Разработка урока "Holiday-making"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме
Предлагются разные виды отдыха, способы организации свободного времени и методы предоставления материала
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Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Формирование представлений учащихся о времени и способах организации свободного времени, создание необходимых условий для максимального, адекватного, эмоционального восприятия темы. Цель урока:
1. Обучающие: Закрепление и активизация новой и изученной ранее тематической лексики в коммуникативной деятельности учащихся; Совершенствование навыков чтения, говорения, аудирования. 2. Развивающие: Развитие когнитивной активности учащихся; Расширение кругозора и жизненного опыта; Сообщение учащимся практических знаний в сфере деятельности, заявленное в теме; Развитие умения участия в к оммуникации с аргументацией своего выбора, мнения. Задачи урока
3. Воспитательные: Обучение культуре проведения отдыха. Ознакомление с культурными и страноведческими реалиями, правилами поведения и практическими знаниями по теме.
Сочетание групповой, индивидуальной и творческой деятельности. Формы обучения:
По восприятию информации: словесные, наглядные, практические. Стимулирующие: создание ситуации занимательности, успеха. Систематизирующие: обобщение и систематизация знаний. Контроля: индивидуальный и фронтальный опрос. Методы обучения:
1. Организационная часть: - постановка цели и задач. - введение в тему урока 2. Изучение нового материала : Работа с текстом: - презентация новой лексики - фонетическая отработка новой лексики - активизация речевой деятельности учащихся : составление проекта отдыха Работа с рекламой туристического агентства: - работа с новой лексикой - чтение - составление своей рекламы 3. Заключительная часть: - подведение итогов урока - домашнее задание План урока:
Today we will try to find more pretty and suitable kinds of summer holiday-making and answer the following questions : Why do people like travelling ? What does it give to them ? How to attract as many tourist as you can to our region ? Teacher : It`s spring now. And we look forward to summer, because it`s time of rest and travelling .
1 : Each group gets card which describes different kinds of holiday-making and cards with questions. Your task is : to read the text and find the answers on the questions in 1-2 sentences. But there are some new words and expressions in the text. It`s impossible to speak about holiday without them. Teacher : We`ll talk about it during our We’ll talk about it during our lesson. Our class is divided into three groups.
2. look-forward to – с нетерпением ждать 3. Holiday camp – летний лагерь 4. Modern conveniences – современные удобства 5. Wooden cabin –деревянный домик 6. Caravan- дом на колесах 7. Hire – взять на прокат 8. Youth hostel – молодежная турбаза 9. Youth hostelling – отдых молодых людей на турбазах 10. Would do -подойдут Holiday-making – проведение каникул
Listen to my reading (учитель читает слова) Dima , please read them( ученик читает слова) T : I give the Russian word and you give me the English one. And now start to read the text and find the answers on the questions.( ученики читают текст и находят ответы) Teacher :
You’d sooner make friends at a hotel, but if you want to meet lots of English people, you might like to go to a holiday camp. That doesn’t mean sleeping and eating in tents. It’s nothing like an army camp, or the kind of camp that Everest climbers live in. Holiday camps in England are permanent buildings with every modern convenience and comfort. There wooden cabins with good beds, electric light, running hot and cold water. There are large buildings – a dining hall, a large hall for dancing, a cinema, a bar, a café, rooms for games such as billiards. There is in the camp everything you want. The camp usually has its own swimming-pool and tennis courts. Some cams are large enough for a thousand people, a camp of a medium size takes about five hundred guests. A holiday camp
There is another suggestion – a caravan holiday. If you brought your car to England, you could hire quite a comfortable caravan for a few pounds a week. There are caravan camps all round the coast, and at these you can get water and other things you need. A caravan holiday wouldn’t be lonely. Every evening you’d be in a camp with lots of other people. They’re all very friendly. Of course you’d have to cook. You could see a lot of places in a month, or, if you wished, stay in one place for several days and then move to another place. A caravan holiday
There is one more way of holiday – making. It’s a walking holiday. Walking holiday are much cheaper. In England there is the Youth Hostels Association. It’s international. There are hostels all over England now and thousands of young people use them. Members of the Association get beds for night and meals very cheap. They can also take their own food to the hostels and cook in the kitchen. Here you can meet people of all classes – factory workers, office workers, shop girls, college students and many young people from European countries. Youth hostels are for people with not much money to spend. You needn’t worry about clothes if you decided to use hostels. Any old clothes would do. At a hotel you’d need to be well dressed. Walking holiday
Where can you meet a lot of English people? What kind of buildings are there in a holiday camp? What modern conveniences are there in the wooden cabins of a holiday camp? What entertainments can we find in a holiday camp? What is a caravan holiday? Why a caravan holiday wouldn`t be lonely? Do you have to cook at a caravan camp? What is the advantage of a caravan holiday? What can you say about the Youth Hostels Association? What can young people get at the hostels? Can they cook their own food there? Whom can you meet at the hostels? Teacher : Ready, please read and answer the questions
2: Teacher : I have three cards with different kinds of holidays. a holiday camp a caravan holiday a walking holiday Please take one of them.( учитель подходит к каждой группе)
Your task is to prepare the story about the kind of holiday according your cards.( ученики в течении двух минут просматривают текст снова) And now represent your stories to each other. The two other groups should find the advantages and disadvantages of each kind of holiday-making. ( ученики должны вступить в спор, доказывая , что лучше и почему. Использовать фразы: as for me, I would like to….) Teacher :
It seems to me you like how British people spend their holidays.( Попросить 3-4 учеников высказать свое мнение) Т: Подведение итогов по тексту
Let`s speak about Kaliningrad region. Kaliningrad land is rich in beautiful and attractive places for the rest. I think you like our region too. Do you like to spend your holidays in our region? Where do you prefer to spend your holidays ( ученики называют места отдыха Калининградской области) Teacher :
I agree with you Kaliningrad land is very unique place for travelling. Every day we can meet tourists from many towns of Russia and tourists from other countries in the streets of Kaliningrad. I am sure the next task will be very interesting for you. Imagine that you are three travel agencies and you arrange tours around our region. You should make up your own advertisements for your travel agencies. But before you`ll try to learn how to do it. You see the example of the advertisement . Let`s read the title and translate.( ученики читают и переводят название рекламы) Teacher :
First of all you should look through it and understand what it`s about. Be attention : there are some unknown words and expressions and then you`ll answer my questions. (ученики читают про себя). Do you have some difficulties. Please translate some expressions into Russian -include coach tours -cost £ 100 a week plus travel costs -Heathrow airport -accommodation Teacher :
Choose Our Centre And you`ll learn all these skills : fishing, climbing, sailing, swimming, horseback riding, boating and campcraft (разбивка лагеря). You`ll even learn how to bake your own bread. Our holidays include coach tours We invite children from 14-18 for 1-2 weeks Cost 100£ a week plus travel costs We meet you at the Heathrow airport and take you to our Centre. Accommodation in youth hostel. You are welcome Planning a week of actions and adventures
Answer some of my questions according to this text. What is the price? How long does it last? What activities does it include? How do holiday makers get there? It this Centre for grown-ups or children? What kind of tour is it?(actions and adventures) Does this advertisement have enough information to attract your attention? What information would you like to know about this Centre? Would you like to choose this Centre for your holiday? Why? Teacher :
I think now you can attract a lot of guests(tourists) to our amazing land. Let`s try to make your own advertisement and remember about all actions to this advertisement. Work in groups( ученики составляют рекламу по образцу) Teacher :
Now the speaker from each group represents their work to other groups. The two other groups must say if they`ll go to this tour or not and why as if you are potential tourists.( ученики представляют свои рекламы и высказывают свое мнение) Teacher :
I believe that you`ll be real travel agents. Please don`t forget about me because I enjoy travelling very much. I don`t have enough money and I think you`ll sell me a tour with discount as your former teacher. Teacher :
Оформить буклет вашего туристического центра с подробным описанием, что вы можете предложить своим клиентам (какие услуги, номера с видом на море, лес, парк, питание, плавательный бассейн, теннисные корты). Красочно оформить. Home task :
Teacher : And now answer the main questions of our lesson : Why do people like travelling? What does it give to them? How to attract as many tourists as you can to our region? (ученики отвечают на вопросы) Подведение итогов урока
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