Сценарий сказки
учебно-методический материал (5 класс) на тему


Сценарий сказки Три Поросенка


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Предварительный просмотр:






Big Bad Wolf


Scene 1.

(Three little pigs are sitting up under an oak-tree.)

One of the Children: Once upon a time there lived three little pigs.

Naff-Naff (standing up and coming forward); Hello, boys and girls!  I am Naff-Naff.

Children:   Hello, Naff-Naff!

Snuff-Snuff (coming up): Good morning, boys and girls! I am Snuff-Snuff.

Children:   Good morning, Snuff-Snuff. We are glad to meet you.

Niff- Niff (coming up): Good morning, boys and girls. And I am Niff-Niff.

Children:  Good morning, Niff-Niff. We are glad to meet you.

The Three Pigs (together): We are three merry little pigs.

(Dancing round the tree and singing):

Who's afraid of Big Bad Wolf,

Big Bad Wolf, Big Bad Wolf?

Who's afraid of Big Bad Wolf,


Naff-Naff: Now stop dancing and listen to me.

(Snuff-Snuff and Niff-Niff stop dancing and singing.)

Naff-Naff: Winter is coming. In winter Big Bad Wolf is very hungry. We must make a house and live there together.

Ni f f - N i f f: Oh, no! Winter is not coming. We have time to play and sing!

Snuff- Snuff:  Yes, yes, we have time to play and sing!

Naff-Naff: As you like. I shall go and make a house (goes away).

Snuff-Snuff:  I shall go and make a house, too (goes away).

Ni f f - N i f f: Then I shall go and make a house, too.

One of the Children: Niff-Niff is making a house of grass. Snuff-Snuff is making a house of sticks. And Naff-Naff is making a house of

Niff-Niff (comes dancing and singing):

I have made my house of grass.

House of grass, house of grass.

I have made my house of grass,


Snuff-Snuff (comes dancing and singing):

I have made my house of sticks.

House of sticks, house of sticks.

I have made my house of sticks,


Naff-Naff (comes with a big hammer in his hand): My house is not ready yet. I must go and finish my house of bricks. Good-bye, children.

Children:   Good-bye, Naff-Naff.

Niff-Niff and Snuff-Snuff {dancing and singing)

We aren't afraid of Big Bad Wolf,

Big Bad Wolf, Big Bad Wolf.

We aren't afraid of Big Bad Wolf,


Scene 2.

(Comes in the Wolf.)

Wolf:   My name is Wolf.

Children:   Go away. Big Bad Wolf!

Wolf:   Hush, children! I see two nice little pigs. Oh, I am very hungry!

  Ha! Ha! Ha!

 Children: Go away. Big Bad Wolf!

  One of the Children:  The Wolf runs after the two little pigs. But

  he cannot catch them. They run to their houses very quickly. Oh, here

  is the Wolf near Niff-Niff’s house.

Wolf: Ha! Ha! Niff-Niff let me in! Niff-Niff:   Oh, no, I won't!

Wolf:  I shall puff and puff and blow your house down.

One of the Children:  He blows and blows and he blows the house

down. Niff-Niff runs to Snuft-Snuf’s house. The Wolf runs after him.

Wolf:  I'll catch you, silly little pigs!

Children:   No, you won't, Big Bad Wolf!

Niff-Niff {to Snuff-Snuff): Your house is bad, too. Let's run to Naff-Naff. His house is made of bricks.

Wolf:  Snuff-Snuff let me in.

 Nif f - N i f f' and Snuff-Snuff:   Oh, no! Go away, you Big Bad Wolf!

 Wolf:  I shall puff and puff and blow your house down.

One of the Children: The Wolf blows and blows and he blows the

house down. The little pigs run to Naff-Naff’s house.

Niff-Niff:   Oh, Brother, save us!  

 Snuff-Snuff:  Big Bad Wolf wants to eat us up.

Naff-Naff:  Don't be afraid. My house is made of bricks.

Wolf:   Open the door and let me in.

All   (together): No, no! Go away.

Big Bad Wolf! Wolf:  Then I shall puff and puff and blow your house down.

One of the Children:  The Wolf blows and blows but cannot blow the house down. Naff-Naff opens the window and knocks the wolf on the head with a big stick.

(All the “pigs” and the children form a circle and begin to dance and sing)

We aren’t afraid of Big Bad Wolf,

Big Bad Wolf, Big Bad Wolf!

We aren’t afraid of Big Bad Wolf,


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