схема описания картины 9 класс
методическая разработка (9 класс) на тему

схема описания картины


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Предварительный просмотр:

Name the theme of the picture. This picture is  on the subject / topic / issue of........ (entertainment; sport; hobbies; environment; shopping etc.).

Say where it was taken. It was (probably) taken inside / outside.

Say where the action is happening. In this picture the action is taking place in. (the house; the living room; the gym; the swimming pool; the theme park etc.).

Describe the background. In the background of this picture there is / are; I can see /  make out ........ (some pieces of furniture; sports equipment; some people doing shopping etc.).

Describe the foreground. In the foreground I can see........ (some children; a family; a shop assistant etc.).

Describe what the people are doing. Looking at these people I get the impression that they are ........(having dinner; watching a film; having a break; doing their homework etc.)

What the people look like. (Age / height / build / hair / eyes / nose / mouth / special features / general impression)

What the people are wearing. (Casually / formally-dressed; the description of pieces of clothes)

How the people are feeling. (Bored / annoyed / upset / sad / miserable / lonely / unhappy / depressed / confused / furious / angry / relaxed / concentrated / worried / happy / tired / interested / puzzled / confident / interested / excited / calm / pleased / thrilled / amazed)

Describe the season / weather. I think / suppose / guess it's summer spring /   winter /  autumn since

Talk about the atmosphere. The atmosphere in the picture is ........ (friendly, peaceful, relaxing, tense, busy, warm, cosy, happy etc.).

Talk about your personal attitude to the picture. How the picture makes you feel. Personally I, / As for me, / Frankly speaking, I like this picture as it is bright and colourful, full of positive emotions, etc.). Generally speaking, this picture doesn't appeal to me because ........ (this activity is not my cup of tea /  I hate doing........).

Six Words to Critique Line

Flowing (струящийся, плавный)

Delicate (тонкий, нежный)


Bold (четкий)

Thick (толстый)


Five Words to Critique Shape


Curvaceous [kɜː'veɪʃəs]  -  пышный


Angular -  угловатый

Elongated -  продолговатый, вытянутый

Three Words to Critique Movement

Dramatic   Swirling  - вихрь, бурление,

Flowing -

Six Words to Critique Colour



Subtle  -  нежный, едва уловимый

Pale - бледный

Earthy -землистый


brushstroke        мазок

masterpiece        шедевр

landscape        пейзаж; ландшафт (вид живописи и картина, изображающая пейзаж)

still life        натюрморт

city-scape/townscape        городской пейзаж

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