работа в уже сформированных группах. Пока учащиеся обсуждают ответы в группах, в классе тихо звучит медленная классическая музыка
Примерные ответы учащихся
Группа 1 (Австралия): We live in Australia and we can say that Australian cities have the same problems as many other cities of the world. There are many poor people, homeless people, people with drinking problems, and people with no hope. There are many families with only one parent, and it is very difficult for some young people to find a job. At the same time there are many towns in Australia and as far as we know the houses in these towns are very expensive.
Группа 2 (Новая Зеландия): Frankly speaking it was rather difficult for us to define any problems in New Zealand. But nevertheless we can find one problem which seems to be very important. This problem is connected with the demographic situation. The population is not very high in this country and the death level is much bigger than the birth level.
Группа 3 (Канада): We live in Canada and our country has many mountains and rivers. It goes without saying that it is good on the one hand because Canada is very clean. But on the other hand we have much place which can be used for building new houses for people and different establishments.
Учитель: I absolutely agree with all the problems you have just defined. But our task is not only to show a problem but to find a solution to it.
Работа в уже сформированных группах. Пока учащиеся обсуждают ответы в группах, в классе тихо звучит медленная классическая музыка.
Примерные ответы учащихся
Группа 1 (Австралия): It is out of the question that every country has the similar problems which demand one and the same decision. The houses are expensive not only in Australia but in many other foreign countries. We think it is possible to find a decision if the government sells some of the resourses to other countries and get money not with the help of selling houses at an expensive price.
Группа 2 (Новая Зеландия): We can say that the problems abroad are often similar to those we have in our country. And the problem of the demographic situation is not an exception. The birth level is very low in this country. So the government may pay money to those families who are going to have more than one child. If the families have more than three children, these families should be given a bigger sum of money and a flat.
Группа 3 (Канада): We are sure that we can solve our problem. We should get money from the government and start building houses and different establishments. We have a chance to give places for living to many families.
4.2 Составление спонтанного диалогического высказывания по изучаемой теме
Учитель: You have done this work very well. I see that you know much about your country: Australia, Canada or New Zealand. But I am sure that you would like to visit another country. For example the Australians (group I) want to visit Canada (group 3) and so on. And when we have a desire to travel, first of all we go to the tourist agency. So, now your task is to make up a dialogue in the tourist agency.
Учащимся предлагаются роли: тур-агентов и посетителей (женщина 80 лет, любитель хоккея, подросток, мать троих детей). Учащиеся, получив роль, обдумывают, какая страна им больше подойдет в соответствии с полученной ролью.
Примерный ответ учащихся
Тур-агент: Good evening. Can I help you?
Женщина 80-и лет: Good evening. This year I would like to go somewhere. What tour would you like to recommend me?
Тур-агент: We have many interesting tours. What kind of rest would you like to get?
Женщина 80-и лет: You know, I am a teacher of English. So, I would like to visit any English-speaking countries. I have already been to Great Britain and the United States of America. I know much about these countries. But I would like to rest with interest. It means that I want to visit many museums and get acquainted with different traditions and customs of this or that country.
Тур-агент: May be...Australia. It is a very interesting country. And you will have a chance to see many animals and plants. In Australia there is a famous museum of flora and fauna.
Женщина 80-и лет: Sorry, but I don't think that this tour is for me. I am sure that the climate will not be suitable for me. I hate hot weather. When it is about 35 degrees above zero, I do not feel very good, I have a splitting headache. Can you recommend me anything else?
Тур-агент: Well. May be you will visit ... Canada. As far as you know there are two official languages there: English and French. If you are interested in sport, you may watch there a sport festival with the participants of the best hockey players.
Женщина 80-и лет: Well. I like this variant. I promise that I will think about it.
Тур-агент: I can give you a booklet which will help you to decide where to go.
Женщина 80-и лет: Thanks a lot. I will look it through and come to your agency again.
Тур-агент: You are welcome.
4.3 Составление письменного высказывания по изучаемой теме
Учитель: Thank you. Your dialogues are very interesting. But you have played different roles. But what English-speaking country would you like to visit? Write a small essay and start it with the words "I would like to visit... because ...".
Этап 5: Информация о домашнем задании
Учитель: Thank you. I am sure that your dreams will come true and you will be able to visit all English-speaking countries. But let's return to your dialogues. In every dialogue a tourist agent advised to look through a booklet to get more information about this or that country. I am sure that you know much about Australia, Canada, New Zealand. So, your home task is to make a booklet which will tell us some information about this or that country. Your booklet should be informative, creative and colourful.
Этап 6: Подведение итогов занятия
Учитель: Our time flies, and our travelling is coming to the end. Would you be so kind as to tell me what you have done today at the lesson (Скажите, пожалуйста, чем мы сегодня занимались на уроке)?
Примерные ответы учащихся:
Ученик 1: We have revised the capitals of the countries and their nationalities.
Ученик 2: We have made presentations about Canada, Australia and New Zealand.
Ученик 3: We have spoken about the problems in Canada, Australia and New Zealand and we have tried to find a solution to those problems.
Ученик 4: We have made up the dialogues "In the tourist agency".
Этап 7: Рефлексия Учитель задает учащимся следующие вопросы:
1.Что вам на уроке понравилось больше всего? (What did you like at the lesson most of all?)
2.Какое настроение у вас было в начале урока? (What spirit did you have at the beginning of the lesson)?
3.С каким настроением вы уходите с урока? (What spirit did you have at the end of the lesson?)
4.Кто доволен своими ответами? (Who is glad with his answers?)
Учащиеся на бланке самостоятельно оценивают свою работу на уроке
Учитель: As for me, today I liked all your answers. I am always glad to see you and to work with you. But now the lesson is over. Thank you. Good bye. (Мне понравились все ваши ответы. Я всегда рада видеть вас и работать c вами. А сегодня урок закончен. Спасибо. До свидания).
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