Сценарий постановки "Маленькие Женщины" по произведению Луизы Мэй Олкотт
методическая разработка (7 класс) на тему
Сценарий постановки "Маленькие женщины"был создан на основе произведения известной американской писательницы Луизы Мэй Олкотт, может быть использована в качестве внеклассного мероприятия к празднику Рождества в англоязычных странах, а так же во время предметной декады или недели
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Предварительный просмотр:
Луиза Мэй Олкотт «Маленькие женщины»
Сценарий для постановки к Рождеству в Великобритании
Обучающиеся 5-7 классов
(The kitchen in a small house? Four girls are sitting and decided how to celebrate Christmas. The father of the girls is out, he works in the other country. The family is rather poor.)
Hello! I am Margaret. They call me Mag. I am 16. I am the eldest sister in my family. I teach small children in the family of our friends. I get some money and help my family. I am going to be a teacher.
My name is Josephine. They call me Jo. I am 15. I can and like to write stories and I am going to be a writer. I look after the old woman, Help her in the house and I get some money for it.
My name is Elizabeth. They call me Betty. I am 13.I like music. I play piano. I want to teach music. I help my mother about the house a lot.
My name is Amelia. They call me Amy. I am 12. I go to school but I don’t like it. I like drawing very much. I want to be an artist. I help my family too.
Meg- Soon it is Christmas.
Jo-Oh, yes, Christmas is coming.
Betty - How nice!
Amy -WE ll get presents.
M- What will we give Mummy for Christmas?
A- I know, I know !
Meg- Don’t cry, Amy ! Any ideas, girls?
B – I want to give Mum new shoes.
M- Oh, no! I will give new shoes to mum. I am the eldest, I take the place of the man in the family.
Jo- I will give Mummy new gloves!
B- I have some handkerchiefs , I present them to mum.
- I have a dollar, I am going to buy a bottle of scent.
(The 25th of December, the evening, all are in the living room. There is a nicely decorated fir-tree in the middle of the room. The girls are waiting for their mother.)
A-Mum is coming! Mum is coming
Mother-It is 11 o clock!
- Christmas is coming! Christmas is coming! We are happy
Mother- Pull yourselves, girls. Let s work!
M- Mum I have bought a new cloth. Let s put it on the table.
Mother- Good for you
Meg! I have bought a turkey for Christmas.
- We like a turkey for Christmas with gooseberry. It is tasty.
M- I have made Christmas pudding, I have put a coin here.
Amy- I like it.
- I have made a tasty salad! I think you will like it.
- What will we drink?
Mother- I have bought orange juice! Put sweets on the table.
- My favorite orange juice and sweets.
- -Let s put some candles on the table.
Mother-Girls, don’t forget about haggis, tasty haggis. Amy, bring our best plates and cups
M- Mum I want to put a branch of fir-tree! How nice it is!
Mother-Our table is ready. What time is it?
M-It is high time to celebrate Christmas
All together Merry Christmas!
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