Have you ever dreamt of being a tour guide?
методическая разработка по английскому языку по теме
Предварительный просмотр:
План-конспект открытого урока в 10В классе
Тип урока: комбинированный
Образовательная технология: Обучение в сотрудничестве.
Тема: Have you ever dreamt of being a tour guide? (Путешествие по своей стране и за рубежом, его планирование и организация, места и условия проживания туристов, осмотр достопримечательностей.)
Цель урока:
- Развивающий аспект:
Развитие навыков чтения с общим пониманием. Развитие навыков словообразования. Развитие навыков описания особенностей культуры страны изучаемого языка с опорой на прочитанное в рамках темы «Путешествие. Достопримечательности».
- Воспитательный аспект:
Воспитание уважительного отношения к культуре страны изучаемого языка.
- Образовательный аспект:
Формирование представлений о достопримечательностях Лондона.
1. Прочитать текст, заполняя пропуски подходящими частями речи.
2. Разобрать новые слова и выражения по теме: «Путешествия. Достопримечательности Лондона».
3. Первично закрепить материал посредством переводного упражнения (Russian-English). Составление и представление высказывания с использованием опорных фраз, которое может быть использовано в качестве образца для выполнения домашнего задания.
Оборудование: учебник «Spotlight-10» by V. Evans, J. Dooley, доска, индивидуальные карточки-задания.
Конспект урока
Этап урока | Форма работы |
а) приветствие
а) работа с текстом - предтекстовый этап (word work, questions) - текстовый этап (чтение с общим пониманием, работа по словообразованию) - послетекстовый этап (word work – matching definitions, translating sentences) б) дополнение и представление монологических высказываний
а) домашнее задание, заключительное слово. | T - CL T - P1, P2 T - CL, T - P1, P2 T - P1, P2 P1 - P2 - P3 Work in pairs Work in groups |
Ход урока
- (T) Good afternoon students, sit down, please. We have already met today, so let’s continue working. Well, we have been talking about travelling for several lessons, you know a lot of words but now I’d like to ask you a question, “Have you ever dreamt of being a tour guide?” Please, explain your answer using “I think”, “I believe” T – P1, P2 (possible answers: yes, I think it is interesting, enjoyable; No, I believe it is too hard for me)
(T) Thank you for your answers. In spite of your likes and dislikes we are going to try being tour guides today. Have a look at the blackboard. I’d like to give you a hand about some things a guide should be good at:
a) to know some facts about tourist
b) to be good at working in group
c) to be able to perform in public
So, our aim is to follow these points during our lesson in order to become a perfect guide.
- (T) Please open your student books at page 95, Culture Corner section. And I’ll give you individual cards with some instructions and useful information we are going to use later. Well, have a look at the leaflet in your books. We are going to talk about different London tourist attractions.
T - P1, P2 What are they? (p1 reads)
What do you think you can see and do there? ( p2: I think we can ride on the London Eye. P3: I think we can learn about history at the Tower of London.)
(T) As you can see we have got some gaps in the text, we are to complete them with the correct forms of the words in brackets, let’s read and translate these words. T - P1, P2
(possible answers: thrill is a noun, amaze is a verb…)
(T) Thank you, a good work is done. Now let’s read the text and complete the gaps.
T - P1, P2 (Students read the text one by one making pauses to explain the changes.
Thrill – thrilling, amaze-amazing, fame-famous, usual-unusual, thorough-thoroughly, perform-performance, educate-educational, exhibit-exhibition)
(T) Well, you have done it, thank you. But there is one more problem – the words and phrases in bold. Have a look at the cards I gave you, in the exercise 1 you can see this words and their definitions and your aim is to match them, you’ve got 1-2 minutes, be quick. O’K, now I’d like to listen to your answers T - P1, P2 (possible answers: Fortress is a building like a castle, bird’s eye view is the view of something when you are looking down on it from the height… )
(T) Right you are, that was great. Now have a look at the exercise 2 in your cards. I’d like you to work in pairs, translating the sentences from Russian into English, use the texts, words and phrases we’ve just discussed and then one of you will read the sentences. You’ve got 3 minutes. (Students work in pairs, discussing possible answers)
(T) Time’s up. Let’s listen to the answers T - P1, P2
Thank you, a good work is done. Now look at the blackboard, I believe you know some facts about tourist attractions in London and I can see that you are good at working in pairs. Well, let’s see how good you are at performing in public. I’d like you to work in groups of four-five (teacher organizes 3-4 groups) each group receives cards with suggested guide’s speech, the thing is that you are to complete the notes with certain information from the text and then you are to choose one speaker to act out. You’ve got 5 minutes to get ready. (Students work in groups and after the task is completed and checked they keep the cards in order to use them doing homework)
(T) Time is over and now we are ready to start. Who’d like to be the first? T - P1, P2
Well-done! Now you can become a tour guide!
- Well, thank you for your working today. And your home task will be to prepare the guide’s speech about all the tourist attractions of London mentioned, use the cards you’ve got as an example. The lesson is over, good bye.
Answer key
Matching: 1d, 2c, 3g, 4h, 5e, 6b, 7i, 8f, 9a, 10j
- Нам понравилось изумительное здание старого театра. We liked an amazing building of the old theatre.
- Я прочитал(а) несколько фактов про Великий Лондонский пожар и был(а) ужасно напуган(а). I had read some facts about the Great Fire of London and was scared out of my wits.
- Эта средневековая крепость была построена для защиты города. This medieval fortress was built to protect the city.
4. Вы можете покататься на колесе обозрения и увидеть Лондон с высоты птичьего полета. You can ride on the London Eye and get a bird’s eye view of London.
5. Этот замок служил многим целям в прошлом, а теперь это музей. This castle served many purposes in the past, but now it is a museum.
- Эта экскурсия не для слабонервных, но вы получите незабываемые впечатления. This excursion is not for the faint-hearted, but you will have the experience of a lifetime.
Card 1
Complete the guide’s speech:
Welcome, ladies and …………….. to the River Thames boat trip, which I hope you………………………. On the left you …… ………. the London Eye, the big ……… which ……………….. in 2000 for the ……………….
Now, ……………………, we are just passing the …………………….., which has been a prison, an ………… and now the ………………………… a kept there.
Now you can take photos.
Card 2
Complete the guide’s speech:
Welcome, ladies and …………….. on a coach tour of London, which I hope will be ……………………….. We are coming up on the ………………………….. which is…………………………. –hearted. You can learn all about ……………………….. and ……………………………………… here.
On the right you ……………. Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre, completed ……… It runs …………………………. and lectures about Shakespeare’s time theatre.
Our next port of call is St. Paul’s Cathedral.
Card 3
Welcome, ladies and …………….. on a coach tour of London, which I hope will be ……………………….. We are coming up on the ………………………….. which is…………………………. –hearted. You can learn all about ……………………….. and ……………………………………… here.
Now, ……………………, we are just passing the …………………….., which has been a prison, an ………… and now the ………………………… a kept there.
Now you can take photos.
Card 1
Exercise 1 Matching
2.Great value for money 3.Bird’s eye view
| a)To be extremely frightened
c) Worth more than money it costs
Exercise 2 Translate into English.
- Нам понравилось изумительное здание старого театра.
- Я прочитал(а) несколько фактов про Великий Лондонский пожар и был(а) ужасно напуган(а).
Card 2
Exercise 1 Matching
Exercise 2 Translate into English.
1. Вы можете покататься на колесе обозрения и увидеть Лондон с высоты птичьего полета.
2. Этот замок служил многим целям в прошлом, а теперь это музей.
Card 3
Exercise 1 Matching
Exercise 2 Translate into English.
- Эта средневековая крепость была построена для защиты города.
- Эта экскурсия не для слабонервных, но вы получите незабываемые впечатления.
Card 1
Complete the guide’s speech:
Welcome, ladies and …………….. to the River Thames boat trip, which I hope you………………………. On the left you …… ………. the London Eye, the big ……… which ……………….. in 2000 for the ……………….
Now, ……………………, we are just passing the …………………….., which has been a prison, an ………… and now the ………………………… a kept there.
Now you can take photos.
Card 2
Complete the guide’s speech:
Welcome, ladies and …………….. on a coach tour of London, which I hope will be ……………………….. We are coming up on the ………………………….. which is…………………………. –hearted. You can learn all about ……………………….. and ……………………………………… here.
On the right you ……………. Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre, completed ……… It runs …………………………. and lectures about Shakespeare’s time theatre.
Our next port of call is St. Paul’s Cathedral.
Card 3
Welcome, ladies and …………….. on a coach tour of London, which I hope will be ……………………….. We are coming up on the ………………………….. which is…………………………. –hearted. You can learn all about ……………………….. and ……………………………………… here.
Now, ……………………, we are just passing the …………………….., which has been a prison, an ………… and now the ………………………… a kept there.
Now you can take photos.
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