Урок в 8 классе по теме:"Living things around us,"
план-конспект урока (8 класс) на тему
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Урок английского языка в 8-м классе "Living things around us"
Задачи урока:
обобщить лексику и знания по теме “Living things around us”,
развивать навык говорения (монологической и диалогической речи),
формировать навык аудирования, чтения,
развивать творческий потенциал учащихся, способности к анализу, догадке,
познакомить с культурой друидов,
воспитывать чувство любви и бережного отношения к природе.
карточки на английском языке с заданиями для кроссворда,
рисунки символов разных стран,
рисунки цветов,
карточки с пословицами,
кассета с текстом о страусах.
The more we study the Natural World the more we study ourselves.
Ход урока
1. Beginning.
Good afternoon, boys and girls. Glad to see you. Take your seats, please. The theme of our lesson today is “Living things around us”. We’ll speak about flora and fauna of our planet Earth.
2. Vocabulary work. Crossword “Birds”.
Answer my question: what is born twice? (a bird)
I’d like to start our lesson with some riddles about birds. You will get cards with riddles. Answer them and write the answers into the crossword on the blackboard.
A bird larger than a sparrow but larger than a crow. It is usually grey or dark-blue and grey, sometimes white or brown. Often lives in cities. (pigeon)
A large beautiful white or sometimes black bird bigger than a duck, with a long neck that lives on rivers and lakes. (swan)
A small bird that comes to our region in winter and is yellow and dark blue. (tomtit)
It is easy to teach these birds that live in South Africa, Australia and South America some words that people use. (parrot)
A bird which is black-and-white and which often takes to its nest small bright things. (magpie)
A rather big black or grey bird that lives in cities, and in the Tower of London. (crow)
A small bird that can sing better than any other. It usually sings at night. (nightingale)
(В выделенных клетках читается слово ostrich – страус)
3. Listening to the text “Ostriches”.
And here you see the name of a bird that lives in Australia and some other countries – ostrich. Listen to the text about it and say if sentences of ex.1 p.123 are true or false.
Ostriches are the biggest birds on our planet. Though they have wings, ostriches cannot fly. But they can run. They run so fast with their speed about 70 km/h that horses can’t reach them. Some people may think that ostriches eat only grass, but they are wrong. When ostriches are very hungry they can eat even lizards and snakes and even stones. These birds really like bathing in rivers very much and they are not afraid to get wet.. Not long ago ostriches lived only in the wild in Australia, South America and Africa, but people learned to domesticate them and now ostriches live on farms in many countries including Russia.
Ostriches have no wings.
Ostriches can run as fast as horses.
Ostriches live in Asia, Africa and South America.
Ostriches hate water because they can get themselves wet.
Ostriches eat only plants and nothing else.
Ostriches live only in the wild.
Not everything that people believe about ostriches is true.
Now listen to the text once again and try to retell it as if you work at an ostrich farm as a guide.
4. Game “What am I?”.
Fauna is represented not only by birds but by animals. We know that animals are divided into wild and domestic.
Name domestic animals. How do they help people?
Which wild animals are exotic for our country?
And now imagine that you are an animal. Any animal you like. We’ll ask you questions to find out who you are.
5. Vocabulary work. Animal Idioms.
We also know some English proverbs about animals – animal idioms.
I’ll give you cards with halves of proverbs. Please combine these cards correctly and then translate the proverbs.
Bald as an eagle.- Гол как сокол.
Sly as a fox. – Хитрый как лис.
Stubborn as a mule. – Упрямый как осел.
The early bird catches the worm. – Кто рано встает, того удача ждет.
Let the cat out of the bag. – Выпустить кота из мешка. ( Открыть тайну.)
Birds of a feather flock together.- Птицы одного оперения держатся вместе.
Take the bull by the horns.- Взять быка за рога.
At open doors dogs come in. – Беспечность приводит к беде.
You can take a horse to the water but you cannot make him drink. – Вы можете привести лошадь к воде, но не сможете заставить ее пить.
And now I’ll describe some situations and you should match a proverb with it.
1) A young lady fell in love with a man and wants to get married to him. But she is a princess and he is a beggar. What do her parents say about him? (Bald as an eagle.)
2) Parents want their daughter to become a doctor. But she wants to make a career of a top-model. Her parents are very angry and say… (Stubborn as a mule.)
3) On the 7th of December our school team “O’Plot!” went to Krasnoobsk to take part in the intellectual contest. Our pupils were terribly afraid but the teachers told them : … (Take the bull by the horns.)
4) Sometimes you don’t want to do some things. They are not interesting. They are boring. You do all your best, but you get no result. What can you say in such situation? (You can take a horse to the water but you cannot make him drink.)
5) David Copperfield is a famous illusionist. Lots of people in the world are charmed with his tricks. They want to know his secrets. But real illusionists never… (Let the cat out of the bag)
6) When crossing the road be very attentive. When drivers and people are careless, when they do not look to the left and to the right an accident can happen. (At open doors dogs come in.)
6. Presentation of projects.
At home you made a project about Zoo. Please, present it!
And a project about animals.
7. Flora. Symbols of countries. Pair work.
We’ve spoken about fauna. And what is flora represented by?
Here you see some trees and flowers. They are associated with different countries. What countries are they symbols of? (maple leaf – Canada, red rose – England, yellow daffodil – Wales, thistle – Scotland, shamrock – Ireland, birch – Russia, chrysanthemum – Japan)
When people want to congratulate each other they give flowers. Now look at this pictures. You see different sorts of flowers here. Which of them are wild? And are there any house plants?
What flowers would you buy for a young lady? For your granny? For your teacher? For your man-boss? For your mother?
Now work in pairs: chose flowers and congratulate each other on different occasions:
Mother’s Day
St. Valentine’s Day
One of you getting a new job
The Russian Army Day
Beginning of a new school year
8. Presentation of a project
Now let us listen to a project “My home flowers”.
9. What kind of tree are you? Druid horoscope. (Presentation of a project).
Hello! I’m a fortune-teller. Tell me when you were born and I’ll tell you what kind of person you are, I’ll tell you about your character. (Спрашивает одноклассников, когда они родились и рассказывает.)
So you see that the more we study the Natural World the more we study ourselves.
10. Presentation of projects “Flora and Fauna of Australia, Canada and the USA” and “Flora and Fauna of different countries of the world”.
11. Sum up.
I think that now you know much about living things around us. They play a very important part in our life and it is always interesting to speak about flora and fauna. Thank you for your projects.
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