Методическая разработка урока "Eco-helpers" 7 класс
методическая разработка (7 класс)
Содержит конспект урока по теме "Eco-helpers" для 7 класса. УМК "Spotlight". Урок сопровождается презентацией.
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Конспект урока 7 класс.
Урок 8b «Eco-helpers».
Цель урока: научиться говорить о проблемах окружающей среды и способах помощи природе; научиться предлагать помощь и принимать/отказываться от нее.
Лексика урока: a ladder, a hammer and nails, a spade, a watering can, a rake, a net, gardening gloves, a plastic bag, plant flowers, recycle cans, collect rubbish, build nesting boxes, clean out ponds, read books about ecology, teach the cycle of life
1. Введение в тему урока.
T: Good morning, children. How are you today? Are you tired/stressed/relaxed/worried/happy? What can make you happy? (friends, family, hobby, love, books, nature). So, nature can make us happy. And can we make nature happy? What can we do for nature? (clean the forests, plant trees and flowers, put rubbish into the bins). What ruins the nature? So, what are we going to talk about today? (helping nature)
Примерные ответы детей:
S: Pollution ruins the nature. There is air pollution, water pollution and soil pollution. Factories and plants emit toxic fumes. Air, water and soil become polluted. Acid rain falls into rivers and forests. It kills fish, animals and plants. Some species disappear. People can reduce pollution, use new nature-friendly technologies, use the cars less (ride the bikes and walk more), use solar power to heat our homes.
2. Введение новой лексики и ее первичное закрепление.
T: Let’s have a look what else we can do help the nature. Open your books on page 78.
Ex. 1, p. 78.
T: Let’s read some useful expressions. Repeat after me, please.
T-Ss: plant flowers, recycle cans, collect rubbish, build nesting boxes, clean out ponds, read books about ecology, teach the cycle of life
T: Now look at the picture. What is each person in the picture doing?
S1: Dave is planting the flowers. S2…
T: To help the nature we need some tools and equipment. Let’s name them. Look at the screen, please.
Read after me, please. (Work with presentation)
T-Ss: a ladder, a hammer and nails, a spade, a watering can, a rake, a net, gardening gloves, a plastic bag
T: Now label the picture.
S1: Number one is a ladder, S2…
T: Look at the picture again. Who is using (a ladder)? What is Rose using? What about the others?
S1: Sally is using a ladder. S2: Rose is using a net. S3: …
3. Чтение
Ex. 3, p. 78
Этап снятия трудностей. Pre-reading stage.
T: We are going to read and listen to the text. Look at the title and the pictures. What is the text about?
S: This text is about eco-helpers.
T: And who are eco-helpers?
S: People helping nature.
T: We shall listen and check. But firstly, let’s look at words in bold. Read the sentences with the words in bold and translate them.
S1, S2, S3
Reading stage.
T: Now read and listen and be ready to say what eco-helpers do to help nature.
Ex 3a, p. 78
Pupils listen to the text then say what eco-helpers do.
S1: Collect rubbish for recycling in the park. S2: Build nesting boxes. S3: Plant trees. S4: Clean out ponds. S5
Ex. 3 b, p. 79
Now read the text once again and be ready to complete the sentences.
S1, S2, S3, S4…
(1. Sally has been collecting rubbish for recycling for a month. 2. Dave’s been building nesting boxes. 3. The birds will leave the city if children don’t help them. 4. Tim wants to join the Eco –helpers club.)
4. Письмо
T: Now find this sentence in the text: «Если мы не поможем им, им придется покинуть город».
Look at the screen and compare two sentences: 1) They will have to leave the city.
2) They will have to live in the city.
Глагол leave переводится как «оставлять, покидать», а глагол live переводится «жить». Mind pronunciation, please. В слове live (жить) короткий гласный, а в слове leave (покидать)-долгий. Глагол live-правильный. Образует форму прошедшего времени добавлением окончания ed (live-lived). Глагол leave –неправильный. Вторую форму нужно запомнить. Altogether, please:
T-Ss: leave-left, live-lived.
Ex. 4, p. 79.
T: Open your exercise books and do ex. 4 in writing. Rewrite the sentences and fill in the words leaves and lives.
Учащиеся выполняют задание письменно в тетрадях.
Проверка выполнения задания.
T: Come up to the blackboard and fill in the word. Read and translate the sentence. (S1, S2, S3)
5. Говорение. Развитие навыков диалогической речи.
Ex. 5 p. 79.
T: So, we have learned what we can do to protect nature. And I believe you will suggest your help. We should learn how to do it. How we can suggest help, accept help or refuse. Look at the table ex. 5. Look how we suggest help. Read after me. (How do you understand “give smb a hand”?) Обратите внимание, что после выражений Can I give you a hand, Do you need some help, используется форма глагола с окончанием ing. Now let’s read how we accept (refuse) help.
Парная работа.
T: Now work in pairs. Offer your help. Use expressions from ex. 1. Refuse or accept the help like in the example. Make as many short dialogs as possible.
S1: Can I give you a hand cleaning out a pond.
S2: Sure, thanks.
T: Now let’s listen to some of your dialogs.
6. Говорение. Работа над монологическим высказыванием. Подготовка к выполнению домашнего задания.
Работа с презентацией.
T: So, children, now we can speak about problems with nature, and the things we can do to help and protect the nature. Try to make a short story. You can begin with: Nature can make us happy and relaxed. I like to walk in the park/ stay in the forest/ go camping/ rest at the seaside/ watch the flowers/ listen to the birds/collect mushrooms and berries. But nature needs help. Because pollution ruins the nature. Factories and plants emit toxic fumes. Air water and soil become polluted. Acid rain falls into rivers and forests. It kills fish, animals and plants. Some species disappear. People can reduce pollution, use new nature-friendly technologies, use the cars less (ride the bikes and walk more), use solar power to heat our homes. We can…(ex 1, p. 78) plant flowers and trees, recycle cans, collect fish, build nesting boxes, clean out ponds, read books about ecology.
Парная работа.
T: Now work in pairs and tell the story to each other.
Контроль монологического высказывания.
T: Now, let’s listen to smb’s story.
Объяснение домашнего задания.
T: At home make and learn the story about nature problems and the ways we can help it.
7. Рефлексия.
T: You remember how you felt at the beginning of the lesson. How do you feel now? Are you satisfied with your work? What did you learn? When were you brilliant? Raise your hand. Who was brilliant speaking about nature problems, describing a picture, learning the new words, reading the text, making dialogs, making a story about helping nature.
8. Подведение итогов и объявление оценок.
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