Презентация Time management
презентация к уроку на тему

Олейник Ольга Александровна

Принципы тайм менеджмента - способа разумно тратить свое время, а также ставить перед собой рациональные цели и задачи. Презентация выполнена на английском языку


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Слайд 2

Time management is the technology of time organisation and allocation it efficiently. The main principle of TM is planning . The rule of 6 P: proper prior planning prevents poor performance.

Слайд 3

You should divide a difficult task into small tasks. The task tree can help you. A main task is a trunk of the tree, subtasks are the branches. You need it to make a process of the task execution easier and clearer.

Слайд 4

Remember the rule of 10/90: 10% of time that is spent planning before the task execution can save 90% of time doing it.

Слайд 5

The main secret of TM is concentration and focus . Start with the priorities and do everything consistently. If you stop doing something and return to it over and over you reduce its efficiency by 5 times. Use the law of forced efficiency : you don`t have enough time for everything but it is always enough for the most important ones.

Слайд 6

« Eat a frog » An old proverb says: if the first thing in the morning you should do is to eat a frog, your consolation may be the fact that it is worst thing that can happen to you this day. The frog is unpleasant task for you, so you should do it first to keep your positive mental attitude for the whole day without the depressing waiting.

Слайд 7

It is important to monitor your health and keep yourself in good physical shape. Your life should be full of memorable moments, there should always be time for your family and friends. The basic principle of the balance: amount of time at home and efficiency of time at work.

Слайд 8

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