Открытый урок английского языка "КУРЕНИЕ" в 7 классе с использованием технологии критического мышления
методическая разработка (7 класс) на тему
Открытый урок на тему о вреде курения в 7 классе. По материалам учебника Биболетовой "Enjoy English". Использована технология критического мышления
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Предварительный просмотр:
For Teenagers: Understanding Smoking
If you are a teenager, chances are that you have considered taking up smoking at some point. About 3,000 teenagers pick up the smoking habit each day in America, or roughly one million new teenage smokers per year. About 60% of all high school students try smoking by the time they are seniors. That means lots of new smokers, and it also means there's a good chance that you or one of your friends is smoking right now.
What I would like to do in this article is help you, as a teenager, to understand why so many teenagers start smoking. If you understand why teenagers start smoking, chances are you won't smoke. It is sort of like a magic trick. The first time you see the trick it looks really cool and mysterious. But then if someone tells you how it's done it's not mysterious at all anymore and the trick loses a lot of its appeal. Smoking works the same way.
The Pill
Imagine you and I having the following conversation:
Me: Hi, How’s it going?
You: Fine.
Me: Hey, I’ve got this new thing I’d like you to try.
You: Tell me more.
Me: Well, it’s a pill I think you will want to start taking.
You: What does this pill do?
Me: First of all, it is a known carcinogen. It is extremely likely you will get lung cancer due to this pill. It is going to cause a lot of other short- and long-term health problems as well. It will make your breath, hair and clothes stink. It will make a mess of your car. You will take this pill about 40 times a day. This pill, by the way, is addictive. Once you start taking it, it will be extremely difficult to stop. And a supply of pills will cost about $2 to $4 a day, depending on where you buy them.
You: I have to pay for this??? Are you kidding??? This pill sounds absolutely disgusting!!! Why in the world would I want to take it???
Me: It will make you think you are cool.
If I offered you a pill like that, would you take it?
Let's start at the beginning - why do teenagers start smoking? If you ask teenagers, here are the four most common reasons:
- Group acceptance - if their friends smoke, many teenagers will begin smoking simply to maintain their acceptance within the group. AKA "peer pressure".
- Image projection - there is definitely an "image" attached to smoking by advertising. For women it is one of sexiness and desirability, and for men it is one of rugged individualism, fun or coolness. If a teenager buys into that image, then smoking begins.
- Rebellion - many teenagers take up smoking because they know it annoys/bothers/infuriates their parents and other adults. There is also a certain element of "independence" or "doing what is not allowed" or "walking on the wild side" worked in as well.
- Adult aspirations - some teenagers believe that by smoking they are acting like an adult. If the teenager is raised in a community where most of the adults smoke, then this is perhaps a logical conclusion.
There is one other factor at work as well, and most teenagers have no idea it is happening. This factor is the teenage mind itself. The following graph is interesting:
What this graph shows is the age at which people begin smoking. On this graph you can see that some 11 and 12 year-olds start, but in general the ages 13 through 18 are the big "start smoking" years - nearly everyone who starts smoking starts between these ages. Here is the important thing to notice: No one starts smoking after age 20 or so. That is, if you can make it to age 20 without smoking, you will never start. This is an extremely interesting fact of life. No adult ever makes the decision to smoke. The question to ask yourself as a teenager is "why is that?"
The Adult Mind
The "teenage mind" is much different from the "adult mind." All teenagers eventually figure this out - that is the point at which they start to become adults. But until a teenager turns on his or her adult brain and begins thinking like an adult, he or she is stuck with a teenage brain. The key concept here is that "being a teenager" is a temporary state meant to be outgrown. In other words, "being a teenager" can be equated to "being a child" at some level. The idea is for a teenager to outgrow teendom and become an adult. Once you understand that, you are on your way. But before that happens your "teenage mind" tends to be extremely non-rational and very reactive. Every single person who starts smoking is doing it because they are using their "teenage mind" to make the decision, rather than an adult mind.
You can understand the difference between the teenage mind and the adult mind by looking at these two examples:
- Teenage mind: "A couple of my friends have started smoking. I better start too or they will think I am uncool." (Reactive)
- Adult mind: "A couple of my friends have started smoking. Do I want to start smoking?" (Thinking)
The difference is that the teenage mind reacts, while the adult mind asks and considers options. You, as a teenager, are a blank slate. You, and only you, get to determine exactly how your life will turn out. You get to choose exactly what appears on your slate by making choices from a nearly infinite pool. In other words, you get to design your life. You get to decide on things like:
- Who will I marry?
- How many children will I have?
- How will I dress?
- Where will I live?
- What kind of car will I drive?
- Will I go to college, and if so which one will I attend?
- What will be my major in college?
- What will I choose for my career?
- How much money will I make, and why?
- What will be my attitude toward life?
- Will I smoke? Will I take drugs?
- And so on...
However, you only get to choose if you think about these things and make conscious choices.
The problem for many teenagers, and for nearly every teenager who smokes, is that the choices are not conscious decisions - they are reactions. You can go back and change many of these decisions later, but smoking is not one of them because smoking is addictive.
This fact of life helps answer the following important question: If no adult using their adult brain would ever start smoking, then why do you see millions of adults smoking everywhere you go? The reason is simple: Every adult smoker started smoking as a teenager because of a silly decision made by their teenage brain, but once addicted to cigarettes it is impossible to stop! That is the only reason you see adult smokers. No one in their right mind (that excludes, of course, a teenager using a teenager mind) would smoke if they didn't have to. But cigarettes are highly addictive so adult smokers have to smoke. Here are the four main reasons adult smokers would love to quit smoking:
- Smoking has serious health consequences. On average, each minute of smoking reduces a person's life expectancy by a minute. When you consider that a two-pack-a-day smoker consumes on the order of 600,000 cigarettes in a lifetime, and it takes three to five minutes to smoke a cigarette, this is a significant factor.
- Smoking is addictive. Once you get hooked it is very difficult to stop. Once hooked, you have to stop every half hour or so and smoke another cigarette. You have no choice!
- Smoking is extremely expensive. Cigarettes range in price from a nickel to a dime each, so if you are consuming 40 a day the cost averages about $1,000 per year. There must be a better way to spend $1,000!
- Smoking has effects on personal hygiene. Cigarettes are messy and they make your hair, clothes and breath stink.
As a teenager, with a teenager mind, you may think that you are somehow immune to the addictive power of smoking. Somehow you will not become an addict. All you have to do is look at the millions and millions of adult smokers in America today - all of them thought exactly the same thing. You are no different.
The Pill
Another way to understand smoking is to imagine that you and I having the following conversation:
Me: Hi, How’s it going?
You: Fine.
Me: Hey, I’ve got this new thing I’d like you to try.
You: Tell me more.
Me: Well, it’s a pill I think you will want to start taking.
You: What does this pill do?
Me: First of all, it is a known carcinogen. It is extremely likely you will get lung cancer due to this pill. It is going to cause a lot of other short- and long-term health problems as well. It will make your breath, hair and clothes stink. It will make a mess of your car. You will take this pill about 40 times a day. This pill, by the way, is addictive. Once you start taking it, it will be extremely difficult to stop. And a supply of pills will cost about $2 to $4 a day, depending on where you buy them.
You: I have to pay for this??? Are you kidding??? This pill sounds absolutely disgusting!!! Why in the world would I want to take it???"
Me: It will make you think you are cool.
You: Oh, well, why didn’t you say so? Sign me up! Where can I get some???
If I offered you a pill like that, would you take it? Yes you would, if you are using your "teenage mind", because being cool is important to you. But look at the price you have to pay. "Being cool" won't matter nearly so much to you once you turn on your adult mind.
Plus, smoking isn't nearly as discrete as taking a pill - everyone knows that you are a smoker. Unfortunately, for every adult who sees you it's like wearing a big "I'm a Stupid Teenager!" sign around your neck. With a teenager mind you can't see that. In fact, if you are "rebellious" your teenager mind is thinking that is exactly what you want to say. However, your adult brain will turn on in a year or two. If you start smoking as a teenager then you are going to be stuck with an addictive habit that is disgusting, expensive, unhealthy and unwanted.
If you are considering smoking, here is something to try: think about waiting until you are 20 to start using cigarettes. They will still be there - cigarettes are never going away. See what you think about them at that point. You will be amazed!
Go to the Table of Contents for The Teenager's Guide to the Real World.
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Why do people smoke ?
Why do teenagers smoke ? Why do grown-ups smoke? and
KWL Chart Know Want to know Learnt Smoking is bad
KWL Chart Know Want to know Learnt Smoking is bad Why do people smoke then?
KWL Chart Know Want to know Learnt Smoking is bad Why do people smoke then? Adults smoke because they can’t stop. Teenagers smoke because they want to look cool.
Why do people smoke ?
Предварительный просмотр:
Открытый урок
в 7 классе на тему
"Проблемы курения"
с использованием Технологии критического мышления
Учитель: Шевелева Наталья Михайловна
присутствовали: Беднягина Л.Л. - руководитель МО, учитель немецкого и английского языка;
Серова О.А. - учитель английского языка;
Щока А.В. - учитель английского языка
МАОУ "СОШ № 13" г. Великий Новгород
- Конспект урока
1. Класс: 7
2. Предмет, тема урока: английский язык, «Проблемы курения в подростковом возрасте»
3. Этап обучения по данной теме: основной
4. Цель: актуализация знаний по теме «Проблемы курения в подростковом возрасте»
- Повторение и закрепление лексики по данной теме
- Предоставление возможности для проявления позиции учащихся в групповой и коллективной деятельности
- Обеспечение продуктивной деятельности через монологическое высказывание
5.Тип урока: комбинированный
6. Используемые приемы, методы, технологии обучения:
технология развития критического мышления посредством чтения и письма
методы обучения: продуктивные методы – частично-поисковый, объяснительно-иллюстративный
приемы: прием «Создание кластера», "Продолжи фразу», «Использование видеоклипа», «Обсуждение в группе», «Создание KWL таблицы »
7. Используемые формы организации познавательной деятельности учащихся: групповая, коллективная, индивидуальная
8. Оборудование и основные источники информации: ПК, экран, мультимедийный проектор, компьютерная презентация, видеофайл, тексты раздаточного материала, листы для создания своей иллюстрации
9. Прогнозируемый результат (формируемые УУД)
- Регулятивные УУД:
целеполагание (постановка учебной задачи на основе соотнесения того, что уже известно и усвоено учащимся, и того, что еще неизвестно);
планирование (определение последовательности промежуточных целей с учетом конечного результата);
прогнозирование (предвосхищение результата);
коррекция (внесение необходимых дополнений и корректив в план)
оценка (выделение и осознание учащимся того, что уже усвоено и что еще подлежит усвоению).
- Общеучебные УУД:
- самостоятельное выделение и формулирование познавательной цели;
- поиск и выделение необходимой информации;
- структурирование знаний;
- осознанное и произвольное построение речевого высказывания в устной
- рефлексия способов и условий действия, контроль и оценка процесса и результатов деятельности;
- смысловое чтение; извлечение необходимой информации из научно-публицистического текста; определение основной и второстепенной информации;
- постановка и формулирование проблемы, самостоятельное создание алгоритмов деятельности при решении проблем поискового характера.
- Логические УУД:
- установление причинно-следственных связей,
- построение логической цепи рассуждений,
- выдвижение гипотез и их обоснование.
- Коммуникативные УУД
- постановка вопросов – инициативное сотрудничество в поиске и сборе информации;
- умение с достаточно полнотой и точностью выражать свои мысли в соответствии с задачами и условиями коммуникации; владение монологической и диалогической формами речи в соответствии с грамматическими и синтаксическими нормами иностранного языка.
10. Список использованной литературы:
- М.З.Биболетова, Н.И.Трубанева Учебник английского языка для 7 класса. Титул ,2008
- О.В. Захарьина Современные образовательные технологии. Волгоград :Учитель, 2008
- Заир – Бек С.И., Муштавинская И.В. Развитие критического мышления на уроке: пособие для учителя.- М.: Просвещение, 2004.- 175 с.
Технологическая карта урока
Время | Деятельность учителя | Деятельность учащихся | Ожидаемый результат | Критерий достижения ожидаемого результата | Необходимое оборудование |
1.Организационный этап Направлен на подготовку учащихся к работе | |||||
3 мин | Приветствует учащихся, вводит учащихся в языковую среду, проводит речевую зарядку с помощью вопросов. | Приветствуют учителя, отвечают на вопросы | Полная готовность учащихся к работе, быстрое включение учащихся в деловой ритм, организация внимания учащихся | Каждый учащийся ответил хотя бы на один вопрос. | |
| |||||
5 мин | Организует просмотр видеоклипа, затем фронтальную работу по определению темы урока на основе просмотра видеоклипа и выявлению знаний по данной теме | Проявляют свою позицию по отношению к проблеме подростков из клипа, догадываются о теме урока | Актуализация знаний, проявление интереса к изучаемой теме | Внимание учащихся. | Видеоклип "Курим" группы "Нервы", |
2 мин | Озвучивает цель урока, организует ситуацию ее принятия и мотивации достижения учащимися | Высказывают свои точки зрения | Учащиеся ставят цели собственной деятельности на уроке | Учащиеся определили, значимость информации для них, возможности использования ими этой информации для принятия важных решений | Электронная презентация, слайд 1 |
5 мин | Организует фронтальную работу по составлению списка вредных последствий курения и оформляет его в форме кластера | Предлагают свои варианты | Учащиеся дают список вредных последствий курения | У учащихся появился список вредных последствий курения (на доске) | Доска |
| |||||
| |||||
8 мин. | Организует работу по чтению текста. | Ученики работают в парах (группах), читают текст, ищут причины курения взрослых и подростков | Находят причины, заносят их в таблицу | Заполнена таблица | Раздаточный материал - текст (отрывок из книги " The Teenager's Guide to the Real World" Маршалла Брейна - Приложение 1 |
3 мин | Ставит перед учащимися вопрос о том, почему же начинают курить подростки. | Предлагают варианты ответа на вопрос | Должны назвать все причины, перечисленные в тексте и могут добавить свои | Заполнена 1 колонка таблицы | Приложение 2 Электронная презентация, слайды 4, 5 |
3 мин | Проверяется понимание ответа на вопрос почему курят взрослые | Учащиеся формулируют ответ, исходя из прочитанного | Учащиеся инициируют и осуществляют сотрудничество со сверстниками и учителем, выявляют и анализируют причины проблемы | В результате работы групп заполнены таблицы. Выявлены причины | Электронная презентация, слайд 6 |
| |||||
5 мин | Проводит рефлексивный этап Предлагает прием «Нарисуй анти-курящий знак» | Выполняют прием ««Нарисуй анти-курящий знак»» | У учащихся активизирован материал по теме «Проблемы курения подростков» Они выявляют проблемы, их причины и умеют решать их. | Каждая группа (пара) придумывает и рисует свой анти-курящий знак и лозунг к нему | Электронная презентация, слайд 8 |
Ход урока
- Организационный момент
Good morning, dear children!
I am glad to see you
How are you?
Let's talk about today's day. Please, answer my questions. (Речевая зарядка)
- Стадия вызова
Teacher. Now, we shall watch the video and you’ll try to answer the question “What problems do these teenagers have?” What shall we talk about today? (Учащиеся смотрят видеоклип).
Teacher .We’ve watched the film and now answer my question “What problem do these teenagers have? Do you think they like to smoke? Why? What shall we talk about today? “ (Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы)
Teacher. The theme of our lesson is “Why do people smoke?”. This bad habit doesn't make anybody happy, but still there are a lot of people smoking nowadays. (задачи урока, презентация слайд 2)
What do you know about smoking? Let's remember all the bad things smoking does to people. (На доске заполняется кластер «Вредные последствия курения»)
- Стадия осмысления
Teacher. You see how many bad things brings smoking to our life. (Заполняется первая графа таблицы) But we know that a lot of people are smoking. Do you want to know WHY? OK. Then now we'll try to understand why this happen. Let's divide into two groups. One group will try to learn why adults smoke. And the other group will tell us why teenagers smoke. Each group will read its text and answer these questions..
Учащиеся читают каждый свою часть текста и находят ответы на вопросы (Приложение 1).
Let’s see how well you’ve understood the texts.
And now the first group will tell us why teenagers smoke and the second group will fill in the third part of the chart. Please, read what you've written.
Затем наоборот, вторая группа называет причину, а первая записывает ее в свою таблицу. Ученики общаются между собой, задают вопросы, переспрашивают. Учитель - набдюдает.
После этого учитель возвращает учащихся к основному вопросу урока и спрашивает, достигнута ли цель урока (Да, так как найден ответ на вопрос, почему люди курят). После этого просит одного ученика обобщить причины курения (Возможный ответ: "It is important not to start smoking when you are a teenager, because you won't be able to quit when you are a grown up")
- Стадия размышления (рефлексии).
Give mark to every member of your group.
Open your books on page 91. Look at these anti-smoking signs and think of your own, that you could put on your room's door if you feel like it. Make your room an anti-smoking area. Create your own sign.
Учащиеся изучают анти-курящие надписи и плакаты в учебнике и придумывают свой собственный (в парах). Домашнее задание: закончить работу над плакатом.
Урок заканчивается оценкой урока учащимися (они, уходя, приклеивают на доску стикеры с изображением смайликов с различной формой довольства (недовольства) уроком, которые заранее разложены на столе учителя).
Thank you for the lesson. Don’t worry, be happy!
Приложение 1.
For Teenagers: Understanding Smoking
If you are a teenager, you probably thought about smoking already. About 3,000 teenagers pick up the smoking habit each day in America, or one million new teenage smokers a year. That means lots of new smokers, and it also means there is a good chance that you or one of your friends is smoking right now.
Have you ever asked a question: why do you see millions of adults smoking everywhere? Look at the following graph which shows the age at which people begin smoking.
On this graph you can see that some 11 and 12 year-olds start, but in general the ages 13 through 18 are the big "start smoking" years - nearly everyone who starts smoking starts between these ages. Here is the important thing to notice: No one starts smoking after age 20 or so. So if you can make it to age 20 without smoking, you will never start. This is an extremely interesting fact of life. No adult ever makes the decision to smoke.
For Teenagers: Understanding Smoking
What I would like to do in this article is help you, as a teenager, to understand why so many teenagers start smoking. If you understand why teenagers start smoking, chances are you won't smoke. It is sort of like a magic trick. The first time you see the trick it looks really cool and mysterious. But then if someone tells you how it's done it's not mysterious at all anymore and the trick loses a lot. Smoking is the same.
Let's start at the beginning - why do teenagers start smoking? If you ask teenagers, here are the four most common reasons:
- If their friends smoke, many teenagers will begin smoking too.
- Many teenagers start smoking because they know it make their parents and other adults angry. They think they are "independent".
- Some teenagers believe that by smoking they are acting like an adult.
- If parents leave cigarettes on places where a teenager can easily get them, it also can start a smoking habit.
If you are considering smoking, here is something to try: think about waiting until you are 20 to start using cigarettes. They will still be there - cigarettes are never going away. See what you think about them at that point. You will be surprised!
Приложение 2.
KWL Chart
Предварительный просмотр:
If you are a teenager, you probably thought about smoking already. About 3,000 teenagers pick up the smoking habit each day in America, or one million new teenage smokers a year. That means lots of new smokers, and it also means there's a good chance that you or one of your friends is smoking right now.
Have you ever asked a question: why do you see millions of adults smoking everywhere? Look at the following graph which shows the age at which people begin smoking.
On this graph you can see that some 11 and 12 year-olds start, but in general the ages 13 through 18 are the big "start smoking" years - nearly everyone who starts smoking starts between these ages. Here is the important thing to notice: No one starts smoking after age 20 or so. So if you can make it to age 20 without smoking, you will never start. This is an extremely interesting fact of life. No adult ever makes the decision to smoke.
What I would like to do in this article is help you, as a teenager, to understand why so many teenagers start smoking. If you understand why teenagers start smoking, chances are you won't smoke. It is sort of like a magic trick. The first time you see the trick it looks really cool and mysterious. But then if someone tells you how it's done it's not mysterious at all anymore and the trick loses a lot. Smoking is the same.
Let's start at the beginning - why do teenagers start smoking? If you ask teenagers, here are the four most common reasons:
- If their friends smoke, many teenagers will begin smoking too.
- Many teenagers start smoking because they know it make their parents and other adults angry. They think they are "independent".
- Some teenagers believe that by smoking they are acting like an adult.
- If parents leave cigarettes on places where a teenager can easily get them, it also can start a smoking habit.
If you are considering smoking, here is something to try: think about waiting until you are 20 to start using cigarettes. They will still be there - cigarettes are never going away. See what you think about them at that point. You will be surprised!
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
Урок в 5 классе с использованием технологии критического мышления.
В основе нового стандарта лежит системно-деятельностный подход, который обеспечивает активную учебно-познавательную деятельность учащихся. Для включения учащихся в активную познавательную деятельность...

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Презентация по английскому языку на тему "Повышение уроков английского языка с помощью приёмов технологии критического мышления"
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Конспект урока по литературе в 7 классе с использованием технологии критического мышления
Урок – мастерская по рассказу А. П. Платонова «Юшка»....