КИМы для 5 класса
материал для подготовки к егэ (гиа, 5 класс) на тему
Тестовые задания для проверки сформированности лексико-грамматических навыков
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Предварительный просмотр:
Контрольные работы
по английскому языку
для учащихся 5 класса
(УМК М. З. Биболетовой и др.
Enjoy English 5 – 6 кл.)
5th form
Progress Check - 1
V – 1
1. Выбери слово, наиболее подходящее по смыслу к выделенному.
1) a student
a) a form b) a uniform c) a pupil
2) to enjoy
a) to like b) to start c) to travel
3) silly
a) not clever b) not interesting c) not funny
2. Выбери и вставь слово, наиболее подходящее по смыслу.
1) – When does a school … start in Great Britain?
- It starts on the 1st of September.
a) uniform b) subject c) year
2) We can find out some facts about people and events of the past in … .
a) Literature b) History c) Science
3) Let’s … about the weather.
a) speak b) tell c) say
4) He had a funny … when he was studying at school.
a) rule b) timetable c) nickname
5) We … a lot of time outdoors and visited many interested places.
a) spent b) went c) took
3. Выбери и вставь глагол в нужной форме.
1) I usually … my granny on Saturday.
a) visit b) visited c) will visit
2) There … 30 pupils in our class last year.
a) are b) were c) will be
3) He will not … his holidays in America?
a) spend b) spent c) spends
4) My sister … an English book next week.
a) read b) will read c) reads
5) … they buy two pencils yesterday?
a) Do b) Will c) Did
4. Выберите правильный вариант перевода.
1) girl’s marks
a) оценка девочки b) оценка девочек с) оценки девочки d) оценки девочек
2) children’s toys
a) игрушка ребенка b) игрушки ребенка с) игрушка детей d) игрушки детей
3) teachers’ room
a) комната учителя b) комнаты учителя с) комната учителей d) комнаты учителей
4) Where are you from?
a) Где ты? b) Откуда ты?
5) Did you help your mum yesterday?
a) Ты будешь помогать маме завтра? b) Ты помогал маме вчера?
5th form
Progress Check - 1
V – 2
1. Выбери слово, наиболее подходящее по смыслу к выделенному.
1) a class
a) a student b) a form c) a subject
2) to learn by heart
a) to recite b) to study c) to talk
3) dull
a) not clever b) not interesting c) not bright
2. Выбери и вставь слово, наиболее подходящее по смыслу.
1) – At what … do students go to a secondary school in Russia?
- At 10 – 11.
a) age b) form c) party
2) We read stories about animals and birds in … .
a) History b) Literature c) Science
3) … me about your friends, please.
a) Tell b) Say c) Speak
4) Our teacher explained grammar … for us.
a) subject b) form c) rule
5) Did you … shopping yesterday?
a) spend b) go c) miss
3. Выбери и вставь глагол в нужной форме.
1) I usually … to the country to visit my grandmother.
a) go b) went c) will go
2) My pencil … on the table yesterday.
a) is not b) was not c) are not
3) … they go to the zoo with us next week?
a) Will b) Do c) Did
4) He … to London with his friends in two months.
a) travels b) travelled c) will travel
5) They didn’t … the window two hours ago.
a) open b) opened c) opens
4. Выберите правильный вариант перевода.
1) pupil’s textbooks
a) учебник ученика b) учебники ученика с) учебник учеников d) учебники учеников
2) men’s pets
a) питомец мужчины b) питомцы мужчины с) питомец мужчин d) питомцы мужчин
3) boys’ disc
a) диск мальчика b) диски мальчиков с) диск мальчиков d) диски мальчиков
4) How old are you?
a) Как ты? b) Сколько тебе лет?
5) Will you do your homework tomorrow?
а) Ты делал домашнюю работу вчера?
b) Ты будешь делать домашнюю работу завтра?
5th form
Progress Check - 2
V – 1
I. Выберите слово, наиболее подходящее по смыслу к выделенному.
1) to have a picnic
a) to stay b) to arrange c) to visit
2) trip
a) travel b) programme c) weekend
3) to stay
a) to kiss b) to go out c) to visit
II. Выберите и вставь слово, подходящее по смыслу.
1) I’d like to invite a … of students to visit us.
a) invitation b) programme c) group d) form
2) Our … programme was very rich: we visited a lot of places.
a) local b) social c) foreign d) computer
3) Our school will be … for the costs of accommodation.
a) responsible b) glad c) interested d) going to
4) The students will … with British families.
a) stay b) invite c) miss d) arrange
5) Let’s … a picnic at the weekend.
a) arrange b) play c) propose d) have
III. Выберите правильное окончание вопроса.
1) She doesn’t like coffee, …?
a) does she b) isn’t she c) doesn’t she
2) My brother enjoys reading, …?
a) isn’t he b) does he c) doesn’t he
3) You can play the guitar, …?
a) don’t you b) can’t you c) can you
4) My parents travelled a lot last summer, …?
a) didn’t they b) don’t they c) didn’t we
5) Those women are doctors, …?
a) are we b) aren’t they c) don’t they
IV. Выберите правильную форму.
1) Barbara Grey … going to visit Russia.
a) am b) is c) are
2) The English partners … going to be responsible for the costs of accommodation.
a) am b) is c) are
3) … am going to play football on weekend.
a) I b) You c) She
5th form
Progress Check - 2
V – 2
I. Выберите слово, наиболее подходящее по смыслу к выделенному.
1) to have a good time
a) to stay b) to arrange c) to spend
2) weekend
a) group b) day out c) situation
3) to go out
a) to propose b) to invite c) to walk
II. Выберите и вставь слово, подходящее по смыслу.
1) Polite people always come in … .
a) café b) theatre c) time d) cinema
2) The Head Teacher would like to … a group of 20 students.
a) invite b) propose c) take d) visit
3) Put on this dress for a … .
a) party b) change c) visit d) invitation
4) Our … hockey team won the game.
a) foreign b) social c) local d) school
5) You can … the tables.
a) stay b) arrange c) kiss d) invite
III. Выберите правильное окончание вопроса.
1) We can have a party on Sunday, …?
a) can we b) can’t we c) don’t we
2) The children are not at home, …?
a) aren’t they b) are they c) don’t they
3) Mrs Adams speaks German, …?
a) doesn’t she b) does he c) doesn’t he
4) Tom spent the holidays in France, …?
a) don’t he b) didn’t he c) doesn’t he
5) She will be twelve next month, …?
a) won’t she b) will she c) isn’t she
IV. Выберите правильную форму.
1) They … going to visit London in April.
a) am b) is c) are
2) Stephen Wooding … going to invite Russian students to Britain.
a) am b) is c) are
3) … am going to watch TV in the evening.
a) I b) She c) You
5th form
Progress Check - 3
V – 1
1. Выбери слово, наиболее подходящее по смыслу к выделенному.
1) to give an interview
a) to ask questions b) to answer questions c) to read and write questions
2) a close family
a) a noisy family b) a friendly family c) a serious family
3) intelligent
a) talkative b) stupid c) clever
4) vet
a) doctor b) driver c) lawyer
5) unreal
a) pleasant b) possible c) fantastic
2. Выбери и вставь слово, наиболее подходящее по смыслу.
1) Next year her school is going to arrange an English-Russian students' … .
a) change b) exchange c) characteristics
2) My father protects the famous family. He is a … .
a) lawyer b) businessman c) bodyguard
3) I think a teacher is a very … job.
a) responsible b) hospitable c) quiet
4) How would you … your family?
a) say b) understand c) describe
5) My little sister is a good pianist. Her hobby is … .
a) playing sports b) playing a musical instrument c) cooking
3. Выбери и вставь глагол в нужной форме.
1) Listen! Mary … a new song.
a) is singing b) sings c) will sing
2) My friend … to be a dentist.
a) goes b) is going c) are going
3) Our teacher … us only good marks yesterday.
a) gives b) gave c) will give
4) We … a letter to our English pen-friend next Sunday.
a) will write b) write c) wrote
5) My parents discuss their problems every morning, … ?
a) aren’t they b) don’t they c) do they
4. Выбери правильный вариант перевода.
1) Our teacher is telling us a funny story.
a) Наш учитель рассказывал нам смешную историю.
b) Наш учитель рассказывает нам смешную историю.
с) Наш учитель расскажет нам смешную историю.
2) Linda will arrange the students’ exchange.
а) Линда всегда организует обмен студентами.
b) Линда всегда организовывала обмен студентами.
с) Линда будет организовывать обмен студентами.
5th form
Progress Check - 3
V – 2
1. Выбери слово, наиболее подходящее по смыслу к выделенному.
1) to take an interview
a) to ask questions b) to answer questions c) to arrange questions
2) an occupation
a) characteristics b) job c) hobby
3) rude
a) stupid b) responsible c) cruel
4) dentist
a) driver b) doctor c) nurse
5) unusual
a) original b) pleasant c) formal
2. Выбери и вставь слово, наиболее подходящее по смыслу.
1) I would like to … my plans for today.
a) exchange b) change c) do
2) My mum treats many kinds of animals. She is a … .
a) librarian b) housewife c) veterinarian
3) I think a bodyguard is a very … job.
a) conservative b) traditional c) dangerous
4) Would you … in a few words about your family?
a) describe b) read c) say
5) My brother likes music. His hobby is … .
a) watching TV b) listening to music c) playing the piano
3. Выбери и вставь глагол в нужной форме.
1) Look! The children … to a funny story.
a) listen b) are listening c) will listen
2) Timothy … to be an engineer.
a) is going b) are going c) goes
3) Last weekend we … our Granny.
a) visit b) visited c) will visit
4) My parents … to the cinema tomorrow.
a) will go b) went c) go
5) Timothy goes to school by bus, … ?
a) isn’t he b) doesn’t he c) is he
4. Выбери правильный вариант перевода.
1) We are not going to write her a letter.
a) Мы не пишем ей письмо.
b) Мы не собираемся писать ей письмо.
с) Мы не будем писать ей письмо.
2) My mum always helps sick people in hospital.
a) Моя мама всегда помогает больным людям в больнице.
b) Моя мама всегда помогала больным людям в больнице.
c) Моя мама сейчас помогает больным людям в больнице.
5th form
Progress Check – 4
V - 1
1. Выбери слово, наиболее подходящее по смыслу к выделенному.
1) a visitor
a) a Londoner b) a monument c) a tourist
2) popular
a) famous b) beautiful c) favourite
3) next to
a) beside b) not to be far from c) across
2. Выбери и вставь слово, наиболее подходящее по смыслу.
1) London is the … of Great Britain.
a) country b) capital c) museum
2) How many … are there over the river Thames?
a) bridges b) stadiums c) squares
3) Jane must … of her old Granny.
a) take part in b) take place c) take care of
4) Moscow was … in 1147.
a) founded b) different c) like
5) Excuse me, I’m … Oxford Street. Can you tell me where it is?
a) getting to b) staying at c) looking for
6) I would like to meet a … Londoner.
a) cruel b) real c) symbol
3. Выбери и вставь глагол в нужной форме.
1) She … chess now.
a) play b) plays c) is playing d) are playing
2) We … English at home.
a) speak b) speaks c) is speaking d) are speaking
3) I … to see Big Ben at the moment.
a) want b) am wanting c) wanted d) will want
4) The boy … a book now is my friend.
a) read b) reading
5) Tom found a … letter at home.
a) returned b) returning
4. Выбери правильный вариант перевода.
1) Сейчас он завтракает.
a) He is having breakfast now.
b) He has breakfast now.
2) Почему Вы ненавидите мою сестру?
а) Why are you hating my sister?
b) Why do you hate my sister?
3) Тише! Они слушают лекцию врача.
a) Keep silence! They listen to the doctor’s lecture.
b) Keep silence! They are listening to the doctor’s lecture.
5th form
Progress Check – 4
V - 2
1. Выбери слово, наиболее подходящее по смыслу к выделенному.
1) town
a) palace b) country c) city
2) famous
a) favourite b) well-known c) beautiful
3) church
a) cathedral b) tower c) bridge
2. Выбери и вставь слово, наиболее подходящее по смыслу.
1) London is the biggest … in the United Kingdom.
a) capital b) country c) city
2) There is a … to Admiral Nelson in the middle of Trafalgar Square.
a) monument b) symbol c) voice
3) Did her children … in the concert?
a) take place b) take part c) take care
4) Yelets was … in 1146.
a) different b) founded c) like
5) Could you tell me how to … Westminster Abbey?
a) stay at b) look for c) get to
6) Mark Twain is one of the most … American writers.
a) popular b) probably c) cruel
3. Выбери и вставь глагол в нужной форме.
1) Mike often … chess.
a) play b) plays c) is playing d) are playing
2) The children … a nice toy now.
a) draw b) draws c) is drawing d) are drawing
3) Look! I … a lot of people there.
a) see b) am seeing c) saw d) will see
4) She saw the … child at that moment.
a) cried b) crying
5) They will see the work … well.
a) doing b) done
4. Выбери правильный вариант перевода.
1) Cейчас у него урок математики.
a) He is having a Maths lesson now.
b) He has a Maths lesson now.
2) Вам нравится мое новое платье?
a) Are you liking my new dress?
b) Do you like my new dress?
3) Тише! Она учит стихотворение наизусть.
a) Keep silence! She learns the poem by heart.
b) Keep silence! She is learning the poem by heart.
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