Учебно-методическое пособие по английскому языку для специальности 39.02.01 Социальная работа
учебно-методическое пособие по английскому языку по теме
Учебно-методическое пособие по английскому языку для специальности 39.02.01 Социальная работа. Данное учебно-методическое пособие предназначено для преподавателей и студентов специальности 39.02.01 Социальная работа учреждений среднего профессионального образования для изучения профессионального модуля дисциплины «Иностранный язык» (английский). Пособие может быть использовано для изучения английского языка студентами, обучающихся по укрупненной группе специальностей 39.00.00 СОЦИОЛОГИЯ И СОЦИАЛЬНАЯ РАБОТА.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Министерство образования и науки администрации Амурской области
«Амурский педагогический колледж»
Учебно-методическое пособие
по английскому языку
для специальности 39.02.01 Социальная работа
Составитель: Коновалова Лариса Борисовна, преподаватель иностранного языка
высшей квалификационной категории
Данное учебно-методическое пособие предназначено для преподавателей и студентов специальности 39.02.01 Социальная работа профессиональных образовательных организаций для изучения профессионального модуля дисциплины «Иностранный язык» (английский). Пособие рассчитано на 80 часов аудиторной работы и представляет собой ряд текстов и лексико-грамматических упражнений к ним. Все упражнения носят послетекстовый характер и их выполнение направлено как на проверку понимания прочитанного, так и на формирование речевых навыков по изучаемой теме.
Тексты представляют повышенный уровень сложности как в содержательном, так и лексическом плане. В пособие включены темы, непосредственно связанные с выбранной специальностью и отражающие профессиональную компетенцию будущих специалистов по социальной работе: основные вопросы социологии как науки, роль семьи и женщины в современном обществе, проблемы занятости и безработицы, здоровье как высшая ценность, сущность социальной работы, знания, умения и навыки специалиста по социальной работе, права человека. В заданиях предусмотрены не просто ответы на вопросы, но и их аргументация; толкование специальных терминов на изучаемом языке.
Работу по данному пособию рекомендуется начинать с введения тематической лексики. Дальнейшую работу над текстами и выполнение упражнений преподаватель строит по своему усмотрению. Завершать работу над изучением данной темы целесообразно выполнением лексико-грамматического теста.
Настоящее пособие может быть рекомендовано для специальностей укрупненной группы «Социальные науки» образовательных организаций среднего профессионального образования.
Пособие может быть также использовано преподавателями английского языка учреждений среднего профессионального образования непедагогического профиля и студентами, обучающихся по укрупненной группе специальностей 39.00.00 СОЦИОЛОГИЯ И СОЦИАЛЬНАЯ РАБОТА.
Unit 1
What is Sociology?
Exercise 1. Before reading the text, find in the dictionary words and phrases:
Suggest, suggestion, remain, urge, identify, contribute, volume, decade, suicide, prove, lead, expansion, rapid, cause, behaviour, response, related, relation, primary, subject matter, connection, concern, exclusively, intangible, affection, illegal, society, activity, survey, share, equally.
Exercise 2. Transcribe the following words:
Philosopher, sociology, sociologist, suicide, census, specialty, behaviour, science, primary, discipline, psychology, anthropology, psychologist, intangible, specialize, society, historian, equally.
Text 1. Sociology
The name sociology was first suggested in the 1830s by the French philosopher Auguste Comte, but for many years it remained only a suggestion. Comte urged others to study sociology. It was not until late in the 19th century that we can identify people who called themselves sociologists and whose work contributed to the development of the field. Among these were Herbert Spencer in England who published the first of his three-volume “Principles of Sociology” in 1876 and Ferdinand Tonnies in Germany. A decade later, Emile Durkheim published “Suicide.’
The first sociologists studied moral statistics. Their work proved so popular that it led to the rapid expansion of census questions. However, sociology as an academic specialty was imported from Germany. The progressive uncovering of social causes of individual behaviour- in response to the questions raised by moral statistics- produced the field called sociology. Sociology is one of the related fields known as the social sciences. They share the same subject matter: human behaviour. But sociology is the study of social relations, and its primary subject matter is the group, not the individual.
There is a close connection between sociology and other disciplines such as psychology, economy, anthropology, criminology, political science, and history. But sociologists differ, for example, from psychologists because they are not concerned exclusively with the individual, they are interested in what goes on between people. They differ from economists by being less interested in commercial exchanges; they are interested in the exchange of intangibles such as love and affection.
Sociologists differ from anthropologists primarily because the latter special-ize in the study of preliterate and primitive human groups, while sociologists are interested in modern industrial societies. Criminologists specialize in illegal behaviour, while sociologists are concerned with the whole range of human behaviour. Similarly, political scientists focus on political organization and activity, while sociologists survey all social organizations. Finally, sociologists share with historians an interest in the past but they are equally interested in the present and the future.
Упражнение 3. Вставьте в предложения пропущенные слова из предложенного ниже списка. Предложения переведите.
Society, suggestion, develop, cause, relation, to share, response, published.
1. The company is spending $ 650 million to ……. new products.
2. She thinks that literature has no………………….to reality.
3. This book was first …………… in 1889. It is about the role of women in Western…………………..
4. His comments met with an negative ………. from the participants.
5. There is only one copy left, so we’ll have to…………………
6. Nobody knew the………….. of his death.
7. I made a few ……………..about how we could spend the afternoon.
Exercise 4. Answer the questions.
- When was the name “sociology” first suggested?
- Who were the first sociologists?
- Who published “Principles of Sociology”?
- What did the first sociologists study?
- What does sociology study?
- What other disciplines is sociology connected with?
- How do they differ?
Text 2 . Generating Data in Sociology
Sociologists have two sources of data available to them: data and information they have generated themselves (primary data), or already existing data created for non- sociological purposes(secondary data.) Primary data can result from, for example, the employment of questionnaires, structured, semi-structured and un-structured interviews; and observation techniques.
Secondary data can be more or less anything else: statistics produced by the state (for example, from the census) and by the private companies, letters, diaries, newspapers, books, television and so on.
Some research can only be carried out by using secondary source data: for example, Durkheim’s study of suicide in Europe required him to compare suicide rates in Catholic as compared with Protestant countries and it would have been impossible for him to collect this information personally.
Secondary source data, however , have many disadvantages: it is not usually possible to check whether they are accurate, whether they have been collected or collated in a biased way, in order to present a particular point of view, or whether apparently comparable figures really are comparable for example, Durkheim’s study of suicide in the 19th century has been criticized because different countries have different definitions of what constitutes ” a suicide”.
Some statistics are particularly suspect. For example, crime figures may over-represent certain social groups as criminal, because “white collar” crime is less likely than ‘’ blue collar” to be reported or discovered.
Secondary sources cannot replace feelings and emotions expressed when the social scientist collects information directly for himself or herself , and these may be important ingredients in social science research.
Exercise 1. Find in the text the English for:
Источники данных, доступный, вырабатывать, существующий, создавать, цель, первичные данные, занятость, опрос, техника наблюдения, вторичные данные, дневник, исследование, проводить, требовать, сравнивать, уровень суицида, невозможно, недостаток, проверять, точный, точка зрения, цифры преступлений, преступник, заменять.
Exercise 2. Вставьте в нужной форме слова из предложенного ниже списка. Полученные предложения переведите на русский язык.
Observe, exist, carry out, require, compare, rate.
1. No one can ………………….. without water for more than two weeks.
2. The role of scientists (ученых) is to …………… and describe the world, not to try to control it.
3. Please telephone this number if you…………… any further information.
4. The growth ………….. of the country’s economy was 3% last year.
5. This TV set is very expensive- have you ….….. prices in other shops?
6. My friend ….. currently ……… ……… research on early Christian art.
Exercise 3. Paraphrase , using the words from the text.
- Secondary source data, however , have many bad points.
- It is not usually possible to test whether they are accurate.
- Secondary sources cannot replace feelings and emotions expressed when the social scientist gather information directly for himself or herself.
- Sociologists have two sources of information available to them.
Exercise 4. Answer the questions on the text.
- What sources of data available to sociologists?
- What is primary data?
- What is secondary data?
- Why do secondary source data have many disadvantages?
- Why are some statistics particularly suspect?
Text 3 . How Cultures Change
Cultures change over time. Sometimes the change occurs so slowly and gradually that it is hard to notice it happening. At other times it is rapid or sudden. A number of Western cultures, including that of the United States, experienced rapid cultural changes in the late1960s, with the beginning of a mass youth culture. The youth challenged many of the values of their parents. This was expressed in radical changes in behaviour, dress, and music.
Variation within a culture is one of the factors that leads to change in the culture over time. A difference in values and behaviours may then be gradually taken up by other groups. In the case of youth culture , the values of that generation may become dominant over time as the group grows and takes power in the society.
The introduction of new technologies is also a major factor in cultural change. You can probably imagine some of the possible changes in behaviour that might happen when television or the telephone are introduced into a community for the first time. If we return to the distinction between material and nonmaterial culture, we can see that changes in the material aspects of a society can bring about changes in norms, behaviours, and values.
Cultural change also occurs when different cultures come into contact with one another, and then borrow from each other. They may exchange ideas, such as religious beliefs, or material artifacts, such as food or clothing. Often when these imported elements are added to the existing culture, they are altered in some way to fit in better with the local culture. For example, the popular Italian food, spaghetti, is said to have had its origins in Chinese noodles, which were brought back to Italy from China by the Italian adventurer, Marco Polo in the late 12th century. Much later, in the early 20th century, spaghetti made its way into the American diet with the arrival of Italian immigrants to the United States.
Exercise 1. Find in the text the English for:
Происходить, постепенно, быстро, внезапно, бросать вызов, ценности, поколение, власть, введение, представлять, различие, заимствовать, религиозная вера, существующий, местный, происхождение, приключение, прибытие.
Exercise 2. Insert the words from the list below. Translate the sentences into Russian.
To occur, gradual, to experience, value, generation, borrow, add
1. He’s well-known in the local …………..
2. In the USA the younger …….. smokes less than their parents did.
3. These documents are of great historical………………..
4. Could I ………………. your pen?
5. Everyone learns best from his own …………...
6. It’s a process of ……………… development.
7. If any of these symptoms ………….. while you are taking the medicine(лекарство), consult your doctor.
Exercise 3. Paraphrase the sentences, using the synonyms.
- Sometimes the change happen so slowly and gradually that it is difficult to notice it.
- Cultural change also takes place when different cultures interact with one another.
- Difference within a culture is one of the factors that leads to change in the culture over time.
- Often when these imported elements are added to the existing culture, they are changed to fit in better with the local culture.
Exercise 4. Answer the questions.
- Why did cultures change so rapidly in Western countries?
- What factor leads to change in the culture over time?
- How do new technologies change culture?
- How do cultures contact with one another?
- Give examples of cultural interaction.
Text 4. Subcultures
Culture is complex. We do not just belong to a single cultural group. Most of us belong to many. Each of these has its own values, beliefs, and behaviours. Sometimes the values, beliefs, and behaviours of one group conflict with those of another. A subculture is the culture of one group within a society. Subcultures are part of a larger culture but they differ from that larger culture in certain ways. For instance, they might differ in behaviours, language, religion, values, or norms.
Subcultures include various racial, religious, age, and economic groups. Belonging to more than one subculture can create some of the personal conflicts we face daily. A common example for young people is when the values of the youth subculture conflict with the values of another (for example, racial, religious, or economic) subculture.
The youth subculture is one of the largest subcultures in the United States today, and while it is recognizable subculture, it also represents many different influences. Within it we find distinct groups that are sometimes referred to as ‘tribes.‘ Sociologists suggest that teenagers have always been attracted to tribes as a way of expressing identity. What is interesting about the current youth subculture and its tribes, is that it is the first generation of youth to belong to global tribes; that is, the common features between members of these tribes have crossed national boundaries and have become global. A report based on interviews with 10,000 teenagers around the world found that teenagers from countries as different as China, India, Canada, and Costa Rica share common subcultures, based on globally broadcast television shows, movies, international pop music stars, video games, and international sporting heroes. This generation of youth is the first to really experience the global village. They are growing up with technology that keeps them in touch with global influences, in terms of clothing, music, attitudes, and activities.
Exercise 1. Find in the text the English for:
Принадлежать, единственный, ценность, убеждение, определенный способ, включать, создавать, сталкиваться, общий, распознаваемый, представлять, влияние, определенный (отличный), считать (относить к), племя, привлекать, выражать себя, текущий (настоящий, современный), поколение, общая черта, пересекать границы, доклад, делить, общий, вещание, опыт, поддерживать связь.
Exercise 2. Fill in the blanks with words and combinations from exercise 1.
- We do not just …… to a single cultural group.
- They might differ in ……., language, religion, ……., or norms.
- Most of us have our own values, ……., and behaviours.
- We find ……. groups that are sometimes …… to as ‘tribes’.
- Sociologists suggest that teenagers were always ... to tribes as a way of expressing ... .
- Subcultures ……. various racial, religious, age, and economic groups.
Exercise 3. Correct false statements.
- All people belong to a single cultural group.
- A subculture is the culture of many groups within a society.
- Subcultures include various professional, cultural, age, and economic groups.
- The youth subculture is one of the smallest subcultures in the world today.
- Sociologists suggest that teenagers were always attracted to tribes as a way of getting some knowledge.
- The common features between members of these tribes have become national.
Exercise 4. Answer the questions.
- What is a subculture?
- Can subcultures be different? How?
- What groups do subcultures include?
- What are ‘tribes’?
- Why are teenagers attracted to tribes?
- How different are subcultures in various countries?
Unit 2.
Women and Family in Modern Society
Text 1. Family Roles
We use the term ‘sex’ to denote physical differences between males and females; ‘gender’ is used to describe differences in behaviour, attitudes or roles. There have been marked changes in gender behaviour over the last 100 years.
Although the mother of the modern nuclear family rears her family in a far shorter time than was usually the case in her grandmother’s day, many pressures on her have increased. Families which in the past may have had a maid, a cook, a chauffeur and a governess now may have the mother taking on all these functions or roles. In working class families the mother may be cut off from the companionship and help of her own mother and her other relatives. Both kinds of mother often stay at home with their babies while their husbands are at work. The modern mum will probably be spending some time at work once the children are old enough to go to school. Indeed, in 1978, for the first time, more than 50 per cent of all married women in Great Britain had a job outside the home; this figure rose to 59 per cent by 1985(27 per cent full –time and 32 per cent part - time). Increasingly, even women with children under five are working (25 per cent in 1984, 40 per cent in 1989).
The father’s role has also changed dramatically as he is becoming more home - centered. The fierce Victorian father of popular imagination is becoming a thing of the past, and the modern dad is more likely to be in the kitchen or changing the baby’s nappies than wielding his belt at his children or dominating his cowering wife. The father in a family has an important role to play in the rearing of the children and a recent study shows that in the United States the father on average takes part in more activities with his sons than his wife does. The increasing importance of the father in the home is just one change that is taking place in British families.
Exercise 1. Find in the text the English for: выражать (обозначать), мужчина, женщина, описывать, отношение, нуклеарная семья, обзавестись семьей, давление, возрастать, горничная, гувернантка, отрезать, родственники, вне дома, суровый, менять пеленки, пороть ремнем, недавний, в среднем.
Exercise 2. Insert the words and translate the sentences.
Attitude, to rear, to increase, relative, average, recent, to denote, importance.
1. Crime rate has ……………………… by three per cent in the past year.
2. The ……….. child spends about ten hours a week watching television.
3. They talked about her ………... trip to America.
4. The red colour is often used to ……………… danger(опасность).
5. It’s a matter of great …………………. to a lot of people.
6. I don’t like your …………..towards your younger brother.
7. She decided to …………….her child alone.
8. His wife went to visit some of her………………… for a few day.
Exercise 3. Paraphrase the sentences, using the words from ex. 1.
- We use the term ‘sex’ to denote physical differences between men and women.
- The mother of the modern nuclear family gets married in a far shorter time than was usually the case in her grandmother’s day.
- The father’s role has also altered dramatically as he is becoming more family – oriented.
- The increasing role of the father in the home is just one change that occurs in British families
Exercise 4. Find in the text the sentences with:
- The Present Perfect Tense.
- The Present (Future, Past) Continious Tense.
- The Infinitive (detect its function).
- Passive Voice.
Exercise 5. Prove that:
- SEX and GENDER are different terms.
- Families of the past differ from modern families.
- Father’s role in modern family changed very much.
- More and more married women with small children start working.
Text 2. The Modern Family
In the modern family both husband and wife are much more important to each other as individuals than before and this increases the stress on them. They are more likely to spend most of their leisure time together, take an equal part in disciplining the children, deciding family finances and looking after the home. Children are, too, more likely to be involved in decision making, but are more likely to be dependent on their parents for a longer period.
Some terms used by sociologists to describe families are:
• Patriarchy: a group(e.g. a family or society) which is ruled by a man, for example the father of a family.
• Matriarchy: a group ruled by a woman.
• Egalitarian, companionate and symmetrical are terms used to denote a family pattern in which husband and wife appear to be more equal, to be companions as well as spouses, and to have similar roles.
• Segregated is used to describe a pattern in which husband and wife have clearly separate roles, perhaps spending most of their leisure time with friends or relatives of the same sex.
Although parents may seem to have less power than in the past they may in fact have greater influence than ever before over their children.
Children are less likely to play outdoors as the danger from the traffic increases; trips in the family car are becoming common; examination pressure on more and more young people increases the amount of time many have to spend on home-work; television and computer games encourage children to stay at home.
The home, and therefore the parents, are becoming more and more important to the child. Certainly parents now have more time to talk to their children, show affection and take them out. Argument in many homes seems to be replacing physical punishment as a way of solving problems. The differences in outlook between parents and children are often stressed and there is said to be a ‘generation gap’; however, parents and children may have more in common than such views would suppose.
Exercise 1. Translate into English.
Увеличивать, равная часть, смотреть за домом, вовлекать, зависимый, равноправный, равный, супруги, подобный, образец, отдельный, власть, влияние, количество, поощрять, привязанность, наказание, решение проблемы, взгляд, проблема поколений, общий.
Exercise 2. Insert proper words or phrases.
To look after, decision, dependent, amount, (to be) involved, to solve, to encourage, generation.
1. The committee should make its ……………….. later this week.
2. The woman was helping her friend to………………. ……the shop.
3. This book is about several …………….. of an immigrant family.
4. The four men were all ………… in organising and carrying out the murder(убийство).
5. Our mother always ……………….us to discuss our problems .
6. All life on our planet is…………….on the sun.
7. We can help you …… your financial problems.
8. A computer can store (хранить) a great………………… of information.
Text 3. The Typical Modern Family
The modern ‘model’ family of television advertising is a husband, a wife and two children. There are several reasons why this is now the typical family:
1. People can regulate the size of their family easily if they wish.
2. The size of available housing (modern homes are on average larger than the average of a century ago, but people no longer expect to share bedrooms)
3. Many women wish to continue in employment
4. As the school- leaving age rises children cannot be sent out to work early to add to the family income.
5. The rising expectations of a good standard of living, which includes such things as living space and holidays
6. The influence of some religious objections to birth control has declined.
7. Married couples now often live away from their extended family and so there is no one available to ‘baby-sit’ and generally help out.
8. Improved standards of health mean that it is no longer necessary to have many children in order that a few may survive.
Since we now expect more from marriage and because of what some people consider is the increased stress of modern family life, marriages fail more often than they did in the past. People are also living a great deal longer, so they have to be able to put up with each other for a longer period. Shorter working hours and longer holidays also increase the amount of time married couples spent together and increase the possibility of friction.
Certainly divorce has become increasingly easy. In 1857 a divorce was only possible by means of a private act of Parliament; by 1971 anyone could obtain a divorce providing they could prove that their marriage had broken down to a point at which it would be impossible to rebuild the relationship.
Some people see more divorce as a sign of the breakdown of our present family system, but between two- thirds and three- quarters of all divorcees re-marry, so there doesn’t appear to be a general movement away from the idea of marriage and family.
Exercise 1. Find in the text the English for:
Образцовая семья, причина, регулировать размер семьи, делить спальни, продолжать работать, семейный доход, растущие ожидания, жизненное пространство, влияние, контроль рождаемости, супружеские пары, многопоколенная семья, улучшенный уровень, выживать, возрастающий стресс, распад брака, ладить (уживаться), количество времени, получить развод, невозможный, восстановить отношения, знак распада, повторно вступать в брак.
Exercise 2. Insert the words from the list below. Translate the sentences.
Space, reason, income, divorce, to obtain, to expect, available, employment
1. The police asked her the………………. for her visit.
2. Both of her marriages ended in…………………
3. After graduation (окончание университета) he found ………………… with a local finance company.
4. I was very surprised, because I didn’t..….. to see him there.
5. This dish is made with ingredients …………… in every market.
6. Average …………………. have risen by 4% over the past year.
7. Is there any……………….. for my clothes in this cupboard?
8. These books can be …………………..from the Public Library.
Text 4. The Role of a Woman in a Modern Society.
In the 17th century rich women normally were taught at home by a tutor, they were taught subjects like Latin, French, needlework and they were also taught how to look pretty and to play the piano and other instruments. When they became older their parents decided who they were going to marry and the family of the woman should pay a dowry to the parents of the husband. A rich woman wouldn't normally get a job, they could just stay at home and look after the family and tell the servants what to do. Poor women did not go to school or did not have an education; they just looked after their home, children and prepared meals or worked in fields. They didn't get paid much and had to work hard.
In the 19th century rich women were educated at home and learned pretty much the same as in the 17th century. They were learned to play the piano, speak French, entertain guests and look attractive. After 1870 it was made compulsory for all women to have an education. Girls didn't learn the same subjects as boys. Girls learnt subjects like laundry, cookery, needlework and housewifery skills. Rich women did not work, but ran their home with the help of their servants, after 1870 some women became teachers and others could work as secretaries or clerks. So, women could work but there was a condition. At that time any woman had to retire when she got married. Servants of rich women did all her domestic tasks at home. So all they needed to do at home was to look good and attractive and boss servants around. Poor women had to work as well as bringing up her children, they had to work in coal mines and factories for long hours earning little money. Until 1870 young children from poor families had to work too.
In the 20th century, when the 1st World War started, women could leave their underpaid jobs and could get jobs at a factory because all men had gone off to fight for the war, so women worked in factories, making armours for the war.
When the war was over, women had to go back to their old jobs and they didn't earn as much money as they were used to earn. Later a typewriter was invented and jobs as secretaries became available for women. Some women became teachers. Women were now aloud to vote and the first female presidents came. Some women were involved in politics.
Women started to wear different clothes, they do not wear corsets any more, they wear shorter dresses, even trousers.
The role of women has changed quite a lot. All changes that happened in the 20th century were good, because women became to be treated more equally and even more due to the processes of emancipation.
Exercise 1. Find in the text the English for:
Гувернер, рукоделие, платить выкуп, работа, слуга, развлекать гостей, выглядеть привлекательно, обязательный, стирка, кулинария, рукоделие, навыки ведения домашнего хозяйства, вести дом, условие, уволиться, домашние обязанности, воспитывать детей, командовать слугами, низкооплачиваемая работа, вооружение, зарабатывать, доступный, пишущая машинка, голосовать, президент-женщина, вовлекать, относиться к к.-л.
Exercise 2. Paraphrase underlined words and phrases.
- The role of female has altered quite a lot.
- Women started to put on various clothes, they do not wear corsets any more.
- After the war women had to return to their old work and they didn't make as much money as before.
- In the 20th century women could leave their low-paid work and could get jobs at a factory.
- In the 19th century rich women were learned at home.
- Women learned to play the piano, speak French, entertain guests and look pretty.
- Servants of rich women did all her work about the house.
Exercise 3. Find the predicate and detect their grammar forms.
- Women started to wear shorter dresses, even trousers.
- In the 17th century rich women normally were taught at home by a tutor.
- Poor women did not go to school or did not have an education.
- After 1870 it was made compulsory for all women to have an education.
- Poor women had to work as well as bringing up her children.
- In the 20th century women could leave their underpaid jobs and could get jobs at a factory.
- Later a typewriter was invented and jobs as secretaries became available for women.
Exercise 4. Answer the questions.
- What were women in the 17th and the 19th centuries taught?
- What could a rich woman do after marriage?
- Did poor women get an education? Why?
- Where could some women work after 1870s?
- When could women get jobs in factories?
- What changes happened in the 20th century with women?
Text 5. Women’s Liberation Movement
The feminist movement (also known as the Women's Movement, Women's Liberation, or Women's Lib) refers to a series of campaigns for reforms on issues such as reproductive rights, domestic violence, maternity leave, equal pay, women's suffrage, sexual harassment and sexual violence. The movement's priorities vary among nations and communities and range from opposition to female genital mutilation in one country or to the glass ceiling in another.
The movement began in the western world in the late 18th century and has gone through three waves. First-wave feminism was oriented around the station of middle or upper-class white women, and involved suffrage and political equality. Second-wave feminism attempted to further combat social and cultural inequalities. Third-wave feminism (c.1980-c.1990) (cited from Open Boundaries University text book), includes renewed campaigning for women’s greater influence in politics.
The history of feminist movements has been divided into three "waves" by feminist scholars. Each deals with different aspects of the same feminist issues.
The history, events, and structure of the feminist movement is closely related to the individuals at the time, specific protests that took place, and the broader transformations taking place in American culture. The feminist movement worked and continues to work against the status quo in American society. According to bell hooks, "Feminism is a struggle against sexist oppression. Therefore, it is necessarily a struggle to eradicate the ideology of domination that permeates Western culture on various levels, as well as a commitment to reorganizing society so that the self-development of people can take precedence over imperialism, economic expansion and material desires."
Women's Liberation Movement Betty Friedan wrote that "the only way for a woman, as for a man, to find herself, to know herself as a person, is by creative work of her own." The message here is that women need more than just a husband, children, and a home to feel fulfilled; women need independence and creative outlets, unrestrained by the pressures of society. Throughout much of history, women have struggled with the limited roles society imposed on them. The belief that women were intellectually inferior, physically weaker, and overemotional has reinforced stereotypes throughout history. In the 1960s, however, women challenged their roles as "the happy little homemakers." Their story is the story of the Women's Liberation Movement. The struggle for women's rights did not begin in the 1960s. What has come to be called "Women's Lib" was, in fact, the second wave of a civil rights movement that began in the early 19th century.
The impact of the Women's Liberation Movement is still with women today, as is the movement itself. Women have the right to vote in most nations and are being elected to public office at all levels of government. Women defy current stereotypes, and those of past generations, by becoming educated and self-aware. Women raise families by themselves and hold positions in all ranks of the workforce. Despite the many disparities that still exist among women and men in America and the rest of the world, women have come a long way. The Women's Liberation Movement was, and continues to be, a fight for women's equality in a world run predominately by men.
Exercise 1. Translate into English. Право на продолжение рода, домашние насилие, отпуск по уходу за ребенком, равная оплата труда, избирательное право, вовлекать, политическое равенство, бороться с неравенством, саморазвитие, материальные желания, ограниченные роли, навязывать, бросить вызов, независимость, выход, влияние, самодостаточный, поднимать семьи, занимать посты.
Exercise 2. Insert proper words and combinations
- The Women's Liberation refers to a series of campaigns for reforms on issues such as … … , domestic violence, … … , equal pay, … .
- The … of the Women's Liberation Movement is still with women today.
- Feminism is a struggle against sexist … .
- Women defy current stereotypes, and those of past generations, by becoming educated and … .
- Women … … by themselves and hold positions in all ranks of the workforce.
- Women need … and creative …, unrestrained by the pressures of society.
- Throughout much of history, women have struggled with the limited roles society … on them.
Unit 3
Job and Unemployment
Text 1. The Career Ladder
Getting a job
When Paul left school he applied for a job in the accounts department of a local engineering company. They gave him a job as a trainee. He didn't earn very much but they gave him a lot of training, and sent him on training courses.
Moving up
Paul worked hard at the company and his prospects looked good. After his first year he got a good pay rise, and after two years he was promoted. After six years he was in charge of
the accounts department with five other employees under him.
Leaving the company
By the time Paul was 30, however, he decided he wanted a fresh challenge. He was keen to work abroad, so he resigned from his company and started looking for a new job with a bigger company. After a couple of months he managed to find a job with an international company which involved a lot of foreign travel. He was very excited about the new job and at first he really enjoyed the travelling, but...
Hard times
After about six months, Paul started to dislike the constant moving around, and after a year he hated it; he hated living in hotels, and he never really made any friends in the new company. Unfortunately his work was not satisfactory either and finally he was sacked a year later.
After that, Paul found things much more difficult. He was unemployed for over a year. He had to sell his car and move out of his new house. Things were looking bad and in the end Paul had to accept a part-time job on a fruit and vegetable stall in a market.
Happier times
To his surprise, Paul loved the market. He made lots of friends and enjoyed working out in the open air. After two years, he took over the stall. Two years later he opened a second stall, and after ten years he had fifteen stalls. Last year Paul retired at the age of 55, a very rich man.
Exercise 1. Find in the text the English for: подавать заявление о приеме на работу;
практикант, стажер; зарабатывать, получать доход; перспектива; виды, планы на
будущее; повышение заработной платы; выдвигать; продвигать; повышать в
чине/звании; ответственный, несущий ответственность, отвечающий (за что-л.);
служащий; работающий по найму; уходить в отставку, подавать в отставку,
оставлять пост; увольняться; уволить кого-л; увольнять (for; from); освобождать от
oбязанностей; безработный; неполная занятость, неполный рабочий день; ларек,
палатка, прилавок.
Exercise 2. Paraphrase the sentences, using new word combinations.
- When Paul finished school he asked for a job in the accounts department of a local engineering company.
- Paul worked very much at the company and his possibilities looked good.
- After two years he was given a higher position.
- Six years later he was responsible for the accounts department with five other employees under him.
- When he was 30, Paul left his company and started looking for a new job with a bigger company.
- He was very satisfied the new job and at first he really liked the travelling
- Paul was out of job for over a year.
- Paul had to agree on a part-time job on a fruit and vegetable stall in a market
Exercise 3. Find the synonyms in the text: work; a course of professional study; be responsible for; a worker; a business trip abroad; to be out of work.
Exercise 4. Answer the questions:
1. What does your job involve?
2. Are you responsible for anything or anyone?
3. Have you had much training from the company?
4. Have the company sent you on any training courses?
5. Have you been promoted since you starred in the company?
6. Do you normally get a good pay rise at the end of each year?
7. How do you feel about your future prospects in the company?
8. Are you happy in the job or do you feel it is time for a fresh challenge in another
Exercise 5. Pick out al irregular verbs from the text and give their 3 forms.
Text 2. Problems of Unemployment of Young People
I think that the problem of youth employment is very actual and must be solved as quick as possible.
Most of young people in Russia nowadays get higher education chiefly because it is in fashion now. They all go to institutes or universities and even academies. But the quality of education nowadays leaves much to be desired. As a result the country will have a lot of specialists especially doctors, managers and lowers. But their quality will be very low. It is one problem.
The other problem is that of finding working places for such a great number of specialists. The Federal Government should do something about this problem. Creating those places for young people is the burning question now. There must be a lot of new plants, factories, hospitals and other enterprises to give jobs to all the graduates. But there is one more problem when people who leave one or institutions are not satisfied with the working conditions and work as other specialists. As a result they have only their diplomas but they do not work according to their professions. And it is also very bad. working conditions for some spheres, which are not popular (for example give more money and so on).
In Russia young people are still a little suppressed, they have complexes but abroad the life is quite different. Young people begin to work very early from the point of view of age, get more and more experience out of their work and have more possibilities to realize themselves.
Exercise 1. find in the text the English for: занятость, решать, высшее образование, быть модным, качество образования, оставляет желать лучшего, рабочие места, условия труда, насущный вопрос, работать по специальности, обеспечивать, опыт работы, возможности самореализации.
Exercise 2. Complete the sentences.
- Young people begin to work very early …
- Many young people have only their diplomas but they do not work …
- The government should provide good …
- Most of young people in Russia nowadays get higher education because …
- The quality of education nowadays …
- Creating working places for young people is …
- People who leave universities or institutions are not satisfied with …
Exercise 3. Answer the questions:
1. What does your job involve?
2. Are you responsible for anything or anyone?
3. Have you had much training from the company?
4. Have the company sent you on any training courses?
5. Have you been promoted since you starred in the company?
6. Do you normally get a good pay rise at the end of each year?
7. How do you feel about your future prospects in the company?
8. Are you happy in the job or do you feel it is time for a fresh challenge in another company?
Exercise 4. Find in the text the ING-forms of words and detect, what parts of speech they are.
Text 3. The Problem of Unemployment and Possible Solutions.
Nowadays unemployment is one of the biggest problems among many countries in the world. It is more complex than it may seem as it is caused by many reasons. Before searching any solutions to the problem, one should find out the reasons of existing it.
First of all, we can’t deny the fact of lack of vacancies for specialists of some fields. It happens when some professions become popular in spite of insufficient demand for them. The result is that there are a lot of people interested in a particular position. It discourages people, especially younger ones who have no experience of work and as a result they have less chance to be employed. For example, in Russia there are more lawyers and economists than it is needed.
In this case a useful suggestion for reducing unemployment would be to give people a chance to train a new profession. Such re-training courses should take as less time as possible but still that time should be enough to get necessary skills to start working.
Secondly, it should be said that the labour-market offers more positions for so called blue-collars. Such kind of job does not attract people as it is hard and not well-paid. This is another problem connected with unemployment that there are people dissatisfied with their salaries. They prefer to take unemployment benefits than take up any job.
One way to solve this problem would be to increase salaries. Government should find extra money to improve everyone’s standard of living. Rises have always been met with approval and encouraged people for harder work, so that they could prove their value and show that they deserved to be better paid. It also should be taken into account that number of people out of occupation always includes some segment of the population which feels like doing nothing. They do not work and it means they do not pay taxes which adversely affects economic.
An alternative solution to overcome the problem of unemployment and laziness is to promote value of labour as people should learn to treat any job as prestigious and know that work broadens one’s horizons and makes a person feel more important and responsible for his or her duties. For example, politicians could show in their campaigns all the benefits and perspective of any work; they also can display the negative effects of inaction and wasting one’s time. As people watch television a lot, such TV-broadcasts would at least stimulate people to consider taking up a job.
Practice of market economy has shown us an extreme difficulty in creating more job positions. At present it is also hard to set up a business or establish own company as well. There is a risk that such a company may collapse.
To sum up, there are some steps that could be taken to reduce unemployment. If the government increases salaries, creates more workplaces and re-training centers, and promotes working in commercials, and supports setting up a business, it will help people to find a job and certainly lower the unemployment rate.
Exercise 1. Translate into English: сложный; быть причиной; искать решение; отрицать факт; нехватка вакансий; недостаточная востребованность; огорчать; полезное предложение; снижение безработицы; курсы переподготовки; необходимые навыки; рынок труда; синие воротнички; хорошо оплачиваемый; недовольный зарплатой; получать пособие по безработице; решить проблему; увеличить зарплату; уровень жизни; альтернативное решение; преодолеть проблему; ценность труда; расширять горизонт; ответственный за обязанности; бездействие; создание рабочих мест; начать свой бизнес; уровень безработицы.
Exercise 2. Insert proper words or phrases.
- If the government increases…, creates more … and re-training centers, and promotes working in commercials, and supports… … , it will help people to find a job and certainly … … …. .
- Before … … … to the problem of unemployment, one should find out the reasons of existing it.
- Practice of market economy has shown us an extreme difficulty in creating more … … .
- We can’t deny the fact of … .. … for specialists of some fields.
- A useful suggestion … … would be to give people a chance to train a new profession.
- The labour-market offers more positions for so called … … .
- Some people prefer to take … … than take up any job.
- One way to solve this problem would be to … … .
Exercise 3. Answer the questions.
- What should people do before searching any solutions to the problem of unemployment?
- What is a useful suggestion for reducing unemployment?
- Why do some people prefer to take unemployment benefits than take up any job?
- What should government do to improve everyone’s standard of living?
- Why is it hard to set up a business or establish own company?
- What are some steps that could be taken to reduce unemployment?
Exercise 4. Find in text3:
- All sentences with Passive Voice and detect their grammar tense.
- All ING-forms and detect the part of speech and their function.
- All irregular verbs and give their 3 forms.
Text 4. Education and Unemployment
The more education an individual possesses, the less likely it is that he or she will be unemployed. In the Occupational Outlook Quarterly is said that potential employers are more likely to hire more educated applicants because they see the ability to earn an academic degree as “an indicator of assets—such as organizational skills and aptitude—that a potential worker will bring to the job.”
According to the studies in Employment and Earnings, the unemployment rate of the population dropped with educational attainment. In 2007 high school dropouts with no diploma had an unemployment rate of 7.1%, while people with a bachelor's, master's, professional, and doctoral degrees had an unemployment rate of only 2%. High school graduates with no college had an unemployment rate of 4.4%, while those with some college, but no degree, had an unemployment rate of 3.8%.
People who achieve graduate degrees have even lower unemployment rates than people who have completed bachelor's degrees. The BLS notes in its Current Population Survey that in 2007 the unemployment rate for those with bachelor's degrees was 2.2%. People with master's degrees had an unemployment rate of 1.8%, people with doctoral degrees had an unemployment rate of 1.4%, and people with a professional degree had an unemployment rate of 1.3%.
Exercise 1. What is the English for: личность; обладать(иметь); потенциальный работодатель; нанимать; более образованный, претендент; возможность заработать; академическая степень; достоинство, преимущество; организаторские способности; работоспособность; уровень безработицы; уровень образованности; не закончившие среднюю школу; выпускник средней школы.
Exercise 2. Paraphrase the sentences, using the active vocabulary.
- The more education a person has, the less likely he will be out of work.
- People who get graduate degrees have lower unemployment level than those who didn’t finish high school.
- Potential employers prefer to hire more educated applicants.
Exercise 3. Answer the questions.
- What people are more likely to be unemployed?
- What applicants do potential employers prefer?
- What is an unemployment rate of high-school dropouts?
- Why do employers prefer more educated applicants?
Unit 4
Healthy Lifestyle
Text 1. Health above Wealth
People nowadays are more health-conscious than they used to be. They understand that good health is above wealth.
To be healthy we should avoid different bad habits that can affect our health. In my opinion, smoking and drinking too much alcohol, are the worst ones. It's common knowledge that smoking and drinking can shorten our lives dramatically. Smoking, for example, causes a number of heart and lung diseases, such as pneumonia, emphysema and cancer. Besides, it makes your teeth yellow and skin unhealthy. Fortunately, in recent years smoking has received a lot of bad publicity, and fewer people smoke nowadays. Some companies don't employ people who are smokers. Smoking has been banned in most public places because everyone agrees it does harm to our health. I don't smoke, because I don't want to have unhealthy skin and teeth and die young.
Smoking and drinking are joined by less dangerous habits, such as skipping meals, eating unhealthy food, or even overeating. Of course, they are not quite as deadly as smoking or drinking alcohol, but they also affect our health.
If we eat too much, we'll become obese, and obesity leads to serious health problems. A lot of people like drinking coca cola and coffee, and enjoy pizzas and hamburgers. But what is tasty is not always healthy. Fast food makes you fat, that's why Americans are the fattest people in the world.
In recent years eating habits have undergone a change. People are encouraged to eat less fat and more fibre. Fat is believed to be one of the major causes of obesity and heart disease. High fibre and low fat foods can now be found in all shops and supermarkets. Salads, beans, and fruit have taken the place of steak and ice cream. The fashion for health food is growing all the time.
Many people feel they are too fat, even if their doctors disagree. And a lot of people try to improve their fitness. There are a lot of ways to lose weight and avoid gaining it. Perhaps the most popular of them is following a diet. If you want to lose weight, you should cut out snacks and desserts, and cut down on fat. People have also become more aware of calories, the energy value of food. Some people count the number of calories they eat every day; so that they can try to take in fewer calories and lose weight. This is called a calorie-controlled diet. Manufacturers are increasingly producing special foods with fewer calories for slimmers.
But excessive dieting may be dangerous, too. Some people refuse to eat meat as they consider it harmful. They say a vegetarian diet reduces the risk of cancer and vegetarians live longer than others. I can't agree with them, because meat is an excellent source of good nutrition. In my opinion, it's wrong to put down a food simply because excessive amounts can cause health problems. Consumed in moderate amounts, meat is perfectly good for our health.
To my mind, the only way to stay healthy and to keep fit is by going in for sports. Among the benefits of regular exercise are a healthier heart, stronger bones, quicker reaction times and more resistance to various illnesses. Besides, you can eat and drink as much as you want because you are burning it all off.
To be healthy, it is also very important to spend a lot of time in the open air. It is useful to go for a walk before going to bed, or to air the room.
I think it is very important to be fit and healthy, and it is necessary to take care of your health. Being fat, in fact, can cause real problems. It is harder for fat people to get a good job, or even to make friends. If you want to do well, you must be thin. That's why I go in for sports on a regular basis. I have been doing aerobics for three years and I feel great. I am not enthusiastic about strict dieting, but I try to eat only low-fat food, and fruit and vegetables which are rich in vitamins.
Personally I believe that regularity in life promotes our health. Sleeping eight or nine hours, getting up early, regular meals, a healthy diet and going in for sports is really a good way to live.
Exercise 1. What is the English for:
Озабочены здоровьем; избегать дурных привычек; влиять; курение; употребление алкоголя; укорачивать жизнь; запрещать; причинять вред; последние годы; претерпеть изменения; избыточный вес; заболевания сердца; сбросить вес; здоровая пища; энергетическая ценность пищи; худеющий; вредный; снижать риск; источник правильного питания; сердце; кости; сопротивляемость болезням; поддерживать здоровье.
Exercise 2. True or false? Correct the wrong.
- People nowadays are less health-conscious than they used to be.
- It is easy for fat people to get a good job, or even to make friends.
- To be healthy we should read more about health.
- It is useful to eat something tasty before going to bed.
- Smoking causes bad face colour and obese.
- The only way to stay healthy and to keep fit is by going in for sports.
- What is tasty is always healthy.
- But excessive dieting may be very useful.
- The fashion for health food is decreasing all the time.
Exercise 3. Prove that:
- To be healthy we should avoid different bad habits that can affect our health.
- Some companies don't employ people who are smokers.
- Fast food makes you fat.
- In recent years eating habits have undergone a change.
- The fashion for health food is growing all the time.
- A lot of people try to improve their fitness.
- Some people refuse to eat meat as they consider it harmful.
- To be healthy, it is also very important to spend a lot of time in the open air.
Text 2. Bad Habits
The health of a person is the main value in the life. It cannot be bought with any money! There is no price for it. Being the sick person, you cannot realize all your dreams and be successful in the modern world.
But how to be healthy, when there are a lot of fatal temptations around us?
Don`t begin! Don`t make the first cigar inhalation, the first sip of alcohol! Everything begins so simply, but comes to the end with a trouble.
It was said so much about the harm of smoking. For a long time it has been proved, that smoking is not only reflected on the budget of a family, pollutes air, but also ruins our health. But, in spite of all that the number of smoking people is not diminished. And what is more grievous, not only the teens but also the junior schoolboys begin to smoke.
I think those, who don`t do his (her) best in study or school life, as a rule begin to smoke at the school age. It was proved, that there is no such organ which would not suffer from smoking. Smoking is not a harmless pastime which can be given up without efforts. It is necessary to have the will - power to stop smoking.
In addition to smoking, we can name the other fatal habit: the drinking of alcohol. Unfortunately, very often they combine with each other. Alcohol is a poison! Having penetrated into an organism, it has destroyed the brain of the person for some months. A great man said that drinking alcohol is a voluntary mad, and I think he was right. Under the influence of alcohol the person can make absolutely rash actions. The matter is that alcohol is the drug, and drugs influence on the brains of the person. Especially alcohol is very dangerous for the young because their organism is exposed to the influence of harmful substances more easily. Even a single sip of alcohol causes a poisoning which can lead to death. And the usage of drugs … They ruin all human organs, so the drug addicts die young. Few of them live longer than several years after they have started taking drugs.
So, I consider that there is no place to these habits in our life. To my mind, only healthy people should live on our planet and then our Earth will be brighter and more beautiful, because only the healthy person will provide its further development and prosperity.
Exercise 1. What is the English for: главная ценность; больной человек; успешный; современный мир; фатальные искушения; глоток алкоголя; вред курения; разрушать здоровье; уменьшать; безвредное времяпровождение; бросить без усилий; яд; разрушать мозг; добровольное сумасшествие; безумные действия; влиять; употребление наркотиков; наркоманы; развитие; процветание.
Exercise 2. The competition task. Put the sentences in the correct order. Who is faster?
- I consider that there is no place to these habits in our life.
- The health of a person is the main value in the life
- Even a single sip of alcohol causes a poisoning which can lead to death.
- Smoking is not only reflected on the family budget , pollutes air, but also ruins our health.
- Drinking alcohol is a voluntary mad.
- Smoking is not a harmless pastime which can be given up without efforts.
- The matter is that alcohol is the drug, and drugs influence on the brains of the person.
Exercise 3. Insert proper words or phrases.
- Only …. people should live on our planet.
- Being the … person, you cannot realize all your dreams and be … in the modern world.
- Especially alcohol is very … for the young because their organism is influenced by … substances more easily.
- There are a lot of … … around us.
- Under the … of alcohol the person can make absolutely … actions.
- It was proved, that there is no such … which would not … from smoking.
- In addition to smoking, we can name the other … … : the drinking of alcohol.
- It is necessary to have the … - … to stop smoking.
- Smoking is not a … pastime which can be … … without efforts.
Exercise 4. Find the predicates in the sentences and detect their grammar forms. Turn them into other tense forms.
- It cannot be bought with any money.
- It was said so much about the harm of smoking.
- It has been proved, that smoking is not only reflected on the budget of a family, pollutes air, but also ruins our health.
- In spite of all that the number of smoking people is not diminished.
- It was proved, that there is no such organ which would not suffer from smoking.
- Our organism is exposed to the influence of harmful substances more easily.
Text 3. Sports and a Healthy Way of Life
Nowadays our life is getting more and more tense. People live under the press of different problems, such as social, ecological, economic and others. They constantly suffer from stress, noise and dust in big cities, diseases and instability. A person should be strong and healthy in order to overcome all difficulties. To achieve this aim people ought to take care of their physical and mental health. There are several ways to do it.
The state of your body depends on how much time you spend doing sports. At least everybody must do morning exercises every day. The most healthy kinds of sports are swimming, running and cycling.
Sport is very important in our life. It is popular among young and old people. Many people do morning exercises, jog in the morning, train themselves in clubs, in different sections and take part in sport competitions. Other people like sports too, but they only watch sports games, listen to sports news. They prefer reading interesting stories about sportsmen. But they don't go in for sports.
Physical training is an important subject at school. Pupils have got physical training lessons twice a week. Boys and girls play volley-ball and basket-ball at the lessons. There is a sportsground near our school and school-children go in for sports in the open air. A lot of different competitions are held at schools, a great number of pupils take part in them. All participants try to get good results and become winners.
Sport helps people to keep in good health. If you go in for sports, you have good health and don't catch cold. Children and grown-ups must take care of their health and do morning exercises regularly.
There are some popular kinds of sports in our country: football, volley-ball, hockey, gymnastics, skiing, skating. Athletics is one of the most popular kinds of sports. It includes such kinds of sports as running, jumping and others. Everybody may choose the sport he (or she) is interested in.
Exercise 1. What is the English for: cтановиться напряженным, жить под давлением, cтрадать от, болезнь, нестабильность, сильный, преодолевать трудности, достигать цель, заботиться о здоровье, состояние тела, важный
тренироваться, физическая подготовка, участники, победители, беречь здоровье, простывать, бегать трусцой.
Exercise 2. Insert proper words or phrases.
- Nowadays our … is getting more and more … .
- Sport helps people to keep in good … .
- A person should be … and healthy in order to … all difficulties.
- To … this aim people ought to take … of their physical and mental … .
- The … of your body … on how much time you spend doing sports.
- Sport is very … in our life.
- Physical … is an important … at school.
- All … try to get good results and become … .
- If you … in for sports, you have good … and don't … … .
Exercise 3. Arrange sentences in a proper order
- Athletics is one of the most popular kinds of sports.
- People live under the press of different problems.
- Sport helps people to keep in good health.
- A person should be strong and healthy in order to overcome all difficulties.
- Physical training is an important subject at school.
- The state of your body depends on how much time you spend doing sports.
- Sport is very important in our life.
Unit 5
The Social Work Profession
Text 1. What is Social Work?
Social work is an established professional discipline with a distinctive part to play in promoting and securing the wellbeing of children, adults, families and communities. It operates within a framework of legislation and government policy, set out in Putting People First and the Children’s Plan, and contributes to the development of social policy, practice and service provision. It collaborates with other social care, health, education and related services to ensure people receive integrated support. It is a profession regulated by law.
Social work is committed to enable every child and adult to fulfill their potential, achieve and maintain independence and self-direction, make choices, take control of their own lives and support arrangements, and exercise their civil and human rights. It looks at people’s lives and circumstances in the round, and works with them to personalize social care responses to fit their own individual situations. Its approaches and working methods aim to promote empowerment and creativity.
Social work embodies a set of core values and principles. It is committed to the rights of the child; respects the equality, worth and human rights of all people, and their individuality, privacy and dignity; and challenges discrimination and prejudice. Its knowledge base, drawn from relevant academic disciplines, is informed by the experience and expertise of people using services, developed through research and tested in practice.
Social work makes a particular contribution in situations where there are high levels of complexity, uncertainty, stress, conflicts of interest, and risk, particularly to children and vulnerable adults. It applies specialist analytical skills and knowledge to assess these situations, and making complex judgments on action to take.
Exercise 1. Find in the text the English for;
Устанавливать , учреждать, вводить; отчетливый, ясный; способствовать, помогать, продвигать; безопасность; каркас, основа, фундамент; гарантировать, уверять; поддержка, помощь; гражданский; ответ, отвечать; доверенность, полномочия; творчество, креативность; ценность; равенство; достоинство; предубеждение; уязвимый; делать вклад; особенный; сложность; неопределенность; частная жизнь; достоинство.
Exercise 2. Insert proper words and expressions.
- Social work … … in situations where there are high levels of … , … , stress, conflicts of interest, and risk.
- Social work is a professional discipline with … … to play in … and … the wellbeing of children, adults, families and communities.
- Social work embodies a set of … … and principles.
- Social work operates within a … of legislation and … policy.
- Social work is committed … every child and adult to … their potential, achieve and maintain … and self-direction.
- Its … and working methods aim … … and creativity.
- It applies specialist analytical … and knowledge to … these situations, and makе complex judgments.
Exercise 3. Answer the questions.
1. What is social work?
2. What way does social work operate?
3. What does social work collaborate with?
4. What is the main task of social work?
5. What are the main values and principles of social work?
Exercise 4. Find the predicate and detect its grammar form.
- It operates within a framework of legislation and government policy.
- It applies specialist analytical skills and knowledge.
- Social work is a professional discipline with a distinctive part in promoting and securing the wellbeing of children, adults, families and communities.
- Social work is committed to enable every child and adult to fulfill their potential.
- Social work embodies a set of core values and principles.
Text 2. The Essence of Social Work
The social work profession is committed to reduce human suffering, enhance the quality of life, and confront the causes of social injustices that occur throughout the world around us. This commitment inspires social workers to develop skills that promote change on all various levels. Whether it is dealing with an ill person, a homeless person, or a person who has undergone domestic violence. The social workers are trained specifically to provide direct services to individuals, such as: families, groups and communities.
They learn to confront and change the problems that are causing the injustices, the discriminations, and the oppressions. For the essence of their work is all about the help that they are able to supply to those whom are going through such difficult times with in their lives.
One of the hardest things for a social worker to have to deal with is leaving their work at work, and not bringing it home with them. For each and every single social worker that is out there and trying to help improve upon peoples lives, no matter who they are, they are going to have to deal with some traumatic cases. In all different areas within the field of social work, the cases almost always have an impact, and in all honesty no matter how traumatic the case is, it is always going to leave the imprint on the social worker and on their career. A social worker forms a bond with the person of whom they are trying to help, and no matter who you are in life once a bond has been formed you are never going to forget that person you have made that connection with. In most cases the social worker can see a little deeper than what is just sitting on the surface of the person of whom they are assisting, they begin seeing inside of them and who they truly are. This is where it then becomes difficult, that once your work has been done for the day and you return home, you are expected to leave the cases alone, to ignore them and to move one with your OWN life.
Exercise 1. Translate into English.
Предназначать, снижать, человеческие страдания, повышать качество жизни, предназначение, противостоять, причины, социальная несправедливость, иметь место, обязательство., побуждать, бездомный, домашнее насилие, оказывать услуги, сообщество, сталкиваться с проблемой, причинять несправедливость, притеснение, суть, иметь дело с, травматические случаи, иметь влияние, образовывать целое, глубокий, находиться на поверхности, помогать.
Exercise 2. .Make up sentences out of the given words.
- services, specifically, such, direct, to, The social workers, families, are trained, individuals, as:, groups, to provide, and communities.
- on, social workers, levels. This commitment, to develop, that, promote, skills, inspires, change, all, various,
- things, the hardest, and, a social worker, not, to have, to deal with, for, is, their work, bringing, it, home. at work, with, them, One, of, leaving,
- they, a bond, forms, the person, are trying, A social worker, with, to help. of whom,
- are causing, learn, and, the problems, that, to confront, change, the injustices, the discriminations, the oppressions. They, and,
Exercise 3. Answer the questions on the text.
- What is the social work committed to?
- What sort of people do social workers deal with?
- What sort of problems do they learn to confront?
- Why is it difficult for a social worker to leave their work ay work?
- How does a social worker form a bond with the person he helps?
- Why must a social worker see a little deeper than what is sitting on the surface of the person?
Text 3. Social Work Profession
Professional social workers assist individuals, groups, or communities to restore or enhance their capacity for social functioning, while creating societal conditions favorable to their goals. The practice of social work requires knowledge of human development and behavior, of social, economic and cultural institutions, and of the interaction of all these factors.
Social workers are highly trained and experienced professionals. Only those who have earned social work degrees at the bachelor’s, master’s or doctoral levels, and completed a minimum number of hours in supervised fieldwork, are «professional social workers».
Social workers help people overcome some of life’s most difficult challenges: poverty, discrimination, abuse, addiction, physical illness, divorce, loss, unemployment, educational problems, disability and mental illness. They help prevent crises and counsel individuals, families and communities to cope more effectively with the stresses of everyday life.
Professional social workers are found in every facet of community life – in schools, hospitals, mental health clinics, senior centers, elected office, private practices, prisons, military, corporations, and in numerous public and private agencies that serve individuals and families in need. They often specialize in one or more of the following practice areas: Military Social Work, Rural Social Work, Child Welfare Services, Homeless Family Assistance, Hospital Social Work, School Violence, Depression, Chronic Pain, Development Disabilities, International Social Work, Community Mental Health, Employee Assistance, Veterans Services, Domestic Violence, Family Planning, Difficulties in School, Gerontology Services, Housing Assistance, Public Welfare.
Today, special interest social work organizations contribute to the vitality and credibility of the social work profession.
Exercise 1. Translate into English.
Помогать, восстанавливать, улучшать, создавать, социальные условия, благоприятный, цель, требовать, человеческое развитие, поведение, взаимодействие, высокоподготов-ленный, опытный, получить степень, преодолевать трудности, бедность, насилие, пагубная привычка, развод, потеря, безработица, инвалидность, душевные расстройства, предотвратить кризис, консультировать, справляться с, психиатрическая больница, центры для престарелых, насилие, вносить вклад, жизнеспособность, надежность.
Exercise 2. Answer the questions on the text.
1. Whom do the professional social workers assist and what for?
2. Who can be named by «professional social workers»?
3. What do social workers help people overcome?
4. In what spheres of community life are professional social workers found?
5. In what practice areas are they often specialize in?
Exercise 3. Paraphrase the words or expressions.
- Professional social workers help individuals, groups, or communities to restore or enhance their capacity for social functioning,
- Professional social workers are situated in every facet of community life.
- They often specialize in one or more of the following practice fields.
- The practice of social work demands knowledge of human development and behavior, of social, economic and cultural organizations.
- Social workers help people cope with some of life’s most difficult problems.
- They help prevent crises and consult individuals, families and communities.
Text 4. Social Work Methods and Approaches
Methods of working in social work have evolved over a long period, rooted in common core principles but reflecting changing legal and policy frameworks, social attitudes and expectations, and relationships between professionals and the public. Key features include:
- professional relationships based on warmth, trust and sapport with people using services;
- social models of assessing people’s situations and working with them to overcome barriers to participation and independence;
- practice that seeks to put power in the hands of people to manage their own situations, with the social worker as facilitator;
- work that integrates individual, family and community dimensions in a creative balance;
- distinctive approaches to understanding and working with risk, recognizing the need to safeguard those who are vulnerable whilst enabling people to take the risks that go with ordinary everyday living;
- modern approaches to established casework skills and methodologies, working systematically and in an integrated way to keep a focus on people’s practical, social and psychological wellbeing;
- applying and extending principles of personalization, which have always been at the heart of social work at its best, to help people find individual solutions to their situations and achieve satisfactory outcomes;
- effective joint working with other disciplines, other social care staff, volunteers, foster parents and advocates.
Exercise 1. Find in the text:
Развиваться в течение (периода времени), корениться в чем-либо, отражать, взаимопонимание, оценка, оценивать, участие, стимулятор, измерение, четкий, ясный, уязвимый, устанавливать, учреждать, основывать, сосредоточить внимание на чем-либо, решение, результат, приемный.
Exercise 2. Answer the questions.
1. What is the base of methods of working in social work?
2. What are the key features of social work?
3. What are the most important of them in your opinion?
4. What features do you want to develop in yourself?
5. What is the portrait of professional social worker?
Text 5. Tasks of Social Work
In order to undertake the roles described, and support people to fulfill their potential and achieve their chosen outcomes, social workers perform a variety of tasks. Not all of them are exclusive to social work, but social workers carry them out as an integral part of enabling people to achieve the outcomes they want. Some tasks are specific to work with adults, or with children and families. Many are common to work with people of all ages in many different settings and sectors. Often, both the children and the adults in a family need help or support, and the social worker has to be competent to understand and work with both children and adults.
Some of the principal tasks undertaken by social workers include:
a. building relationships with people who need support, winning their trust and finding good ways of communicating with them;
b. working with the person or family who needs support to help them assess their situation, decide what they want to achieve, overcome barriers, and obtain support that feels right for them;
c. aiding people who wish to do so to assess their own needs, identify resources, make decisions, and arrange and manage their own support;
d. providing or arranging advocacy for people who do not have a voice, and helping them to be more in control of their own lives;
e. helping parents develop the skills and understanding to be more effective in meeting their children’s needs for care, development and control;
f. supporting the physical, intellectual and emotional development of children and young people who need help, and helping disadvantaged people of all ages improve their health and wellbeing;
g. helping children and adults to overcome the problems of disability, negotiate the transition to adulthood and achieve independent living, access direct payments, individual budgets and other funding, and secure personal assistance, equipment and employment adjustments;
h. helping people in poverty to improve their financial position, informing them about their entitlements, and supporting them to access training, work opportunities and benefits.
Exercise 1. Find in the text:
Предпринять; наполнить; осуществить; завоевать чье-либо доверие; получить; помощь, помогать; идентифицировать, устанавливать, определять; размещать, представлять, устраивать; обеспечивать; недостаток; улучшать, совершенствовать; договариваться; безопасность; установка; возможность.
Exercise 2. Answer the questions.
1. What do social workers perform to support people to fulfill their potential and achieve their chosen outcomes?
2. Has the social worker to be competent to understand and work with both children and adults and why?
3. What do the principal tasks undertaken by social workers include?
4. Why are these principals so important?
5. Can you add some more principals?
Exercise 3. What are key features and what are tasks of social work?
- supporting the physical, intellectual and emotional development of children and young people;
- helping people in poverty to improve their financial position;
- professional relationships based on warmth, trust and support with people;
- effective joint working with other disciplines, other social care staff, volunteers, foster parents and advocates;
- building relationships with people who need support;
- modern approaches to established casework skills and methodologies;
- - social models of assessing people’s situations and working with them;
- working with the person or family who needs support;
- work that integrates individual, family and community dimensions in a creative balance;
- helping parents develop the skills and understanding to be more effective in meeting their children’s needs for care, development and control;
- practice that seeks to put power in the hands of people to manage their own situations;
Exercise 4. Insert the table
Key features of social work | Tasks of social work. |
Text 6. Knowledge, Values and Skills
Initial social work education and training should equip people with the distinctive combination of knowledge, values and skills, drawn from a range of academic disciplines and practice learning, they require for beginning practice. These include:
- respect for the equality, worth and human rights of all people, and for their individuality, privacy and dignity;
- understanding of, and commitment to, the rights of the child;
- commitment to putting into practice equalities and diversity principles, recognizing and dismantling barriers, and challenging discrimination against people using services, careers, families and fellow-workers;
- skills in assessing, jointly with people and families, their circumstances, strengths, needs and preferred outcomes;
- understanding of individual, family and community dynamics;
- skills and knowledge to deal with hostile and aggressive responses to social work intervention, without putting their own safety at risk;
- knowledge of the frameworks of law, policy and regulation affecting social work practice;
- skills, knowledge and judgment required to recognize and evaluate levels of risk to children and adults, assess possible measures to reduce and manage the risks, and take appropriate action;
- skills in enabling people to exercise choice, be involved in decisions affecting them, and use resources to secure the outcomes they want;
- skills in communication, particularly with and on behalf of children and adults with limited ability to convey their own views and wishes;
- skills in negotiating and coordinating services provided by networks of social care staff and family careers.
Exercise 1. Translate into English.
Подготовка; обеспечивать / экипировать чем-либо; вытаскивать; достоинство; обязательство; разнообразие; демонтаж; дискриминация, нарушение чьих-либо прав; предпочитать; динамика, развитие; иметь дело с чем/кем-либо; ответ, отвечать; оценивать; мера; быть вовлеченным во что-либо; сопровождать, защищать, отстаивать.
Exercise 2. Answer the questions.
1. What should the initial social work education and training equip people with?
2. What are the main spheres of educational interests of social workers?
3. Can you characterize some of these spheres?
4. Why are these spheres so important for social work?
5. Would you like to add some points into your course of study?
Exercise 3. Put knowledge, values and skills in the order of importance.
Text 7. National Association of Social Workers (NASW)
The National Association of Social Workers (NASW) is the largest membership organization of professional social workers in the world, with 150,000 members. NASW works to enhance the professional growth and development of its members, to create and maintain professional standards, and to advance sound social policies.
The National Association of Social Workers (NASW) was established in 1955 through the consolidation of the following seven organizations:
- American Association of Social Workers (AASW);
- American Association of Psychiatric Social Workers (AAPSW);
- American Association of Group Workers (AAGW);
- Association for the Study of Community Organization (ASCO);
- American Association of Medical Social Workers (AAMSW);
- National Association of School Social Workers (NASSW);
- Social Work Research Group (SWRG).
NASW’s primary functions include promoting the professional development of its members, establishing and maintaining professional standards of practice, advancing sound social policies, and providing services that protect its members and enhance their professional status. The Association developed and adopted the NASW Code of Ethics and other generalized and specialized practice standards. Professional ethics are at the core of social work. The profession has an obligation to articulate its basic values, ethical principles, and ethical standards. The NASW Code of Ethics sets forth these values, principles, and standards to guide social workers’ conduct. The Code is relevant to all social workers and social work students, regardless of their professional functions, the settings in which they work, or the populations they serve.
Exercise 1. Translate into English.
Рост; создавать; поддерживать; продвигать; здоровый, надежный, крепкий; политика; консолидация; исследование, исследовать; основной, базовый, первичный; обобщать; озвучивать, произносить; этический; руководство, руководить; поведение.; независимо от чего/кого-либо.
Exercise 2. Answer the questions.
1. What is the largest membership organization of professional social workers in the world?
2. How many members are there?
3. What are the main goals of NASW?
4. When and what way was NASW established?
5. What are NASW’s primary functions?
Text 8. From the History of Social Work
Social work has its roots in the struggle of society to deal with poverty and the resultant problems. Therefore, social work is intricately linked with the idea of charity work; but must be understood in broader terms. The concept of charity goes back to ancient times, and the practice of providing for the poor has roots in all major world religions.
Pre-Modern history
In the West, when Constantine I legalized the Christian Church, the newly legitimized church set up poorhouses, homes for the aged, hospitals, and orphanages. These were often funded, at least in part, from grants from the Empire. By 590 the church had a system for circulating the consumables to the poor: associated with each parish was a diaconium or office of the deacon. As there was no effective bureaucracy below city government that was capable of charitable activities, the clergy served this role in the west up through the 18th century. During the Middle Ages, the Christian church had vast influence on European society and charity was considered to be a responsibility and a sign of one’s piety. This charity was in the form of direct relief (for example, giving money, food, or other material goods to alleviate a particular need), as opposed to trying to change the root causes of poverty.
Modern history
Social work, as a profession, originated in the 19th century. The movement began primarily in the United States and England. After the end of feudalism, the poor were seen as a more direct threat to the social order, and so the state formed an organized system to care for them. In England, the Poor Law served this purpose. This system of laws sorted the poor into different categories, such as the able bodied poor, the impotent poor, and the idle poor. This system developed different responses to these different groups.
The 19th century ushered in the Industrial Revolution. There was a great leap in technological and scientific achievement, but there was also a great migration to urban areas throughout the Western world. This led to many social problems, which in turn led to an increase in social activism. Also with the dawn of the 19th century came a great "missionary" push from many Protestant denominations. Some of these mission efforts (urban missions), attempted to resolve the problems inherent in large cities like poverty, prostitution, disease and other afflictions. In the United States workers known as "friendly visitors", stipended by church and other charitable bodies, worked through direct relief, prayer, and evangelism to alleviate these problems. In Europe, chaplains or almoners were appointed to administrate the church's mission to the poor.
Exercise 1. Translate into English.
Борьба , бороться; равнодействующий; сложно; милосердие; приют; потребление, товары широкого потребления; приход; ответственность; набожность; облегчение; угроза; служитель; городской район; попытка, пытаться; присущий.
Exercise 2. Answer the questions.
1. What does social work have its roots in?
2. What idea is social work intricately linked with?
3. What do you know about pre-modern history of social work?
4. What do you know about modern history of social work?
5. What do you think about modern situation with social work in Russia?
Exercise 3. Ask general questions to the sentences:
- The National Association of Social Workers is the largest membership organization of professional social workers in the world.
- The National Association of Social Workers was established in 1955.
- The Association developed and adopted the Code of Ethics and other practice standards.
- Social work has its roots in the struggle of society to deal with poverty and the resultant problems.
- The concept of charity goes back to ancient times.
- This charity was in the form of direct relief: giving money, food, or other material goods.
- The movement began primarily in the United States and England.
- This system of laws sorted the poor into different categories.
- There was a great leap in technological and scientific achievement.
- In Europe, chaplains or almoners were appointed to administrate the church's mission to the poor.
Text 9. The Social Work Roles
Social work is practised world-wide. The following is a widely accepted international definition: “The social work profession promotes social change, problem solving in human relationships and the empowerment and liberation of people to enhance well-being. Utilising theories of human behaviour and social systems, social work intervenes at the points where people interact with their environments. Principles of human rights and social justice are fundamental to social work”. In preparing this Statement, the project team and Reference Group found it necessary to consider and seek answers to several different but related questions implied in the remit:
- What range of roles and tasks does modern social work encompass?
- What is unique or distinctive about social work roles and tasks compared with those of other disciplines?
- What roles and tasks require the levels of knowledge and skill possessed by social workers, as distinct from other social care staff?
- What roles and tasks should be performed only by social workers?
The Statement distinguishes “roles”, based on the broad purposes of social work and the outcomes it enables people to achieve, from “tasks”, the activities required to deliver those purposes and outcomes. The roles tend to be particular to social work, although they are often performed within multidisciplinary teams and settings. The tasks may be carried out by social workers, or shared with or delegated to other social care staff, and are often similar to tasks other disciplines undertake in performing their roles.
In recent years there has been a trend, reinforced by government policy, towards blurring role differences and loosening boundaries between professional disciplines. Unduly rigid boundaries are thought to cause problems to people trying to find their way round the system, and to make for inefficiency in the use of professional resources. Social work roles tend to be more elastic than those of many other disciplines, for a variety of reasons:
- Social work has to take account of people’s needs, circumstances and relationships as a whole, rather than focusing on a particular condition or delivering a defined service.
- Increasingly, social workers are working in partnership with people to co-produce solutions matched to their strengths and preferences, and jointly securing the best possible outcomes.
- In enabling people to exercise control and choice, social work must respond to demands for more personalized solutions, to be flexible in finding new ways of working. and adapt to people’s changing situations.
- Social work as a profession plays a key role in mediating between the individual and the state, and determining when it is necessary for the state to intervene in the lives of individuals and families.
Exercise 1. Translate into English: широко принятый, определение, полномочие, освобождение, увеличивать, вмешиваться, окружение, социальная справедливость, предполагаемый, снимать\освобождать\уменьшать, набор ролей, окружать, заключать, отличительный, уровни, знания и умения, различать, широкая цель, результат, давать возможность, выполнять, предпринимать, последние годы, тенденция, политика правительства, размывание, неэффективность, принимать во внимание, обстоятельства, предоставлять услугу, предпочтение, отвечать требованиям, гибкий.
Exercise 2. Insert proper words and expressions.
- Social work must … … for more personalised solutions, to be … in finding new ways of working and adapt to people’s changing situations.
- Principles of human … and social … are fundamental to social work.
- Social work has to take … of people’s needs, …. and relationships as a whole.
- In recent years there was a … towards … role differences and loosening boundaries between professional disciplines.
- The social work profession … social change, problem solving in human relationships and the … and liberation of people to … well-being.
Exercise 3. make up questions and answer them.
- does \ social \ what \ promote \ work?
- fundamentals \ are \ social \ what \ work?
- who \ be \ can \ out \ the tasks \ carried ?
- must \ social \ what \ take \ work \ account \ into ?
- partnership \ in \ do \ what \ work \ social workers?
Тексты для дополнительного чтения
Additional Texts
Text 1. Diana - the People's Princess
Diana Spencer was born on the first of July 1961 in Sandringham in England. She had two older sisters and a younger brother. In childhood she liked games, swimming, running and dancing. She wanted to become a dancer. Besides she loved children very much and at the age of sixteen she worked in schools for very young children.
Diana became princess, when Prince Charles, the Queen's son, asked her to be his wife and they got married. They seemed to be a happy couple at first. They had two sons. They travelled a lot they worked a lot, they visited many countries together. But Diana was not quite happy because they did different things and Charles didn't understand her.
Why was Diana the most famous, the most beautiful, the most photographed woman in the world? Why did she win the hearts of millions and millions of people in many countries? Why did so many people come to London to remember her when she died? Why did the car accident which took her life, become such a total shock to crowds of people? Why did people feel the need to be in London at the funeral? Why did the tears and love at the funeral move the world?
The answer is so simple. Matthew Wall, a student at St. Michael's College in Burlington said: "She was such a lovely lady. She did so much for those people less fortunate that herself".
She was a kind woman. Hundreds of people talked about Diana's kindnesses. She liked ordinary people, though she was rich and had many rich friends. Wherever she was, she was always ready to lend a hand. She was devoted to the sick and the poor. She visited hospitals for people with AIDS and for lepers and wasn't afraid to touch them, talk to them, listen to them.
She worked on children's charities, and had teamed up with Hillary Clinton in an effort to ban landmines. And it's not only money, that she wanted to give people. She wanted to give them a part of her soul, to make them happy because she was unhappy herself. She wanted to give them love, because she needed love herself.
Rock stars (Sting, Elton John), pop singer George Michael, film stars and producers (Tom Hanks, Steven Spilberg, Nicole Kidman, Tom Cruise) and other famous people were among her friends. But she had more friends among ordinary people.
Diana was seen many times in floods of tears, because of the pressures of her loveless 15-year marriage. It is not a secret that Diana was hounded and humiliated to the point of mental breakdown and was able to pull through only because she knew she had the love of the people to buoy her in her darkest hours. She was, indeed, the People's Princess.
to ban — запретить
landmine — фугас
to need smth. — нуждаться в чем-либо
producer — режиссер, постановщик
a flood of tears — поток слез
to buoy — поддерживать, поднимать (настроение)
to hound — преследовать
to humiliate — унижать
leper — больной проказой
to work on charities — заниматься благотворительностью
soul — душа
1. How many brothers and sisters did Diana have?
2. What did Diana like in childhood?
3. When did Diana become princess?
4. Why did Diana become world-famous?
5. Why did people love Diana?
6. Who was among her friends?
7. Why was she the People's Princess?
Text 2. Elizabeth II, Elizabeth I, Queen Victoria
Elizabeth 2 is the Queen of Great Britain. She was born in Windsor on 21 April 1926. Her full name is Elizabeth-Mary-Alexander Windsor. Her pet name is Lilibet. She was educated at home, taught to read and write by her parents. She knew foreign languages. Elizabeth was made her speech on the radio in 1940. She was learned to drive. She was married Prince Philip in 1947. Her first son Prince Charles was born in 1948. She came to throne in 1952. Elizabeth was crowned in Westminster Abbey on 2 June 1953.
Now she plays an important role in the country. She travels a lot. The Queen has got four children: Prince Charles, Princess Anne, Prince Andrew, and Prince Edward. She has five official residences in Britain; Buckingham Palace and Windsor among them.
Elizabeth 1 came to throne in 1558. She had many of her father's qualities including common sense and the strength of character. Like him, she understood the people. She loved hunting and dancing. She traveled a lot round the country. She wanted to know her people and to be known by them. Her soldiers and sailors admired her courage. The universities were surprised at her leaning, for she could speak Latin, Greek and several modern languages. She enjoyed a joke. During her reign Queen Elizabeth solved her first problem, the Church. The Anglican Church under Elizabeth followed a middle course. Most people in Britain wanted what her father, Henry 8, had given them: a reformed Catholic Church that used the English language and was free from foreign influence. And they got what they wanted. Elizabeth's next problem was to keep her enemies quiet until her country was strong enough to defend itself. The greatest danger came from Spain. In July 1588 the Spanish Armada of 130 Spanish ships arrived in the Channel. The English ships were faster than slow Armada. The English guns could shoot farther. After the battle less than half of the proud Armada came back to its home ports. This defeat of Spain was very important for England, though some people said that the Spanish Armada was defeated more by bad weather than by English guns.
During Elizabeth's reign England sent its explorers to different lands. They tried to find a quick way to India round the north of Russia. As a result they came to Archangelsk, were welcomed in Moscow and opened a new trade with Russia. England wanted to find empty lands where it could plant her own colonies. Queen Elizabeth's reign was also famous for arts and theater development. Elizabeth was a good musician herself. English music was then among the best in Europe. Many great men whote poety, drama was also famous. William Shakespeare's plays were written in the years of her reign.
Queen Victoria was a strong queen. Her monument you can see in front of Buckingham Palace. Queen Victoria came to throne in 1837 and reigned until her death in 1901. She ruled for the longest period in the English history, for 64 years! Victoria married a German, Prince Albert, but he died at the age of 42 in 1861. That was a great tragedy for Queen Victoria. She left London and never lived in the city where she had been so happy with her husband and nine children (5 daughters and 4 sons). But there are places in London that reminds us of their love. One of them is the Royal Albert Hall - a very large concert hall where the best musicians of the world perform classical music. In front of the Albert Hall there is a monument to Prince Albert built by Queen Victoria. Another place is theVictoria and Albert museum (V & A) with its rich collections of paintings and other works of art. The family life of Queen Victoria touched people's hearts. But this is not only reason why Queen Victoria became very popular. During her reign Britain became a rich industrial country with a developed trade, an empire with a lot of colonies.
Text 3. Life is a Struggle for Russia’s Disabled People
When you come to Russia you will be surprised that there are no disabled people in the streets. It is not because we have no disabled people in Russia. This is because we have no facilities at all for their normal living in a society. Many disabled people in Russia, especially those who have spinal problems, spend all their days and actually spend all their lives within the four walls of their homes. Doorways and elevators are very small for wheelchairs, the staircases are almost never equipped with wheelchair ramps or any lifting devices and this is a really great problem. Metro systems, bus systems, tram systems (that is the whole public transport system) are not designed for disabled people. Besides, there wheelchairs are so old and not modern, that they hardly can be used outside their apartments. Very often when the old wheelchair is broken the disable person loses the only opportunity to move in the house.
The pensions that are payed to disabled people are very poor. They are sufficient only for food and for community charges. To buy a new wheelchair, to buy lifting devices a person has to ask for a help of the people around – to sponsor this vital important needs. Sometimes it is possible to get some help from the government, but most disabled people fail when they face too many bureaucratic procedures for a simple getting of a new wheelchair or some other help. They risk their health to pass through this cruel system.
To get little or nothing from the state disabled people have to prove day by day, week by week, month by month and year by year their disabilities. It is really nonsense when an amputee must go through dozens of procedures to confirm the disability. It is a hard job to obtain dozens of documents from dozens of doctors, then from variety of departments of social services, also residential services and many others. Visiting all these instances requires standing for hours in long lines and all these departments are also never equipped for disabled people.
For example, the whole process of applying for a document that certifies disability takes a few months!
In St.Petersburg, the second largest city in Russia, very small amount of apartment buildings do have ramps. But very often there is no use in them for people in wheelchairs, as in most cases these ramps are designed for baby-carriages and strollers. Many people still live in the apartment buildings that were built in a Soviet time. Thousands of five-storeyed apartment buildings all over the country do not have man lifts at all. The relatives are not ready to take down a heavy wheelchair together with a disabled person from the upper floors.
Other problems also make their lives unhappy – doorways of the bathrooms are often very narrow – about 80 cm wheelchairs cannot fit them.
Very few handicap-accessible buses are available in large cities. To take a bus the disabled person has to wait sometimes for hours. Taxis are also not equipped for disabled clients. Stores, hospitals, restaurants, theaters, cinemas, museums, drugstores lack wheelchair ramps.
Exercise 1. Find in the text:
Инвалид, приспособления, дверной проем, лифт, инвалидная коляска, лестница, оборудовать, подъемное устройство, терять возможность, единственный, достаточный, коммунальные платежи, жизненно важные потребности, пройти через систему, жестокий, потерпеть неудачу, глупости, пройти процедуры, дюжина, подтвердить, получить, жилищные службы, требовать, верхний этаж, доступный для инвалидов, имеющийся.
Exercise 2. Correct the sentences.
- When you come to Russia you see many disabled people in the streets.
- Many disabled people in Russia spend all their days within special hospitals.
- The pensions paid to disabled people are sufficient for high standard of living.
- It is often possible to get some help from the government.
- It is very easy to obtain dozens of documents from dozens of doctors.
- In Russia all apartment buildings do have ramps for disabled.
- Very many handicap-accessible buses are available in large cities.
Exercise 3. Say, why life is a struggle for the disabled in Russia (give 3-4 facts).
Text 4. Human Rights Violations
It is very common fact for us that each person is entitled to basic human rights under any kind of circumstances. Most of these human rights include civil rights and political rights. However, one tends to forget the most fundamental human rights to life and safety. These human rights include justice, tolerance, mutual respect and above all human dignity. The interference with a person's right is called human right's violation. There are many kinds, types and degrees of human rights violations.
Human rights violations includes death of innocent people due to war. The fundamental rights of an individual is assaulted during a war. Torture, capture, prisoners of war, slavery, etc. are all types of human rights violations due to war. Genocide is one of the biggest human rights violations. Genocides can occur due to racial enmity, religious wars, or singling out an ethnic group.
Starvation, lack of medical help, lack of food, torture, human trafficking under the hands of political lords, etc, all come under human rights violations. When the freedom to speak, express, write, move around one's own country or city are curbed and put under restriction, it results in human rights violations. Laws that do not allow intra-racial marriages, inter caste marriages, same-sex marriages also form violation of human rights. There are still many human rights violations that involve racism and skin color. Individual's are still singled out based on their skin color, ethnicity and nationality.
On a more recognizable ground, human rights violations also include employment discrimination, banning the rights of an individual to wear what they please, tapping of phone calls, discrimination based on disability, etc. In some countries, like India, and its neighboring Asian regions, women are not allowed to be born. There are many countries where women are not allowed a right to education, freedom to choose the man they want to marry, and are kept as slaves than wives, mothers or sisters.
One of the greatest human rights violations is the crime against women. There is no bigger human rights violations other than rape. Women, girls, are raped and sexually tortured all around the world. Women are forced into prostitution and sexual slavery, during war and even during peace. There are many forced pregnancies and forced abortions carried out on women. Rape and sexual exploitation of women is also common in the so called developed and civilized countries we live in. Many women will agree there is sexual harassment faced by them in their jobs.
Child abuse is another form of human rights violation, where children are forced and violated physically, mentally as well as sexually. Child labor is a human rights violation that takes away the freedom of being a child from a child. There is nothing more sinful than taking away or denying the right to education from a child. Workers toiling under harsh conditions and not begin paid their fair remuneration. Low wages, poor working conditions and inhumane treatment melted out are also some of the human rights violations.
A new form of human rights violation is facing the world. Terrorism is carried out in the name of religion, just cause or a way to throw away an oppressor. There is no justifiable cause that can support and promote killing of innocent people and destruction of hard-earned property and economy. This was a small list of human rights violations.
Exercise 1. Find in the text: Основные права человека, гражданские права, политические права, право на жизнь, право на безопасность, справедливость, взаимное уважение, человеческое достоинство, нарушение прав человека, пытки, плен, рабство, голод, свобода слова, ограничения, межрасовые браки, однополые браки, дискриминация при приеме на работу, телефонное прослушивание, преступление, изнасилование, сексуальное домогательство, насилие над детьми, низкая зарплата, плохие условия труда, убийство невинных, разрушение собственности.
Exercise 2. Translate into Russian. Interference with a person's right, death of innocent people, racial enmity, lack of medical help, lack of food, inter caste marriages, banning the rights of an individual, crime against women, child labor, denying the right to education, harsh conditions, inhumane treatment.
Exercise 3. Make up a list of human rights violation.
Список использованных источников информации
- Карпова, Т.А. Английский язык для колледжей. Учебное пособие / Т.А.Карпова. - Зе изд., перераб. и дополн. - М:. Издательско-торговая корпорация «Дашков и К» , 2006 -
- Кожевникова, Л.А., Юлаева, С.С. Английский язык: Учебное пособие для студентов-социологов заочного отделения. / Л.А. Кожевникова, С.С. Юлаева. Самара: Изд-во "Самарский университет", 2005.
- Бонк, Н.А. Английский для международного сотрудничества / Н.А. Бонк.- СП «Прин-ди», Москва, 2012 г.
- Занина, Е.Л. 95 устных тем по английскому языку / Е.Л.Занина. - М.: Рольф, 2011. -304 с.
- Ионина, А.А., Саакян А.С. Английская грамматика. Теория и практика / А.А.Ионина, А.С.Саакян. - 3-е изд, испр. - М.: Рольф, 2012, - 448с
- Колыхалова, О. А., Макаев, В. В. Английский язык: Учебник для студентов и аспирантов гуманитарных специальностей вузов /о.а. Колыхалова, В.В. Макеев. - М.: Издательский центр «Академия», 2008.
- Кошманова, И.Н. Тесты по английскому языку / И.Н.Кошманова. - 2-е изд. Москва, Рольф, 2009.
- Саямова, В.И. English in the Office. Пособие по деловому общению на английском языке / В.И.Саямова. - Ростов - на - Дону, 2012г.
- Современный англо-русский словарь живого английского языка. Автор: Семиволкова С.В. Издательство: АСТ, Астрель Год: 2010.
- Введение 3
- Unit 1. What is sociology? 4
- Unit 2. Women and family in modern society 10
- Unit 3. Job and unemployment 17
- Unit 4. Healthy lifestyle 23
- Unit 5. The social work profession 29
- Тексты для дополнительного чтения (Additional texts) 41
- Список использованных источников информации 48
- Содержание 49
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