Открытые уроки по английскому языку
план-конспект урока (6, 7, 8, 9, 10 класс) по теме
Уроки,которые могут помочь при составлении открытых уроков и в работе
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Предварительный просмотр:
Разработка урока английского языка в 9 классе
Учитель : Климова А.А.
Тема урока: Экология. Транспорт.
Цель урока: обобщить лексико-грамматический материал раздела, развивая коммуникативную компетенцию учащихся, но базе устной и письменной речи.
Задачи урока:
Образовательные: обучать использовать тематическую лексику в устной и письменной речи
Воспитательные: воспитывать гражданскую ответственность
Развивающие: : развивать умение выражать свою точку зрения и отстаивать свое мнение
Оснащение урока: Учебник, Рабочая тетрадь, мини-словарь
Оформление доски: число, тема урока, эпиграф к уроку –цитата Jerome K .Jerome “The people never happy with the weather. The weather, like the government is always in the wrong”; “To make the world the friendly place, you should show it your friendly face”;постеры с проблемами окружающей среды
План урока.
- Организационный момент.
- Чтение цитаты и беседа на ее основе
- Лексическая работа в парах
- Диалоги по теме Транспорт..
- Работа в группах по решению экологических проблем города (письмо в администрацию города)
- Домашнее задание
- Подведение итогов, оценки
Ход урока
1. Quote…Unquote.
-asking students how they got to school in the morning, if they got the stuck in traffic jam.
- define the theme of the lesson, ask about environmental problems in the past and present. Encourage them to use Present Perfect and Past Simple, Present Perfect Continuous forms.
2. In groups.
-divide into 3 groups. The 1-st group should find out ecological problems, the 2-nd should find out reasons causing it, the 3-rd should propose any solution. Function File p.43
3. In pairs.
Invite students to go for a trip to Kaliningrad by any vehicle or on foot to see its problems better. Students discuss advantages and disadvantages; work out solutions and report back to the class.
4. Ask student what can happen with our town if we continue to pollute it. Invite to take part in the program of the town government to improve Kaliningrad/Give task to write the letter .
5. Encourage to make the conclusion that every one is responsible for our world and our town.
Предварительный просмотр:
Разработка урока английского языка в 6 классе
Учитель :Климова А.А.
Тема урока: Здоровый образ жизни
Цель урока: формирование коммуникативных речевых навыков
Задачи урока:
а)активизировать навыки уч-ся в употреблении лексики по теме;
б)развивать умение строить логическое высказывание;
в)обучать чтению с пониманием основного содержания
Воспитывать у уч-ся положительное отношение к здоровому образу жизни
а)развивать речевые способности
б) поддержать стремление уч-ся к переносу учебного материала на свой небольшой жизненый опыт .
Оснащение урока: Учебник, Рабочая тетрадь мини-словарь
Оформление доски: число,тема урока,эпиграф к уроку –цитата Марка Твена “The only way to be healthy is to eat what you don’t want to do, to drink what you don’t like and what you don’t want to”
План урока.
- Организационный момент.
- Чтение цитаты и беседа на ее основе
- Работа в парах
- Введение лексики.
- Чтение газетной статьи и ее обсуждение
- Домашнее задание
- Подведение итогов, оценки
Development of the lesson.
-asking students what they know about Mark Twain
- asking them what M Twain could be thinking of when he said “eat what you don’t like”(green vegetables),” drink what you don’t like”(water), “what you don’t want to do”(go to bed early)
-In groups of 4 students discuss things they eat, drink and do that are not very healthy.
-in pairs they read the fact file and discuss if the statements are true or false.
-check answers at the bottom the page.
-discuss what they think the statistics in Russia. Would they be different from British facts or the same?
3. Exs.2
-key words: adjectives: bad, clever, glamorous, good, optimistic, nice, right, stupid, useful
-in pairs check the meaning of adjectives and decide which are positive and which are negative
-ask to add to the list
4.Reading. Exs.3
-Read the heading with the class.
-Individually students read the article quickly and match the headings with the numbers in the text. Answers: 1. Daily meetings 2.No money 3.Chew gum 4.A Good Example
-work individually, reading the text and answering the questions
-they compare their answers in pairs and check in the class.
5. Home work: read the text and learn the words
6. Analysing the students’ activities and giving them marks.
Предварительный просмотр:
Разработка урока английского языка в 6 классе
Учитель :Климова А.А.
Тема урока: Описание места
Цель урока: формирование коммуникативных речевых навыков, научит составлять описательные рассказы, используя активную лексику урока
Задачи урока:
а)активизировать навыки уч-ся в употреблении лексики по теме;
б)развивать умение строить логическое высказывание;
в)обучать использованию грамматических структур
Воспитывать у уч-ся уважение,внимательность к одноклассникам, выслушивать мнение других
а)развивать речевые способности
б) умения работать в группах.
Оснащение урока: Учебник, Рабочая тетрадь мини-словарь
Оформление доски: число,тема урока
План урока.
- Организационный момент.
- Проверка домашней работы
- Работа в парах
- Физ.минутка
- Работа с книгой
- Работа в группах
- Подведение итогов, оценки
Ход урока:
1.Скороговорка .Tounger twister
-The two- twenty-two train tore through the tunnel.
2. Проверка домашней работы.
-диктант на словообразование (ice-icy)
3. Найди ошибку
There is the churches opposite the cinema.
There are in the town a lot of shops.
There is a pub next to the newsagents?
There aren’t a canal in the village.
Restarant, ralway staton, chemist, casle
4. Физ.минутка.
You should stand up if you listen to the words about the weather and sit down if I say the words about place.
Bank, rainy, cinema, park, cloudy, icy, school, changeable, post office, cold, hot, pub church, snowy, warm, bakery.
5.Работа с книгой с.30 уп.1,2
-вставить союзы AND BUT
-чтение письма друга по переписке и заполнение пропусков союзами
-Находим тему параграфов письма Weather A
Places to see B
Going to C
6.Деление на группы
Берем карточки и делимся на группы.!-я группа –карточки со словами о погоде;2-ягр. Со словами о достопримечательностях;3-я со словами о местах где можно отдохнуть.
Take cards, read the words and if you find the words about the weather you’ll be in group A. If you find the words about the sightseeing, you’ll be in group B. Words about place, where you can go out, mean that you are in group C. In groups you should describe own town. Take the plan. Which group makes the best description ? All members of your team should speak.
7.Домашнее задание
Учебник с.30 уп.2 написать письмо
План для описания
Weather: snowy in winter, icy, windy, warm in summer, rainy, cloudy
Places to see; big castle
Small castle
Museum Old chemist
Ideas for having fun: café-pizza, cinema, sport center
Предварительный просмотр:
Открытый урок к декаде английского языка для 6-х классов.
Урок-соревнование “Winter Holidays”
Предварительная работа:
1.Чтение текстов о Рождестве и Новом годе
2.Чтение стихов
3.Изучение лексики по теме
Цель :обобщить знания по теме, поднять интерес к изучению языка.
Задачи:1.развивать память, мышление ,воображение, внимание;2.закрепление лексических единиц и речевых образцов, которые были изучены за 1-е полугодие ;3.приобретение страноведческих знаний;4.умение работать в команде.
Ход урока:Good morning! I’m glad to see you. Today we have a lesson-competition. Our two teams-Snowmen and Snowflakes-are ready to start. At the beginning I want to say the winter has a lot of holidays, such as New Year ,Christmas, St. Valentine. The 1-st task is to tell us about the New Year.
Конкурс- лучший рассказ о празднике.
We can’t imagine holidays without songs. Second task is Christmas song or song about New Year.
Конкурс- Лучшая песня о празднике.
There’s another good holiday-Christmas. The Russian and English celebrate this holiday but there are differences. Take cards and tell us about them.
Конкурс-Рождество в России и Англии.
You know all people send cards to each other to wish Merry Christmas. At home you should prepare them. Let’s see and choose the best one.
Конкурс -Лучшая открытка
You have learn by heart poems about holidays. Next competition is the best poem
Конкурс-Лучшее стихотворение.
I’ve prepared the winter quiz. You’ll take 1 point for each right answer/
1.He’s old, fat and likes to wear red clothes. He brings children their presents on winter holidays.
2.It’s cold and white and falls from the sky.
3.What is name of the day before the Christmas?
4.It’s green and brown. People put the presents under it.
5.This is something you ‘ve made of snow/.It looks like a man.
6. How does Santa enter a house?
7.What can you find in your letter box before the holidays?
8.On the 1-st January we say…..
9.In what season do we celebrate many holidays?
10.What do all children wait on these days?
-Well, now it’s time to ask some questions to your opponents.
Конкурс- Загадки.
And the last task is to paint a holiday picture.
Конкурс-Лучший рисунок
Thank you for your participation, let’s count your score.
Предварительный просмотр:
Урок английского языка в 6-ом классе по теме:
“Holidays: a fantastic time and a horrible time.”
Учитель английского языка: Климова Анна Анатольевна
МОУ гимназия № 1 г. Калининград.
Цель: развивать навыки чтения, говорения и понимания на лексическом материале урока.
- обучающие: активизировать лексику урока в речи, практиковаться в использовании прилагательных положительных и отрицательных значений; обучать чтению текстов с общим пониманием содержания;
- развивающие: развивать у детей умение логически мыслить, использовать лексику урока, развивать умение воспринимать речь на слух;
- воспитательные: воспитывать умение работать в команде, прислушиваться к мнению одноклассников, бесконфликтно приходить к решению поставленных задач.
ТСО: магнитофон, компьютеры.
Ход урока:
- Организационный момент.
- Key words: beautiful, delicious, fantastic, fascinating, friendly, great, wonderful.
Teacher: Listen to the key words and answer to my question. Which words are similar in your language?
Play recording several times for students to listen to the Key Words. Students say which Key Words are similar in their language. Ask students to repeat them after you to practice pronunciation. Ask students to make phrases with adjectives, using the nouns: coast, streets, fish meal , beaches, excursions, people, hotels.
Possible answers: beautiful coast, wonderful streets, delicious fish meal, fantastic beaches, fascinating excursions, friendly people, great hotels |
Teacher: Listen to the Key Words. Which of them can you use with these things?
*food *a hotel room *a person *weather
Key Words: awful, dirty, disgusting, expensive, horrible, noisy, rude, terrible and unfriendly.
Play the recording several times. Students work in pairs, deciding which adjectives they can use with the things .When checking answer, point out that there is a definite answer for some adjectives like RUDE (person) but it’s possible to use other adjectives like AWFUL with all the things.
Suggested answers: Food: awful, disgusting, expensive, horrible, terrible A hotel room: awful, dirty, expensive, horrible, noisy, terrible A person: awful, dirty, horrible, noisy, rude, terrible, unfriendly Weather: awful, disgusting, horrible, terrible |
Teacher: Now, take, please, the cards and read the words. If you have the phrases with positive meaning, you should go to the 1-st group “A Fantastic Time”. If you have the words with negative meaning, you should go to the 2-nd group “A Horrible Time” .
Students go around the class to find their groups, then teacher advise them to have a break, stretch their arms, leg.
In groups they read the letter and
Letter .
Seaview Hotel
23rd July
Dear Emily,
How are you? I hope you’re well. I’m writing to tell you about my holiday. It’s total disaster!
The plane was ten hours late and we got here at 4 o’clock on Sunday morning! The next day, I went to the beach for a swim. However, it’s miles from the hotel and it’s crowded. The sea is freezing and it’s polluted-there is a chemical factory next to the beach!
The hotel is terrible, too. In the brochure, it said all the rooms had excellent views of the sea-from my room, all I can see is the hotel car park! The swimming pool was also lovely in the brochure-but it’s very small and full of noisy children.
My room is terrible. It’s dirty and this morning, I found an enormous cockroach in the shower! And there is a noisy family next tome.
I’m eating a sandwich in my room at the moment because the waiters in the restaurant are rude and unfriendly. The food is terrible. Yesterday, there was a fly in my salad-it was disgusting!!
Well, it’s time for bad. I’d lire a shower but, of course, there’s no hot water tonight. And I can’t watch a film because the television doesn’t work.
I can’t wait to get home! See you soon!
George XXX
Students discuss how many parts the letter has and give them the titles.
Answers:.1.adress , 2.start to the letter, 3.tell about the beginning, 4. tell about hotel, 5. tell about the room, 6. tell about the meal, 7. ending, 8. signature.
Teacher: Now, you should write the letters .The 1st group should write about fantastic holiday and the other group- about horrible one, using the new words. But you should mix parts of the letter to make task for the other group.
The students’ works are enclosing. (Приложение 1, 2)
Teacher: Well, let read our letters.
Students read their letters and the other group try to translate.
Teacher: You are so hard-working today. I put you marks for lesson. And your home task is preparing for dictation (key words)
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
The hotel is near the beach. There are discos and fireworks every night. All days long I swim, sunbathe, go surfing and diving.
It’s time to go on an excursion now! See you soon, Sara.
Hi! How are you? I hope that everything is well. My holidays are excellent.
Yesterday I was at the Botanical Garden. It is large! There are many exotic plants and animals there. I have already visited a lot of museums and castles. I had a chance of watching the knights’ tournament.
Grand Hotel Blanes Spain 23 July Dear Jess,
I am staying at a comfortable hotel in a town Blanes in Spain. It has got a swimming pool and a sauna. There is a lot of delicious food in the restaurant near the hotel. There isn’t a tennis court in the hotel. I can see a wonderful view of the sea from all of the sides.
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
A The weather is horrible! Today it is rainy. And yesterday it was cold and windy. Melt say what it is normal for this place. You can not buy there any umbrellas. It is horrible too!
C The hotel is awful too. The waiters are rude and receptionist is unfriendly. The hotel is very dirty and today I saw a cockroach near my room. It is also expensive.
D The food is disgusting. I hate this food and this hotel! I hate it, hate it, hate it. See you soon! Simon P.S. I never go there! It is horrible, dirty and disgusting!!!
E Tourist Hotel, John-In-Love 17 th of June Dear Jane,
Предварительный просмотр:
Урок английского языка в 9-ом классе по теме:
Учитель английского языка: Климова Анна Анатольевна
МАОУ гимназия № 1 г. Калининград.
Цель: узнать об англоговорящей стране, используя полученные навыки и умения
Задачи:1.воспитывать уважение к другой культуре ,толерантность
2.развивать навыки чтения .аудирования, говорения
3.повторить изученный материал и обогатить лексический словарь.
Ход урока.
1.Приветствие:Good morning ! Who’s the duty today? etc.
2.Проверка домашней работы. Have you got any question related your home task?
3 Повторение пройденного материала.
We spoke about linking words last lesson .Remind me ,please, examples of them. Which linking words can explain causes etc
Explaining causes: because Giving conditions: unless; if; even if; when
Giving reason: in order to; so that Contrasting: however; but; despite; although
Giving more information: where; wherever Sequencing action/evens: finally: when; before; as soon as; then; after first
What is the difference between: so that and in order to; despite and although?
4 Новая тема
Can you answer to my question: What country has the same name as a continent?(Australia)
What associations have you got when you heard the word Australia? Look on the map.
5.ex.2 p.115 On the blackboard: /транскрипция/
Work in pairs and see what information is missing. Try to guess the meaning of any new words from context. Now listen to pair of N and B. They’ll show us how they found information working together. You should compare your questions and your answers.
Possible questions: A p.129 1 What is the population in Australia?/How many people live in Australia?
2. What is the official language?
3. When did Aborigines arrive in Australia?
4.Who landed in New South Wales in 1770?
5. When was gold discovered?
6.Who did Australia fight against?
B. p.131 1. How large is Australia?/ How many sq km has Australia got?
2.What is the capital of Australia?
3.Who is the head of State?
4.When did Portuguese and Dutch sailors explore the Australian coast?
5.Where was the first prison colony established?
6.When did Australia become independent?
Ex.3 Read the statements with the class.Try to guess the answers. Do ex.3
-Find ,please, linking words in this text and say me what are their functions?(although-contrast; because-causes; however-contrast)
-What words are unfamiliar for you (nomand-кочевники;sacred-святой)
Ex.4 Listening task :Outdoor activities: bushworking-an expedition on foot in the bush,diving,fishing,horseriding.golf.sailing;
Sport: cricet,rugby, Olimpic swimmer,top tennis plaer;
Animals: koalas,emus, platypuses, echidnas, possums ,dingos ,poisonous snakes, insects;
Immigration: Italy, Greece, Turkey, Thailand, Vietnam, Hong Kong
Now write down your home task; Prepare a shot presentation about another country Ibclude these phrases: with an open mind; to keep your eyes open; Travel broaden the minds
Now you have one more task to practice your Exam’s skills/You should match text with the titles.Remind me the rules of skimming reading. Underline key words, skim from titles to the text .Sign on the sheets.
Thank you for lesson.Could you tell me what have we spoken about?
Предварительный просмотр:
Разработка урока английского языка в 7 классе
Учитель :Климова А.А.
Тема урока: Дом
Цель урока: формирование коммуникативных речевых навыков, положительной мотивации к изучению языка
Задачи урока:
а)обучать употреблению предлогов места при описании дома;
б)развивать умение строить логическое высказывание;
в)обучать чтению с пониманием основного содержания
Воспитывать у уч-ся положительное отношение к собеседникам
а)развивать речевые способности, навыки аудирования, говорения, чтения
б) употребление структур, лексики по теме
Оснащение урока: Учебник, мини-словарь, магнитофон
Оформление доски: число,тема урока, “East or West, home is best”
Types of houses:croft, long , igloo, tent, cave, farm
Made of: brick, wood, snow, cloth, stone, concrete
План урока.
- Организационный момент.
- Беседа о видах домов в разных странах
- Работа в парах
- Введение лексики.
- Закрепление предлогов
- Найти различия в комнатах
- Работа в группах
- Аудирование
- Домашнее задание
- Подведение итогов, оценки
Ход урока.
1. Организационный момент
2.Беседа о разных видах домов в разных странах
-asking students what they know about different types of houses
- asking them what are igloo made of?.....с использованием слов на доске
3. Работа в парах. Вопросы о своем доме
Where is your house? What floor is your flat on? What’s your house made of? How many floors ers there?
Беседа с использованием оборота there is/are.
4.Введение лексики.
Собрать разбросанные слова по цепочке по теме квартира, мебель. Соединить их на доске. Проверка чтения слов.
5. Закрепление предлогов.
Появление паучка из коробки.Who is in the box? It’s a black with 8 legs/It makes a network to catch insects.
- How do you do? I’m a spider/ Выполнение зарядки для глаз и закрепление предлогов.
Where is the spider?
6. Найти различия в комнатах.
Упр. 1 стр.27
7.Работа в группах.
Раздать карточки с отверстиями для ключей с видами комнат внутри.
Our spider is small and it can’t see what is there in a key-hole, let’s help it.
Ученики описывают .что видят и пытаются догадаться, что это за комната.
8. Аудирование.
Записать какая комната, отметить где какая мебель.
9.Подводим итоги Записываем домашнее задание и прощаемся с паучком
Предварительный просмотр:
Разработка урока английского языка в 8 классе
Учитель :Климова А.А.
Тема урока: «Жизнь в космосе»
ЦЕЛЬ: Формирование навыков устной речи по теме “SPACE EXPLORATION”
Воспитательная задача: Привить интерес к достижениям современной науки в освоении космоса, в особенности отечественной космонавтики
Развивающая задача: Развитие познавательного интереса, развитие способностей к догадке, логическому изложению, способность работать с различными видами упражнений.
Образовательная задача: Контроль основных навыков и умений речевой деятельности, владение лексическим материалом;
использовать современные информационные технологии на уроке (Презентация)
Оснащение урока:
1) проектор, экран, ноутбук
2) раздаточный материал
3) презентация в Power Point
Ход урока:
Before you start:
What do you know about space?
Can we say that space exploration is the main part of science?
I. Vocabulary:
1. Read and guess what it means: Key words: equipment observation maintain exploration technology breakthrough discovery civilization invention experiment
1.to find something: new place, fact, substance
to make, design, or think of new type of thing
the act of traveling through a place in order to find out about it
something that you notice when watching something or someone
unimportant new discovery in something you are studying especially one made after trying for a long time
the societies in the world considered as a whole
new machines, equipment, and ways of doing things that are based on modern knowledge about science and computers
to try using various ideas, methods to find out how good or effective they are
to make something continue in the same way or at the same standard as before
the tools, machines, clothes that you need to do a particular job or activity
Key: 1) discovery, 2) invention, 3) exploration, 4) observation, 5) breakthrough, 6) civilisation, 7) technology, 8) experiment, 9) maintain, 10) equipment.
2. Match the combinations of words:satellite
weightless environment
manned spaceship
essential problems
interplanetary flight
zero gravity топливо
транспортное средство
условия невесомости
основные проблемы
космический корабль с человеком на борту
отсутствие гравитации
самолет, летательный аппарат
межпланетный полет
корабль многоразового использования
средство, приспособление
Key: 1- f, 2- m, 3- a, 4- j, 5- i, 6- b, 7- k, 8- c, 9- n , 10- d, 11- g, 12- e, 13- l, 14- h.
II. Listening{presentation}
1. Listen to the short articles and try to learn information:
1) Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky – the founder of astronautics in Russia, put forward several ideas about space travel. Tsiolkovsky’s idea of spaceship was based on the use of liquid fuels. His calculations were used in modern theory of cosmonautics and practical space travel.
2) Sergei Pavlovich Korolyov- is a famous scientist and founder of practical cosmonautics. He was the chief constructor of the first Earth sputniks and spaceships. Then followed rockets to the Moon, Mars, Venus.
3) The space age began on October 4, 1957. On that day, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics launched Sputnik 1, the first artificial satellite to circle the earth. Its capsule weighing 83.6 kilograms went into Earth orbit carrying a radio transmitter whose “bleeps” (pips) were received on the ground.
4) Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin, a Soviet air force pilot, was the first human to travel in space. The Soviet cosmonaut circled the earth on April 12, 1961. From blastoff to landing, his trip around the earth lasted 1hour and 48 minutes. The news about space flight of the Soviet cosmonaut immediately flew over the world.
5) Valentina Tershkova was the first woman-cosmonaut in the world. From June 16 until June 19, during a group flight with V.Bykovky, the spaceship “Vostok-6” piloted by Tereshkova made in 70 hours and 41 minutes 48 circuits around the earth, covering a distance of about 2 million kilometers.
When she was in space, she was there together with her “space-brother” Valery Bykovsky.
This was another great achievement – launching two spaceships at the same time.
6) In 1965 the cosmonaut Alexei Leonov went outside wearing a space suit connected to the capsule by a line which also carried his oxygen supply, becoming the first person to “walk” in space. From the first experiments scientists went over to systematic exploration of space.
7) The gravity of Earth continually pulls on our bodies to give us weight. But if you are in a lift that is speeding downwards, you feel lighter. This effect is exaggerated in a spacecraft: as it is falling in a gravitational field, the astronauts inside it are falling at the same rate and become weightless.
2. Say true or false:
Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky – the founder of astronautics in Great Britaina, put forward several ideas about space travel.
Sergei Pavlovich Korolyov was the chief constructor of the first telephone.
On October 4, 1967 the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics launched Sputnik 1, the first artificial satellite to circle the earth.
Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin, a Soviet air force pilot, was the first human to travel to Mars.
Valentina Tershkova was the first woman-cosmonaut in the world.
Alexei Leonov went outside wearing a space suit connected to the capsule by a line which also carried his oxygen supply, becoming the first person to “walk” in space.
Key: 1- false, 2- false, 3- false, 4- false, 5- true, 6- true.
3. Answer the questions:
Why is Tsiolkovsky considered to be the founder of astronautics?
What did he work out?
Who was S.P.Korolyov?
What did he made?
How long did his space travel last?
What did Gagarin’s flight into space mean?
What is V.Tereshkova famous for?
What distance did she cover?
What great achievement did they demonstrate?
Who the first worked in outer space?
Haw you can understand “ zero gravity”?
III. Reading:
1. Read the text and try to get the most interesting facts for you:
2. Answer the questions:
Why is the travel humanity’s greatest adventure?
When did the space age begin?
What country launched the first artificial satellite to circle the earth?
When was the first manned space flight made?
When did human beings first set foot on the moon?
What industry did the space age develop?
In what way are satellites used today?
How do nations do scientists hope to answer with the help of space exploration?
What kinds of spacecraft do you know?
Is shuttle a reusable vehicle?
Can cosmonauts live and work a long period in orbit of space station?
3. Complete the sentences using the verbs from the table:
competed, enable, developed, explored, orbited, was based, launched, receive, are transported, benefit
On that day, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics ______Sputnik 1, the first artificial satellite to circle the earth.
But both nations began to realize that they could _____ from working together.
As a result, the Soviet Union and the United States______ with one another in developing their space programmers.
Weather forecasts ______ warning of storms with pictures taken by weather satellites.
Signals from navigation satellites_____ ship navigations and search and rescue forces to determine their positions with great accuracy.
The space age ______ a huge industry called the aerospace industry to design and build space equipment.
For about two hours Armsrong and Aldrin______ near the module and set up experiments.
Today, American astronauts ______ into space by the Space Shuttle.
The first manned space flight was made on April 12, 1961, when a Soviet cosmonaut, Yuri Gagarin, ______ the earth in a spaceship.
Tsiolkovsky’s idea of spaceship_____ on the use of liquid fuels.
Key: 1- launched, 2 - benefit, 3 - competed, 4 - receive, 5 - enable, 6 - developed, 7 - explored, 8 - are transported, 9 - orbited, 10- was based.
4. Express the same in English:
Космическая эра началась с запуска первого спутника Земли.
Американские астронавты исследовали Луну и проводили эксперименты.
Спутники позволяют получать нужную для человека информацию.
Среди достижений последних лет можно отметить запуски зондов на другие планеты.
Современные космонавты месяцами живут на космических станциях и регулярно выходят в открытый космос.
1. Put the sentences in a chronological correct order:
The S.U. and U.S. cooperated in their first joint space mission “Soyuz-Apollo”.
U.S. astronaut Neil A.Amstrong stepped out of the Apollo 11 lunar module, “Eagle”.
The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics launched Sputnik 1, the first artificial satellite to circle the earth
A Soviet cosmonaut, Yuri Gagarin, orbited the earth in a spaceship.
Valentina Tereshkova was the first woman-cosmonaut to make a space flight.
A.Leonov achieved the first “space walk”
The probe was sent for exploring the Mars
Tsiolkovsky put forward several ideas about space travel
The first space station was built
The Russians actually hit the Moon with Luna 2, and Luna 3 flew round the Moon and sent back the first photographs of the far side.
Key: 1- 8, 2- 3, 3- 4, 4- 5, 5- 6, 6- 2, 7- 10, 8- 1, 9- 9, 10- 7.
2. Complete these sentences using the Subjunctive Mood and add your own sentences, combinations of words can help you:
to produce new materials in zero gravity
to live and work in orbital space cities
try to survive in critical situations
to explore outer space and other stars
to make interplanetary flights to Mars
For example:
If I were a cosmonaut…
If I lived on another planet…
If could fly to the stars…
If I worked in orbital space station…
If I landed on unknown planet…
V. Speaking
1. Discuss and make a dialog :
What information about space exploration was the most exciting for you?
Would you like to be a cosmonaut? Why or why not?
VI. Home work:
Imagine the lifestyle on Mars or another planet and write the article about you impressions.
If you are interested in space and space exploration, you may look also:
http://www.nasa.gov National Aeronautics and Space Administration
http://www.esa.int - European Space Agency
http://www.federalspace.ru/ Russian Space Agency
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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