Сценарий сказки "Теремок" для 2 класса
методическая разработка по английскому языку по теме
Подготовка к представлению не занимает много времени, так как сказка поставлена на полностью изученном материале. Костюмирование и музыкальное оформление ЖЕЛАТЕЛЬНО.
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Действующие лица:
Автор, мышка, лягушка, кошка, собака, петух, курочка, поросенок, зайчик, лисичка, волк, медведь.
- Author: Here is a house in the wood
A mouse is running through the wood
She stops at the door, she knocks at the door
A mouse: What a nice house! Who lives in the house? Nobody lives in the house. Now it’s my house!
(Зашла мышка в теремок и поет песенку):
I am a mouse,
I live in the house
I am a mouse,
I have a nice house!
- Author: Here is a house in the wood
A frog is running through the wood
She stops at the door, she knocks at the door
A frog: What a nice house! Who lives in the house?
A mouse: I am a mouse, I live in the house. I can run and sing. And who are you?
A frog: I am a frog. I am green. I can jump and skip. May I live in your house?
A mouse: You are very nice. Come in. Let’s live together.
(Зашла лягушка в теремок и стали они вместе петь):
One and two,
I and you,
One and two,
Who are you?
- Author: Here is a house in the wood
A cat is running through the wood
She stops at the door, she knocks at the door
A cat: What a nice house! Who lives in the house?
A mouse: I am a mouse
A frog: I am a frog
All: And who are you?
A cat: I am a cat. I have no flat. I went to town to buy a hat. I can climb and sing. May I live with you?
All: You are very nice. Come in. Let’s live together.
(Зашла кошка в теремок и стали они вместе петь):
Clap, clap, clap your hands
Clap your hands together,
Smile, smile at your friends,
Let us smile together!
- Author: Here is a house in the wood
A dog is running through the wood
He stops at the door, He knocks at the door
A dog: What a nice house! Who lives in the house?
A mouse: I am a mouse
A frog: I am a frog
A cat: I am a cat.
All: And who are you?
A dog:
I am a dog,
My name is Jack,
My coat is white,
My nose is black.
A cat: Can you read? (показывает карточки со словами)
A dog: Yes, I can. (читает громко)
All: You are very nice. Come in. Let’s live together.
- Author: Here is a house in the wood
A cock is running through the wood
He stops at the door, He knocks at the door
A cock: What a nice house! Who lives in the house?
A mouse: I am a mouse
A frog: I am a frog
A cat: I am a cat.
A dog: I am a dog
All: And who are you?
A cock: I am a cock, I have a clock. I can fly and sing. May I live with you?
A dog: Can you count?
A cock: Yes, I can. (Считает до 10, показывает зрителям карточки с цифрами - они называют их)
All: You are very nice. Come in. Let’s live together.
- Author: Here is a house in the wood
A hen is running through the wood
She stops at the door, she knocks at the door
A hen: What a nice house! Who lives in the house?
A mouse: I am a mouse
A frog: I am a frog
A cat: I am a cat.
A dog: I am a dog
A cock: I am a cock. And who are you?
A hen: I am a hen. My name is Pam. I can write, I have a pen. (Показывает всем свою ручку). May I live with you?
All: You are very nice. Come in. Let’s live together.
- Author: Here is a house in the wood
A pig is running through the wood
She stops at the door, she knocks at the door
A pig: What a nice house! Who lives in the house?
A mouse: I am a mouse
A frog: I am a frog
A cat: I am a cat.
A dog: I am a dog
A cock: I am a cock.
A hen: I am a hen. And who are you?
A pig: I am a pig. My name is Naff-Naff. I am pink. I have two brothers Nuff-Nuff and Niff- Niff. I can swim and ride a bicycle. May I live with you?
All: You are very nice. Come in. Let’s live together.
- Author: Here is a house in the wood
A hare is running through the wood
He stops at the door, he knocks at the door
A hare: What a nice house! Who lives in the house?
A mouse: I am a mouse
A frog: I am a frog
A cat: I am a cat.
A dog: I am a dog
A cock: I am a cock.
A hen: I am a hen.
A pig: I am a pig. And who are you?
A hare: I am a hare. I like sport. I can play football, tennis and chess. Let’s do some exercises! (Все делают зарядку)
Hands up, hands down,
Hands on hips, sit down.
Stand up. Hands to the sides:
Bend left, bend right.
Hands on hips
One, two, three – hop!
One, two, three – stop!
Stand still!
All: You are very nice. Come in. Let’s live together.
- Author: Here is a house in the wood
A fox is running through the wood
She stops at the door, she knocks at the door
A fox: What a nice house! Who lives in the house?
A mouse: I am a mouse
A frog: I am a frog
A cat: I am a cat.
A dog: I am a dog
A cock: I am a cock.
A hen: I am a hen.
A pig: I am a pig.
A hare: I am a hare. And who are you?
A fox: I am a fox, I have a box. I am very kind. I am not cunning. I don’t eat hens, cocks and pigs. I like fruit. May I live with you?
A dog: Can you dance?
A fox: Yes, I can. Let’s dance together! (Все танцуют)
All: You are very nice. Come in. Let’s live together.
- Author: Here is a house in the wood
A wolf is running through the wood
He stops at the door, he knocks at the door
A wolf: What a nice house! Who lives in the house?
A mouse: I am a mouse
A frog: I am a frog
A cat: I am a cat.
A dog: I am a dog
A cock: I am a cock.
A hen: I am a hen.
A pig: I am a pig.
A hare: I am a hare.
A fox: I am a fox. And who are you?
A wolf: I am a wolf. I am grey. I am not ugly and cruel. I am brave and strong. I can recite poems:
I like to jump
I like to run
I like to play
It’s fun!
All: You are very nice. Come in. Let’s live together.
- Author: Here is a house in the wood
A bear is running through the wood
He stops at the door, he knocks at the door
A bear: What a nice house! Who lives in the house?
A mouse: I am a mouse
A frog: I am a frog
A cat: I am a cat.
A dog: I am a dog
A cock: I am a cock.
A hen: I am a hen.
A pig: I am a pig.
A hare: I am a hare.
A fox: I am a fox.
A wolf: I am a wolf. And who are you?
A bear: I am a bear; I am big and very strong. I like honey. I like music. May I live with you?
All: You are too big and the house is too small. But you are nice. Let’s build a new beautiful house and live together!
A bear: Thank you! I can sing and dance too. Let’s sing the song “The more we are together”!
(все поют песню, взявшись за руки)
The more we are together,
Together, together,
The more we are together,
The happier we are.
For my friend is your friend
And your friend is my friend
The more we are together,
The happier we are!
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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