задания на словообразование к учебнику "Starlight 6"
учебно-методический материал (6 класс) на тему
Данная методическая разработка знакомит с основами английского словообразования и представляет практическую значимость для учащихся и учителей английского языка. Особый интерес эта работа будет представлять для учеников 6-х классов, так как здесь будут напечатаны упражнения на словообразование к учебнику Starlight. Автор считает абсолютно необходимым начинать подготовку к данному заданию как можно раньше, чтобы выработать устойчивый навык успешного выполнения подобных упражнений.
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Словообразование (на материале УМК Starlight 6 класс)
как аспект подготовки к ЕГЭ по английскому языку
Данная методическая разработка знакомит с основами английского словообразования и представляет практическую значимость для учащихся и учителей английского языка. Особый интерес эта работа будет представлять для учеников 6-х классов, так как здесь будут напечатаны упражнения на словообразование к учебнику Starlight. Автор считает абсолютно необходимым начинать подготовку к данному заданию как можно раньше, чтобы выработать устойчивый навык успешного выполнения подобных упражнений.
- I have just returned from London, it was a(an) ______________________trip! It was really cool! (forget)
- ________________________ is a small and beautiful flower.(forget)
- He always forgets everything, his __________________ is just annoying! (forget)
- She doesn’t remember anything, she is so ________________. (forget)
- The ________________ of trendy shops here, is really impressive. (selector)
- He has very __________________ memory. He remembers only what he needs. (selector)
- The fitness centre has a comprehensive range of ______________ for all fitness levels and abilities. (action)
- She doesn’t like anything to do, she is a(an) absolutely _____________ person. (action)
- This virus can ______________ your computer. (able)
- He _____________ in chemistry. (special)
- Everything is so expensive in this food outlet, the prices here are absolutely ________________ (reason).
- Think about this, everything should be done ________________. (reason)
- She has just started working as a teacher, she is slightly ___________________. (experience)
WORD FORMATION 6TH FORM Module 1 (Unit 1f,h)
- To avoid mistakes you should check up the whole work_________ (care)
- I’m afraid to travel by car with him, he drives so _____________ (care)
- He always thinks about other people’s problems, he is so _________(care)
- Do not touch snakes, some of them are ______________(poison)
- Do not eat this apple, it is _____________ so you may die. (poison)
- The ___________ of this palace is a Duke of Wales(disown)
- In my ______________ point of view, you should study better.(disown)
- It was a marvelous hotel, staying there is something ___________(image)
- She is so good at thinking of new and interesting ideas, she is really ___________(image)
- Sam thinks about everything he does, he is a very _________ boy.(think)
- It was _______________ of her not to tell us where she was going. Now we can’t find her.(think)
- Everybody will remember the ____________ of this holiday.(celebrate)
- This glossy magazine always publishes articles about ______________ (celebrate)
- Madonna is a ___________ singer.(celebrate)
- __________ of America was very important for humanity.(discover)
- Harlem is the most ___________ area in New York. (horrible)
- She was ___________ to discover that he loved Sally. (horrible)
- __________ movie is a popular genre nowadays. (horrible)
- Clubbing in London is _____________ ! (terrible)
- London at first was a small ___________ . (settle)
- A painter was ____________ by the beauty of nature. (inspire)
- A painter gets a/an _______________ from the beauty of nature. (inspire)
- This music was so dull and absolutely __________. (inspire)
- He was very rude, impolite so his behaviour was _________. (offender)
- I was ________ by his proposal. (offender)
- The image of the lion __________ power and strength. (signify)
- We are not going to discuss this question, it is absolutely __________. (signify)
Word Building 6th form
- ______________ water is dangerous for our health.(poison)
- He doesn’t think about his parents, he is absolutely ______________ (care)
- It was ____________ of him to leave the unlocked, anybody can come in and steal something. (care)
- You need to think _______________ about what you do to avoid mistakes (care)
- Our trip was ________________, I ‘d like to go there once again. (image)
- He can’t create anything, he is absolutely _____________.(image)
- Everything here is the ________________ of Duke of Wales.(own)
- ______________ is a nice and useful quality.(thinking)
- ______________ countries should help __________ countries. (develop)
- This website is full of _____________ information. There is nothing interesting there.(use)
- The book is full of __________ information, you should read it! (use)
- When he was young, he didn’t like to read, to learn grammar rules, he didn’t listen to his teacher of the English language (ужас) and now he is an absolutely __________ person.(educate)
- This _______________ programme is very good and should be used at school.(educate)
- Some sick people are _______________ as they can’t learn anything.(educate)
- He wastes money everywhere, he is absolutely _______________(practise)
- ________________ makes perfect.(practise)
- “I don’t care”- he answered _________________(difference)
- Sam ________________ greatly from his brother.(difference)
- Two of the _______________ failed to take part in the race.(competition)
- Learning in a small group is_______________ to learning in s big, noisy group.
Fill the gaps with the suitable words.
- The _________ and ___________ of the sea is difficult to measure.( deep, wide)
- Can you ___________ and __________ the hole, it is too narrow and little. (wide, long)
- Every person should do everything to _____________ the friendship. (strong)
- _____________ needs deep knowledge and experience. (wise)
- The weather here is _____________, it is impossible to be predicted. (change)
- _____________ in friendship makes a person happier. (believe)
- We should save _____________ birds. ( dangerous)
- We were able to watch the lions in __________, that’s why we were not afraid. (save)
- __________________ is a bad quality, you don’t remember what is necessary. (forget)
- He has a _____________ memory. (select)
- This virus can __________ your computer. (able)
- The book is not gripping, it is _______________. (forget)
- Everything should be done ______________. (reason)
- To have a good job, one should be ______________. (experience)
- It was a great hotel, staying there was _____________. (image)
- To avoid accidents, you should drive _______________ (care)
- She is a very ___________ girl, she always looks after her parents. (care)
- It’s a great ____________! (think)
- This ______________ programme is very good. (educate)
- He is a very _________ person, he knows everything. (educate)
Write a negative form of the word
- Famous 19 educative
- Popular 20 practical
- Attractive 21 different
- Pleasant 22 competitive
- Pleased 23 respectful
- Believable 24 obedient
- Exciting 25 impressive
- Real
- Able
- Forgettable
- Active
- Reasonable
- Experienced
- Poisonous
- Developed
- Care
- Use
- Educable
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