Урок английского языка в 9 классе "Чтение электронных книг: "за" и "против""
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме
Интегрированный урок английского языка и информатики, направленный на развитие умения планировать письменное высказывание формата "сочинение-рассуждение", а также производить редактирование текста в электронном виде в текстовом редакторе.
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Hand-writing books Printed books E-books
an electronic book is a modern device which gives up a chance to read the text of the book from the computer screen READING E-BOOKS: pros and cons, advantages and disadvantages, arguments “for” and “against”
Device Touch-sensitive screen Bright backlight To access the Internet To recharge battery To reduce To download To keep in memory To zoom устройство сенсорный чувствительный экран Подсветка Подключиться к интернету Заряжать батарею Сокращать Загружать Сохранять в памяти Изменять масштаб
paper edition printed books to accustom to store up to co-exist valuable harmless eyesight editor Бумажная версия книги Печатные книги Привыкать Вмещать Сосуществовать Ценный Безвредный Зрение Издатель
Arguments “for” The structure of an essay Arguments “against” Conclusion My opinion Stating a problem
Arguments “for” The structure of an essay Arguments “against” Conclusion My opinion Stating a problem
Arguments “for” The structure of an essay Arguments “against” Conclusion My opinion Stating a problem
Arguments “for” The structure of an essay Arguments “against” Conclusion My opinion Stating a problem My opinion
Arguments “for” The structure of an essay Arguments “against” Conclusion My opinion Stating a problem My opinion
Arguments “for” The structure of an essay Arguments “against” Conclusion My opinion Stating a problem My opinion
ADDITIONAL WORDS AND CONJUNCTIONS because finally firstly however I’d like to add that personally secondly they say that thirdly what is more
__________, I think that e-books are so popular with the readers for several reasons. __________, they are easy to use because they are light, compact and portable. __________, e-books have a touch-sensitive screen which can help you to choose the form and size of the text, to zoom it. __________, publishing the books in the e-form is not so expensive as the paper editions. __________, people can read e-books in public and everywhere they like.
because finally firstly however I’d like to add that personally secondly they say that thirdly what is more __________, I think that e-books are so popular with the readers for several reasons. __________, they are easy to use because they are light, compact and portable. __________, e-books have a touch-sensitive screen which can help you to choose the form and size of the text, to zoom it. __________, publishing the books in the e-form is not so expensive as the paper editions. __________, people can read e-books in public and everywhere they like.
___________, most people still prefer traditional printed books. ________________ the device for reading e-books is rather expensive. E-books may cause problems with eyesight __________ it is hard to read from the small screen. _____________ the e-books need battery which must be recharged. As many technique devices they can be easily broken.
because finally firstly however I’d like to add that personally secondly they say that thirdly what is more ___________, most people still prefer traditional printed books. ________________ the device for reading e-books is rather expensive. E-books may cause problems with eyesight __________ it is hard to read from the small screen. _____________ the e-books need battery which must be recharged. As many technique devices they can be easily broken.
Arguments “FOR” E-book can store up thousands of pages. E-books are less harmless from the ecological point of view. Some special devices and programs can help the user to listen the audio-books and even watch the video-clips and animated pictures. The bright backlight gives you an chance to read in the darkness. The user can download a lot of books from the Internet free or cheaper than paper editions. They are lighter than paper editions. You can keep hundreds and thousands of books in the memory of the e-book.
A lot of editors prefer publishing paper books officially. Nowadays there is only a limited collection of published e-books . Sometimes there are a lot of mistakes in such kind of books or they may be reduced. You need access to the Internet to download the books. Arguments “AGAINST”
Критерии оценки эссе - объем 200-250 слов - соответствие структуре - соответствие заявленной теме - полнота раскрытия темы (проблемы) - лексико-грамматическая, орфографическая правильность
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