Турнир знатоков
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Курилова Тамара Валерьевна

Турнир знатоков по английскому языку. Комплексный подход к изучению английского языка.


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Турнир знатоков

Tournament of experts



Курилова Тамара Валерьевна,

преподаватель английского языка

Санкт-Петербургское государственное бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение «Автомеханический лицей»

Турнир знатоков

Tournament of experts



                     создавать положительную мотивацию к изучению английского языка;

                     расширение кругозора учащихся в области литературы;

                     научить видеть результаты своей деятельности.



Задание 1. Найди лишнее слово в каждой строчке

Find extra word in each line

1. Alice, Mad Hatter, Тоm Sawyer, March Hare, Cheshire Cat,White Rabbit

2. Winnie-the Pooh, Peter Pan, Piglet, Owl, Tigger, Eeyore

3. Dorothy, Toto, Scarecrow, Cowardly Lion, Tin Woodman, Matilda

4. Becky, Tom, Huckleberry Finn, Pamela, Aunt Polly, Ben Roger



Задание 2. Найди определение каждому слову.

Find the definition of each word


1. Fable

A. - a long written story, not in poetry.

2. Tale

B. - an old story about great events and people in ancient times.

3. Novel

C. - a short story that teaches a lesson, a story in which animals or objects speak.

4. Legend

D - about fairies and other magical people which always ends happily.

Задание 3. Найди правильный вариант ответа.

Find the correct answer


1. Frank Baum

A. “Charlie and Chocolate Factory”

2. Rudyard Kipling

B. “The Hobbit”

3. John R.Tolkien

C. “The Wonderful Wizard of Oz”

4. J.K. Rowing

D. ”Treasure Island”

5. Roald Dahl

E. “Harry Potter and Philosopher’s Stone”

6. Robert Louis Stevenson

F. “Jungle Book”



Задание 4. Прочитай басню. Расположи события в хронологическом порядке. Ответы запиши в бланке ответов.

Read the fable. There are events in chronological order. Write the answers in the form of answers.

One day in the summer a fox saw a cock near a village. It was time for dinner and the fox decided to eat the cock. He went up to the cock and said to him:”Your father could sing very well. Can you sing well too? “The cock shut his eyes and began to sing. The fox caught the cock in its mouth and ran away.

A famer saw the fox and cried out to the other farmers:” look! A fox has caught our cock! Look! Look! That is our cock.” The cock heard the farmer and said to the fox: “Do you hear what that farmer is saying? He says that I am their cock. Tell them that I am your cock now. “When the fox opened his mouth to say it, the cock jumped up into a tree. He cried out to the fox:” I am not your cock, I am their cock. “The poor fox beat his head on the tree and said:”Mouth, you talk too much and we have no dinner today”.

A. The cock ran away from the fox.

B. A fox saw a cock near a village.

C. A farmer saw the fox and cried out to the other farmers.

D. The fox asked the cock to sing.

E. The cock asked the fox to say:”This is my cock”

F. The fox opened his mouth and the cock jumped up into the tree.

G. The fox caught the cock in his mouth.



Задание 5. Верны ли эти утверждения? Are these sentences true(T) or false (F)

1. The Tin Woodman hasn’t got a heart.

2. The Scarecrow has got brain.

3. Leprechaun is from Ireland. He is from the Irish tales.

4. Hobbit look like a man, but he is neither an animal nor a man.

5. Dorothy and Toto are the main characters in the book “Alice‘s Adventures in Wonderland”

6. Winnie-the-Pooh says to himself: ”That buzzing means something. Somebody is making a buzzing- noise”.



Задание 6. Вставь правильное слово в известное стихотворение

Insert the correct word in the famous poem

1. This is the house that … built.

a)                  Jack

b)                 Nick

c)                  Mike

2. This is the rat, that ate the … .

a) cake

b) corn

c) apple


3. This is the cat, that killed the ….

a) tiger

b) rat

c) rabbit


4. This is the dog, that worried the … .

a) fox

b) cat

c) dog


5. This is the cow with the crumpled … .

a) horn

b) face

c) eyes


6. This is the maiden all forlorn, that … the cow with the crumpled horn.

a) cleaned

b) fed

c) milked.

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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