Сценарий сказки "The three little pigs"
Предварительный просмотр:
Три поросенка.
(Под музыку выбегают три поросенка, танцуют танец)
Naff-Naff Hello, boys and girls! I am Naff-Naff.
Nuff-Nuff ): I am glad to meet you boys and girls! I am Nuff-Nuff.
Niff- Niff -Good morning, boys and girls. And I am Niff-Niff.
The three little pigs (together): We are three merry little pigs.
(Танцуют вокруг елочки и поют песенку):
Who's afraid of Big Bad Wolf,
Big Bad Wolf, Big Bad Wolf?
Who's afraid of Big Bad Wolf,
Tra-la-la-la-la-la! Naff-Naff: Winter is coming. In winter Big Bad Wolf is very hungry. We must make a house and live there together.
Ni f f - N i f f: Oh, no! Winter is not coming. We have time to play and sing!
Напевая песенку, появляется Красная шапочка.
With my foot I tap-tap-tap.
With my hands I clap-clap-clap.
Right foot first,
Left foot then.
Round and round and back again.
Увидев поросят, останавливается:- Good morning! How are you!
Pig 1 Good morning! How are you!
Pig2 What is your name?
Red Hood- My name is Little Red Riding Hood. How nice it is in the wood! There are many beautiful flowers here!
Pig 1 What are doing here?
Red Hood - Today is my grandmother’s birthday. I have some tasty cakes for her.
Pig 3 Would you like to give us some cakes?
Red Hood- With pleasure! Here you are!
Вместе: Yammy!!!
Pig2Thank you very much!
Pig 3 Where does your Granny live?
Red Hood- She lives in the little house in the wood.
Pig 1 - Is it far from here?
Red Hood -No, it is not.
Pig2 Well! Goodbye Little Red Riding Hood!
Red Hood- Goodbye piglets!
Nuff- Nuff: Brothers, let’s play and sing!
Naff-Naff: As you like. But I will go and make a house (уходит строить дом).
(Нуф-Нуф и Ниф-Ниф продолжают веселиться, хлопают в ладоши).
Появляется на сцене под музыку Puss in Boots
Puss in Boots -Hi! I am Puss in Boots! Glad to meet you!
Pig 1.2 Good morning! How are you!
Puss in Boots Good morning! How are you!
Pig 1 What are you doing in our forest?
Puss in Boots Do you know Markiz Karabas? He is my Master. He is a very kind man.
Pig 2 -Do you love him?
Puss in Boots Yes, of course! I want to help him! Have you seen the Ogre?
Pig 1,2 – No!
Puss in Boots I am in a hurry! See you later! Bye!
Pig 1,2 Bye!
Nuff-Nuff: I will go and make a house, too (goes away).
Ni f f - N i f f: I will go and make a house, too.
Niff-Niff (строит дом и поет песенку):
I have made my house of grass.
House of grass, house of grass.
I have made my house of grass,
Выходит под музыку Bear ( не придумала еще под какую)
Bear Hello, little piglets!
Pig 2 Nice to meet you!
Bear How beautiful your house is! May I stay here? You know, all bear sleep in winter.
I want to sleep here! I like it!
Pig 2 – No! It’s very small for you!
Медведь уходит
Nuff-Nuff (строит дом и поет песенку):
I have made my house of sticks.
House of sticks, house of sticks.
I have made my house of sticks,
Выбегает под музыку Buratino Смеется, как будто от кого убегает
Buratino - Hee, hee, hee! Ha, ha, ha! Don’t touch me any more! It’s too much for me. Stop it!
My eyes can see,
My nose can smell,
My mouth can talk,
My legs can walk,
And walk and walk. – пританцовывает
Buratino: Here is the key to the door.
Pig – What door?
Buratino: We’ll go to the magic world of the Puppet Theatre. И убегает.
Naff-Naff (строит дом и поет песенку):
I have made my house of bricks.
House of bricks, house of bricks.
I have made my house of bricks,
Выходят семь гномов. Поют песню. Видят поросят, останавливаются.
Гном 1 -Oh, what a surprise!
Гном 2 Who are you? You are so nice!
Pig 1 We are three merry little pigs.
Гном3 What are you doing?
Pig 2 – We are going to make a house
Гном 4 God bless you!
Pig 3 Please, stay with us! Help us!
Гном 5 All right! I am ready!
Гном 6 Brothers, look at the clock:
Гном 7 it’s time to go to work!
Уходят, поют песню
(На сцене появляется волк)
Wolf: I’m Big Bad Wolf. Hush, children! I see three nice little pigs. Oh, I am very hungry! Ha! Ha! Ha!
(Волк подходит к домику из соломы)
Wolf: Niff-Niff let me in!
Niff-Niff: Go away, Big Grey Wolf!
Wolf: I will puff and puff and blow your house down.
Дует на домик. Домик ломается. Поросенок бежит в др домик
(Волк бежит за Ниф-Нифом, Ниф-Ниф забегает в домик к Нуф-Нуфу)
Wolf: Nuff-Nuff, let me in!
Nif f - N i f f' and Nuff-Nuff:Oh, no! Go away, you Big Grey Wolf!
Wolf: I will puff and puff and blow your house down.
(Дует на домик. Домик ломается. Поросенок бежит в др домик
Волк бежит за Нуф-Нуфом и Ниф-Нифом, они прячутся в домик Наф-Нафа)
Niff-Niff f' and Nuff-Nuff: Oh, Brother, save us! Wolf: Naff-Naff, let me in! I will puff and puff and blow your house down.
(Волк дует,но не может сдуть домик, Поросята визжать и зовут на помощь. Прибегают на помощь все герои. Выгоняют волка. Волк, хромая, уходит в лес, воет
Wolf: I will be back!
Все герои на сцене. Поют, танцуют
I like to move it, move it
I like to move it, move it
I like to move it, move it
Ya like to move it
I like to move it, move it
I like to move it, move it
I like to move it, move it
Ya like to move it
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