Federal State Educational Standards of elementary middle and higher schools in RF
презентация к уроку по теме

Инкина Инна Ильинична

В презентации представлены основные направления реформы общего образования в Российской Федерации и новые направления работы нашей школы


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Слайд 1

Federal State Educational Standards of elementary middle and higher schools in RF Inna Inkina Teacher of EFL, Russia Bozeman Montana 2013

Слайд 2

Content 1) New state educational standards for schools in Russia 2) Ecological issues in these standards 3) “Ecology Drops” – an experiment on ecologization of 8 school subjects 4) Religious education in schools in Russia

Слайд 3

Structure of FSES (Federal state educational standards) Requirements to: The structure of Educational programs, the proportion of compulsory and optional parts of it Educational results Equipment and organization of educational process at school on the whole

Слайд 4

Requirements to educational results Results in subject area Meta-subject results (planning, assessing the results, reflecting, ICT, reading and info skills) Personal results (motivation, personal goals in education, responsibility for achieving these goals, communicative skills and conflict solving)

Слайд 5

Ecological education Developing ecological consciousness and understanding of the relations between human activities and the environment Forming environmentally friendly behavior Promoting healthy life-style and up-bringing healthy habits

Слайд 6

Carbon dioxide concentration and the average temperature on the Earth for 500 000 years (The amount of carbon dioxide nowadays is higher than ever before)

Слайд 7

The change of the average year temperature in the Northern semisphere for the 9000 years years temperature С

Слайд 8

The Himalayas К чему уже привело изменение климата?

Слайд 9

The central Ladakh Range 10/09 1976

Слайд 10

The central Ladakh Range 09/10/ 1989

Слайд 11

The central Ladakh Range 31/10 / 2000

Слайд 12

ИНД ГАНГ БРАХМАПУТРА 600 000 000 people live on the banks of rivers that take waters from the glaciers ( Indus, Gahges , Brahmaputra )

Слайд 13

Ecology drops experiment: building ecological consciousness gradually (3-5 minute at a lesson) A series of books, containing tasks on acute environmental problems for 7-9 grades in 8 subjects: Literature, Algebra, Physics, Geography, Chemistry, History, Social studies, Foreign languages (English, German, French)

Слайд 14

The basics of religious culture and secular ethics (4-5 grades) 6 modules – the basics of Orthodox Christian culture Muslim culture Buddhism culture Judaism culture World religious cultures Secular ethics

Слайд 15

Thank you!!! Have a good day!

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