Разработка урока "How to make friends"
план-конспект занятия (10 класс) на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
Разработка урока английского языка в 10 классе по учебнику «Happy English.ru» авторов К.И. Кауфман, М.Ю.Кауфман для общеобразовательных школ.
Автор разработки урока: Кенден Айлана Дарыжыковна, учитель английского языка МБОУ СОШ №2 им.Т.Б.Куулар Кызылского кожууна, 1 категория.
Тема: «How to make friends?»
Цель: Обобщение изученного материала по теме «How to make friends?», развитие навыков аудирования, совершенствование навыков устной речи, воспитание чувства толерантности.
Оборудование: Мультимедийное оборудование, карточки с заданиями.
Ход урока.
T: Good morning children. Take your seats, please. I hope you are fine today.
Let’s begin our lesson. Look at the board and match the parts of the proverbs and then find the best translations. (Слайд 1)
- A friend in need … a) is a medicine of life.
- Money can’t … b) is a friend indeed.
- A faithful friend … c) buy friendship.
1.Друг познается в беде.
2. Дружбу за деньги не купишь.
3. Надежный друг – опора в жизни.
T: Now look at the pictures and answer my question. What are these pictures about? (Слайд 2)
S1.: About friends and friendship.
T: Yes, you are right, today we are going to talk about friendship. Look at the saying and read them aloud, please. (Слайд 3)
Let’s discuss your ideas of friendship.
What does friendship mean to you? Is it a very important thing in our life?
S1: I can’t imagine my life without friendship. My friends always help me in difficult situations.
S2: Real friends never let me down.
S3: …
T: And where do you make friends?
S4: I make friends in the street, at school, at the camp.
T: Yes, many children make friends at the camps as the main characters of our textbook, Lisa and Dima. Who can say the name of their camp?
S5: Pineland Camp.
T: Let’ s remember some facts of their camp life.
Look at the board and choose the right sentences.(Слайд 4)
1. Dima and Lisa got split up the moment they arrived.
2. They’ve taken away their mobile phones.
3. Lisa was put in the “Cherokee”.
4. Lisa’s cabin was “Mohicans”.
5. There were 3 girls in Lisa’s cabin.
6. There were 4 girls in Lisa’s cabin.
7. Lisa has had a look at the camp.
8. Lisa hasn’t had a look at the camp.
T: Right you are. As you know David gave Lisa 7 pieces of advice .Listen to them again and do the task. (Аудирование)
T: Which of these things did David advice to do and not to do to make friends at the camp.(Слайд 5)
1. to be herself;
2. to sign up for different activities;
3. to let people down;
4. to accept help from other people;
5. to wait until somebody says “hello”;
6. to join clubs;
7. to find things in common with other people;
8. to show off;
9. to try to make friends with somebody’s boyfriend
T: Well done! The next task is on the vocabulary which describe people’s character.(Слайд 6)
1. Someone who you can always believe is … .
2. Someone who always tells the truth is … .
3. Someone who is unhappy is … .
4. Someone who can make you laugh is … .
5. Someone who is there for you if you need a hand is … .
6. Someone who is always busy doing something is … .
7. Someone who bullies people is … .
8. Someone who has no secrets is … .
9. Someone who is nice and polite is … .
10. Someone who is always full of new ideas is … .
T: Look at the screen , please and using these words answer these two questions.
- What is very important for friendship?
- What is not very important for friendship?
(appearance, understanding, money, place in the society, sincerity, honesty, boy or girl, faithfulness)
T: Well, there are sheet of papers with the next task on your desks. You have 3 minutes to do it.
T: Now check yourselves. (1 point for each sentence) (Слайд 7)
1. If you are introduced to new people in Germany, you should … (shake hands)
2. Jane felt … (jealous) when her husband flirted with other women.
3. If you want to have a good career, you should be able to survive in a … (competitive) atmosphere.
4. People say that you are … (sympathetic) if you feed homeless dogs and cats.
5. I can share all my secrets only with someone … (trustworthy).
6. It was very…( mean) of my classmate to tell my best friends that I had giggled behind her back.
7. If you are an … (imaginative) person, you will always find something interesting to think about.
8. She was the only person who could … (sort out) this problem as she knew everyone in the neighbourhood
T: Now I’d like to listen to your stories about your friends. It was your homework.
T: Thank you for your interesting stories.
T: Thank you for the lesson. Your marks …. .
Write down your homework . Ex.D.p. 80 (Write your own 3-4 pieces of advice for people who wants to make friends.)
The lesson is over. Good-bye!
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