Проект "Добро пожаловать в Сухоноску"
презентация к уроку (7 класс) на тему
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Предварительный просмотр:
Done by: Belyanina T.
Pavlov A.
Yazykova M.
Teachers in charge: Grunicheva N.A.
Khokhlova M. P.
The aims of our project:
- To learn much about history, famous people of the home place;
- To express the love and the pride of the village.
(Пояснения к слайдам).
-“There is no place like home”- the proverb says. And we can’t deny this fact. We love our motherland, our home place, be it a large city or a small village.
-As for me, I am very proud of Sukhonoska, which is situated in a very beautiful place. The river Uzola, forests, meadows, fields make much to its beauty.
- There are many interesting and brave people and a lot of beautiful magnificent places there, but I am going to tell you about one of the most remarkable person-M. G. Vagin. As you know modern Sukhonoska is closely connected with his name and deeds.
-M. G. Vagin lived all his life in Koverninskiy District. He was on active service at the front since 1941. His war ended in Austria. M. G. Vagin was a captain. He was awarded many medals and orders.
-After the war M. G. Vagin devoted himself to revival of agriculture in Koverninskiy district. In 1968 he became the Head of the collective farm named after Lenin.
-M. G. Vagin was a skilful specialist, a wise progressive organizer. Rich harvests of linen, wheat, potatoes, rye were gathered during these years. Stock farming was the best in our district.
- He continued the tradition of handicraft of Khokhloma. The best works of such painters as : Valentina Yakovlevna Kurnakova, Serafima dmitrievna Kochneva, Antonina Vasiljevna Razborova, Anna Vasiljevna Krasilnikova are known not only in our country but abroad, too.
-They were the participants of many prestigious exhibitions in Poland, Germany, Bulgaria and other countries.
-M. G. Vagin took care of people, too. The village turned into a big construction site. Sixteen houses, many cottages with modern conveniences were erected.
-At the same time the kindergarten, the school, the House of Culture, the stadium, the Monument to the Soldier were built.
- The Monument is in the centre of the village. Each year on the 9th of May pupils put flowers to it, and there is a minute of silence.
-During the hard years for the Orthodox Church, M. G. Vagin restored the Trinity Church in Skorobogatovo. It is the holy place for each person of our village.
-Our church is 20 years already.
-To show the history and the life of the known people of our village M. G. Vagin organized the History and Natural Museum. There are many interesting objects in it.
-Much attention was paid to sport and culture. At this time the dancing group “Ulybka” was organized. “Ulybka” is well-known not only in our region but in the country, too.
-His care and attention to the needs of the village, to its problems and their solutions were always on his mind. Under his leadership and his work, the village becomes more attractive, comfortable.
-The work of M. G. Vagin was high awarded by our motherland. He got 3 Lenin Orders, the Order of the October Revolution. In 1988 he became the Hero of the Socialist Labour.
-In 1996 M. G. Vagin became the Honoured citizen of Nizhegorodskaya Region. But still M. G. Vagin was an ordinary person.
-In conclusion, I’d like to say that I’m very proud that I was born in and I am the resident of the village, where M. G. Vagin lived and worked. To my mind, he is an example to follow for young people.
-The future is in their hands- the future not only of the village, but of the whole country!
Предварительный просмотр:
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