Разработка урока на тему: "Мода"
план-конспект урока (8 класс) на тему
В даннгом документе предоставляется разработка урока на тему: "Мода"
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Ход урока
I. Подготовка к речевой деятельности.
1. Организация класса.
T: Good morning. I am very glad to see you today. Sit down, please, and make yourselves comfortable.
2. Введение в сюжет урока. Сообщение перспективы урока.
T: I’d like to know your opinion about the following saying (Включается показ слайдов, на экране запись высказывания):
“Most people live far more fashionably than reasonably”
George Lichtenberg
Do you agree or disagree with this saying?
- I agree with the saying. I think fashion is very important in life of people. It helps to be individual.
- I agree because people always dream about fashionable things: clothes, accessories, footwear, records.
- I disagree with the opinion because many people don’t care about fashion. They try to act reasonably.
T: Thank you for your opinions. Today we are going to speak about people’s attitude to fashion.
3. Фонетическая зарядка.
T: I’d like you to revise some words to the topic “fashion”. What are they?
(Включается показ слайдов, на экране предметы одежды и обуви)
Cl: ...
T: Well done!
4. Peчевая зарядка.
T: You saw and named a lot of clothes in English. By the way, what is in fashion now?
- In my school pinafores are in fashion now.
- Baby-doll dresses are becoming more and more popular.
- A trouser suit is trendy as well
- Almost everyone wears sneakers.
- Polo-neck sweaters are really cool.
- A comfortable cardigan is the latest thing for girls.
- The biggest trend in our class is to wear customized jeans.
- The latest craze is fashionable boots.
T: Thank you very much for the necessary information.
II. Речевая деятельность учащихся.
1. Аудирование стихотворения с извлечением выборочной информации.
T: I’d like you to listen to a poem about one trendy piece of footwear. Listen and complete the poem.
(Учащимся раздаются карточки для заполнения.) Включается показ слайдов. На экране стихотворение:
We’re going to buy new ______________!
Oh, I love to have new _____________!
They have so _________ in the store
That I can pick and choose.
I don’t ___________ if they are red or blue
Or even __________ or white,
‘Cause new _____________ always run so fast
And they always jump so high!
Проверка правильности выполнения задания осуществляется с помощью появляющихся слов в пропусках на экране при нажатии на мышь.
T: Well done!
2. Чтение текста с разными стратегиями.
T: You exchanged opinions on trendy clothes in your class and school. Would you like to know what attitudes towards fashion British and Russian teens have?
Read through the texts on p. 169 in your text books and answer the questions: Do Tracey, Phil and Katya care what they wear? Is fashion important for all of them?
Снятие языковых трудностей (на доске):
- to be up with the fashion – to be up to date with the fashion
- сasual – обычный
- decent – приличный
- Frankly speaking – честно говоря
(Слова зачитываются и произносятся хором.)
А) Чтение текста с общим охватом содержания (2 min).
Проверка понимания: ответы на вопросы:
- Fashion is very important for Tracey.
- Phil doesn’t care what he wears.
- Fashion is not very important for Katya.
B) Чтение текста с полным пониманием прочитанного (4 min)
T: Read the opinions again and answer the questions to the text on p. 170.
Проверка понимания: ответы на вопросы:
Cl: -Tracey wears trendy clothes.
- Fashion is important for her because she enjoys wearing trendy clothes.
- Tracey likes to look cool and attractive. Besides she likes shopping.
- Tracey dreams about having a lot of money and wearing different clothes every day.
- Phil doesn’t care what he wears. He prefers wearing casual things: jeans, T-shirts, sweaters or sportswear.
- Phil doesn’t like his brother’s style of clothing. He dislikes his brother’s spiky hair, tattoos and piercing.
- Fashion is not very important for Katya, because it comes and goes. She thinks that looking clean and decent is more important than looking trendy.
She prefers clothes which she feels comfortable in.
3. Монологические высказывания на основе прочитанного текста.
T: Which of the opinions do you share and why?
- I share Tracey’s opinion. I think fashion is very important because I enjoy looking stylish. I like shopping and picking clothes that suites me.
- I also share Tracey’s attitude to fashion. I enjoy wearing trendy clothes. It’s great to look cool and attractive.
- I share Katya’s opinion. Fashion comes and goes but looking clean and decent is more important.
- I share Phil’s opinion. I don’t care what people wear. I prefer casual things at home – jeans, sportswear, sweaters.
T: Thank you for interesting opinions.
4. Монологические высказывания по картинкам.
T: Look at the pictures and say which pieces of clothing belong to Phil, Tracey and Katya. Why? Prove your opinion from the text.
Включается показ слайдов, на экране картинки с предметами одежды, обуви и аксессуаров со стр. 170:
Сl: (Высказывания учащихся)
T: Thank you!
5. Подготовленные монологические высказывания (проверка д\з).
T: Tracey, Phil and Katya wear different clothing. What is your favourite clothes?
P1, P2, P3
6. Монологические высказывания по словесным опорам.
T: What is your attitude towards fashion?
(Включается показ слайдов, на экране опоры из слов и выражений.)
T: Well done! It was interesting to listen to your opinions.
III. Завершающий этап
1. Подведение итогов.
T: Thank you for the good job. Some of you worked brilliantly. …, … and … you will get “fives” today. …, …, … tried also hard and can get “fours” for their job. …, …, … were not active at work. They must try next time better.
2. Домашнее задание.
На доске: 1) ex.3, p.171, ex.1, p.83-84(AB)
T: The lesson is over. See you tomorrow. Goodbye!
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