Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия на английском языке по итогам проектной деятельности "Защитим планету Земля" «Save Our Planet» (7-8 классы)
учебно-методический материал (8 класс) на тему
Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия на английском языке, посыящённое году экологии. Содержит методические рекомендации по проведению мероприятия, разработанные монологи, диалоги, сообщения и проектные работы учащихся. Информационный материал подкреплён тематическими стихотворениями, песнями, описанием презентаций и творческих проектов учащихся.
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Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия на английском языке по итогам проектной деятельности "Защитим планету Земля"
«Save Our Planet»
(7-8 классы)
Карпова Ольга Александровна
учитель английского языка
МАОУ «Гимназия №87»
Саратов, 2018 год
- способствовать средствами иностранного языка расширению и углублению общего, а также экологического и лингвистического образования школьников, их экологическому и гуманистическому воспитанию и разностороннему развитию;
- способствовать созданию условий для изменения мотивационной сферы при обучении учащихся биологических групп профильных классов.
- возможность подвести итог и реализовать накопленный опыт проектно-исследовательской деятельности в области экологических и социально-значимых проектов в Саратовской области «Сделай свой город чище».
- способствовать реализации дифференцированного и интегрированного подхода в обучении английскому языку, биологии и экологии.
- Образовательная: учить применять полученные знания на практике, в деловых ситуациях; формировать навыки исследовательской деятельности учащихся через поиск информации, выявление проблемы, работы над проектами.
- Воспитательная: воспитывать ответственное отношение к окружающей среде и к своему здоровью; воспитывать культуру умственного труда учащихся через организацию языковой среды, выявление экологических проблем и их решение.
- Развивающая: развивать мировоззрение школьников в духе нового мышления; формировать их эмоционально - целостное отношение к миру.
Ход мероприятия
- На кадре мультимедийной презентации изображена планета «Земля», звучит музыка, слова за кадром:
The year two thousand and fourteen has been announced «The Year of the Natural Environment». It’s the time when people all over the world should think about our planet. They show concern about threats the planet faces – destruction of the rain forests, holes in the ozone layer, the greenhouse effect, too much garbage. Moreover, all forms of air and water pollution.
They think about plants and animals on the Earth.
They say: “Our planet is in danger!”
- Презентация «Космос». Дети гуляют по сцене, музыка «природы», «грозы», дети прячутся за кулисы. На сцене появляются три девочки в космических костюмах, изображающие жителей другой планеты. После музыки слышатся звуки «летательного аппарата», классическая музыка, на кадре презентации изображения звёзд. Девочки останавливаются в центре сцены, оглядываются. На экране презентации видят изображение Земли.
Al.1 (alien) – Hello, the Earth citizens! We are the aliens. We are traveling to the planets of the Solar System. We’d like to find out the suitable planet to stay there and begin a new life.
Al.2 – We have been investigating the universe for a long time. Only your planet is seemed to us the perfect place for living.
Al.3 – To our regret, we have destroyed our planet. If we had been given a chance to build a new world on another planet, we would imagine it on the Earth. Let’s explore it carefully. It seems calm and beautiful.
- «Пришельцы» отходят в сторону, смотрят на экран. Идёт презентация «Планета Земля и её загрязнения ». Девочка исполняет на фортепиано классическую мелодию. Во время последних кадров, показывающих самые катастрофические эпизоды состояния экологической обстановки планеты, появляются дети, изображающие жителей Земли.
- Диалог «пришельцев» и «землян».
Al.1 – What happens, the Earth citizens?
What have we done with our planet?
This land is ours from the birth.
What have we done with our forest?
What have we done with the Earth?
What have we gone with the sky?
The sky, which is blue and so clear?
What have we done with the sky?
What have we done with the air?
The problem of the air pollution is very important.
Harmful wastes, car fumes pollute the air.
Acid rains destroy the nature.
If we don’t take care of the air, we ‘ll turn our planet into desert.
Al.2 – You are very careless and silly. How do you think you can improve your planet? You, Earth people, should take care about the place you live in.
E. c. (the Earth citizen) – We can’t manage with these disasters. It’s difficult and practically impossible to prevent the terrible results of the developing industry.
Al.2 – The destruction of wildlife is only your fault. You pollute yourselves and the environment.
E. c. – We try to solve these problems. However, they become more serious. The scientists have made predictions and they are alarming.
Al.3 – You should understand that only you could save your planet. The Earth is unique. You can’t live without it. We’ll show you your future. It happened with our planet, too… .
«Пришельцы» уходят за сцену. «Земляне» остаются одни.
- Исполнение песни Майкла Джексона «Песня Земли» (см. Приложение) с демонстрацией клипа, где певец исполняет песню. Солируют 3 учащихся, остальные поют хором. Во время песни, поющие двигаются по сцене в такт движениям в клипе.
- После исполнения песни, учащиеся уходят со сцены. Остаются три ученицы. Играет тихая классическая музыка. Сообщения о защите окружающей среды. Демонстрация плакатов-рисунков, изготовленных учащимися во время проектной деятельности «Keep the environment!»
P1 The protection of the environment is the global thing in the world. It’s a wonderful world we live in. For thousands of years the Earth has given support for all forms of life – human beings, animals, birds, fishes, insects and plants. But now human beings are killing our planet. Many species of animals and birds have disappeared. Man has polluted their natural homes. The country year, once clean and fresh, now may be polluted by power stations and factories. Moreover, some of our rivers are now empty of fish. In some rivers you can even see a thick foam caused by chemical waste. The forests are disappearing all over the world because people cut down the trees. Pollution is very dangerous for people, wildlife and the environment.
P2 The biggest environmental problem we face today is global warming. If we continue to burn gas, coal and oil, the atmosphere will contain more carbon, so the world will get warmer. If it gets warmer, sea-levels will rise and the climate will change. Trees help to stop global warming because they change carbon into oxygen. However, unless we stop cutting down the rainforests, there will be more carbon in the atmosphere and global warming won’t get better. So we must preserve forests like Amazon. The holes in ozone layer are another problem. The ozone layer protects us from ultra-violet rays from the sun. If the holes get bigger, the ultra-violet rays will make the atmosphere hotter. Global warming is getting worse every day. We won’t solve this problem unless we act now.
Для того чтобы участники могли переодеться в тёмную одежду необходимую для участия в следующем номере исполнения современной роковой тематической песни, можно использовать в паузе танцевальный номер. На сцене появляется девочка в белой одежде с глобусом в руках. Она исполняет классический танец под музыку и презентацию видов природы.
- Исполнение песни группы «Imagine Dragons» - «Radioactive» (см. Приложение). На сцене появляются подростки, одетые в тёмную одежду. На рукаве красная повязка. В руках плакаты-лозунги по охране окружающей среды. Три подростка в одежде с лохмотьями, обрывками газет, изображениями мусора и консервных банок. Они изображают «garbage». На экране – клип группы. Во время песни подростки танцуют, двигаются, демонстрируют плакаты-лозунги.
- Stop the danger of the environmental disaster!
- Keep the land clean!
- Let’s make the world better!
- Help nature!
- Leave wild flowers for others!
- The earth is our home. Don’t pollute it!
- No toxic waste!
8. Диалог- инсценировка подростков, изображающих «мусор, воздух, воду и землян».
Pupil 1: Walking along feeling free
Felling the Earth here with me
And I love her, she loves me.
I hug the Earth, the Earth hugs me.
She is our friend;
We’d like to be together forever.
The Earth is a garden.
It’s a beautiful place.
For all living creatures,
For the entire human race.
Helping Mother Earth
We can peacefully roam.
We can call our home.
A boy-“garbage”: I’m GARBAGE, ha-ha-ha! I love you, people. You make me. The more you throw the bigger am I! Once a week the garbage truck comes and garbage cans are emptied. That’s the last you see of it. However, what do you think happens to me then? Do I just disappear? No way! You people are making so much garbage that I can lie in many places there is not enough room to bury me.
Pupil 2: Our mission is to act fast and cut down the amount of garbage we make. We can recycle; reuse materials instead of throwing them away. Then we’ll produce a lot less garbage and help keep our planet green!
Появляется девочка, одетая в воздушную, летящую одежду. Девочка изображает воздух.
The girl – “air”: Hello, my dear friends. I’m AIR. Until about 150 years ago, I was pure and clean – perfect for the people and animals of the Earth to breathe. Then you people started building factories. Those factories and many of the things you make, like cars, put a lot of harmful gases into air. You started driving cars, which added more pollution to the air. Now I’m ill. I’m so polluted in some places that it’s not always safe to breathe me. I was beautiful blue but now I’m brown. Some people call me “smog”.
Pupil 3: Polluted air is not only bad for people and animals but for trees and other plants, as well. In some places, it’s even damaging farmers’ crops – the food we eat. Therefore, it’s very important for us to clean up the air we all breathe.
Появляется девочка, одетая в синюю длинную одежду. Девочка изображает воду.
The girl-“water”: The planet Earth is mostly water. Oceans cover the biggest part of it and there are lakes, rivers, streams and even water underground. All life on Earth – from a little bug to the biggest whale – depends on me – WATER. I’m precious. But you’re not doing a very good job of keeping me – water clean. In many places, I have become polluted.
Pupil 4: Rivers and lakes are polluted by garbage or by poisonous chemicals, which are dumped right into them. The ocean, which is a home to so much life, is being polluted, too.
Pupil 5: Our mission is to save you, water, to keep you clean and healthy so people, plants and animals will always have some to drink and fish and other creatures will have a place to live.
9. Сообщение о «Дне охраны окружающих вод». Участники предыдущей сцены уходят. Появляются две девочки. Используя несколько кадров презентации, они рассказывают о реках Волге и Темзе.
Each year there are more and more people live on the Earth, yet the amount of water we have to use remains the same. When we turn on the faucet, fresh water flows out from the same reserves in the ground, from the same rivers and streams.
If you imagine a day without water, you realize how precious it is. However, with a little care, you can use water without wasting it.
People use our oceans and waterway for food, transportations, trash disposal, energy and recreation. Because the oceans have seemed so vast and our water supplies have seemed too abundant, we haven’t been careful.
Now we need to change the way we think and act. We need to repair the damage that has been done.
All of us can help to protect our lakes, streams, rivers and oceans. In January, we have a «Day of the Rivers Protection». It is held on the 15th of January. Let’s speak about the main rivers of Russia and Great Britain – the Volga and the Thames.
Сообщения о главных реках Великобритании и России, составленных учащимися самостоятельно. Во время монологов идёт показ и демонстрация презентаций-проектов, подготовленных ко « Дню охраны окружающих вод».
10. Представление проекта одного класса об участие в акции «Чистый город» с кадрами презентации.
P1 Last year our form the 7th «B» took part in the city activity and mayor’s action against litter and garbage in the streets of our city Saratov. It was named «Keep our city clean».
The main attraction of my native city is the Volga River, of course. Nevertheless, its coastlines have become more polluted. There is a lot of litter on the beaches. People throw rubbish away and litter everywhere. The streets are very dirty. Litter is damaging for wildlife, especially birds. We think, «People should be fined for dropping litter and rubbish collections should be made more often along the streets».
Therefore, we decided to arrange «clean-up days» in the park near our gymnasium, in the schoolyard and near some factories in the city. All our classmates join us. We drew some posters reminding people about pollution and put them in the park when all litter had been cleared. Maybe people will ask themselves why they drop litter for other people to clear up.
Those days we swept the streets, put the rubbish away, cleared up, planted flowers, dug the ground and watered plants. We tried and did our best. We had fun as well as helping the environment. «Clean-up days» are held every year in our city. Many teenagers take part in the activities. Let’s join them together. Every person should take care about the place where he or she lives in.
Учащиеся читают свои стихи о городе.
P1 My City Saratov.
My house, my city, I love you so much.
And now to my pity we don’t keep in touch.
Your streets are polluted and waters aren’t clean,
Lots of places are dirty, these problems we’ve seen.
And now we promise to help and avoid
The polluting of wildlife, which we’ll never destroy.
We’ll keep our city so tidy and light.
That people will say: «Saratov is bright».
11. Последняя сцена с «пришельцами». Играет классическая музыка, появляются «пришельцы».
Al.1 – I have seen the Earth people know how to deal with their problems.
Al.2 – We were mistaken. They’ll be able to solve every question and save their planet.
Al.3 – We should fly and continue our searches. Good luck, the Earth people!
Звучит космическая музыка, «пришельцы» уходят.
12. «Земляне» выходят на сцену. Несколько учащихся рассказывают стихи о Земле и произносят правила, которые могут выполнять школьники, помогая природе.
Food is treasure from the soil and the sea.
Clean, fresh air from the plants and the trees.
The warmth of the sun giving life each day
Turns water into rain, it’s nature’s way.
And I would like to thank you Mother Earth
I like to see you dressed in green and blue.
I want to be by you.
13. Подведение итогов мероприятия, зрители помогают участникам составить правила охраны окружающей среды и тех дел, которые могут помочь взрослым избежать экологических проблем.
How can we help the Earth?
Pupils: We can use less energy, protect plants and trees, recycle materials and ride our bikes.
Things to do with Styrofoam, cans, boxes or other containers:
Make fun containers for your crayons and other things, paint them or cover them.
Make a bank for your money
Make containers and packaging for presents at Christmastime or birthdays, paint them or cover them, use the person’s name in your design!
Use them to organize things in your drawers like erasers and pencils.
Use them for plant pots
Be an artist, make them into sculptures
Make your own toys
Make musical instruments
Be an architect, make an interesting dollhouse from large and small containers
Design furniture from smaller containers for your house!
Things to do with paper, gift wrap or cardboard:
Use it to cover and protect your schoolbooks
Make your own paper dolls be a fashion designer and design doll clothes
Cover the walls in your dollhouse with gift wrap for wallpaper
Use bags or newspaper particularly colorful comics, for gift wrap....
Use old gift wrap, comics or wallpaper to cover boxes or cans
Use the back side of bags or gift wrap as practice paper for painting
Other things to do:
Use old clothes to make a soft pillow bed for your pet
Make pillows for your room
Make pull string bags from pant legs or sleeves-quick and easy!
Use old rags to clean your room or paint with
Учащиеся зачитывают правила с экрана презентации.
14. Исполнение песни «Mr. President» (Lara Fabian, см. Приложение). Учащиеся выходят на сцену, 3 солиста. На экране кадры с Президентом России, учащиеся обращаются в песне к Президенту. В конце мероприятия зрителям раздаются зелёные листы с написанными правилами поведения, охране природы и окружающей среды.
- «Песня Земли», Майкл Джексон.
What about sunrise
What about rain
What about all the things
That you said we were to gain
What about killing fields
Is there a time
What about all the things
That you said was yours and mine…
Did you ever stop to notice
All the blood we’ve shed before
Did you ever stop to notice
The crying Earth the weeping shores?
Aaaaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaaah
What have we done to the world
Look what we’ve done
What about all the peace
That you pledge your only son
What about flowering fields
Is there a time
What about all the dreams
That you said was yours and mine…
Did you ever stop to notice
All the children dead from war
Did you ever stop to notice
The crying Earth the weeping shores?
Aaaaaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaaaah
I used to dream
I used to glance beyond the stars
Now I don’t know where we are
Although I know we’ve drifted far
Aaaaaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaaaaah
Aaaaaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaaaaah
Hey, what about yesterday
(What about us)
What about the seas
(What about us)
The heavens are falling down
(What about us)
I can’t even breathe
(What about us)
What about the bleeding Earth
(What about us)
Can’t we feel its wounds
(What about us)
What about nature’s worth
(Оoo, ooo)
It’s our planet’s womb
(What about us)
What about animals
(What about it)
We’ve turned kingdoms to dust
(What about us)
What about elephants
(What about us)
Have we lost their trust
(What about us)
What about crying whales
(What about us)
We’re ravaging the seas
(What about us)
What about forest trails
(Оoo, ooo)
Burnt despite our pleas
(What about us)
What about the holy land
(What about it)
Torn apart by creed
(What about us)
What about the common man
(What about us)
Can’t we set him free
(What about us)
What about children dying
(What about us)
Can’t you hear them cry
(What about us)
Where did we go wrong
(Оoo, ooo)
Someone tell me why
(What about us)
What about babies
(What about it)
What about the days
(What about us)
What about all their joy
(What about us)
What about the man
(What about us)
What about the crying man
(What about us)
What about Abraham
(What was us)
What about death again
(ooo, ooo)
Do we give a damn
Aaaaaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaaaah
- Песня «Radioactive», (группа «Imagine Dragons»).
Radioactive (оригинал Imagine Dragons)
I'm waking up to ash and dust
I wipe my brow and sweat my rust
I'm breathing in the chemicals
I'm breaking in, shaping up
Then checking out on the prison bars
This is it the apocalypse
I'm waking up
I feel it in my bones
Enough to make my systems go
Welcome to the new age
To the new age
Welcome to the new age
To the new age
I'm radioactive
I'm radioactive
I raise my flag, don my clothes
It's a revolution I suppose
We're painted red to fit right in
I'm breaking in, shaping up
Then checking out on the prison bars
This is it, the apocalypse
I'm waking up
I feel it in my bones
Enough to make my systems go
Welcome to the new age
To the new age
Welcome to the new age
To the new age
I'm radioactive
I'm radioactive
All systems go
Sun hasn't died
Deep in my bones
Straight from inside
I'm waking up
I feel it in my bones
Enough to make my systems go
Welcome to the new age
To the new age
Welcome to the new age
To the new age
I'm radioactive
I'm radioactive
- Песня «Mr. President», Lara Fabian.
Mr. President
Мистер президент
Let’s try to make a plan
To save a children’s Earth
How can we change our minds
And stop this madness?
Today is our last chance
To keep a planet safe
Power and money
will not follow us to the grave
Hey Mr. President
How will you save your loved ones from this now?
Tell me now «Yes, we can»
«Yes, we can»
Hey Mr. president
How will you make your mother proud and safe
changing the history?
Music is all I have
To ride and hold you charmed
Will you hear every note
I say to your heart?
Tell me how can we help
To make a better day?
You know I just cannot help
Believing in what you say
Hey Mr. President
How will you save your loved ones from this now?
Tell me now «Yes, we can»
«Yes, we can»
Hey Mr. president
How will you make your mother proud and safe
changing the history?
The situation is serious
Everywhere around the planet
We need to raise all voices
We need to change all minds
Temperature’s rising
Winters are getting longer
Who cares?
Well, I do.
Maybe you do too?
It’s not for me or you
It’s for all children, our children.
Hey Mr. President
How will you save your loved ones from this now?
Tell me now «Yes, we can»
«Yes, we can»
Hey Mr. president
How will you make your mother proud and safe?
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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Внеклассное мероприятия стихи английский фольклер в переводе Маршака С.Я. ...

Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку для 5-ых классов «Ты хорошо знаешь английский язык?» “Do you know English well?
Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку для 5-ых классов «Ты хорошо знаешь английский язык?» “Do you know English well?...