Обобщающий урок по УМК Кауфман К.И. "Happy English.ru" 10 класс Йосемитский национальный парк (Yosemete National Park)
план-конспект урока (10 класс) на тему
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Предварительный просмотр:
- – Goog morning! How are you today? Are you ready for the lesson?
Ok, let` start.
- Включаю видео Йоссемитский парк (1 мин.50 сек.)
1. - Tell me please? What was the video about?
- Was it beautiful? Did you like it?
- What are we going to talk about today?
-Why do people create national parks?
2. - You know, today we have a final lesson. You have learned a lot of information and facts about Yosemete National Park, a lot of new words, geographical names, some really difficult grammar rules, such as the forms of Infinitive in active and passive voice and you also had a really complicated homework, which you had to prepare in groups. You had to prepare presentations of Yosemete National Park. You had to use the information from your textbooks and from the Internet. Today you are going to complete it all and show your knowledge. And at the final stage of the lesson you are going to put marks to each other according to the criteria, which I have prepared for you. Is it clear?
3. - First of all, let`s revise the words. (Включаю слова , упр.4, с.160)
4. - Now translate the words from Russian into English and from English into Russian. Well done, thank you.
5. -Now let`s listen to the part of the text about Yosemete National Park. Name the adjectives after the first listening and the word combinations and sentences and after the second listening. Ok?
(Включаю упр.5 с.160 с 15 секунды)- 1мин.04 сек.
-Ok, name the adjectives and adverbs please:
- Thank you. Listen one more time.
- Name the word combinations and sentences please.
The sun is warm.
The air is crisp.
The bright blue sky
Ancient mountains
A beautiful carpet of wildflowers
The unearthly beauty
- Thank you. I am sure, everyone has imagined the place and even found himself in Yosemete National Park.
6. - Now for the forms of Infinitive. Look at the table in your textbooks, page 157. As you remember, there are Simple, Progressive, Perfect and Perfect Progressive forms of Infinitive in active Voice and only Simple and Perfect Forms in Passive Voice.
-Let`s check how well you can recognize them. (Раздаю карточки по упр.8. с.166-167)). Thank you. Well done.
7. - Now is the high time to get ready for your group presentation. While you are preparing, I`m going to show our guests a beautiful video about our national park “Mari Chodra”. Don`t forget to say some words about our national beauty too. (Включаю видео про «Мари Чодра» - 2 минуты).
8. - Let`s listen to the presentations. The first group of Настя Чулкова. You are welcome. And the second group of Полина Мамаева – listen attentively and put the points according to the criteria. Thank you. The time limit is 10 minutes.
9. - And now the second group of Полина Мамаева.
You are welcome. And the same task for you.
10. - Let`s listen to your opinions about the presentations.
11. - And to make a good conclusion you have to do the last task. Write about yourself and put yourself a mark. The questions are:
- What did I know before the lesson?
- What have I learned during the lesson?
- What else would I like to learn on the topic?
You may write in Russian.
12. - Your homework is to write a mini composition. You can choose the topic you like: “What is the ideal place in the world for you?” / “What can we do to preserve the natural beauties for the future generations?”
13. - Thank you for the lesson. You may be free.
Предварительный просмотр:
These falls are famous for their mist which seems to be flowing in the air.
А) Эти водопады знамениты своей водяной пеленой, которая, кажется, развевается в воздухе.
Б) Эти водопады знамениты своей водяной пеленой, которая , кажется, развевалась в воздухе.
Half Dome was believed to have never been a complete dome.
А) Полагали, что скала Хаф-Доум никогда не была законченным куполом.
Б) Полагали, что скала Хаф-Доум не может быть законченным куполом.
He is believed to have shouted with joy when he first saw Yosemete.
А) Было известно, что он издал радостный клич, когда увидел Йосемити.
Б) Известно, что он издал радостный клич, когда увидел Йосемити.
The air is so fresh and crisp that it seems to be sparkling.
А) Воздух такой свежий и бодрящий, что, кажется, он сверкает.
Б) Воздух такой свежий и бодрящий, что он всегда сверкает.
Some of them were believed to have been more than 4000 years old when they were cut down.
А) Считалось, что некоторые из них были старше 4000 лет, когда их срубили.
Б) Считается, что некоторые из них старше 4000 лет уже срубили.
Sequoia is known to have been valued for its beauty.
А) Известно, что секвойю ценят за красоту.
Б) Известно, что секвойю ценили за красоту.
I later watched them put the cones back on the forest floor.
А) Позже я наблюдал, как они возвращали шишки на землю.
Б) Потом я видела, как они положили шишки на землю.
Предварительный просмотр:
Что я знал по теме до урока?
Что я узнал во время урока?
Что еще я хотел бы узнать по данной теме?
Что я знал по теме до урока?
Что я узнал во время урока?
Что еще я хотел бы узнать по данной теме?
Что я знал по теме до урока?
Что я узнал во время урока?
Что еще я хотел бы узнать по данной теме?
Что я знал по теме до урока?
Что я узнал во время урока?
Что еще я хотел бы узнать по данной теме?
Предварительный просмотр:
- How good was the overall presentation? (if yes – 1 point)
- Were there any good pictures ? (if yes – 1 point)
- Did the pictures help you understand the material better? (if yes – 1 point)
- Was the presentation informative enough? (if yes – 1 point)
- Were there any grammar mistakes? (if no – 1 point)
- Were there any factual mistakes? (if no – 1 point)
Примерный ответ (не повторяться с другой группой, подчеркнуть необходимое):
We liked the presentation/ We liked the presentation very much.
It was really beautiful/good/amazing/interesting.
It had/contained good/wonderful/unusual pictures.
So, it helped to understand the material better/to understand everything better.
It was informative /full of interesting information/informative enough.
There were no grammar mistakes/we didn`t notice any grammar mistakes/some grammar mistakes which didn`t spoil it.
There weren`t any factual mistakes/ we didn`t notice any factual mistakes.
So, you get…points. Our mark is excellent (если все пункты по баллу), good (если отсутствуют один или два пункта).
- How good was the overall presentation? (if yes – 1 point)
- Were there any good pictures ? (if yes – 1 point)
- Did the pictures help you understand the material better? (if yes – 1 point)
- Was the presentation informative enough? (if yes – 1 point)
- Were there any grammar mistakes? (if no – 1 point)
- Were there any factual mistakes? (if no – 1 point)
Примерный ответ (не повторяться с другой группой, подчеркнуть необходимое):
We liked the presentation/ We liked the presentation very much.
It was really beautiful/good/amazing/interesting.
It had/contained good/wonderful/unusual pictures.
So, it helped to understand the material better/to understand everything better.
It was informative /full of interesting information/informative enough.
There were no grammar mistakes/we didn`t notice any grammar mistakes/some grammar mistakes which didn`t spoil it.
There weren`t any factual mistakes/ we didn`t notice any factual mistakes.
So, you get…points. Our mark is excellent (если все пункты по баллу), good (если отсутствуют один или два пункта).
Предварительный просмотр:
Предварительный просмотр:
Yosemite National Park
- Yosemite National Park is located in the central Sierra Nevada of California, on the west coast of the USA. The park, which is managed by the National Park Service, covers an area of about 3,027 square km. Yosemite has a Mediterranean climate.
- Almost 95% of the park is protected wilderness, which home to a huge variety of animals and plants. Yosemite is world famous for its impressive granite cliffs, beautiful waterfalls, amazing glaciers, fast mountain rivers and streams.
- As revealed by archeological finds, the Yosemite Valley has been inhabited for nearly 3000 years. Many tribes visited the area to trade, including nearby Central Sierra Miwoks. John Muir's struggle against the breakdown of the subalpine meadows surrounding Yosemite Valley resulted in the creation of Yosemite National Park on October 1, 1890.
- Yosemite Valley is a magical place. Once a visitor enters, he finds himself in a dreamlike world. Yosemite Valley represents only one percent of the park area, but this is where most visitors arrive and stay. The Tunnel View is the first view of the Valley for many visitors and is extensively photographed.
- Granite domes such as Sentinel Dome and Half Dome rise 3,000 and 4,800 feet above the valley floor.
- The high country of Yosemite contains beautiful areas such as Tuolumne Meadows, Dana Meadows, the Clark Range, the Cathedral Range, and the Kuna Crest.
- Mount Lyell is the highest point in the park, standing at 13,120 ft. The Lyell Glacier is the largest glacier in Yosemite National Park and is one of the few remaining in the Sierra Nevada today.
- The park has three groves of ancient giant sequoia trees; the Mariposa Grove, the Tuolumne Grove, and the Merced Grove . This species grows larger in volume than any other and is one of the tallest and longest-lived.
- The park also contains approximately 3,200 lakes, two reservoirs, and 1,700 miles of streams. Bridal Veil Fall flows from a U-shaped hanging valley that was created by a tributary glacier.
- Yosemite is famous for its high concentration of waterfalls in a small area. Perhaps the most prominent of the Yosemite Valley waterfalls is Bridal Veil Fall. Wapama Falls in Hetch Hetchy Valley is another notable waterfall. Hundreds of ephemeral waterfalls also exist in the park.
- It’s worth pointing that campers are likely to face dangers in Yosemite National Park. For instance, ticks, mountain lions, bears, dangerous diseases, rattlesnakes, lightning and others. Therefore, all visitors of the park should respect the rules and regulations in order to enjoy the wilderness safely.
- National Park "Mari Chodra" - is one of the most beautiful parts of Russia. The total area is 36.9 thousand ha. The park is located in the south-eastern part of the Republic of Mari El. Most of the national park is covered by forests. In general, flora and fauna of the park is very rich and diverse. The park offers its visitors services, allowing exciting and diverse recreation in the nature.
- Overall, we’d like to say that Yosemite National Park is one of the most beautiful national parks of the world and we can’t compare it with our Mari Chodra. Unfortunately, environment is usually affected by people, and it's getting worse and worse every year. But what should we do to protect it? There are lots of things we can do: we could help the nature by planting some trees, change the food we eat nowadays and basically don’t throw the litter everywhere we want. If everyone could follow at least one of these things in their life, environment would be a lot better and we definitely would never have to think about the world's pollution ever again.
Sentinel Bridge & Half Dome
- Yosemite National Park is located in the central Sierra Nevada of California, on the west coast of the USA. The park covers an area of about 3,027 square km and has a Mediterranean climate.
- Almost 95% of the park is protected wilderness, which home to a huge variety of animals and plants. Yosemite is world famous for its impressive granite cliffs, waterfalls, glaciers, mountain rivers and streams.
- In early times many tribes visited the area of the future park to trade. Dr. Lafayette Bunnell gave Yosemite Valley its name among other Americans. John Muir, a young Scottish immigrant, wanted Yosemite to be preserved in its original state. Later, the park was established on October 1, 1890.
- Yosemite Valley is where most visitors arrive and stay. The Tunnel View is the first view of the Valley for many visitors and is extensively photographed.
- Granite domes rise thousands feet above the valley floor. The high country of Yosemite contains beautiful areas such as Tuolumne Meadows, the Cathedral Range, the Kuna Crest and so on.
- Lyell Glacier is the highest point in the park, standing at 13,120 ft. The park has three groves of ancient giant sequoia trees: the Mariposa Grove, the Tuolumne Grove and the Merced Grove .
- The park also contains approximately 3,200 lakes, two reservoirs, and 1,700 miles of streams. Yosemite is famous for its high concentration of waterfalls in a small area. Perhaps the most prominent of the Yosemite Valley waterfalls is Bridal Veil Fall.
- It’s worth pointing that campers are likely to face dangers in Yosemite National Park. Therefore, all visitors of the park should respect the rules and regulations in order to enjoy the wilderness safely.
- Mari Chodra National Park
- Overall, we’d like to say that Yosemite National Park is one of the most beautiful national parks of the world and we can’t compare it with our Mari Chodra.
- Unfortunately, environment is usually affected by people, and it's getting worse and worse every year. We could help the nature by planting some trees, change the food we eat nowadays and basically don’t throw the litter everywhere we want. If everyone could follow at least one of these things in their life, environment would be a lot better and we definitely would never have to think about the world's pollution.
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