Внеклассное мероприятие "Happy Valentine's Day"
учебно-методический материал (9 класс) на тему
Внеклассное мероприятие знакомит обучающихся с историей возникновения праздника, его символами и обычаями. Обучающиеся принимают участие в конкурсах.
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Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку,
посвященное Дню Святого Валентина
Happy Valentine’s Day
Жаркова Л.И., учитель английского языка
МБОУ «Школа №2»
г. Семенов Нижегородская область
Цели: закрепление материала по теме «Праздники англоговорящих стран»,
поддержание интереса к изучению иностранного языка, расширение страноведческих знаний, совершенствование навыков устной речи.
Данное мероприятие разработано для обучающихся старших классов 8-11. Участвуют в мероприятии:
- 2 команды
- Жюри 3- 4 человека
- Ответственный за технику
- Ведущие (количество - по решению учителей)
Используются технические средства
Компьютер, мультимедийный проектор
Подготовительный этап:
К этому вечеру обучающиеся готовятся заранее. Каждая команда изучает материал об истории праздника и его традициях, готовят украшения классной комнаты, связанные с символами праздника (забавные рисунки, сердца, цветы – розы и незабудки), подбирается соответствующее музыкальное оформление.
Объявление о проведении вечера
A Valentine’s Day Party.
Tuesday, February 14 th , 5 p.m.
Valentine outfits reguired (red, pink or white).
No admittance without a ticket.
Fun! Games! Prizes! Food!
See you there!
Ход мероприятия.
Звучит музыка.
Ведущий: Do you like holidays? I do. Especially the old ones. There is something special about them.
Today we’d like to present you the holiday known all over the world – Valentine’s Day.
Ведущий: “I’ll be your sweetheart, if you will be mine,
all of my life I’ll be your valentine”
It’s here again, the day when boys and girls, sweethearts and lovers, husbands and wives, friends and neighbours, and even the office staff will exchange greetings of affection undying love or satirical comment.
Ведущий: These happy holiday celebrates friendship, love and romance. It’s time to let all those special people in your life know how much you like them. This is what friendship is all about. And you can probably think of others who are important to you - Moms and Dads, grandparents, sisters, friends and teachers. Valentine’s Day is a good time to tell them how you feel.
Ведущий: And the quick, slick, modern way to do it is with a Valentine card. There are all kinds, to suit all tastes, the lush satin cushions, boxed and re-ribboned, the entwined hearts, gold arrows, roses, cupids, doggerel rhymes, sick sentiment and sickly sentimentality - it’s all there. Remember that receiving valentines makes people feel good. It lets them know they are liked.
Ведущий: No one really knows the actual origin of Valentine’s Day. Many historians, however, seem to trace it to an ancient Roman Festival called Lupercalia. This was held on February 15 to honor Faunus, the god of animal life, hunting, herding, the patron of husbandry, and the guardian of the secret lore of nature. After Christianity spread, some think this pagan Festival eventually became Valentine’s Day.
Ведущий: Some people connect the celebrating of Valentine’s Day with an old English belief that birds choose their mates on February, 14. This too is possible, since spring was less than a month away. The calendar used before 1582 was slightly different from the one we use now.
Ведущий: Other experts connect Valentine’s Day with 2 saints of the early Christian church. According to one story, St. Valentine was a priest who would marry young couples against the orders of the Roman Emperor Claudius II, who believed that single young men made better soldiers. This story goes back to about A.D. 200
Ведущий: There also was another St.Valentine who was a good friend of children. Because he would not worship the gods decreed by the Roman emperor, he was put into prison. While he was imprisoned, the children that he had befriended missed him and brought him loving notes. Many of the notes expressed the thought that «absence makes the heart grow fonder». He was supposedly executed on February 14 in A.D. 270. Some people think this is why we exchange friendly and caring messages on this day.
(обучащийся читает стихотворение)
My Valentine
By Mary Catherine Parsons
I have a little valentine
That someone sent to me.
It’s pink and white
And red and blue,
And pretty as can be.
Forget – me – nots
Are round the edge,
And tiny roses, too; and
Such a lovely piece of lace,
The very palest blue.
And in the center
There’s a heart
As red as red can be!
And on it’s written
All in gold, “To you,
With love from me”
Ведущий: The ornaments that decorate valentines are symbols of love and friendship. Ornaments for early valentines were made by hand. Each had a special meaning. A fan meant “Open up your heart». A ribbon meant “You are tied up” or “You are my girl”. Lace is the same on a valentine meant “You have caught my heart in a net.” Hearts are the most common romantic symbol. Sometimes gold and silver arrows are used. These are cupid’s arrows. Roses and forget – me – nots are symbols of love too.
Ведущий: Colours were bright too. Red is the colour most often used in valentines because it is symbol of warmth and feeling. Pink is a mixture of red and white and is quite commonly used also. White is the symbol of purity. It is believed that the bridal veil have inspired the use of lace on valentines.
Ведущий: As valentines became more and more popular so did valentine parties. Today people still keep many of the old Valentine customs. Valentines are sent. Valentine parties are held.
And today we want you to take part in such a party, because it’s specially dedicated to celebrate love and friendship.
It’s time to start our competition.
Ведущий представляет членов жюри, а затем просит капитанов команд представиться и представить членов своей команды.
Activities for students.
1) A Broken Heart
Match the famous couples correctly in order to mend the broken heart
(Выполненные из картона сердца разрезаем пополам зигзагом так, чтобы совпали только две половинки. Очки даются за правильный ответ. Ассистент соединяет сердца.)
- Carmen – Don Jose
- Adam – Eva
- Lady Diana – Prince Charles
- Napoleon - Josephine
- Jonn Lenon – Joko Ono
- Tarsan – Jane
- Rhett Butler –Scarlet O’Hara
- Romeo – Jullet
- Eugene Onegin - Tatyana Larina
- Ruslan – Liudmila, etc
( На половинках можно написать вопросы о празднике и ответы. Например: Who is the goddess of love? - Aphrodite.
Who fell in love with Jullet? – Romeo. Etc.)
2) Unscramble these words (разобрать путаницу)
Use the word list on the heart to unscramble these words.
Key words:
ahters-hearts | edr - red | iferdn-friend | alce-lace |
levniaten-valentine | upcdi-cupid | rdca - card | naormce-romance |
epsnret-present | orwar-arrow | figt-girt | |
ancyd-candy | maidre-admire | vloe-love |
Команды за определенное время выполняют задание. Учитывается скорость выполнения и количество расшифрованных слов.
3) Circle the hidden words
Dog, cat, bird, friends, gift, share, candy, exchange, presents, heart, valentine (сканворд)
4) Who is the singer?
Музыкальный конкурс. Учащиеся слушают песню. Определяют исполнителя и называют песню)
5) And now let’s play a little
Who Stole My Heart
A child sits with her back to the class. Her hands are holding a paper heart behind her back. Another child is chosen to walk as quietly as he can and take the heart. He returns to his sit and puts the heart out of sight. The child in front turns around and says “Who stole my heart? Was it you…? (name a child in the class)
She has 3 guesses. If she guesses correctly, she stays in front and plays again. If she does not guess correctly, the person who stole the heart gets to go in front.
6) We’ve had a rest and now we continue our competition.
Select the word that best complete the sentences.
- Valentine’s Day is a celebration of love and (romance, decorations, parents).
- Valentines cards have messages of (affection, humorous, share).
- It is traditional to send flowers to (celebrate, spouses, dedicate) on Valentine’s Day.
- On this day people share feelings of affection with friends, family and (flowers, affection, companions).
- (Sweethearts, spouses, merchants) decorate their stores with red hearts and cupids on Valentine’s day.
- Some Valentine cards are funny; they have (loving, humorous, romance) messages.
- Lupercalia was an ancient Roman (sharing, god, festival).
7) True-Love, or Endless – Love Knot was usually a hand-drawn, hand-coloured maze, sometimes forming a pattern such as interlocking hearts. The verses written inside the complicated paths had no beginning and no end. The message could be read beginning at random from any line. They weren’t easy to make and those who received them spent a long time figuring them out. Here is the Endless-Love knot for you. Try to find 4 lines of this message.
This true love knot is from me.
My love is endless you can see.
Choose me valentine please do.
My heart is filled with love for you.
8) Portraits.
And now we want you to be attentive and observant. Look at one another and guess whose portrait it is.
(Каждая команда должна подготовить 3 портрета членов своей команды. На листе бумаги при помощи лампы нарисовать профиль лица. Вырезать силуэт, наклеить на картон).
9) And the last task
Use the code key to find the secret message
33-D | 83-H | 7-A |
77-L | 79-N | 69-T |
19-I | 56-O | 17-U |
51-S | 8-E | 26-R |
42-Y | 66-V | 2-P |
Text: I heartily hope you have a happy Valentine’s Day.
10) Выбор Валентина и Валентины
And now we must choose He and She-Valentines. Write your names on slips of paper and put them into two hats. Our captains will draw slips and tell the names. Men whose names they draw will be sweethearts for a year.
( Учащиеся пишут имена на листочках бумаги, складывают их в две шляпы (девушки и юноши). Затем выбирают себе пару сами или капитаны команд. Обмениваются символическими подарками)
Жюри подводит итоги конкурсов.
Ведущий: I think you like today’s party and have learned some of the numerous customs and traditions of the English people.
- Дзюина Е.В. Игровые уроки и внеклассные мероприятия на английском языке: 10-11 классы. – М.: ВАКО, 2007
- Тенсон И.А., Войтова Г.А. Habits and Ways in Great Britain and the United States.
- Химунина Т.Н., Н.В. Конон, И.А. Уолш В Великобритании принято так (об английских традициях). Учебное пособие для педагогических институтов и факультетов иностранного языка. – Л., Просвещение, 1975
- «Английский язык». Приложение к газете «Первое сентября» №4/8, 1993
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