Работа по выявлению и развитию способностей студентов
творческая работа учащихся на тему
Научная работа студента (НИР) представляет собой форму самостоятельной работы студентов, направленной на овладение навыками научно-исследовательской работы, и является важным этапом их квалификационной подготовки. Основная цель НИР – приобретение практических навыков самостоятельной исследовательской и аналитической деятельности, а также формирование научно-информационной базы для выполнения выпускной квалификационной работы.
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The Hero and the Artist George Moskalev
Konechnykh V.A.
Каменский филиал АОУ СПО РБ
«Политехнический техникум», п. Каменск
Науч. рук.Григорьева Н.П.
Life is short art is long.
My name is Valery Konechnykh. I live in Kamensk. I am the second year student of “Polytechnic College”. My future profession is a technique builder. As for my hobbies – I like to go in for sport, listen to music, computer games. I am fond of painting because of the way the artists express some human emotions, such as fear, grief, happiness, or love. And you know that some provide information about the history of the period during which they were created.
Last time I interest historical events of the Great Patriotic War. So I decided to tell you about one man who was a participant of the War.
His name is George Moskalev. Now I am 17, and as for him, he was 18 years old when he went to the front with his friends.
Relevance of the topic is War in the visual arts. Show the descendants the heroic feat of the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet people, his great love for their motherland, to his native land, to his mother, etc.
George Moskalev was born on the 10 September, in 1925 in the village of Ust-Menza, Chita region. He studied at the 1-St model school (school No. 2 in Ulan-Ude) and in the Drawing Studio of the House of culture on Batteries.
Participant of the Great Patriotic War fought in 59 of the 6th guards red banner orders of Suvorov of Kramatorsk and Bogdan Khmelnitsky Division in 176-m Guards regiment. He participated in the battles second-to-third Ukrainian fronts.
He was wounded. George Moskalev participated in fight for Romania, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia and Austria.
The forced of Danube was the most grandiose event in his fighting biography. Just so for his participation in that operation our fellow –townsman received the title of the Hero of the Soviet Union. He has also the Order of the «Red Star», the Order of «Lenin (1945) », and the Order of the «World War II degree», the Medal «For Victory over Germany» and others.
Start as a graphic artist in the 1970s, the main theme of the work artists chosen Great Patriotic War. Theme is reflected in the paintings of the «Battle of the Danube», «Break», «Dawn», «One on one» and others, just more than 300 paintings.
After the War he returned to Buryatia and entered artist l school in Irkutsk. After that he finished Moscow State Institute named Sourikov.
George Nikolayevich wrote landscapes, stills-life. Moskalev is the author of more than 70 paintings, 170 graphic arts and graphic illustrations of 10 books, including the book «Hike on Danube»(Ulan-Ude,1959). Since 1959 he was a participant during exhibitions in New Delhi, Moscow, Ulan-Ude, Vladivostok, Irkutsk, and Chita.
He was the last Hero of the Soviet Union in Buryatia, he died in 2011.
He was awarded the title of Peoples Artist of Buryatia, honored Artist of Russia
He was awarded the State Prize.
I know that one of the streets of Ulan-Ude will be named after him.
Despite the fact that the holiday is celebrated in a flamboyant way, the 9 of May is a sad day for the majority of our population. Many people have lost their loved ones and close relatives during this ruthless war. From one hand everyone is happy that the country wasn’t occupied by the fascist invaders, from the other hand everyone grieves over their loss. On this day we are grateful to our saviors, to those who sacrificed their lives for us. That’s why we try to celebrate this day with honors. Some part of younger generation doesn’t understand the importance of this event, which I think is disrespectful. In my opinion, the Victory Day is one of the greatest holidays during the year. Some of my ancestors also took part in the Great Patriotic War of 1945, and I’m proud of them.
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