Inventions That Shook the World
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Inventions That Shook the World COMPUTERS: PROS & CONS
Repeat the words after the teacher, be ready to translate them: a break-through, numerous, to remind, to stare at, to store, technology, to distract, damaging, various, to jog one’s brains, to rely on, enemy’s defenses, invaluable, cybercrime, to commit a crime, to come across, swindle Phonetic drill
Fill in the proportion with antonyms: SIMILAR DISTRACT USEFUL BREAK *** *** *** ***
There is no doubt that there are few if any businesses that don’t use computers. But along with computers, students must be taught not to totally rely on them and need to be forced to jog their own brains.
different harmful to look at smth ./ smb . for a long time with eyes widely open - a major discovery in science, medicine, technology etc. - a movement through the enemy’s defenses to keep smth . for use as needed Which of the words above is defined? Make up definitions.
The most widespread crime criminals commit using the internet is swindle. More than 7000 cybercrimes were registered in Russia in the first half of 2014. 85 % of people in Russia came across cybercrime in 2013. A German company “ Deutshe Telekom” established that Russia is the main source of cyber attacks in the world. (you may respond to the utterances using the following phrases: How horrible! (awful, rotten), How interesting! I’ve never heard about it.) Respond to the following utterances.
Feedback. Let’s draw a conclusion using the starters: While doing the tasks I felt… It was interesting to learn that… It was difficult to… I’d like to know more about…
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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Конспект метапредметного проблемно-исследовательского урока по теме "The Inventions That Shook the World"
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