Открытые уроки
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Стили музыки часть 1
Британская музыка часть 2
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Предварительный просмотр:
Открытый урок - мастер класс на тему «Стили музыки часть 1»
формирование нравственно-культурных ценностей;
cовершенствование языковой компетентности учащихся.
Учебная – систематизация, обобщение и закрепление пройденного материала. Тренировка в говорении (диалогическая и монологическая речь), умение логично излагать свои мысли, расширение словарного запаса, совершенствование техники чтения и умения пользоваться дополнительной литературой, использование компьютерных технологий.
Развивающая – учить работать в группах, в парах, развить творческий интерес и активизировать познавательный процесс учащихся.
Воспитательная – укрепление интереса к предмету, более глубокое осознание своей родной культуры, поддержать склонность ученика к творческому восприятию учебного процесса, способствовать воспитанию патриотизма.
Расширить лингвистический кругозор учащихся, развивать коммуникативные навыки учащихся по теме, увеличение словарного запаса, повышение качества знаний.
Оборудование: компьютер, магнитофон, CD диски. Презентация.
Ход урока
1. Организационный момент.
T: Good morning, children. I’m glad to see you. Today we are going to have a final talk about the music and about it's influence on our life. Music has become an important part of our lives. Let’s remember some facts about the music styles and famous musical groups and outstanding people.
2. Работа с лексикой:
Brainstorm some adjectives that come to mind when you listen to music you like or dislike.
ool – крутая,
passionate – страстная,
breathtaking – захватывающая, overwhelming – волнующая
great – великолепная,
powerful – мощная,
perfect – отличная,
brilliant – восхитительная,
pleasant – приятная,
romantic, sentimental,
catchy – легкозапоминающаяся,
Touchy – трогательная
Annoying – раздражающая,
dull – скучная,
boring – занудная,
detestable – омерзительная,
disgusting – противная
3. Совершенствование навыков чтения:
Презенация с ссылками.
Kinds of music:
4. Развитие диалогической речи.
Work out a questionnaire for the interview using the questions below.
What is your favourite sort of music?
Do the people you live with and your close friends share
the same tastes in music as you?
Where and when do you listen to music?
If you could choose one musical instrument to be able
to play brilliantly, what instrument would it be?
Do you like having background music while you are working?
How often do you go to concerts?
Do you buy records, cassettes or compact disks? If so, how often?
What usually makes you decide that you want to buy a certain record (disk, cassettes)?
Do you have one or two favourite performers (groups, orchestras) at the moment?
If so, who?
What instrument do you most like the sound of?
Do you have an ear for music?
Слайд 10
5. Речевая разминка
How can music influence people? What does music make you feel of?
Music can leave us indifferent or it can provoke powerful and complex feelings. I like music very much, because it helps me to relax when I’m tired and entertains me when I’d like to have fun. Listening to the music is an important part of my life because I can’t live a day without it.
Being free I listen to romantic or soft music; everything depends on my mood and condition. If I’m tired with work and can’t even move a finger I’d prefer listening to something calm and quiet. And when I’m full of energy I’d rather listen to passionate, breathtaking or overwhelming music. Tuneless music and foolish songs irritate me greatly. I switch off the radio quickly if I hear something cluttered (бестолковое).
Music conquers (завоевывает) our hearts and enriches the soul. It can entertain and transform our soul at the same time. Music inspires creative people to write poems draw a picture. When I listen to organ music it makes me remember a Middle Age church, because this sort of music was extremely popular among people in the Middle Ages and it was played mostly in church. Listening to classics provokes the picture of a calm and soothing (успокоительной) spring.
6. Подведение итогов:
Thank you for the nice lesson. You've worked very well today. It was real pleasure to listen to your opinions. We see that it is impossible to live without music. And now your marks for the lesson. The lesson is over. See you later!
Enjoy music!
Предварительный просмотр:
Открытый урок - мастер класс на тему «Британская музыка часть 2»
формирование нравственно-культурных ценностей;
cовершенствование языковой компетентности учащихся.
Учебная – систематизация, обобщение и закрепление пройденного материала. Тренировка в говорении (диалогическая и монологическая речь), умение логично излагать свои мысли, расширение словарного запаса, совершенствование техники чтения и умения пользоваться дополнительной литературой, использование компьютерных технологий.
Развивающая – учить работать в группах, в парах, развить творческий интерес и активизировать познавательный процесс учащихся.
Воспитательная – укрепление интереса к предмету, более глубокое осознание своей родной культуры, поддержать склонность ученика к творческому восприятию учебного процесса, способствовать воспитанию патриотизма.
Расширить лингвистический кругозор учащихся, развивать коммуникативные навыки учащихся по теме, увеличение словарного запаса, повышение качества знаний.
Оборудование: компьютер, магнитофон, CD диски. Презентация.
Ход урока
1. Организационный момент.
T: Good morning, children. I’m glad to see you. Today we are going to have a final talk about the British music. Music has become an important part of our lives. Let’s remember some about the music styles and famous musical groups and outstanding people.
2. Основной этап
By far the most popular music after 1955 was rock music, which was at first called rock and (or 'n') roll. This music had its beginnings in the blues, gospel music, and jazz-influenced vocal music popular among African American audiences after World War II.
Rock appeared in the middle of the 20-th centuries and at once entered to light dancing genres. The main feature of this musical style is a calling to a society and disagreement with the habitual settled rules. This call is shown in complex, melodious sounding, and in deep texts, often political or philosophical, and in external shape of musicians, and a manner of their behaviour on a stage. In fate electronic musical instruments, and also computer processing of a sound are usually used. The most favourite tool fate of the musician is an electroguitar. On it complex improvisations are masterly played, and the bass-guitar and drums are the important parts of performing of rock-music.
The most known rock groups and musicians.
The Beatles were the most popular band of the 60’s. The four members, John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr were all born in Liverpool, England. Their first record, “Love me do” came out on 5th October,1962. By 1964, the Beatles were famous all over the world. The Beatles became legends.
Elvis Presley was known as “The King” of rock’n roll. His first song he recorded in 1954. He sold millions of records. He appeared in 33 films. “Heartbreak Hotel” was his first hit. Elvis Presley became one of the richest singers in history.
As rock music's popularity spread around the world, virtually every nation had its own rock performers. Russian rock-groups: “Nautilus Pompilius”, “Kino”, “Aquarium” , “DDT”.
In the early decades of the 20th century the word jazz was used to mean most kinds of American popular and dance music. Since the 1920s, however, jazz has usually signified a tradition in Afro-American music that began as a folk music in the South and developed gradually into a sophisticated modern art. While classical and rock music have often borrowed features of jazz, they remain outside the jazz tradition. The jazz improviser creates and plays music simultaneously, unlike the composer who creates music at leisure and may never perform it. The improvised jazz solo may be variations on a theme, or it may consist of entirely new melodies. In either kind of solo, the player tries to create natural, flowing melodies. A solo, say jazz musicians, should “tell a little story”.
Leonid Utesov
Utesov created the jazz orchestra "Tea-jazz". During concerts the actor combined conducting with dances, singing, game on a violin and recitation.
Louis Armstrong
Armstrong was the first great jazz soloist. He played vividly dramatic cornet and trumpet solos with his Hot Five and Hot Seven from 1925 to 1928 and then with a series of big bands.
Miles Davis
There was one musician who played in almost every possible kind of bop era ensemble— Miles Davis. When Davis was 19, he became trumpeter in one of Parker's bop groups. Then Davis led one of the first cool jazz groups and began leading a quintet of hard bop musicians in the 1950s. Sometimes Davis' trumpet playing was fast and angry; often it was lonely and haunting, in echoes of the sound of Spanish folk music. Davis liked to play pieces in which the basic Patterns of harmony remained unchanging for long periods of time.
Pop or popular music is the lightest style for perception. Its purpose is to entertain and create an atmosphere of rest. Pop-singers make people feel happy. Their tunes are catching and people can relax and escape from their problems.
Jackson, Michael
In his first national television appearance, 11-year-old Michael Jackson already displayed the combination of talent and charisma that would later elevate him to superstardom. A singer, a songwriter, and a dancer, Michael Joseph Jackson was born on August 29, 1958, in Gary, Indiana, the seventh of nine children in a musical family. He was, from the age of 5, a budding member of the Jackson 5 (later The Jacksons) and was ultimately named leader of the vocal group by his older brothers. In 1972, however, he began a solo career that exploded with the 1979 album Off The Wall. Three years later he released Thriller, which became the biggest-selling solo album of all time and won an unprecedented eight Grammy awards. Jackson's popularity skyrocketed as he capitalized on the advent of music videos, showcasing his trademark dance moves in clips that accompanied the singles "Thriller," "Beat It," and "Billie Jean." Bad (1987), the long-awaited follow-up to Thriller, generated five number-one songs, including the title track, "Man in the Mirror," and "Dirty Diana." Jackson released Dangerous, featuring the hit single and video "Black or White," in 1991.
Alla Pugachova
Alla Pugachova is named as the queen of the Russian pop-music,the prima donna and even an alive legend. Alla Pugachova has got a lot of admirers.
She is not only a singer, she is a talented actress transforming each concert in a small performance. Her songs are favourite by public. Alla Pugachova makes a great contribution to development of the Russian pop-music.
Madonna Louise Ciccone
Madonna Louise Ciccone was born in Bay City in 1958, U.S. singer, actress, pop icon. She had rock songs popularized in albums including ‘Like a Virgin‘, had leading film roles in ‘Desperately Seeking Susan', ‘Shanghai Surprise', ‘Who's That Girl', ‘Dick Tracy' and documentary of Blond Ambition tour, ‘Truth or Dare'; by 1990 one of world's top-paid entertainers. The queen of show business remains popular not because of the extravagance, and owing to the present talent of the singer and an actress.
The first super popular Swedish group became a quartet “АBBA”, formed in 1970 and consisted of four persons. "ABBA" had popularity all over the world. People liked pleasant voices of singers and their fine melodies. The songs “ The Dancing queen”, “SОS”, “Knowing you, knowing me”, " Happy New Year ", “Thanks for music”, “The Winner receives all” and, certainly, "Money" are well-known and loved by everyone.
In the early 1970s, a Jamaican deejay known as Kool Herc moved to the Bronx in New York and introduced the musical innovations that developed into the popular music style known as rap. Rap acts used their music to take advantage of the political power of the spoken word. Among the earliest rap acts to make an overtly political statement was Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five. Their groundbreaking song ‘The Message' (1982) opened the door for the angry, militant rap of such performers as N.W.A. and Public Enemy, who recorded the landmark albums It Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back (1988) and Fear of a Black Planet (1990). These groups blurred the line between music and politics, using rap to speak directly of the rebellious mood of the disenfranchised.
Serious music is named classical unlike popular entertaining music. Classical music is opera, ballet, symphony, oratorios, cantatas, concerts, plays and other pieces of music. They are performed by singers, by the symphonic orchestras, some musical instruments (a violin, a violoncello, a piano, a harpsichord, a flute, a horn and others). A lot of people are very fond of classical music. It is quite natural that concerts of the leading symphony orchestras are very popular.
Ludwig van Beethoven (1770–1827), one of the world’s greatest composers, was born in Germany. At the peak of his career, he began to lose his hearing.
But it didn’t interfere with his ability to compose. He wrote one of his most powerful compositions – the Ninth Symphony – after he became completely deaf. The impression of the symphony is unforgettable. The power and inspiration of his music captivated many of the audience.
Sergei Rachmaninoff (1873–1943) was an outstanding Russian composer and pianist. In 1917, he emigrated to the USA. His greatest compositions are the Prelude, the Second and Third Piano Concertos, and the Rhapsody on the Theme of Paganini. He became famous with audiences around the world for his piano performances.
Name – Country
Germany and Italy overwhelmed the world with its musical power. Their music is performed all over the world.
Bach – Germany , Rossini – Italy, Wagner – Germany, Verdi – Italy, Tchaikovsky – Russia, Glinka – Russia, Schubert – Austria, Chopin – Poland, Mozart – Austria, Callas – the most exciting opera singer in Greek.
Сountry music is an American art form that gained worldwide appeal after World War II. Originally known as hillbilly or mountain music, country music grew from the folk music that was brought to North America by Anglo-Celtic settlers in the 1700s and 1800s. The music changed as it came in contact with ethnic music –Acadian (Cajun) in Louisiana, Latin in the Southwest, African throughout much of the South. It has many sources: traditional ballads, cowboy songs, Mexican music and the like.
Sergey Sadov plays the unusual instrument with two signature stamps. He can often be met on Arbat which the most musical Moscow street is.
Traditionally country musicians have been most proficient on stringed instruments. The violin was the most popular instrument on the frontier because of its easy portability. The banjo was adapted from the African American culture, and the five-string model is now universally popular among performers of the style known as bluegrass. The guitar has long been a staple of country music bands and singers. String bass and Hawaiian guitar have been used since the 1920s, and their modern descendants are the electric bass and the pedal steel guitar. Drums, pianos, and electrified instruments, used as early as the 1930s by Western swing bands, are heard on country recordings from the 1950s.
Promenade is a concert where people are allowed to stand and walk around. Sir Henry Wood invented promenades to make classical music more popular and to encourage young people to get to know the great masters of the classical repertoire. Proms are often held in the Barbican Hall in London. Their programs are varied.
Music that is enjoyed by the largest possible audiences is called popular music. Many kinds – country music, folk music, rhythm and blues, musical comedy, jazz, marches, ragtime, and other idioms – were popular in the 20th century. In general, popular music is the product of an industry devoted entirely to its manufacture and sale.
Classical music is very beautiful. It improves my mood. It makes me to see the world around me in a new way. When I listen to it, I imagine wonderful pictures in my mind. This music mesmerized (зачаровала) me by its beauty.
3. Подведение итогов:
Thank you for the nice lesson. You've worked very well today. It was real pleasure to listen to your opinions. We see that it is impossible to live without music. And now your marks for the lesson. The lesson is over. See you later!
Enjoy music!
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