Интеллектуальная игра "WHAT? WHERE? WHEN?" на английском языке.
учебно-методический материал (10 класс) на тему
Интеллектуальная игра "WHAT? WHERE? WHEN?" на английском языке по теме "Страноведение США" для учащихся 10-11 классов. Можно провести как внеклассное мероприятие для учащихся параллельных классов одной школы или для команд из разных школ.
Разработана: Учитель английского языка Макаровская Марина Ивановна
Продолжительность: 60 минут
Цели и задачи внеклассного мероприятия:
1. Развитие социо-культурной компетенции.
2. Развитие навыков аудирования и говорения.
1. Расширение кругозора.
2. Развитие умений анализировать, сравнивать, логически мыслить, делать выводы.
1. Развитие умений работать в группе.
2. Обучение готовности выслушать разные точки зрения.
Алгоритм игры: играют от 2 до 5 команд по 5 человек; первый ход разыгрывается: команда, которая первой правильно отвечает на вопрос ведущего, получает право сделать первый ход; каждая команда выбирает категорию и номер вопроса; вопросы выводятся на интерактивную доску или зачитываются ведущим; победителем становится та команда, которая наберёт больше очков.
Язык: английский
Оснащение: интерактивная доска, табло с названиями категорий и «стоимостью» вопросов в баллах.
Награды: книги на английском языке лучшим игрокам, грамоты и сладкие призы членам лучшей команды.
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Интеллектуальная игра “WHAT? WHERE? WHEN?”
по английскому языку
для учащихся 10-11 классов по теме
«Страноведение США»
Разработана: Учитель английского языка Макаровская Марина Ивановна
Продолжительность: 60 минут
Цели и задачи внеклассного мероприятия:
- Развитие социо-культурной компетенции.
- Развитие навыков аудирования и говорения.
- Расширение кругозора.
- Развитие умений анализировать, сравнивать, логически мыслить, делать выводы.
- Развитие умений работать в группе.
- Обучение готовности выслушать разные точки зрения.
Алгоритм игры: играют от 2 до 5 команд по 5 человек; первый ход разыгрывается: команда, которая первой правильно отвечает на вопрос ведущего, получает право сделать первый ход; каждая команда выбирает категорию и номер вопроса; вопросы выводятся на интерактивную доску или зачитываются ведущим; победителем становится та команда, которая наберёт больше очков.
Язык: английский
Оснащение: интерактивная доска, табло с названиями категорий и «стоимостью» вопросов в баллах.
Награды: книги на английском языке лучшим игрокам, грамоты и сладкие призы членам лучшей команды.
Категория 1: Famous People
Вопросы на 1 балл:
1. Who created the best animated cartoons in the USA? (Walt Disney)
2. Who gave his name to America? (Amerigo Vespucci)
3. Who was the first President of the USA? (George Washington)
4. What President was the author of Declaration of Independence? (Thomas Jefferson)
Вопросы на 2 балла:
1 .Who is the First Lady of the USA nowadays? (Michelle Obama)
2. Which American silent film star is called “The Little Tramp”? (Charlie Chaplin)
3. Which American rock-n-roll star lived in Memphis, Tennessee? (Elvis Presley)
4. Who was the outstanding American boxer of the 1960-1970`s? (Muhammad Ali)
Вопросы на 3 балла:
1. Who was the first president elected as a member of the Republican Party? (Abraham Lincoln)
2. Who was the American astronaut first stepped on the surface of the Moon? (Neil Armstrong)
3. Who was the inventor of electric lamps? (Thomas Edison)
4. Who was the well-known American writer of short humorous stories? ( O. Henry)
Вопросы на 4 балла:
1 Who was the best known human rights activist? (Martin Luther King)
2 Who is considered to be the Father of the Continental Congress? (Benjamin Franklin)
3. Which of the US Presidents was a Hollywood actor? (Ronald Reagan)
4 .Who was the youngest elected President in the history of the USA? (John Fitzgerald Kennedy)
Вопросы на 5 баллов:
1. Name the 1954 Nobel Laureate in Literature who wrote “The Sun Also Rises”. (Ernest Hemingway)
2. Who was the American Commander-in-Chief of the Allied Forces in Western Europe during World War II? (Dwight David Eisenhower)
3. Who delivered the "I Have a Dream" speech at the Lincoln Memorial in 1963? (Martin Luther King)
4. Who was the commander of the Confederate Army in the American Civil War and became the most famous hero of the South? (Robert E. Lee)
Категория 2: General questions
Вопросы на 1 балл:
1 The most popular game in the USA. It is played through spring and summer by schools, colleges, professional teams. (Baseball)
2 In what state is the capital of the USA? (It is in the DC. It is a separate territory and doesn’t belong to any state.)
3 What is the best mark in American schools? (A)
4 Why did the Pilgrims come to America? (For religious freedom)
Вопросы на 2 балла:
5 Why are the USA called “a melting pot” or “a mixed salad”? (People from all over the world have mixed together to create modern society)
6 What scale is used in the USA to measure temperature? (The Fahrenheit Scale)
7 What is Arbor Day? (A day for planting trees in spring)
8 What state is known as the land of lakes? (Michigan)
Вопросы на 3 балла:
9 When did a dollar become the national money? (1785)
10 What is the motto of the US capital? (Justice to all. Justia omnibus)
11 The first state? What? Why? (Delaware, the first state to ratify the Constitution of the USA)
12 What is Freedom Trail? (It’s a red brick line that runs through the city streets of Boston connecting 16 historic sights.)
Вопросы на 4 балла:
13 These American games are played only by boys and only by girls (Marbles and hopscotch)
14 What is Rockefeller Centre? (A group of 15 skyscrapers including the 70 stories RCA Building)
15 What bridge connects 3 districts in New York: Manhattan, Queens and the Bronx? (Triborough Bridge)
16 When were the stars for Alaska and Hawaii added to the American flag? (1959)
Вопросы на 5 баллов:
17 What are “Penny Black” and “Penny Blue”? (The first stamps with portrait of young Queen Victoria, 1840)
18 Who are the authors of the national anthem of the USA? (Words by Katherine Lee Bates; music by Samuel Ward)
19 This music was born in the USA in New Orleans. It accompanied the procession of died man to the cemetery. On the way home the music became happy. Name the genre of this music. (Jazz)
20 This famous American prize was firstly given to the winner in May 1929. (Oscar)
Категория 3: Political System
Вопросы на 1 балл:
1. Who is the official head of the state and the government in the USA? (The president)
2. Who has a right to elect the president? (All men and women over 18)
3. What kind of state is the USA? (A federal (or presidential) republic)
4. What is the name of the US Parliament? (Congress)
Вопросы на 2 балла:
5. Who can veto laws passed by Congress? (The president)
6. What houses does Congress consist of? (The House of Representatives and the Senate)
7. How many members are there in the House of Representatives? (435 members)
8. How many members are there in the Senate? (100 senators)
Вопросы на 3 балла:
9. Who represents the judicial branch of the government in the USA? (The Supreme Court.)
10. Who represents the legislative branch of the government in the USA? (Congress)
11. Who represents the executive branch of the government? (The president and his Administration)
12. What is the seat of the US Congress? (The Capitol)
Вопросы на 4 балла:
13. Who can be elected to the House of Representatives? (American people over 25 years old)
14. When did American women receive the right to vote? (In 1920, the 19th Amendment of the Constitution)
15. Which US legal holiday – held every four years – falls on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November? (Election Day)
16. Who can be elected to the Senate? (American people over 30 years old)
Вопросы на 5 баллов:
17. When and in which city did the First Continental Congress meet? (In 1774 in Philadelphia)
18. Which famous American document begins with the words, “We, the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union…”? (The Constitution of the United States)
19. Name the two political parties in the USA and say which animals symbolize each party? (The Democratic Party: donkey, the Republican Party: elephant)
20. After the Vice-President, which political figure is next in line to succeed the President? (The Speaker of the House of Representatives)
Категория 4: Sightseeing
Вопросы на 1 балл:
1. What city in the USA is called a city of contrasts? (New York)
2. What is the symbol of New York? (The Statue of Liberty)
3. Wall Street is the symbol of the US financial power. Where is it situated?
(In New York)
4. Name a large amusement park for children in Southern California created by the famous American film producer. (Disneyland)
Вопросы на 2 балла:
5. What Memorial was built in honor of the author of the Declaration of Independence? (The Jefferson Memorial)
6. What is the nickname of the US government? (Uncle Sam)
7. What country presented the USA with the Statue of Liberty in 1884? (France)
8. What is the main island of New York? (Manhattan)
Вопросы на 3 балла:
9. What is the name of the largest library in the world? (The Library of Congress)
10. What district in New York is renamed to “Little Odessa” by its Russian residents? (Brighton Beach)
11. What is the oldest public building in Washington, D.С.? (The White House)
12. What university is the oldest one in America? (Harvard University)
Вопросы на 4 балла:
13. What is the centre of the theatre district in New York? (Times Square)
14. What street is the longest one in New York? (Broadway)
15. This is the most famous art museum in New York. It is located in Central Park. What is its name? (The Metropolitan Museum of Art)
16. What monument in Washington, D.C., dedicated to an American president, is nicknamed “The Pencil”? (Washington Monument)
Вопросы на 5 баллов:
17. Where can you see the history of flight, the first plane flown by the Wright brothers? (The National Air and Space Museum)
18. What major city in the state of Florida has the same name as a Russian city? (St. Petersburg)
19. What is the name of the first US National Park? (Yellowstone)
20. What is the mountain Rushmore famous for? (It is famous for the sculptures of the heads of four US presidents.)
Категория 4: Geography
Вопросы на 1 балл: 1. Where is the USA situated? (In the central part of the North American continent)
2. What is the capital of the USA? (Washington)
3. What oceans is the USA washed by? (The Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean)
4. Who discovered America? (Christopher Columbus)
Вопросы на 2 балла:
- What countries does the USA border on? (Canada, Mexico, Russia)
- How many states are there in the USA? (50)
- What is the most northern state of the USA? (Alaska)
- What is the most southern state of the USA? (Texas)
Вопросы на 3 балла:
- What is the largest city in the USA? ( New York)
- Where is the capital of world movie production situated in? (Hollywood is the suburb of Los Angeles)
- What is the longest river of the USA? (The Mississippi)
- Name the mountains of the USA. (The Cordillera, the Appalachian Mountains, the Rocky Mountains)
Вопросы на 4 балла:
- What is the highest mountain of the USA? (Mount McKinley, Alaska.)
- Where is the Niagara Falls situated? (The Niagara Falls rushes from Lake Erie into Lake Ontario)
- What are the most famous lakes of the USA? (The five Great Lakes: Lake Superior, Lake Michigan, Lake Huron, Lake Erie, Lake Ontario.)
- When did Alaska become the 49th state of the USA? (In 1959)
Вопросы на 5 баллов:
- What is the hottest place of the Earth, which situated in the USA? (Death Valley, California)
- What is the area of the USA? (9,372,614 square km)
- What is the smallest state of the USA? (Rhode Island)
- What parts is New York divided in? ( Manhattan, the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island)
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