Диагностическая контрольная работа за первое полугодие к учебнику В.Эванс, Дж.Дули "Starlight 6"
методическая разработка (6 класс) на тему
Диагностическая контрольная работа за первое полугодие к учебнику В.Эванс, Дж.Дули "Starlight 6"
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Предварительный просмотр:
Диагностическая контрольная работа по английскому языку
6 «А» класс
Декабрь 2013
Дата проведения_____________________________________________________________________________
Task 1. Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or the present continuous.
- __________________________________ (you/hear) that strange noise? Let’s go and see who __________________________________ (make) it.
- ______________________________________________ (you and Mary/fly) to Cardiff next week? No, Mary ___________________________________ (hate) travelling by plane, so we __________________________________________ (take) the train.
- What music_________________________________ (she/listen to)? She ___________________________
(prefer) pop music.
- Steve____________________________________ (not work) these days. He’s on holiday.
- What time ________________________________ (the train/ arrive)?
- Ben _________________________________ (study) very hard. That’s why he _____________________________________________ (always/pass) his exams with high marks.
- ________________________________________________ (he/always/complain) about his strict teachers at school. It’s so annoying.
- _________________________________________ (I/understand) you now. Could you speak a bit louder, please?
- Is your mum at home? No, she ___________________________________ (always/work) on Fridays.
- Who_________________________________________ (this car/belong to)? It’s my brother’s.
Task 2. Put the adjectives in brackets into the correct form. Do not forget to fill in than or in.
- The streets in town are ________________________________ (crowded) ______________ streets in the country and there’s lots of traffic.
- We need a ______________________________ hotel. We don’t have a lot of money.
- Los Angeles has _________________________________ (exciting) nightlife _____________ the world.
- Snake bites can be as ________________________________________ (dangerous) as spider bites.
- Saturday evening is _________________________________________ (bad) time to go shopping.
- Sally’s room is _______________________________________ (messy) one ___________ the house.
- Jason’s car isn’t as _____________________________________ (fast) as Etan’s.
- Susan is ___________________________________________ (attractive)_______________ Julia.
- He’s a bit ___________________________________________ (young) ____________________ me.
- It’s very ________________________________________ (cold) today.
Task 3. Fill in the correct modal verb. Remember, you’ll need only ten of these verbs. Different variants are possible.
must mustn’t have to/has to don’t have to/doesn’t have to can could can’t couldn’t shall should shouldn’t may may not will would need needs needn’t |
- ________________________ we go on holiday this year?
- You __________________________________ wash up. Mum has already done it.
- I’m not well. ____________________________ you call a doctor.
- I ___________________ jump, but I ________________________ swim when I was four years old.
- She ____________________________ to get up early tomorrow. Her plane takes off at 6 am.
- He is so fat! He ___________________________ eat less fat-free products.
- Everybody _______________________________ look both sides before crossing the road.
- You _______________________________ eat chicken with mushy peas if you don’t want to.
- He _______________________________ buy any more bread. We’ve got enough at home.
- Pupils ___________________________ be talkative during the classes!
Task 4. Fill in: much, many, a lot of, few, a few, little, a little.
- Do you put sugar in your tea? Yes, just _____________________________________ .
- Let’s go to the cinema on Saturday? - I can’t. I’ve got ________________________________ work to do.
- Don’t put too ______________________ mayonnaise in the salad; just a tablespoonful.
- How _________________ apples are there in the fruit bowl?
- Do you eat fish? Yes, but very _________________ . I prefer red meat.
- What’s wrong with your coffee? There’s ____________________ sugar in it, and I like it sweet.
- Fresh vegetables contain ___________________________ vitamins.
- There _______________________ people in my family: just my brother, my parents and I.
- ________________________ pupils in our class have got good results in Maths. It’s too difficult for us.
- We should avoid eating junk food because it has too ______________________ sugar and fat.
_______ (10)
Task 5. Fill in the gaps with too or enough.
- Did you go sailing yesterday? - Yes, it was______________________________ (windy).
- How did you find the Maths test? - It was ________________________ (long). I didn't have enough time to finish it.
- It's__________________________ (cold) in here. - Sorry. I'll turn on the heating.
- Is your little brother going to watch the film with us? - No. I'm afraid he's______________________ (young)
- Can Tara win the race? - Yes. She is __________________________ (fast).
_______ (5)
Task 6. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct infinitive or -ing form.
I really enjoy _________________________ (meet) new people so last year I started writing to two teens living abroad. One lives in Germany and the other in Australia. So far, I've already been to Australia to meet Julia. She's great! At the moment, I'm busy_______________________ (plan) a trip to Germany. Hans lives there. Both of my parents have agreed_________________________ (come). We expect _______________________________ (travel) there this winter. I want __________________________ (go) skiing with Hans and I'm looking forward to ___________________________ (practise) my German with him, too.
_______ (6)
- Please, let me______________________________ with your new video game. (play)
- I don't know where_________________________________________ on holiday. (go)
- I am so happy___________________________________________ you again. (see)
- They're thinking of ____________________________________ to America. (move)
_______ (4)
Task 7. Choose the correct item.
- Some programmes use video __________________ from handheld cameras.
A documentary B reality C footage D voice-over
- Drivers must obey all road_____________________ .
A lights B sights C features D signs
- Many tourists ........ trouble while visiting the swamps.
A take out B fall into C get into D pull in
- A good citizen always ........ the law.
A obeys B follows C volunteers D helps
- To get out of a mud bog you must ........ out slowly.
A run B pull C crawl D fall
- Don’t forget to get a ........ of ice cream.
A pot B tub C carton D tin
- Can I ........ the bill now, please?
A order B grab C check D pay
- A: So that’s an omelette and a salad.
B: a OK.
b That’s right.
- A: Can I have an omelette, please?
B: a Sure.
b That’s correct.
- We often go to the mountains to ........ from the city.
A get off B cut off C escape D run
_______ (10)
Task 8. Fill in the words. You’ll need only ten of these words.
street insect show sweet make station fast run road do spicy centre public bill help act menu quick pedestrian reptile |
- Can I _______________________________you to your table?
- Andrew lets his imagination __________________________wild when he cooks.
- This sauce is very ____________________________ with lots of red peppers.
- Can I see the ___________________________ please?
- Many teenagers eat at ________________________ food restaurants.
- The community______________________________ offers many great activities.
- Please ___________________________ your bed before you leave.
- Let’s take a_________________________________ trip down the coastline.
- The _______________________________ services are excellent in my city.
- Put on some ____________________________ repellent so you don’t get stung.
_______ (10)
Task 9. Fill in the appropriate word.
- You must stop when the ________________ ____________________ is red.
- Let’s eat at one of the __________________ ____________________ in the shopping centre.
- New York city has got some of the tallest ____________________________ in the world.
- There are a lot of ________________________________ spiders in the swamps.
- I don’t like taking out the __________________________ in my family.
- Michael went to the bank to _____________________________ some money.
- People usually fill their cars with petrol at the ___________________ _________________________ .
- A good citizen should always ____________________________ crimes.
- Crowds gather at night to watch the fantastic fireworks ______________________________ at the festival.
- There are a lot of fast food places to _____________________________ every taste in the UK.
_______ (20)
_____________________ (100)
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