Применение проектной методики.
проект (11 класс) по теме
При современном стремительном темпе развития науки и техники никакой словарь не состоянии поспеть за возникновением новых слов и терминов в различных областях знания, что ведет к появлению проблемы перевода и понимания. Под словообразованием традиционно понимают образование слов от других слов с помощью определенных операций, подразумевающих содержательные и формальные изменения характеристик слова. Суть словообразовательных процессов заключается в создании новых наименований. В данной работе описываются способы словообразования на примере названий автомобилей.
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Предварительный просмотр:
При современном стремительном темпе развития науки и техники никакой словарь не состоянии поспеть за возникновением новых слов и терминов в различных областях знания, что ведет к появлению проблемы перевода и понимания. Под словообразованием традиционно понимают образование слов от других слов с помощью определенных операций, подразумевающих содержательные и формальные изменения характеристик слова. Суть словообразовательных процессов заключается в создании новых наименований. В данной работе описываются способы словообразования на примере названий автомобилей.
At modern time of development of science and equipment any dictionary not a condition to keep up with emergence of new words and terms in various areas of knowledge that conducts to emergence of a problem of transfer and understanding. As word formation traditionally understand word formation from other words by means of the certain operations meaning substantial and formal changes of characteristics of the word. The essence of word-formation processes consists in creation of new names. In this work ways of word formation on the example of names of cars are described.
The history of automobile building took the beginning at the end of the XIX century and openers of it are Daimler and Benz. It began in Germany in 1885 when Benz built the first carriage. At the same time Daimler constructed the first motorcycle and a carriage with a motor in a year. They were grand- grandfathers of modern automobiles. In 1901 Benz created the first "car with four wheels". These cars were easy and had a good technical support.
These conservative sounds kept till the middle of the last century. But then such names as "Custom", was not popular with makers and they came to such names as "Fiesta".
The geographical maps gave cars such names as "Malibu' or 'Caribbean". So names were taken not only in America but in Europe too, for example, Monte Carlo. When people hold a lot of the knowledge about space and so cars were given such names as "Galaxy" and "Satellite". According to the proverb: "As you'll call the ship, it'll float so" and car names have such functions.
Italians Bugatti, Lamborghini, Ferrari in all these names we "hear" also a powerful roar of the motor, and fair forms, grace of iron horses.
Now we would like to give some information what cars were called in the last centuries and where these names were gone.
Some years ago simple and sonorous names were given to cars: "Cadet", "Karina". Now the fashion has changed. Names become more and more mysterious and less clear: "Qashqai
The names of winds were taken by Volkswagen "Sirocco" and "Passat". From the sports world come names "Golf" and "Polo". Last decade of the 20 century names become more global: "Omega".
At the beginning of 2000th years many auto concerns have started to use typical combinations of letters and syllables in lineup names.
II. Main part
a) The part of cars have received "geographical" names, often experts in
marketing try to draw thus attention of the buyers living on most perspective from the point of view of sales territories. So names of very many Japanese and Korean cars have received North American names.
Hyundai Santa Fe, according to experts of company "Okami", it is named of the capital of state New-Mexico.
Hyundai Vera Cruz has received the name in honour of a small port at the Mexican coast.
Hyundai Tuscon too has received a name of one of the cities of the USA, located in the south of the State of Arizona.
Subaru Tribeca named in honour of micro district «Tribeca», located in New York on the lower Manhattan. The micro district includes three quarters and famous for «bohemian parties».
Nissan Teana means "dawn" or "beginning" from one of adverbs of the American Indians.
b) Most popular among the experts in marketing developing automobile names, the words directly underlining features of this or that car. There are names of some Japanese cars Toyota.
Toyota Vitz is obliged by a name to a German word «witz», meaning "wit", «a bright joke
Toyota Corolla is translated from English as "wreath".
Toyota Auris is translated as gold from Latin.
Toyota Land Cruiser is possible to translate this name as comfortable boat" from English.
Mitsubishi Colt is the name of a terrible revolver and on the other hand designation of "foal".
Mitsubishi Lenser. This car is famous for his name. It is "handle" or "feather.
Fiat Albea is translated as "dawn" from the Italian. The names of many off-road cars: Land Rover is a terrestrial pirate or a robber; Freelander is an off-road car; Defender is a champion
Volkswagen Touareg and Nissan Qashqai. Volkswagen Touareg is named in honour of the well-known tribe of Norman living in desert Sahara, Nissan Qashqai — in honour of a tribe of the Norma occupying territory of Iran since XVIII century.
c) There are not few cases when manufacturers named the car in honour of mythological beings and popular expressions. We will show some examples:
❖ Japanese Matsuda, named car Mazda in honour god of light.
❖ German engineer Horch has dismissed from board of directors. He has based on other firm and as no rights to the name any more had, named it "Audi", that on Latin means the same, as "Horch' in German - to "hear".
❖ Swedes have flashed knowledge of Latin from 'Volvo'. The name is translated "I slide".
❖ Germans named the "iron horse" simply "Volkswagen" -"the national car".
❖ Englishmen to whom their car seems beauty and force has reminded the big wild cat, has named its "Jaguar".
❖ And Japanese have appeared the most poetical-their Mitsubishi is translated "three brilliants".
Having considered set of examples, we have come to conclusion that this theme is actual now and will be actual in the near future, because the markets aren't going to stop the production of cars. Why did we take this theme? This seemed to me interesting because we could learn more information about car names. When we learnt this theme we tried to systemize and add to classes names of car marks. We created 4 main groups:
1. Geographical names
2. Cars names are founded from peculiarities of different marks of cars
3. Cars names are founded from myths, expressions and founded by blending of two words
1. Magazine " Drive" №12, 2012
2. Magazine "Enquire" №7, 8, 2011
3. The encyclopedia of technique "Automobiles"; "Rosman", Lev Shuturov 2006
4. eru.wikipedia.org
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Aim of my project The aim of my project: to know about origin car marks names The tasks of my project were: to collect the information to analyze and systemize the information to find the ways of creating new car names
Benz Daimler
Fiesta Beetle Cobra Firebird
Where are the names of the cars from?
Ford Galaxy
How car names are created? As you'll call the ship, it'll float so .
Quashai Cadet Volkswagen Passat Volkswagwen Polo
Hyundai Tuscon Hyundai Vera Cruz Hyundai Santa Fe
Subaru Tribeca Nissan Teana
Toyota Vitz Toyota Corolla Toyota Land Cruiser Toyota Auris
Mitsubishi Col t Mitsubishi Lenser
Fiat Albea Land Rover Freelander
Volkswagen Touareg Nissan Qashqai
Mazda Volvo Jaguar
CONCLUSION We created 3 main groups : Geographical names Cars names are founded from peculiarities of different marks of cars Cars names are founded from myths , expressions and founded by blending of two words
Literature Magazine " Drive" №12, 2012 Magazine "Enquire" №7, 8, 2011 The encyclopedia of technique "Automobiles"; "Rosman", Lev Shuturov 2006 eru.wikipedia.org
Thank you for attention
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