Уроки страноведения для младших классов с грамматическими заданиями
элективный курс на тему
Этот материал расчитан на учащихся младшей школы с минимальным знанием грамматики и небольшим лексическим объемом. Но считаю необходимым начинать знакомство с этой увлекательной и полезной темой уже в начальной школе.
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Предварительный просмотр:
People of India speak more than 800 different languages. Arabian is also one of widespread languages. Arabian is spoken in more than 25 states.
Portuguese is spoken in Portugal, Brazil, several states of Asia and Africa.
French is the official language of France and the second official one in Canada. It is also spoken in Belgium, several states of Africa and Asia.
Italian is the official language of Italy. And it is also spoken by many people in some other countries.
- Where is my monkey? – It is on the chair.
- Where… my shoes? – They… under the sofa.
- Where… Nick”s friends? – They… in the street.
- Where… Nick”s father? – He…in the car.
- Where… the gun? – It…in the room.
- Кто вы такой?
- Я мистер Браун. Я врач.
- А как вас зовут?
- Меня зовут Пэн. Я сын вашего друга.
- А кто этот человек?
- Это мой брат.
- Как его зовут?
- Его зовут Большой Сэм. Он охотник. Он очень хороший охотник. У него есть собака и ружье.
- А как зовут собаку Сэма?
- Ее зовут Рекс. Его собака сильная и очень умная.
- Она старая?
- Нет, она не старая.
- Где его собака?
- Она дома.
- Покажите мне собаку.
Предварительный просмотр:
German is spoken in German, Austria, Netherlands, Belgium and some other states.
Japanese is the official language of Japan.
Nowadays it is necessary for the people to know several or at least one foreign language. It is important for better understanding between nations. It is also necessary for learning more about each other”s history and culture.
Who can speak French? Yes, I can.
Who lives in Russia? The English and Americans can.
Can the Chinese speak Chinese The German speak German.
Can he read English books? The French can speak French.
Who speaks German? Yes, they can.
Who can speak English? The Russians live in Russia.
Can the Russians speak Chinese? No, he can not.
Can yju read Russian books? No they can not.
The Chinese live in China.
The Canadian China.
The French Russia.
The Chinese the USA.
The Greeks England.
The Germans Japan.
The Italians Italy.
The Japanese Germany.
The English Greece.
The Americans Canada.
The Russians France.
Necessary необходимо.
Several несколько
Предварительный просмотр:
Every nation, big or small, has its own national flag. The state flags tell us a lot about their countries’ history, past and present of their people, and often their future too.
The British State Flag changed its form not once. From time to time there were various crosses, lions, stripes or flowers on its field.
The flag was called “ the Flag of the Royal Colours “ and later – “ the Union Jack”.
The UK present national flag was adopted in 1801. Today it has three crosses on the dark blue background: the straight red cross of St. George and 2 diagonal ( white and red) crosses of St. Andrew and St. Patrick.
Various - различный proclaim – провозглашать
Cross - крест, пересекать courage – храбрость
Lion - лев liberty – свобода
Stripe - полоса loyality – верность
To adopt - принимать background – фон
Straight - прямой diagonal - диагональный
Составьте предложения, соблюдая порядок слов.
- ( can\French\ or\ they\ English\ speak)?
Can they speak English or French?
- (hungry\ the\ are\ children).
- (dinner\ is\ bread\ for\ any\ there).
- (well\ they\ not\ are).
- (though\ can \he\ German\ speak\ from\ is\ France\ he).
- (mother\ home\ their\ is\ at\ not).
- (there\ forest\ birds\ are\ in\ many\ the).
- (go\ must\ tomorrow\ they\ school\ to).
Закончите предложения.
- He looks at his hands. I look at my hands.
They ………………….
We ……………………
You …………………..
- She is angry with her son. I ………………….
He ……………….
They …………….
We ……………….
3. I sit at my table. We …………………..
She …………………
You …………………
They ………………..
Предварительный просмотр:
The word “Motherland” comes from two words “mother” and “land”. The official name of our Motherland is the Russian Federation. It is the largest country in the world. Our country is situated both in Europe and Asia.
Our land is washed by 12 seas, most of which are the seas of the Arctic, the Atlantic and the Pacific oceans.
In the Russian Federation there are over 2 million rivers. The longest of them are the Volga, the Lena, the Yenisei, the Ob, the Amur and some others.
On the Russian territory there are 11 time zones. Russia is one of the richest in the natural resourses countries in the world: oil, gas, coal, metals and other minerals.
To situate- находиться.
To be washed by- омывается.
Rich- богатый.
Natural- природный.
Resourse- ресурсы.
Oil- нефть.
Gas- газ.
Coal- уголь.
1.Оветьте на вопросы, используя my\our\his\her\its\their.
- Where is your penknife, Tom?( table)
My penknife is on the table.
- Where are your dolls, girls?(box)
- Where is your father, little boy?(at home)
- Where is this boy”s dog?(yard)
- Where are those men”s cars?(Street)
- Where is Jane”s picture?(wall)
2. Переделайте предложения, используя our\your\thier.
1. His cap and my cap are on the sofa.
Our caps are on the sofa.
2. His book and her book are on the table.
3. Her umbrella and my umbrella are there.
4. Your dress and my dress are on the bed.
5. His cup and your cup are in the cupboard.
6. His car and her car are in the yard.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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