Внеклассное мероприятие - "Вежливость в России и Британии".
методическая разработка (8, 9, 10, 11 класс) по теме
Цели и задачи урока:
1) Воспитательная:
Расширять кругозор учащихся
- воспитывать чувство уважения друг к другу, доброжелательность, толерантность, умение вести себя за столом
- формирование представления о нормах культурного поведения в обществе в Англии и России
1)Социокультурный аспект:
знакомство с манерами поведения людей из англоязычных стран, сравнение особенностей поведения людей в Британии и России.
2) Образовательная:
развитие умений слушать и понимать речь учителя и одноклассников,
читать неподготовленные тексты с поиском нужной информации, сопоставлять и сравнивать ее,
развитие умения чтения текстов с полным пониманием,
умения строить высказывания на основе прочитанного.
3) Развивающая:
развивать творческие способности учащихся по теме,
развивать у учащихся коммуникативно-игровые способности,
развивать языковую догадку,
развитие логического мышления, памяти, познавательного интереса, самостоятельности учеников при работе над текстом.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:

Предварительный просмотр:
The British are practical and realistic, careful about almost everything. The British are said to be a polite and good-mannered people. Polite words or phrases such as “please’, “thank you”, Excuse me’ are used very often in Britain. People are angry if you jump the queue. It is polite to wait your turn in the queue. Queueing is as British as fish and chips. Queueing is a national habit. At bus stops and cinemas, in shops, banks and post offices and in lots of other places you’ll have to join the queue and wait for your turn. People in Britain will expect you to be polite in the way that is normal to them.
For | a Russian | it’s | surprising usual unusual disappointing strange | that | English food isn’t good the English have good table manners English people queue too much the English are very formal the English are careful to everything the English are not very friendly the English are not tired of saying polite words the English are well mannered nation |
The word fork comes from the Latin 'furca' for "pitch fork." The two-prong twig was the first fork. One of the earliest dinner forks is attributed to Constantinople in 400 A.D By the seventh century, small forks were used at Middle Eastern courts; such fork came to Italy in the eleventh century. Thereafter the fork disappeared from the table for nearly 300 years. Eating with a fork once considered scandalous.
While forks were a regular feature on the tables of nobles in Italy since the 11th Century, and used in France in the 14th Century, it was introduced in England only in 1611 by Thomas Coryat. In England the fork was slow to gain. In 1608, Thomas Coryate took the "grand tour" of Europe, and in Italy he saw a fork. He liked it. He brought some forks and showed them to his friends. Coryate's friends mocked at him. And a fork appeared on the English tables 50 years later.
Today, depending on need, a set of flatware may contain five forks: dinner fork, fish fork, luncheon fork, salad or dessert fork.
In Russia the first fork appeared in the 17th century.
Fill in the verbs in correct tense.
The two-prong twig ….. the first fork By the seventh century, small forks were used at Middle Eastern courts Eating with a fork once …………. scandalous. While forks …….. a regular feature on the tables of nobles in Italy since the 11th Century, and used in France in the 14th Century, it ……………. in England only in 1611 by Thomas Coryat. In England the fork was slow to gain. In 1608, Thomas Coryate ……….. the "grand tour" of Europe, and in Italy he ………a fork. He liked it. He …………some forks and showed them to his friends. Coryate's friends ……….. at him. And a fork appeared on the English tables 50 years later. In Russia the first fork ………….. in the 17th century. | BE CONSIDER BE INTRODUCE TAKE SEE BRING MOCK APPEAR |
Fill in the verbs in correct tense.
The two-prong twig ….. the first fork By the seventh century, small forks were used at Middle Eastern courts Eating with a fork once …………. scandalous. While forks …….. a regular feature on the tables of nobles in Italy since the 11th Century, and used in France in the 14th Century, it ……………. in England only in 1611 by Thomas Coryat. In England the fork was slow to gain. In 1608, Thomas Coryate ……….. the "grand tour" of Europe, and in Italy he ………a fork. He liked it. He …………some forks and showed them to his friends. Coryate's friends ……….. at him. And a fork appeared on the English tables 50 years later. In Russia the first fork ………….. in the 17th century. | BE CONSIDER BE INTRODUCE TAKE SEE BRING MOCK APPEAR |
Fill in the verbs in correct tense.
The two-prong twig ….. the first fork By the seventh century, small forks were used at Middle Eastern courts Eating with a fork once …………. scandalous. While forks …….. a regular feature on the tables of nobles in Italy since the 11th Century, and used in France in the 14th Century, it ……………. in England only in 1611 by Thomas Coryat. In England the fork was slow to gain. In 1608, Thomas Coryate ……….. the "grand tour" of Europe, and in Italy he ………a fork. He liked it. He …………some forks and showed them to his friends. Coryate's friends ……….. at him. And a fork appeared on the English tables 50 years later. In Russia the first fork ………….. in the 17th century. | BE CONSIDER BE INTRODUCE TAKE SEE BRING MOCK APPEAR |
How to set the table
A napkin
A water glass
A dinner fork
A dinner knife
A teaspoon
A wineglass
A plate
A soupspoon
Предварительный просмотр:
Конспект урока
Класс: 10А
Тема урока: Вежливость в России и Британии
Цели и задачи урока:
1) Воспитательная:
Расширять кругозор учащихся
- воспитывать чувство уважения друг к другу, доброжелательность, толерантность, умение вести себя за столом
- формирование представления о нормах культурного поведения в обществе в Англии и России
1)Социокультурный аспект:
знакомство с манерами поведения людей из англоязычных стран, сравнение особенностей поведения людей в Британии и России.
2) Образовательная:
развитие умений слушать и понимать речь учителя и одноклассников,
читать неподготовленные тексты с поиском нужной информации, сопоставлять и сравнивать ее,
развитие умения чтения текстов с полным пониманием,
умения строить высказывания на основе прочитанного.
3) Развивающая:
развивать творческие способности учащихся по теме,
развивать у учащихся коммуникативно-игровые способности,
развивать языковую догадку,
развитие логического мышления, памяти, познавательного интереса, самостоятельности учеников при работе над текстом.
Оснащение урока:
1) раздаточный материал (тексты),
2) компьютерная презентация,
3) аудиозаписи - диалоги вежливости, песня на английском языке
Ход урока
1.Организационный момент
Приветствие учащихся, объявление темы урока.
Good morning, boys and girls! Nice to meet you.
Today we are going to speak about manners and behaviour of people in England and in Russia. The motto of our lesson is “Good Behavior – a rainbow that colors our life.”
(Учитель показывает компьютерную презентацию слайда № 1, где находится тема урока- POLITNESS. Good behaviour – a rainbow that colours our life).
2. Фонетическая зарядка (слайд № 2)
(Ученики читают хором и индивидуально)
Hearts like doors will open with ease
To very, very little keys.
And don’t forget that two of these
Are “Thank you” and if you “Please”.
3. Направить мыслительную деятельность учащихся на восприятие темы «Вежливость» по разным направлениям (слайды № 3,4).
Where should a person be polite?
(Учащиеся читают надписи на слайде)
- A person should be polite at school, in the street, at the table, with friends, abroad, in the café, with adults, with elderly people ….
Should we follow the rule of politeness in greeting, writing letters, talking in a café …?
Where should we remember the rules of etiquette?
Ученики читают коллаж на слайде: Yes, we should follow the rule of politeness in greeting, introducing, writing letters, talking in a café, in the street, talking in a café, etiquette at the party.
4. Знакомство с характером и манерами поведения людей в Англии и России, сравнение особенностей поведения людей в данных странах. (Слайд № 5)
Are the Russians and the English the same? Look at the slide and compare.
The Russian is said to be hospitable …. . Is it true?
The English is said to be mannered nation. Is it so?
5. Развитие умений учащихся в чтении текста о мнении россиян о характере англичан с полным пониманием прочитанного и составление предложений по таблице.
Read the text “CULTURAL NOTES ABOUT BRITAIN” and look at the table.
Can you tell me what the Russians think of the English way of life.
(Учащиеся читают текст вслух и составляют предложения. Работа идет в режиме - Ученик1,2, 3…)
For a Russian it is surprising that English people queue too much.
For a Russian it is usual the English are very formal.
For a Russian it is the English have good table manners.
For a Russian it is strange English food isn’t good.
The British are practical and realistic, careful about almost everything. The British are said to be a polite and good-mannered people. Polite words or phrases such as “please’, “thank you”, Excuse me’ are used very often in Britain. People are angry if you jump the queue. It is polite to wait your turn in the queue. Queueing is as British as fish and chips. Queueing is a national habit. At bus stops and cinemas, in shops, banks and post offices and in lots of other places you’ll have to join the queue and wait for your turn. People in Britain will expect you to be polite in the way that is normal to them.
For | a Russian | it’s | surprising usual unusual disappointing strange | that | English food isn’t good the English have good table manners English people queue too much the English are very formal the English are careful to everything the English are not very friendly the English are not tired of saying polite words the English are well mannered nation |
6. Совершенствование навыков неподготовленной монологической речи на основе прочитанного текста «Из истории вилки». Развитие умений слушать и понимать речь одноклассников. (СЛАЙДЫ 6-11)
The word fork comes from the Latin 'furca' for "pitch fork." The two-prong twig was the first fork. One of the earliest dinner forks is attributed to Constantinople in 400 A.D By the seventh century, small forks were used at Middle Eastern courts; such fork came to Italy in the eleventh century. Thereafter the fork disappeared from the table for nearly 300 years. Eating with a fork once considered scandalous. In
While forks were a regular feature on the tables of nobles in Italy since the 11th Century, and used in France in the 14th Century, it was introduced in England only in 1611 by Thomas Coryat. In England the fork was slow to gain. In 1608, Thomas Coryate took the "grand tour" of Europe, and in Italy he saw a fork. He liked it. He brought some forks and showed them to his friends. Coryate's friends mocked at him. And a fork appeared on the English tables 50 years later.
Today, depending on need, a set of flatware may contain five forks: dinner fork, fish fork, luncheon fork, salad or dessert fork.
In Russia the first fork appeared in the 17th century.
Учитель: Who knows the history of the fork? (ученик рассказывает)
Учитель: Who can add?
When did the fork come to Russia?
The fork had a long history, hadn’t it?
7. Накрыть на стол (СЛАЙДЫ 12, 13)
Учитель: Can you lay the table?
1) Ученик накрывает на стол тарелки, вилки, ложки, стаканы под тихую английскую песню “Streets of London”
2) Ученик рассказывает о расположении предметов на столе.
8.Совершенствование умений монологической речи (СЛАЙД 13)
Учитель: Look at slide answer the question Which topics are best avoided for small talk?
Which topics are best avoided for small talk?
- Age, eg "How old are you?"
- Appearance or weight, eg "You seem to have put on some weight"
- Personal gossip (сплетни) about somebody you know
- Jokes that might offend
- Money, "How much do you earn?"
- Sex (some people have strong religious views about this, or are embarrassed by the subject)
- Previous or current relationships, eg "Do you have a girlfriend?"
- Politics, eg "Who did you vote for at the last election?"
- Religion, eg "Do you believe in God?"
- Criticisms or complaints, eg "Why is British food so bad?"
(ученики делают вывод по проблемному вопросу, обсуждают)
9.Итог урока. (СЛАЙД 15)
1) Учитель: Let’s make a conclusion – write your impressions in the book of politeness.
2) Оценки поставлены в течение урока
3) Домашнее задание. (СЛАЙД 16 - СПАСИБО)
Учитель: Fill in the verbs in correct tense.
The two-prong twig was the first fork By the seventh century, small forks were used at Middle Eastern courts Eating with a fork once considered scandalous. While forks were a regular feature on the tables of nobles in Italy since the 11th Century, and used in France in the 14th Century, it was introduced in England only in 1611 by Thomas Coryat. In England the fork was slow to gain. In 1608, Thomas Coryate took the "grand tour" of Europe, and in Italy he saw a fork. He liked it. He brought some forks and showed them to his friends. Coryate's friends mocked at him. And a fork appeared on the English tables 50 years later. In Russia the first fork appeared in the 17th century. | BE CONSIDER BE INTRODUCE TAKE SEE BRING MOCK APPEAR |
Список использованных источников:
1) Кузовлев В.П., Лапа Н.М и др. “English 8” 2004
2) Журнал для изучающих английский язык “Speak Out” N 64, ноябрь-декабрь 2007, ООО Издательство Глосса-Пресс, г. Москва.
3) Журнал для изучающих английский язык “Speak Out” N 65, январь-февраль 2008, ООО Издательство Глосса-Пресс, г. Москва.
4) CD к учебнику Кузовлева В.П., Лапа Н.М и др. “English 8”
5) Мультимедия. Презентация
6)UK Lifestyle http://uk.reuters.com/article/2008/01/09/uk-britain-school-etiquette-idUKL0970774820080109
7) http://www.ehow.com/how_7219197_learn-life-skills-manners.html
8) http://www.usingenglish.com/forum/ask-teacher/27480-poems-good-behaviour.html
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